Y&R Best Lines Monday, May 9, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Hey! You here for an afternoon caffeine fix?

Victoria: Yeah, you got it. You care to join me?

Billy: I would love to, but Jack summoned us to the Abbott family house for a meeting.

Victoria: Are you the designated treat bearer?

Billy: [Chuckles] No, not exactly. This is my apology. I’m gonna be late ’cause I had a meeting at Chancellor.

Victoria: Well, any excuse for an afternoon sugar fix, i guess.

Billy: That’s right. You know me well.


Billy: Hey, sorry I’m late. I got caught up at work, and then I stopped to get some — whoa.

Diane: Hello Billy. You’re looking well.

Billy: And you’re looking alive.

Diane: Thanks I think

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