Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, May 10, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jack: Good! Okay, you can meet everybody. You’ve met Kyle already. Let’s see, this is my sister Ashley.

Allie: The chemist.

Ashley: That’s right.

Jack: My sister Traci.

Allie: The writer.

Jack: This is my sister Ashley’s daughter and my niece Abby.

Allie: The restaurateur.

Jack: And this is my brother Billy.

Allie: The —

Billy: Oh, you go ahead and say it — the good-looking one.


Elena: So this is where the party’s at. You guys can just pretend I’m not here.

Nate: Well, that’s impossible. You’re the center of attention in any room you walk into.

Elena: Yeah? Even after a 12-hour shift at the hospital?

Nate: That’s when you’re the most gorgeous.

Lily: Well, that’s okay. We’re gonna leave so that you guys can keep talking about how gorgeous you both

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