GH Update Wednesday, April 20, 2022

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Update written by Dustin

At Wyndemere, Nikolas told Esme that his vow renewal had been postponed indefinitely.  Nikolas also pointed out that Ava and Sonny weren’t the only ones who believed Esme was guilty. Esme worried Nikolas was changing his mind about her, but he clarified that Jordan came there with questions and was turned away. That left Esme frustrated as she argued that Jordan would love to make her a scapegoat in Trina Robinson’s case. Esme couldn’t bear the thought of Jordan turning Nikolas and Spencer against her. Nikolas insisted that wouldn’t happen, so Esme took his hand and placed it on her own cheek. After Esme talked about Spencer still being a child in many ways, she acted like she could deal with Spencer’s emotions swinging like a pendulum. It was Nikolas’ opinion that concerned Esme, so he admitted he wasn’t naïve and could tell a lonely heart from a wicked one. Esme was curious which one she had. Nikolas didn’t want to hear any more talk about Esme leaving while she was on Sonny’s radar. Nikolas gently gripped Esme’s shoulders as she smiled and touched him on his arm.

At the Metro Court, Harmony argued that one drink wouldn’t kill Alexis, but Alexis cut Harmony off and told the bartender to put all of the drinks on her tab. Alexis tried to get Harmony to open up to her about what had happened to put her in this condition, but Harmony wouldn’t speak of it. Carly appeared and found out Harmony had been overserved, so she took Harmony’s keys and offered to call Willow. Harmony begged Carly not to tell Willow and became protective of her bag with the incriminating file. Harmony also told Carly she guessed she wasn’t getting that job at the Metro Court now.

Sam witnessed the drunken display and complained to Carly after Alexis took Harmony home. Although Carly was sorry for encouraging Sam to snoop and causing problems with Dante, she wondered if Sam found anything.

Sam admitted she didn’t have time to look through the forensics report, but she knew there was more evidence against Trina.

That left Carly fuming at the thought of the wrong person going to prison.

Carly vented to Sam about Sonny and Nina as well before they took Harmony’s car over to Alexis’ place.

In the meantime, Harmony entered the living room with Alexis and admitted she was terrified of herself.

Alexis could not understand what had gotten Harmony so worked up, she said multiple times that she had never seen her like this before.  Alexis told Harmony about finding Brendan floating in the pier while she waited for the launch to Spoon Island.  She told Harmony that the cops believe his death to be a suicide.

Carly and Sam eventually showed up, so Carly put Harmony’s keys down for her. Harmony stumbled into Carly, who thought maybe she should get some fresh air.

Harmony asked why Carly was being so nice to her and Carly said that Willow was family and she (Harmony was therefore an extension of that family).

“I wish she was mine,” Harmony said leaving Carly reeling.

At Kelly’s, Spencer pretended he was going to tell the truth after Cameron backed him into a corner. Instead, Spencer acted like maybe Trina filmed the video and was part of Josslyn’s plan to set Esme up. Cameron called Spencer a “son of a bitch” and punched him hard. Officer Cabrera witnessed it and arrested Cameron, but Spencer suggested Rory should just let them settle their differences outside.  Spencer accidentally hit Rory in the face as he was gesturing. It was clearly an accident, but the young cop immediately took him into custody as well.  He also refused to listen to Trina’s plea to cut them both some slack.

At the Port Charles Grill, Ava talked to Nina about her petition for custody rights.There was also talk about Nina’s interest in both “Mike” the bartender and “Sonny” the mobster.

Ava suggested that she and Nina weren’t so different after all since neither of them could resist a bad boy!

After Sonny talked to Laura about all the Jennifer and Victor drama, she brought up Esme moving into Wyndemere because of the “chat” that he had with her, which Esme then used as the perfect excuse to get sympathy from Nikolas and Victor. Sonny assured Laura that he wouldn’t hurt Esme, even if she turned out to be guilty.

Once Phyllis called Nina about the gunmen from the robbery being out on the streets again, Nina spoke to Sonny about it.

Sonny was obviously handling it in his own way, but he didn’t want Nina to know the details. Nina assured Sonny that he didn’t have to hide anything from her, but he still took off without sharing what he was up to. Sonny then approached a parked car that had one of the gunmen tied up in the trunk. Sonny said the thug would be joining his friend real soon and laughed before the trunk was shut. Once Sonny rejoined Nina, she worried about the gunmen causing more trouble. Sonny told Nina that the guys got the message and seemed satisfied. Ava let Laura know the vow renewal ceremony was no longer happening.

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GH Update Thursday, April 14, 2022

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Update written by Dustin

At the gym, Austin offered to spot Chase during his workout, but Chase refused. Spinelli approached and went off on Austin for disrespecting Maxie until Maxie and Brook Lynn arrived. Maxie pulled Spinelli aside and asked him to go easy on Austin. She explained they had become good friends and that he had done a lot for her. Left alone, Chase commended Brook Lynn on Deception’s success, and he said he felt bad about letting her down about singing the song. Brook Lynn abruptly said that she didn’t want to jeopardize him getting off his suspension, and then walked away.

Austin approached Chase and asked if he wanted to talk, but Chase refused. Austin talked about how he regretted taking advantage of Chase’s situation with Willow. He insisted that it wasn’t behavior he wanted to repeat. Chase briefly opened up to Austin and explained that he’d accidentally insulted Brook Lynn, and he feared that she was done with him.

At Charlie’s, two armed men burst inside to attempt a robbery. Sonny explained that the money had already been taken to the bank. He insisted that nothing needed to happen because they were masked and Sonny and Nina couldn’t identify them.  One of the masked men demanded that Sonny and Nina surrender the till and their wallets and jewelry. Nina immediately handed over her purse. Sonny informed the masked man following him behind the bar that the day’s profits had already been taken to the bank, so there wasn’t much cash. Outside the bar, Brando and Sasha were approaching the entrance to Charlie’s, stopped short and saw the scene unfolding inside Charlie’s. Brando told Sasha to call the police as he eased inside the door and attacked one of the robbers causing him to drop his gun, which Nina grabbed.  The ensuing confusion gave Sonny the chance to take out the second robber.

At the Metro Court bar, Sam noticed while Dante was away from his phone that he received a report from the PCPD and she opened it forwarded the email to herself. Dante returned and asked what she was doing. As she admitted to Dante what she was doing, Carly overheard and approached to explain that it was her fault. Drew arrived and pulled Carly away and out of the restaurant. Dante felt betrayed and angry with Sam and never though he would have to guard his phone from Sam.

Dante’s phone went off, and he told the caller that he would be right there. He left without saying anything to Sam. A few minutes later, Spinelli arrived and saw Sam sitting at the bar alone. Sam told Spinelli what had happened and that she thought the situation may have ruined their relationship. Spinelli advised Sam to simply let Dante know that he came first. Her interest in the information was simply because she believed in Trina’s innocence.

Carly told Drew that she had caused the situation with Sam by asking for information regarding Trina’s case. They spoke about the way in which anger and revenge can consume you. Carly admitted she had been putting her energy into “anything and everything” to avoid thinking about the end of her marriage with Sonny.  A few minutes later, Carly and Drew had beers, and he toasted to resilience, something that they had in common.

Brando stood outside Charlie’s with a shaken Sasha as the cops escorted the gunmen out in handcuffs. Sasha demanded that Brando not make doing that sort of thing a habit, and he promised. Inside, Nina thanked Sonny for protecting her, and he promised to always protect her. Dante approached and wondered if the two were up to answering questions. As they talked, Sasha and Brando entered so that Brando could talk to Dante. Sasha dug in her purse and swallowed the pill that she retrieved. Nina walked over, and Sasha couldn’t imagine how terrified Nina had been. Nina related that they’d wanted her necklace but it is the one thing she has of her daughter. Sasha insisted that a mother’s love could never be stolen.

Sonny thanked Brando for coming to Sonny and Nina’s aid. He was very glad that Brando had returned, but he wondered why. Brando answered that he and Sasha had forgotten to invite Sonny to their reception. Sonny couldn’t wait to celebrate the couple.

Nina observed that Sasha seemed to be even more shaken up than she was. Sasha replied that, after losing Liam, she wouldn’t survive losing Brando, too. Dante’s phone went off, and it was a text from Sam. She said, “I messed up. I’m sorry and I promise to do better.”

Brando confided in Sonny about some chatter he had heard about the garage. He said that the word was that Sonny’s “base of power” wasn’t what it used to be, so “up-and-comers” sensed an opening. Sonny admitted that his operation was stretched thin, so everyone would think it was open season. Brando inquired as to what Sonny planned to do. “Remind everyone that I’m the boss,” he said.

Josslyn arrived at the gallery and asked Trina what had happened. Trina told Josslyn about Spencer’s visit and how much his betrayal hurt. A short while later, the two arrived outside Kelly’s, but Trina was unsure about going in. Josslyn reasoned that hiding would make things worse, and she thought it would be good for Trina’s case for them to be seen together, anyway. Once inside and with food, the girls talked about how to “nail” Esme and how Josslyn and Cameron would make it through the rough patch.

Josslyn noticed a strange man staring at them from the counter. She stormed over and demanded to know what he was staring at. He insisted that it wasn’t what she thought, and Trina approached and confirmed that she knew him. He apologized for staring. Trina introduced Josslyn to Rory, the new cop at the PCPD who had been very kind to her during her arrest. Josslyn apologized for yelling at him, but he was glad that Trina had friends looking out for her.

Rory advised Trina to keep her chin up, and he paid his bill and left. Trina thanked an extremely embarrassed Josslyn for making her feel normal again. Josslyn thought that Spencer didn’t deserve friendship from either of them and that Cameron would agree. She went on that her loyalty was to Trina, and her days of enabling Spencer were over.

“What do you want?” Cameron demanded when he opened his front door to Spencer. Spencer was in need of a friend, but Cameron replied that Spencer was in the wrong place for that. Spencer knew that he’d said hurtful things to Trina, but he insisted that it was complicated. Cameron blew up at Spencer and insisted that he wanted nothing to do with Spencer after how Spencer had treated Trina. “I know Esme did it!” Spencer yelled suddenly. Spencer explained that he’d always believed in Trina’s innocence, but he was trying to lower Esme’s guard so he could get concrete evidence to exonerate Trina. Cameron thought that Spencer should tell Trina that. Spencer said he feared that Trina would tell Scott or Ava, and it would get back to Esme. Cameron apologized for screaming at Spencer but Spencer conceded that he deserved it. Spencer told Cameron that Josslyn couldn’t know about what he was doing.  The secret had to remain between the two of them.

Cameron protested, but Spencer made him swear to keep it secret. Cameron reluctantly agreed, but he warned that Spencer had better find something on Esme that would exonerate Trina. He added that it would be the last time he would back Spencer.

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GH Update Monday, March 28, 2022

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Update written by Dustin

Alexis arrives home and T.J. and Molly are there.  She tells them she is really going to miss them now that they are moving out.  Molly says it is good that she has such an exciting new job to throw herself into, that will help with missing them.  Alexis tells Molly and T.J. that they don’t have to worry about her eating alone because Harmony will be moving in for a little bit until she can get her own place. Molly asks where Harmony has been staying and Alexis tells her that it’s none of her business. 

Harmony arrives at Charlie’s to speak to Phyllis.  Phyllis tells her it has to do with Nina.  Phyllis tells Harmony that she was tricked into giving Nina’s child away when Nina was her patient.  She tells her Nina has lost so much and that Harmony has a way with people.  Phyllis is sure that she can win over Michael and Willow and allow Nina to keep her visitation rights with Wiley.  Harmony is not at all pleased that Nina used Phyllis to manipulate her and she tells Phyllis to tell Nina that her request is still under consideration.

Scott runs into Nina at the Metro Court bar and although Nina is not happy to see him, he convinces her to sit with him while he waits for Leisl. She tells Scott that she is considering petitioning the courts for her visitation rights to Wiley. Scott offers his services to Nina.  But, Nina says she will be suing as a last ditch effort.  Scott wants to know why Nina is waiting to sue.  He hopes it is not because of her feelings for Sonny.  As Nina is talking to Scott it becomes clear that Leisl has set her up, telling her to meet her at the Metro Court bar so that she will meet Scott and they can have time to talk and foster some sort of reconciliation.  When Nina finds out she is irritated and Scott makes it worse by insinuating that Nina can not play hardball with Michael because she is in love with Sonny.  Scott tells her she can either have the kid (Wiley) or the gangster (Sonny).

Back at Charlie’s, Marshall demands to know what Curtis was doing speaking to Sonny.  Curtis tells him they were speaking about the run-in the two of them had at General Hospital.  Curtis tells Marshall that Sonny had told Curtis that Marshall is very hostile. Curtis explains to Marshall the many things that Sonny has done for members of the community including T.J. 

Esme asks Nikolas if she can stay with him at Wyndemere. Nikolas is very surprised and asks her again to make sure she sincerely wanted to stay at Wyndemere.  Esme says she knows it is a huge imposition but she will just need to stay until she gets on her feet.  Nikolas says that she has to understand that she and Spencer have broken up and allowing her to come and stay at his family home would put Nikolas in a very difficult position.  Nikolas says it will further strain his relationship with Spencer.  Esme says that she understands and that it is clear that Nikolas has turned his back on her too.  Esme says that Nikolas clearly believes all the horrible things that the people of Port Charles have been saying about her.  Nikolas explains that he is no stranger to unfair accusations.  Esme says that Trina has everyone fooled and that she is no saint.  Nikolas says that he does trust his wife’s instincts and she thinks very highly of Trina.  Nikolas tells Esme that he can not take sides in her disagreement with Spencer but that they will figure something out.  He leaves the table to take a phone call.  When he returns, he tells Esme he will arrange for her to live in the apartments above Kelly’s restaurant.  Esme thanks Nikolas and Nikolas says that he will check on her periodically to make sure she is doing O.K.

Portia and Taggert while having drinks at the Metro Court sneer at Esme and agree that Esme is behind the video of Josslyn and Cameron. Jordan is just pleased that Esme is no longer associating with the two of them.

Jordan brings Trina in for an “informal chat” regarding the video of Josslyn and Cameron.  She asks her if she has any idea how Esme could have planted the video.  She wants to understand the timing of the evening.  How long was Trina passed out in her room?  What time did Esme and Spencer leave? How does she think that Esme could have left the video camera or other recording device in Josslyn and Cameron’s room when she and Spencer left hours prior?  She questions Trina about the drinking and tells her while she does not condone under age drinking that she will not be asking her questions about that.  Trina says she is a lightweight when it comes to drinking.  She passed out after just one drink.  She is still unaware that Esme drugged her.  Jordan reminds Trina that she can call a parent or a legal advocate.  Trina says she doesn’t want to bother them and that she has nothing to hide.  Trina tells Jordan to go through her phone and that will prove her innocence but when Trina opens her purse Jordan finds two phones, Trina’s phone and the one that Esme planted in her purse while she was visiting with Spencer at Spring Ridge.  Jordan wants to know whose phone she is holding.  Trina says that she has no idea how that phone got into her bag and begs Jordan to believe her. Trina naively gives the phone to Jordan to examine.  After the police look at the phone, Jordan calls Curtis and lets him know what she has found out about Trina.  Curtis then immediately calls Portia and Taggert who rush to the P.C.P.D.  Taggert is furious that Trina would turn over anything without a warrant.  Portia tells Trina not to say another word until their lawyer arrives.  Portia says that she really isn’t sure what has happened but she tells Trina that whoever is behind it will pay. Jordan is made aware by Dante that the video of Josslyn and Cameron is on the phone that Trina voluntarily handed over. She later announces to everyone in the booking room that the phone in Trina’s bag is directly related to the dissemination of unlawfully taped, sexually explicit images.  Josslyn loses it, she says there is no way that Trina made that tape and that she is being framed. She lashes out at Dante and tells him that she specifically said in her statement that she believed that Esme was behind the tape. She asks Dante why Esme hasn’t been brought in for questioning.  Dante tells Josslyn that she has to either keep it together or leave.

Dante arrests Trina.  Trina cries while Dante reads her Miranda rights and escorts her to her cell.  Portia and Curtis embrace.

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GH Update Friday, March 25, 2022

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Update written by Dustin

Curtis asks Sonny for a favor getting his hands on his father’s sealed police file. Sonny tells Curtis that he knows that he had a big hand in helping to take down Cyrus Renault and he appreciates everything he did while Sonny was in Pennsylvania. Sonny then asks who the file is for and Curtis says it is for his father, Marshall Ashford.  Sonny says no to the favor and instructs Curtis that if he wants information about his father, he needs to get the information from his father.

Nikolas asks Victor to share with him the purpose for his return to Port Charles.  Victor says that conversation can only be shared with family.  Nikolas says that they are family and Victor gives Ava a cold stare and says “some of us more than others.” Nikolas says that Ava is more his family than Victor is.  Victor says that he can’t divulge information in front of Ava. Ava says fine and tells Nikolas  she will wait for him at the bar. Victor tells Nikolas that the Cassadines used to be power players on the international stage and that they need to reclaim that influence.  Nikolas had expected something a little more ominous and it becomes clear that Victor is holding back on his exact plans.

Spencer is shocked when he finds a pregnancy test in Esme’s bags.  He demands that she explain herself. Esme starts speaking about the video of Josslyn and Cameron and Spencer loses it and says that he’s not talking about the video.  He wants to know if Esme is pregnant. Esme asks when she was supposed to say something, before or after Spencer called her a monster.  Spencer demands that Esme take the pregnancy test.  Esme says that she needs to get out of Port Charles and that if Laura hadn’t convinced her to stay she would have been long gone.  Cameron knocks on the door, Spencer tells Esme to ignore it but she answers it.  Cameron asks if it is a bad time and Esme says that she was just leaving.  Spencer tries to stop Esme but Esme says that it is her body and her choice.  She leaves.  Cameron asks what Esme meant and Spencer says that it is possible that Esme is pregnant. Cameron and Spencer take time to work out their issues and discuss whether or not Spencer believes that Esme posted the video.  Spencer says that he would like to believe that she didn’t, but that the truth is, he is just not certain. Spencer tells Cameron that he hopes that Esme is not pregnant, because if she is pregnant, Spencer will be tied to her for life.

Trina tells Portia and Taggert that she had a conversation with Spencer and she told him that she could not be part of his life as long as he is involved with Esme.  Portia is very pleased to hear that. Trina also tells Portia and Taggert that Josslyn has not been to class lately and that she is no longer living in her dorm room.  Portia asks if Trina has spoken to Josslyn and Trina says that she has not, but that she trusts when Josslyn needs to speak with her she will reach out.  Portia doesn’t seem pleased with that answer and reminds Trina that she and Josslyn need to get through the situation together.

Dante tells Jordan that he wants more information on the investigation into who posted the video of Josslyn and Cameron.  Jordan says that he is too close to the investigation and for him to stay away.  Jordan doesn’t want the case falling apart because of Dante’s meddling. Jordan receives new information on who may have posted the video of Cameron and Josslyn. Dante asks her what kind of information it is.  Jordan says that it may hold the identity of the perpetrator.  

Joss and Cameron arrive at their class late and no one is there, including the professor. Cameron suggests they stay in the vacant classroom for a few more minutes.  Josslyn knows what Cameron is doing.  He’s ensuring that the hallway will be empty when they walk to their next class. Josslyn says she doesn’t know why he cares what strangers think and reminds him that more people are talking about her, not him. Cameron says that he didn’t really want to do the Invader article, and Josslyn says it was pertinent that they do the article so that they could state unequivocally that the two of them did not record their intimate moments for public viewing and that what was done to them is illegal in the state of New York.

Trina runs into Josslyn and Cameron in the classroom.  Trina asks them if they are doing OK. Josslyn says that they are “hanging in there.” Trina starts to leave and Josslyn tells her to wait.  Josslyn says that this whole situation is ridiculous and that both she and Cameron miss Trina deeply. Trina and Josslyn talk about Esme and the video and the distance that has been created between them.  Trina says she owes Josslyn a big apology for trying to compromise with Esme.  Trina also thanks Josslyn for calling Esme out on all her horrible deeds. Josslyn says the fallout from the video has been totally humiliating for her. Josslyn asks Trina if she remembers when they turned eighteen and were able to vote.  Trina says yes and Josslyn asks if this is the other side of adulthood.  Josslyn wants to know what has happened to common decency.  It seems that Josslyn and Trina have completely worked out their issues when Jordan arrives and asks to see Trina.  Trina says that she is late for her next class.  Jordan says that she needs Trina to come down to the station and answer some questions.  Josslyn looks shocked.

Esme shows up at the Metro Court and asks Nikolas if he can help her.  She has her bags and says that she is leaving Port Charles. However, Laura’s place was the only place she had to stay and her credit card was declined when she tried to get a room at the Metro Court.  She asks Nikolas if she can stay with him at Wyndemere.

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