GH Short Recap Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Celina tells Sonny she had to stop the poker games at the Savoy because Curtis won’t sell her the club. Celina asks Sonny to persuade Curtis to sell her the club. Sonny tells Celina not to bother Curtis or his family. Sonny is also annoyed with Celina because he has a feeling Celina is lying to him about having a side business.

Gladys tells Nina that Dr. Montague is holding Sasha hostage because he knows she has money and wants Gladys to continue to be Sasha’s guardian so he can continue to have access to Sasha’s money. Nina tells Gladys she will give her the money but, if anything happens to Sasha, she will tell Sonny and he will be very upset with her.

Cody persuades a psychiatrist he has intentions of killing himself.

Sam signs papers to commit Cody to Fern Cliff.

Jackson Montgomery persuades a judge that Tracy’s lawsuit has merit. The judge says the trial will be in six months but they have to stop selling the Receptor until the trial is settled. Tracy tells Lucy she will drop the lawsuit in exchange for seventy five percent of Deception. Lucy says no.

Maxie and Lucy figure out Brook Lynn gave Tracy the information about the Receptor because Tracy was blackmailing Brook Lynn, but they don’t know with what information.

Dante goes to see Sasha and later tells Sonny that Nurse Nancy told him someone has been bringing drugs to Sasha. Dante tells Sonny he will try to find out what is going on so they can help Sasha.

Celina calls Gladys and tells her she must pay her what she owes her by the end of the day.

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