Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, January 19, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Billy: I wanted to personally thank you for that text message that you sent to lily congratulating her on her new position at Chancellor Industries.

Adam: Yeah. I understand that there’s another round of kudos I should bestow. Heard you were just named COO.

Billy: That is correct, yes. I didn’t get a text message from you.

Adam: Mm.

Billy: Seriously, though, thank you very much for reaching out to Lily in that way. It’s appreciated. You can’t imagine how surprised I was when I heard you did so.

Adam: Oh, I’m sure I can.

Billy: No. Trust me. You can’t.


Billy: Welcome to your new office, madam CEO.

Lily: Thank you. Same office I had when I was running ChanceCom.

Billy: Yeah, that’s true. It’s a little bit different, you know. Thanks to Nick and my wheeling, dealing mother, you now have the entire building, not just this floor.

Lily: I know. Well, it’s nice. I kind of like it. Nice to have something familiar when there’s been so many changes.

[ Gasps ] Aww. Flowers and liquor?

Billy: Don’t look at me.

Lily: No? Oh, it’s from Jill congratulating us on our first day. The scotch is for you, of course.

Billy: Well, she knows me well.

Lily: “I believe in you both and know that you will accomplish great things. Now go kick some ass. Jill.”

Billy: That’s my mother for you. We better listen to the lady and enjoy this last moment of peace we will have in these hallowed halls.

Lily: Very sweet. It is weird, though, coming back to an old office to start a new job, right?

Billy: Yeah. It’s like returning to the scene of a crime.

Lily: Well, I got to say, we did some great things here.

Billy: And in the copy room. Do not forget the copy room.

Lily: No, I could never forget the copy room.

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