Days Short Recap Friday, March 25, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Rafe and Nicole were kissing when Ava arrived. Rafe told her that he was reinstated as the commissioner and he was going to arrest her. Ava reminded him that she wasn’t arrested. She said she was brought in for questioning. She said she was there to pack her things. She wondered if he was really going to arrest her. He glared at her. She didn’t think so. She wanted him to have a nice life while it lasts. Nicole was afraid that Ava would retaliate. Rafe wasn’t worried about her. Rafe said Ava set up the wrong man. He was determined to find out who kidnapped Abby. He was convinced Ava was involved. Sonny went by the DiMera mansion to see Chad. He hoped he was still willing to help set up Leo. Chad said he and Abby convinced Leo that he was interested in him.

Abby joined Sonny and Chad at the mansion. She told them that Chad could seduce Leo any day but tomorrow. They were going to find Rolf so he could help Sarah. Sonny tries to stop Chad from going with her, but he said Abby was the love of his life. He wanted to be there for her. Sonny backed down. He thought he was becoming obsessed. He thought he should give up avenging Leo. Abby thought they could do it that night. Abby was ready to trash their marriage. Abby left so Sonny and Chad were getting ready for Leo. Chad wondered if they were doing the right thing. He compared the situation to his issues with Gwen. Sonny got upset. He said he’d lay the bait for Leo. Marlena went to Kayla’s office. Seth showed up and wanted Kayla to fire Marlena. She refused to do it. Seth reminded them that Marlena’s daughter was also possessed. Marlena said that she would resign. Kayla didn’t want her to do that either. Seth suggested that she retire. Kayla gave him a hard time about that too. He advised her to consider his offer and left. Seth went back to Kayla’s office. He said he couldn’t fire Marlena because the board didn’t finish deciding her case. He did say he could remove Kayla from her position. Her suspension was pending. He told her to clear out her desk so Craig could move in her office.


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