Y&R Short Recap Friday, May 6, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Diane has a nightmare that Kyle and Jack have her arrested for abandonment. Kyle is still confused about whether to believe his mother had changed so he decides to gather all the Abbott’s and invite Diane so they can all decide if they believe she is a changed woman.

Lily worries that Ashland will figure out that he is the subject of Billy’s latest podcast. Lily thinks that Ashland and Victoria will come after him when they figure out he is the person doing the podcast.

Adam tells Sally that years ago he and Diane made it look like Victor had died to drive down the price of Newman Enterprises stock. Adam also tells Sally he also helped her with a plan to fake her own death so she could reunite with Kyle. Adam tells Sally that Diane chose to go with Deacon’s plan and made him one of the suspects in her murder.

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