Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, November 30, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

You are approached by a reporter.

Lily: Newman Media or another outlet?

Billy: Your choice. They ask you what the hell you’re thinking staying with the man that tanked your entire empire.

Lily: I know.

Billy: Why not just, you know, cut him loose and wash your hands of the whole thing?

Lily: You know, I would say i should, but I love him, we’re partners, and I believe in second chances.

Billy: Wow, I was half-joking, but that is one of the nicest things you’ve ever said to me.


Ashland: 10 — that’s how many times you’ve checked the phone since we arrived.

Victoria: Are you keeping tabs on me?

Ashland: Well, you’re worse than I am. You know, when I was on the verge of making a killing, I couldn’t keep my eyes off my screen. I was always checking to see if the prey I was after had rolled over in defeat.

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