Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Outside the Brady Pub, Marlena finishes her call with Shane. Steve and Kayla approach. Marlena remarks that Shane must be tired of taking her calls by now. Steve guesses she was trying to get in touch with John. Marlena says she always is, but even more so now, because she had a life changing conversation with Cat Greene.
Cat runs in to Chad in the town square. Chad questions what she’s doing here as he thought she was in Vancouver with her mom. Cat responds that she was, but she’s back now and reveals that she has decided to stay in Salem.
Xander sits in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion, staring at the portrait of Victor. Maggie enters and says she didn’t know he was home. Maggie asks about Xander’s first day sharing the CEO position with Philiip. Xander calls it as miserable as she could imagine and that’s why he was thanking Victor for cursing him with the letter he wrote to Philip.
Philip remains at the Titan office, leaving another message for Stephanie that he needs to know she will keep quiet about the letter and to call him back. Kate arrives and tells Philip that she got his text, saying it was urgent. Philip says it definitely is. Kate thought he had dinner plans with Stephanie. Philip informs her that Stephanie is not having dinner with him any time soon and maybe never again.
At the hospital, Sarah asks if Stephanie is alright. Stephanie says not really as she and Philip just got in a huge fight about Xander. Sarah knows Xander and Philip got into an argument but she was hoping they’d keep their worst instincts in check, but she doesn’t know if the co-CEO thing is a good idea. Stephanie responds that it’s not and calls it a fiasco because Philip has no business being CEO in the first place. Sarah doesn’t understand since Stephanie helped Philip with his claim and the court ruled that Victor’s letter showed he wanted Philip to run the company. Sarah knows it’s messy for Philip and Xander but thought splitting Victor’s empire 50/50 might be the best solution. Stephanie responds that it isn’t. Sarah questions her changing her mind about Philip. Stephanie then reveals that’s because Philip’s letter from Victor was a complete forgery.
Chad questions Cat staying in Salem and not going to Vancouver. Cat explains that she and Aaron decided it was better to divide and conquer, since Aaron had enough credits to graduate early from Salem High, so he’s going to stay in Vancouver with their mother while she’s in Salem to be with Felicity while she graduates from high school so she can stay with her friends and teachers. Chad questions where Cat is going to stay. Cat informs him that their old family home is where Felicity feels most comfortable. Cat adds that she hopes it isn’t going to be a problem for Chad.
Philip reveals to Kate that Stephanie overheard him on the phone with her and knows about the forgery. Kate questions how he could be so careless and if he explained it away. Philip says there was no use and she’s obviously furious and called him a fraud. Kate encourages giving it time but Philip doesn’t think so. Kate remarks that Bradys can be very judgy. Philip states that Stephanie is really hurt because he lied to her and roped in to lying too. Kate asks if he thinks he can salvage it or if she has enough feelings for him to keep quiet. Philip says he doesn’t know since she stormed out before he could even ask.
Stephanie reveals to Sarah that Vivian forged the letter but Philip went along with it and that Vivian orchestrated the whole thing and tracked him down in New York. Stephanie can’t believe she helped Philip win his claim. Sarah understands she was just doing her job. Stephanie assures that she never would have helped Philip if she knew. Sarah appreciates Stephanie telling her. Stephanie admits she didn’t know what she was going to do with the information as she came to the hospital looking for Kayla, but when she found Sarah, she felt she had a right to know. Stephanie declares that Xander deserves to know he’s been had.
Xander tells Maggie that he feels like he’s been had and talks about how it felt to learn that Victor left his empire to him and that he trusted him to take Titan to the next generation. Xander complains that Philip swooped in with the letter and stole his birthright away. Maggie encourages that he hasn’t lost Titan so he still has it, he just has to share it. Xander calls it a nightmare. Maggie is sorry they are butting heads, but she’s sure they can work through it. Xander calls Philip the worst, arguing that he has none of Victor’s cunning or drive. Xander wishes there was a way he could get rid of Philip once and for all..
Sarah can’t imagine it was easy for Stephanie to tell her. Stephanie assures that her relationship with Philip is over as she couldn’t be with someone who could lie to her so easily and do anything for power. Sarah relates to previously feeling that way about Xander, but he’s proven himself as a husband and father. Stephanie is glad that she was reminded of who Philip really is before she got in too deep this time around. Stephanie asks Sarah how she thinks Xander is going to take it when she breaks the news. Sarah admits she doesn’t know. Sarah asks Stephanie to tell Kayla that she dropped off her research. Stephanie agrees to do so and wishes her luck as Sarah then exits. Stephanie sits down at Kayla’s desk and looks at a photo of Steve and Kayla, wondering where Kayla is because she could really use some of her sage advice right now.
Kayla advises Marlena to go through Kimberly to get Shane to get her in touch with John. Marlena says she thought of that but doesn’t think she could be any help. Steve points out that Shane was adamant and asks what Cat told Marlena. Marlena reveals that it turns out Victor didn’t send John to kill Catharina, but to fake her death so that she and her mother could escape from Konstantin. Steve is shocked to realize that John was the hero all along and says they should’ve known. Kayla calls it wonderful news. Marlena talks about John spending months beating himself up when this could be a burden off his shoulders. Steve points out that John’s been walking around thinking he killed Catharina while Marlena notes that it’s because of John that she lived and went on to have a family of her own.
Chad tells Cat that it’s not up to him to tell her where to live and it’s obvious that Felicity needs her, so there’s no reason for her to suffer because of what Clyde made Cat and Mark do. Cat says that’s generous of Chad to say and tells him that she will keep her distance from him. Chad assures that Salem is big enough for the both of them.
Maggie asks if Xander is going to do anything like hurting Philip. Xander assures that he would never do anything to risk being separated from Sarah and Victoria again. Maggie notes that he didn’t answer the question. Xander says he’s distracted by thinking about how much pleasure he would take in grinding Philip to dust. Maggie argues that they are brothers and insists that Victor loved them both equally. Xander complains that Victor only relied on him to do his dirty work while Maggie feels Victor valued that more than any other work. Maggie feels Philip would understand what it’s like to have a complicated relationship with his father, so they should be leaning on each other and not fighting. Xander brings up the story of Cain and Abel. Maggie questions if he wants that to happen.
Kate tells Philip to stop moping and go stop Stephanie from telling anyone about the letter. Philip says he just left her a voicemail and he doesn’t know where she is. Kate complains about how serious the situation is. Philip worries that if Xander finds out that he tricked him out of his birth right, he’s not just out of the company but he’ll be a dead man for real this time.
Marlena sits with Steve in the Brady Pub. They talk about how they each need to work less. Marlena mentions being in the process of hiring an assistant. They thank each other for keeping them company. Marlena remarks that she’s so tired of cooking for one. Steve is sure John is missing her just as much. Marlena talks about telling patients to be grateful for what they have and brings up what Julie is going through.
Maggie tells Xander that she’s already lost Victor, so she’s not going to lose another member of the family over a petty sibling rivalry. Xander questions being the bad guy getting a lecture. Maggie argues that he’s fantasizing getting rid of his brother and she’s not convinced that it’s just fantasy. Xander argues that Victor left Titan to him in his will and that should trump a letter. Maggie points out that the court already established things. Maggie knows the partnership won’t be easy, but she wants Xander to learn to work together with Philip for the company and the family. Xander compares it to how Maggie worked with Alex when she was running Titan.
Stephanie remains in Kayla’s office and listens to Philip’s voicemail, begging her to keep quiet about the letter. Stephanie deletes the voicemail and declares it’s too late. Kayla then arrives and asks too late for what.
Kate tells Philip that Stephanie is disappointed in him, but in her experience when people get upset like that, it means they care which means there’s still something between them. Kate encourages that Philip can talk reason in to her after she gets time to breathe. Philip talks about roping Stephanie and Belle in to his lie, so if it comes out, it could severely damage their careers too. Kate assures that’s why it won’t come out, but Sarah arrives and says to start thinking of a plan B because she knows everything.
Cat appreciates Chad being so gracious. Chad says he and his kids are safe, so he just wants to put the whole thing behind him.. Cat talks about just wanting to be a good guardian to Felicity and make up for lost time. Chad asks where she will work. Cat mentions having a lead on a job, revealing that she has an interview with Marlena.
Steve tells Marlena that missing her husband doesn’t mean she’s showing less compassion for anyone else’s grief. Marlena jokes that Steve could be a therapist. Steve asks if she heard anything at all from John over the holidays. Marlena tells him about the order of strawberries and cream she got on Christmas day. Marlena asks Steve if he would know that John is safe. Steve wishes he could help, but even he’s not privvy to the case he’s working for the ISA so he really doesn’t know what’s going on. Steve mentions doing some leg work for Shane on Christmas, but he wouldn’t be specific about what John is doing or where he’s doing it. Marlena keeps feeling that John is slipping further and further away.
Stephanie informs Kayla that she and Philip broke up. Kayla asks what happened as she thought they had a good time on New Year’s Eve. Stephanie says they did, so Kayla guesses something changed the way she feels about him. Stephanie responds that what changed is that Philip hasn’t changed.
Philip and Kate question what Sarah is talking about. Sarah informs them that she just spoke to Stephanie at the hospital, so she knows about Vivian and the forged letter. Sarah tells Philip not to try to deny it. Philip guesses since she’s alone, she hasn’t told Xander yet which she confirms. Kate asks why that is. Sarah responds that they all know, Xander won’t rest until Philip’s head is on a spike. Kate proposes that Sarah just not tell Xander.
Kayla says it’s obvious Stephanie is hurting, so she asks what Philip did. Stephanie says he was a little less than truthful but it’s probably best if she doesn’t know the particulars. Stephanie admits that she saw a side of Philip that made her sick and puts business and power above everything else. Kayla says maybe it’s good this happened early in the relationship so it will be easier to get over him.
Sarah questions Kate wanting her to lie to her husband to protect Philip. Kate argues that it’s to protect both of them since Xander will want blood. Sarah says she’ll do everything she can to prevent that. Kate complains that even if Xander doesn’t resort to violence, he will want to prosecute Philip. Sarah questions that being her problem. Kate argues that Philip has a rightful claim to Titan and talks about Philip being Victor’s favorite son. Kate says she knows what Victor’s wishes were while Sarah continues to argue against it. Philip questions why Sarah came here instead of going straight to Xander. Sarah says it’s because she wanted answers as to why he would screw over his own brother. Kate blames Vivian for preying on Philip’s grief and guilt, just like Gwen and Kristen took advantage of Sarah. Sarah argues that Gwen drugged her and Kristen kidnapped her while Vivian didn’t force Philip to go along with her plan. Kate brings up Xander shooting Marlena or kidnapping Bonnie and Susan. Sarah complains that Xander is the victim here. Philip talks about what Xander is capable of and questions what he’ll do with the full power of Titan. Sarah questions Philip saying that Xander needs him. Philip tells her that Xander was just talking about wanting to bribe DiMera family members for a hostile takeover and questions what his follow up will be. Philip says Kate talked about it being her and Victor’s dream for him to run Titan. Philip tells Sarah that all he ever wanted to do is make Victor proud of him while nothing he did ever seem to accomplish that, even serving in the military. Philip declares that this may be his last chance to show Victor that he’s worthy of carrying on his legacy and asks Sarah not to take that away from him. Philip states that if Sarah tells Xander what he did, he will lose his job, his freedom, and maybe even his sanity. Philip begs Sarah not to do that to him. Sarah responds that she’s sorry but she has to go think about it, so she exits the office.
Chad tells Cat that he wasn’t aware Marlena was in the marker for a new assistant. Cat explains that her recent one moved away and admits she was surprised Marlena would consider her. Chad mentions Marlena being a good friend of his too. Cat wouldn’t expect a reference. Chad calls Marlena the least judgmental person he’s ever met, especially when it comes to second chances. Cat guesses that if Marlena thinks she’s worthy of a second chance, there might be hope for her yet.
Xander tells Maggie that he didn’t mean his jab about her tenure as CEO. Maggie says he did but it’s alright. Xander asks if she’s not too offended. Maggie remarks that she was married to Victor, so it takes a lot to offend her. Maggie admits her running Titan with Alex was a cautionary tale as they proved how badly it can go when this family attempts to share power. Xander says that was exactly his point. Maggie responds that her point is that all of this could be changed if Philip and Xander manage to break the curse. Maggie asks Xander to promise to try to get along with Philip. Xander feels that’s asking a lot, but promises for her. Maggie says she will hold him to that as they say goodnight and she exits. Xander then declares that he’s sorry, but something tells him Philip won’t let him keep that promise.
Chad guesses he’ll be seeing Cat around then. Cat thanks him because in her head, she figured this could be awkward but he made it not so. Cat thanks him for making it okay. Chad tells her that it is okay. Cat tells him to take care and walks away.
Steve tells Marlena that he can relate to what she’s going through as he and Kayla have been there so many times. Marlena knows it never gets easier. Steve talks about how every day you’re apart, you become more aware how fleeting time is, but no matter who or what tried to separate them, they always found their way back to each other. Marlena thanks him for the reminder and the company. Steve tells Marlena to hang in because John will be home for her before she knows it. Steve adds that he and Kayla are there for her as they hug. Marlena then exits the Pub. Steve sits back down with his phone and calls Shane, leaving a message that they need to talk.
Stephanie tells Kayla that maybe her relationship with Philip imploding is a sign that she should focus on her career because ever since she moved back to Salem, she’s been in one failed relationship after another and it’s exhausting. Kayla would hate to see her give up on love. Stephanie jokes that Kayla just wants grandbabies. Kayla says she just cares about her happiness. Stephanie says her work makes her happy most of the time. Kayla compliments her big heart and says anyone would be lucky to share that with her. Kayla brings up that Marlena helped Belle get through her break up with Shawn and suggests they go have ice cream and watch romantic comedies. Stephanie agrees so they exit together.
Kate tells Philip that she was wondering when he was going to speak up for himself. Philip says Kate was doing such a good job defending him and speaking glowingly of him. Kate assures this is serious. Philip says that’s why he spoke to Sarah from the heart and every word of it was real. Philip hopes he got through to Sarah, otherwise she’s telling Xander the truth now and he’s on borrowed time.
Sarah goes home to Xander, who asks how it went with Kayla and if she put her back in rotation at the hospital. Sarah says Kayla wasn’t there. Xander notes that she was gone awhile. Sarah mentions running in to Stephanie and they talked about Xander and Philip. Xander guesses Philip was complaining to Stephanie about him. Xander informs Sarah that Maggie just left, but he made her a promise that he would try his best to get along with Philip and share the throne with his brother. Xander declares it is the right thing to do and probably the only way to avoid a family civil war. Xander then asks what Stephanie said. Sarah claims it’s just what he thought and that Philip is just having a tough time, but she’s sure he’ll figure it out. Xander kisses her and they hug.
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