Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, March 15, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Sally: You worry way too much about what Victor thinks and does.

Adam: That is not the first time I have heard that.

Sally: Face it. You’re barely even on his radar. He is all about the princess.

Adam: Mm. Victoria.

Sally: So if you’re feeling left out again…

Adam: She’s the reason.

Sally: Your dad is not thinking about how any of this latest stuff with Ashland is gonna affect you or Newman Media. His focus is elsewhere. And that could be a good thing. Didn’t you just tell me the other day that all of this could somehow work in your favor?

Adam: Mm. I may have said something to that effect.


Adam: It’s possible that Ashland may have done something that I may be able to take advantage of. But there’s no guarantees.

Sally: So you’re saying, if things go south between him and his wife, Newman/Locke could suffer…and that could create an opening.

Adam: Oh, really? Lady Macbeth.

Victor: I’m not asking you to do anything illegal, anything questionable. I just would like you to talk to your sister.

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