Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, September 15, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Elena: Hey.

Lily: Hey.

Elena: Sorry I’m late.

Lily: Oh, I’m sure you have a lame excuse, like, you know, you were saving lives.

Elena: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, it was a tough shift, emotionally and physically. I am wiped out.

Lily: Oh, we could’ve postponed the meeting until you had a chance to get some rest.

Elena: No, no, actually, this meeting is what got me through hours at the hospital. I’m really excited about askmdnow. I’ve been jotting down notes in my phone.


Nate: Oh, no, no, I just, um — I want Moses to find something that makes him happy. And it looks like that’s gonna be music. And you. I hear you two have a big date coming up.

Faith: You heard about that?

Nate: Mm-hmm, he’s been talking about it. Thank you.

Faith: Oh, yeah, it should be fun. Did he tell you what he had planned?

Nate: Uh, he did.

Faith: It’s gonna be great. I’m really looking forward to going to that place. You know, the place.

Nate: Yeah, that’s not gonna work. Moses told me it was a surprise. You’re getting nothing from me.

Faith: I had to try.

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