Y&R Best Lines Friday, January 21, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Noah: It had become so unorganic. There was no joy in it. I had no spark, and it wasn’t until I came back here and started working on Tessa’s album cover that it finally came back. Anyways, I’m gonna get back to my art, doing it for myself, but first, I feel like I need a reset, and I think being a part of what my dad’s created is a step in the right direction. And now that I have a better understanding of what New Hope’s all about, I admire this guy even more. You know, he gets up every day and actually improves people’s lives. He doesn’t brag about it. He doesn’t have a pr firm. He doesn’t just say he’s gonna give back to the community. He just gets out there and does it.

Nick: Okay, that’s — that’s more than enough.

Noah: [ Laughs ]

Nikki: [ Chuckles ]

Noah: Besides, what could be better than working with my old man?

Victor: Not a thing, son. Not a thing.


Lauren: …Is Victor himself. The man thrives on chaos.

Michael: No, the man is a business genius who simply wants to secure his legacy.

Lauren: Oh, honey. He does not want to hire a man of your caliber so he can ride peacefully off into the sunset. He needs a legal ninja who can kick ass and take names and move along his agenda.

Michael: He did say things were about to get interesting.

Lauren: [ Laughs ] See? I knew it.

Michael: No, I’ll be doing exciting work that will get my blood going. That’s a definite plus in my book.

Lauren: Right, in the shark-infested waters of the Newman corporate world and the accompanying family drama.

Michael: [ Clears throat ] Which would make for some rather pleasant pillow talk.

Lauren: [ Chuckles ] You are very sexy when your blood is boiling.

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