Y&R Best Lines Thursday, November 18, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victor: However, entrusting you with an infant, I mean, you’re gonna have to change diapers, perhaps, you know?

Devon: [ Chuckles ]

Victor: I mean, this is putting a lot of responsibility on you.

Devon: No, I understand. I do, and I assure you that I’m up for it.

Victor: Yeah?

Devon: I really am. I am more than happy to take care of Dominic while Abby takes care of herself. And she’s left me with everything that I could need, and she’s having the nanny come, so we’re okay.

Victor: Well, as I said — but what?

Devon: But it’s Abby taking off like she has without telling anybody, it’s — I’m worried.


Adam: Well, welcome back.

Ashland: Thank you.

Adam: You look energized. Hope that glow isn’t all about besting Billy. I hope there was some good news with your trip to the clinic in Peru.

Ashland: I was put on an experimental protocol, and I’ve already received a full regimen of the treatment.

Adam: Well, I am glad to hear that. I’m sure Victoria’s relieved, as well.

Ashland: Yes, we’re both feeling very positive. I’m actually happier for her than I am for myself. You’ll never get her to admit it, but this illness has taken quite a toll on her.

Adam: I’m sure it has. Well, my sister’s obviously very much in love.

Ashland: That makes two of us. I’ve been keeping up on everything going on around here, and it looks like it’s all on track.

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