Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, April 12, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Sharon: I can just see the wedding invitation now — “Sharon Rosales is honored to invite you to the wedding of her daughter, Mariah Copeland, to the love of her life, Tessa Porter… on Friday the 13th of May. The brides will get married standing under a ladder to thumb their nose at superstition.”

Nick: You know, I was, uh — I don’t know. I thought it was a little weird, the Friday the 13th thing, to start, but I’m coming around to it. It’ll be fun and unique


Ashland: I was just looking forward to having time alone with you, away from the sneering eyes and the false accusations.

Victoria: Also known as a typical Newman family dinner.

Ashland: [Laughs] That’s funny. I imagine growing up with that family you had to develop a complex sense of humor. But you’re not fooling me. I can see the toll this has taken on you.

Victoria: We’ll keep each other strong.

Ashland: Hey, I have the skin of a woolly mammoth.

Victoria: That is not true

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