Y&R Best Lines Monday, March 7, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: Sally, do you mind? I have to talk to my father.

Sally: Of course. Yeah, I know family always comes first with the Newmans. It’s getting late, so I’m just gonna grab a bite at Society.

Adam: Well, I’ll join you for a drink when I get done here


Chloe: How are you? It’s been a while.

Sally: I’m good. How’s your new line coming along?

Chloe: You know, it is still in the beginning stages, but it’s very exciting.

Sally: Great. I look forward to seeing it at Fenmore’s.

Chloe: So, how is your new job at Newman Media? Enjoying trading in your sketchpad for spreadsheets?

Sally: I think I found my new niche. Turns out I’m really good at business, and Adam and I make a great team.

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