Y&R Best Lines Monday, September 6, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victoria: Well, no black eyes, no bruises. You don’t seem hungover. Those are all very positive signs.

Billy: No, I was on very good behavior, although some of the other guests, not so much.

Victoria: Really?

Billy: Yeah. There is a new troublemaker in town, and she is not afraid to take on the big dogs. Her name…

Victoria: Drum roll…

Billy: Sally Spectra.

Victoria: Oh, really? What has Sally Spectra pulled now?


Adam: Good morning.

Sally: I didn’t expect to see you up and out so early this morning.

Adam: Sally, relax.

Sally: Yeah, that’s easy for you to say ’cause after that kiss last night and you telling me that nothing like that can ever happen again, I can’t help but wonder what you might think of me in the cold light of day.

Adam: Oh, you mean this awkwardness — it had nothing to do with your little champagne and ice battle with Phyllis?

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