Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, April 19, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Ashland: Okay, okay, I will admit that I didnā€™t know what to think in the last few days, but when you agreed to run away with me to Tuscany to ā€” to ā€” to get out of this town and start fresh, I thought that was our chance, Victoria. I was overjoyed. I didnā€™t question it. I didnā€™t want to question it because I actually thought ā€” and I still think ā€” that we can get out of here and we could make this work.

Victoria: [Groans] Everything I said to you the past couple of days has been a lie. Not some grand fabrication that ā€œI have cancer and Iā€™m dying,ā€ but a lie nonetheless. And now you know youā€™ve been deceived. So, all of those feelings that you might be having right now of betrayal and humiliation, I know them ā€” I know them well. Itā€™s your turn now.


Victoria: All you want is me.

[ Scoffs ] Oh, wow, you ā€” you are relentless. And you do not lack commitment, Iā€™ll give you that. Commitment to the scam, not to me, obviously. But you have ā€” youā€™ve played the dutiful, devoted husband all the way to the bitter end.

Ashland: Iā€™m not playing at anything. Itā€™s what I believe. You have to know that.

Victoria: I donā€™t. Why donā€™t you just admit it ā€” admit what you did?

Ashland: I have.

Victoria: No. No, you havenā€™t. The whole thing. I want to know how you used me. I-I want to know how you could sink to such a disgusting low, lying about a disease that ā€” that ruins so many peopleā€™s lives.

Ashland: You want the whole story, you want the truth?

Victoria: Yeah, I do. I do.

[ Laughs ] I think I deserve that.

Ashland: Fine. Here it is. I lied about having cancer.

Victoria: Finally. Finally some honesty. Thereā€™s a start.

Ashland: But thatā€™s not the whole truth, Victoria. The whole truth is not what you think it is. I didnā€™t come here with my sights set on newsman Enterprises. But then this thing happened. I found out my wife was cheating on me and that my son Harrison was not my biological son, and in that moment, everything changed for me.

Victoria: You would use your child as an excuse?

Victoria: I was devastated. I was furious. The ā€” the infamous Lockeness Monster kicked in the gut. But I saw an opportunity.

[ Chuckles ] Something bigger than Iā€™d ever done before. And I channeled all of that righteous anger into going after your familyā€™s company.

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