Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, April 13, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Huh. Well, I would hope so. Half a billion dollars is, uh, hard to ignore. All you have to do is walk away from Victoria and Newman/Locke.

Ashland: Well, I’m not exactly strapped for cash, but, uh, that is a substantial amount of money.

Adam: It’s enough to go anywhere that is not Genoa City. You know, you could buy yourself a private island, buy a business, rebuild your empire. You could build a rocket and blast yourself into space. I don’t really care. But most importantly, you would get a drama-free exit with no questions asked.


Ashland: See, I think accepting a deal like this, as generous as it may seem, uh, may appear to be an admission of guilt.

Adam: [ Chuckles ]

[ Laughs ] Are you still playing this game?

Ashland: What game is that?

Adam: The one where we all pretend like you’re still innocent. Come on. Get over yourself, Locke. There’s enough evidence out there. You never had cancer. You preyed on Victoria’s emotions to get your hands on my family’s company. And I don’t care about that. I’m not judging. My past is littered with similar schemes, okay? You saw an angle. You played it. Good for you. But now it’s over. Make it easy on yourself. Get paid. Get out of this. With your reputation intact.

Ashland: You make it sound like it’s a generous offer and that you care about your sister, but this is really all about your own self-interest, isn’t it?

Adam: [ Chuckles ] I have the family’s interest at heart.

Ashland: Yeah, but if you get me out of the picture, then you can set your sights on Victoria and you can make your move to be CEO of the company.

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