Beyond The Gates Transcript

Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane
[car crashes]
Sounds like attempted murder.
Your plan was genius.
Frankly, I was surprised how easy it was.
Not so fast, mister.
Strangely enough, I’m getting a second wind.
Are you ever not actively flirting?
No, not when it comes to you.
[girls squealing]
How do you stand living your life so loud?
Hayley is going to be my wife. And it can’t happen soon enough.
Bill and I were supposed to be together forever. That was the pact.
As far as I’m concerned, my father is dead.
The Duprees will be attending the wedding as a family, including you, Dani. Duprees don’t cower. We don’t hide. If Bill has the stones to marry that little heifer in our community, then he can do it while looking into our pissed-off faces.
On behalf of Bill and Hayley, I would like to welcome and thank you all for coming out tonight in celebration of their union. Your love and support means the world. Marriage is a lifelong partnership, a promise of love, respect, honor, and trust in each other through the good and the bad. It is a covenant not to be taken into lightly. Today, among these witnesses, Bill and Hayley embark on a journey to husband and wife. If anyone here objects to the union of these two people, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Me. I object.
Dani, no!
[guests clamoring]
[guests scream]
Danielle, stop this!
Put that gun away this instant!
Eva: You are looking at Nicole Richardson’s brand-new temporary assistant.
Yes. Okay. I’m so excited. This is it, honey. Ooh, it’s the day I, I’ve dreamed about. [chuckles]
You are finally gonna be where you should have been all along. In your father’s house.
Mm-hmm. My biological father.
Hmm, Dr. Big Shot thought he could just wipe us away, forget you and I exist. Well, Ted Richardson and his high-and-mighty wife are in for a rude awakening. He’s gonna pay for trying to erase my baby girl Eva. Hmm, for trying to erase me.
What are you doing? Please, Danielle. Danielle, please.
Chelsea: Oh, my God.
Don’t get in the middle of this.
Dani, you need to let these people out of here.
They can go. I have unfinished business with these two.
You heard her. Let’s go.
[guests gasping]
Now, Dani…
If everybody stays out of my way, son-in-law, things will be fine.
Check the flowers.
That was a warning shot. But now that I have your attention, there are certain sentiments I’d like to convey.
Just put the gun down, and we could…
We-we can talk about this? Too late. I have a choice to make. Do I put this next bullet right between your two lying eyes, Bill? Or… Well, imagine the damage I could do if I destroyed this pest. Who would drop in for dinner at our table but wasn’t satisfied until she took my man from my bed. That would probably hurt more… longer… maybe for the rest of your sad, pathetic life. Decisions, decisions. ♪ ♪
Sorry for holding up your table. I’m sure she’ll be here any second.
What about your friends, the couple?
Naomi and Jacob couldn’t make it– family deal– but Ashley and I got to celebrate. It’s her first week at Garland Memorial. Best new nurse in the D.C. metropolitan area.
Just can’t figure out what’s keeping her.
Maybe there’s an emergency.
And they pulled a newbie in on it?
Maybe, yeah, but I’m thinking it’s her first week.
It’s probably not life-or-death.
That’s just your water breaking. It’s perfectly normal.
Oh. Uh, yeah, sure it is, and in the movies this is when you would get your bag and head to the hospital, right? I’m having this baby now.
No, not now.
[scoffs] Tell that to the baby.
Try to relax, try to relax.
This is an elevator. Why is the baby in such a rush?
Isn’t there something we can do to…?
Everything is going to be fine, okay? We just need to get this mama- to-be to Labor and Delivery.
That might be easier said than done.
Oh, something’s wrong.
What could go wrong? We’re gonna be moving in just a minute. Right, Andre?
The elevator’s stuck.
Dani: Cheater. Home-wrecker. Which should it be? Don’t hide behind him.
Look, Dani, just put the gun down and tell me what you want.
All I ever wanted was you.
Bill, you don’t have to…
Dani: Speak less.
Bill: Hey. Whatever it is you hope to accomplish here…
Tick it off my bucket list. First, ruin this one’s wedding day. Next… well, let’s see where the day takes us, huh?
For the love of God, Vernon, do something.
Danielle, sweetheart, please.
Just tell us what you want so we can get on…
Everything you took from me. I had a life I loved, a career when I met you. I was so young and eager to be the wife you wanted, give you children… our beautiful children. Every woman you wanted me to be… I became. Everything you wanted, I wanted for you. Financed and feted. I helped birth your dreams into a reality. Hell, your meteoric rise to the cream of the crop was bankrolled and financed and endorsed by the Duprees.
It’s my job.
That’s my mother.
Danielle, we’ll discuss this in private after you put down that gun.
Mm-mm, no. There are too many secrets around here. Like this one.
I have a name.
Oh, you have a few. None of them very nice.
I’m Hayley Hamilton.
Like hell. Until you are pronounced wife, you don’t get to have the same last name as my children.
You’re Hayley Lawson. Finish the story. Friendless orphan who inflicted herself on my family, used my daughter for a free pass to the good life, made herself at home, and wrecked everything I’ve built.
I know you think that’s…
If you knew what I’m thinking right now, you would be very quiet! Better.
Okay, honey, we are about to become besties.
What’s your name?
Alix– with an “I,” not that that matters right now.
I’m Ashley Morgan.
You’re a nurse.
Please tell me you’re a doctor.
Sorry. Andre Richardson, photographer.
God, don’t you dare take my picture. Don’t even ask.
I’ll do something more useful instead. I’m calling 911.
Good idea.
Now breathe, breathe.
[breathing deeply]
In through your nose, out through your mouth. That’s right. Don’t say it.
Yeah, no reception.
Alix: Keep trying. Because delivering in an elevator is not part of my birth plan.
Okay, another contraction.
Come on, get down.
Feels like they’re closer together.
Andre, give me your coat. We’re gonna get her more comfortable.
What, y-you mean the baby’s coming?
Oh… That did not sound good. That sounds like this baby is ready, all right, which is perfectly fine because Andre and I are here and we’re gonna help you. Nothing to worry about. Let’s do this.
The day I gave birth to you, your father was the same as now– nowhere to be found, not that I was surprised. Ted made it quite clear that he wanted nothing to do with us.
From the very beginning.
Mm-hmm. Soon as I got pregnant, Ted got in the wind. Nicole Dupree had that man wrapped around her finger. He didn’t spend one hot minute worrying about you or me.
Oh… much as it breaks my heart to see that look on your face– the truth, honey, that hurt– it’s best that you know the truth. Ted Richardson didn’t give a damn about whether we lived or died, and he still doesn’t. [chuckles wryly] You know, if he could’ve just stayed the way that he was when we first met. Oh, my God, he was… I never met a man like him before. And he never loved a girl like me.
I’m sorry for what he did to you, Mama. To us. To us. But now that I’m working for Nicole, I’ll be on the inside.
[chuckles] That is my baby. Goal-oriented, just like her mama. We’ll make things right.
Dani: It’s a funny thing about names. Once you are Mrs. Hamilton, if this fiasco goes that far, no one will tell you what they really think of you, so…
Dani, you’ve gone far enough.
Oh, I’ve just scratched the surface, Bill. I’m tired of holding my tongue. And why should I? I’m the one holding the gun.
And what will you do with it?
She’s putting it down. Right, Danielle?
After they’re done begging.
For our lives?
My forgiveness. On your knees.
She’ll be here. She’s like that. She gets wrapped up in her work. Whatever she’s doing, she’s into it 100%, so I’ll give her another half hour and then I’ll start to worry. But it’s probably nothing.
Paperwork, changing bedpans, no big deal at all. That’s right, just breathe with me. Ready?
[Ashley and Alix breathing deeply]
Hey, I don’t know if anybody can hear us, but, uh, we’ve got three people in the elevator.
T-Tell them there’s about to be one more.
Okay, breathe, breathe, breathe. Ready? Look at me, look at me. Ready?
[both breathing deeply]
Tell me you’ve done this before.
Are you kidding me? You’ve got nothing to worry about, okay? We got this. Just keep breathing.
[both breathing deeply]
Doing great. That’s right, that’s right, take a break now.
Why do I feel like I’m feeding you to the lions?
You aren’t. This is the opportunity we’ve been planning. And as Nicole’s assistant, I’ll be in the perfect position to get close to her and…
…to her and Ted. And we’ll make him answer for the awful way he treated you. All the money they got, how they live. He didn’t even send child support. You deserved better.
And you deserved love from your father. You deserved violin and Mandarin lessons. You deserved trips to Europe, status and recognition. But what did he do? Waste it all on those two feckless brats. Princess Kat and fancy pants congressman.
Mom, please.
I love you, baby, but you need to let me do this. You and your grandfather. You need to get on your knees.
Hayley’s not getting on her knees for you or anyone else.
Chivalrous. I haven’t seen that side of you in a long time.
Fine. Since you’re the one who swore to protect, honor and love me… you kneel. Let your wannabe bride see you as you really are on your wedding day. Kneel or so help me.
[guests clamoring]
Anita: Oh, God, Danielle.
You get your hands off of me!
Give it up, Danielle.
It’s over.
Jacob: Give it to me.
Better in your hands than my unhinged ex’s.
[gun clicks]
Dani, come on. Come on.
Excuse me, excuse me. Move, move, move.
[indistinct chatter]
You could’ve killed someone!
And you could have been a decent human being, but here we are.
You sure you’re okay, sweetheart?
I think so.
One last thing.
it’ll never be over between us, Bill.
Don’t you think you owe us an apology for what you did today?
Shooting the flowers? No, it’s a vast improvement over those embarrassing funeral arrangements. I would question your taste level, but based on recent choices, it’s clear that you’ve lowered your standards to a hideous degree.
I’ll see myself out.
Martin: Keep an eye on things while I do damage control. Thank God that photographer stopped shooting. And that your Aunt Dani was forced to follow his lead.
It’s no joke, Smitty. I’m a public figure. The last thing I need is bad press.
Talk about a shotgun wedding.
Not funny, Kat.
Coping mechanism, cuz.
They told me this wedding would be unforgettable. Now I know why. And to some child who befriended my daughter and broke bread like family.
I would be breaking something else– some bones or some laws– but don’t quote me.
Dani Dupree Hamilton deserves an award for enduring that nonsense. And speaking of, did I mention her sister Nicole snagged some honor or another? I don’t know.
Those Duprees get more awards and rewards than anybody. [laughs]
Ooh-wee, and don’t get me started on the nephew. Now, he’s God’s gift, or some might say. Andre something or another.
So, uh, d-d-do you have a name yet?
We wanted to wait and see.
No name, no gender. My husband said it would be fun to be surprised. And, look, he’s not even here. Oh! It hurts so bad. Something must be wrong.
How many birthing books have you read, hmm?
All of them.
Right, so it means you have a head full of what-ifs about things going sideways, but I need you to trust that things can also go right.
Okay, so what’s the, uh, what’s the next thing?
To breathe. What do you say? You ready to meet your kid?
Okay, ready? You’re gonna breathe with me, okay?
[all breathing deeply] That’s it, that’s it.
Ashley, it’s your dinner date at Uptown, where I’ve been hydrating for the last hour. Listen, if this is the ultimate payback for all those times I kept you waiting when I was putting out fires, I’m sorry. I get it and I owe you. I love you. See you soon.
Still giving up on her?
She’s not even answering my texts, so I’m gonna go check on her. We might see you later.
Hey, honey, um, what are you gonna do with the gun?
Look, I-I know it’s a lot to ask, but I was…
Jacob, a personal favor?
What do you need?
Police escort. Help speed my guests through the exits.
He doesn’t work for you, Dad.
Hey, it’s no problem.
Just meet me in the lobby, all right? We’ll just make sure everyone understands how stressful this has been for Danielle.
Find a way to make it all go away.
Yeah, like we do.
Vernon. I’ll make sure you get the invoice.
For what?
Are you sure you didn’t get any pictures of what went on?
I saw the gun and forgot about the job. I’m really sorry.
These things happen.
If there are more papers for you to sign or additional payments…
They have my email.
Dodged that bullet. Oh, my God.
What’s wrong, Chels, screen broken?
I’m dead, Kat, I am so dead. Our family is literally going to murder me.
I was live streaming the whole time. My mom, the gun, everything.
No, that’s got to be a mistake.
And I made it. I basically broadcast this nightmare to the entire world.
Martin and Kat had every advantage. They had first-class tickets from the moment they were conceived. And what did you get? Not even the time of day. [scoffs] You know what? When we ran into your father at the hospital, do you remember what he did when he saw us? He looked straight through us. You saw.
I did.
The life you could’ve led, Eva. But we’re here now… and we are putting this plan into motion. But we can’t make any mistakes. Outside of these walls, you can never call me Mom. Who am I?
And you’re?
The daughter of a friend of yours who died when I was young. You took me in and raised me– you and Alan.
That covers our bases. Ted only knew me by my first name, Dana. So Leslie shouldn’t set off any alarms. And from now on, I can only be your surrogate mom. Well, until we drop the truth in the middle of their very privileged lives.
I got it. No hint of a blood connection between us as long as I’m incognito in their world.
Thanks, baby.
You got to stop beating yourself up, honey.
I would feel better if we could locate Dani.
I should have known.
No one could have predicted this, honey.
I’m a psychiatrist, trained to pick up on signs of distress.
It’s up to all of us to fix this situation. We’re Duprees. We come together in times like these. Falling apart is not an option.
The first order of business– finding Danielle.
Vodka martini, very dry. [sighs]
The way you were driving over here, though.
I stayed under the speed limit.
Pamela, if you are here to criticize my behavior or tell me how ridiculous I looked…
I said that I would be here for you today, and I dropped the ball. I should have been a better friend. I should have stopped you before things got out of control. But I am here now. So put me in, Coach. Need me to run interference?
[phone buzzing]
Slash a tire, burn a bridge? I’m your ride-or-die.
And if you need me to, uh, pretend that the bar isn’t vibrating from all the texts you’re getting, I can do that, too.
[buzzing stops]
What can I do, Dani?
You can pay for the drink I ordered.
Oh, you’re leaving so soon?
Time to face the Duprees.
Oh. Well, good luck.
Love you.
Love you back.
Enjoy the martini.
Toast the bride and groom.
[Pamela sighs]
[R&B music playing]
There goes my happy day.
Uh, no, no. Don’t let Dani ruin our plans.
She already has. Look around.
Well… then I say we do what we came here for.
With me looking like this? My dress, my hair is all…
You look radiant. After all you saw and heard tonight, can I still convince you to join me on this crazy ride?
Nothing would make me happier.
Let’s do it. Let’s, let’s get married.
Listen, before I go, don’t ask me what I heard about Dr. McBride, husband to the Vanessa McBride, Realtor to DMV’s best and brightest. You know her and Nicole Richardson are besties, right?
Oh, yeah, they go way back.
Anyway, you won’t believe what… [chuckles]
I’ll call you back.
You’re Ashley’s guy, right?
The fireman.
I never forget a face.
Derek Baldwin. Hey, uh, you know where I can find Ash? We were supposed to meet for dinner, and she never showed up.
Huh. Well, she clocked out a while ago, left with Andre Richardson.
He’s a photographer. Got on the elevator together, and that’s the last I saw.
Ashley: That’s great, now I need you to give me a push. Okay, ready? One, two. -That’s it. That’s it.
That’s great, Alix, you are crushing this.
Andre: No one would believe this is your first baby. Thanks for letting me squeeze your hand. Hope it’s not your picture-taker.
It’s okay. I-I’ll get the feeling back eventually. But for now, just stay what you’re doing. Okay?
You’re doing good. Isn’t she, Ashley?
Alix, I can see the head.
Andre: Oh, oh, look at that. Just a couple pushes away, and you’re holding your baby, okay?
Are you ready?
No. Yes. I don’t know, am I?
Definitely. Now, on this next contraction, I need you to dig deep and give me everything you got. All right, here we go. One, two.
[door closes]
Expecting someone else?
Hoping you were your mother.
No one’s heard from her? I can make a call. Send out some patrol cars to be on the lookout.
That won’t be necessary, Detective Son-in-Law.
Dani, we were worried about you. Can we get you anything?
Naomi: How are you? Are you okay?
Anita: An entire house full of people worried sick about you, praying for the best, hoping you hadn’t gone and done something else reckless. And here you come waltzing in like it’s Sunday afternoon.
Mom. -“Mom”? Is this a child of mine before me? The shame you have brought on this family. And a gun? Since when do you have a gun? Is that who we are now? I don’t understand, Dani.
Martin: I do. Sometimes the anger just builds and boils over till you don’t have a choice.
No, you’re right. You’re right, Mother, as always. These were not some of my best moments, I will give you that. But after the hell that man has dragged me through…
You don’t stoop to other people’s level. You rise above! You’re supposed to know that.
I think what we all need right now is to take a deep breath and figure out what to do next.
I’ll have a word with Bill, see what it’ll take to make this disappear.
You see what your shenanigans are costing? Now your father has to go to that reprobate, hat in hand, and beg his forgiveness. You should be ashamed, Danielle.
I’m sorry you had to hear that, but you know how your mother gets.
I also know she would never shoot anyone. I should have done something.
She pulled a gun in public.
Please, it was a private affair. And, bottom line, no one was hurt and no one is filing charges.
Jacob, honey, maybe you should just go home.
Are you for real?
I’m just looking out for you. Please let the family sort this out.
Oh, so I’m not family?
No, that’s not… You are my husband and a cop.
Right, and what happened tonight was…
Justified as far as I’m concerned. My father and my backstabbing former friend got the wedding day they deserved.
Officiant: By the power vested in me and the state of Maryland, I pronounce you husband and wife.
I guess dreams really do come true.
And this is just the beginning.
Aw… [laughs]
Thanks, man.
How does it feel being a married woman?
I’ve never been happier in my life.
Dani, moment for your favorite sister?
My only sister.
When you have one as good as me, who needs a spare?
What did I do, Nicole?
Oh, sweetheart.
Mom’s right. How could I? I am so ashamed. Listen to me. That wasn’t you. You were forced into the untenable position of having to show up to that man’s wedding to that little…
Miss Jezebel.
You’re only human.
But I was raised to be better. The child of Vernon and Anita Dupree. Dignified, calm under pressure. They can see your blood and sweat, if necessary, but never your tears. We’ll just have to find a way to forgive you for appearing human.
Mom will never.
She’ll get over it eventually.
I don’t know, Nicole. I tried so hard to do the right thing, to just show up– looking incredible, of course– make it through that infernal ceremony, and go home. But when the man who swore he would love me for the rest of my life was about to say it to a younger, maybe better version…
She is nothing like you. I should have seen this coming. After everything Bill has put you through, he’s changed you.
He destroyed me.
[laughs] Never. Dani Dupree is still as wild as a house afire, but heaven help us, I think Bill actually made you stronger.
Watch out.
What would I do without you?
Unpredictable little sister, I will never give you the chance to find out.
I don’t like the way you’re looking at me, cuz.
That cop you married seemed a little uncomfortable with what happened tonight.
He won’t say a word to anyone.
I’d feel a lot better if we’d gotten the gun back from him. Thank God no one called 911.
Naomi: How are you, Mom?
Okay. Mother, is there something you’d like to say to Dani? She didn’t get an apology from Bill and Hayley, and she won’t get one from me.
Epic. Everybody’s here.
Well, Chelsea has something she needs to share. Right, Chels?
Derek, I may have solved the mystery of the missing nurse. Seems like one of our elevators is stuck.
Wait a minute, and Ashley’s trapped inside?
Ashley: Thank God.
What the heck happened in here?
It’s a girl. A beautiful, perfect baby girl. I know it’s all in a day’s work for you, but stepping into that elevator changed my life.
Shame there’s not a photographer around to commemorate it.
Oh, uh, I’d be honored. Excuse me.
I will never forget what you both did here tonight.
Mind if I get a picture of you holding her for her baby book?
Oh, I’ve got you covered.
Andre: Yeah. Of course.
Woman [over P.A.]: Dr. Lund, line three.
Oh, she’s the prettiest baby I’ve ever helped deliver.
Thank you… for everything.
Now, while you’re taking good care of her, don’t forget to take care of yourself.
True that.
Wow, a baby. You guys had quite a night.
Yeah. Your girl was amazing in there.
You’re a lucky guy.
Don’t I know it?
Derek: You stood me up.
For good reason, though.
[R&B music playing]
Mind if we join?
Oh, please.
So, that was fun.
Oh. Forgive his painful sense of humor. I know you and Dani are close.
Oh, as close as you and Nicole. And they’ll both need all the support they can get from us. The whole family will. Anything they need, we’ll be right there.
At least things can’t get any worse.
Martin: This is not good.
And there’s no way to delete that video?
It was a live stream, bro, and it’s going viral.
Viral? How viral?
Well, Chelsea has over a million followers, so that’s your baseline.
It was an accident, I swear.
And it is not your fault. It is mine.
No argument there.
What’s done is done.
We need to get out in front of this.
Where are you going?
Make some calls.
Any objections to a press conference, hmm?
We’ll give it our spin. And I need you all there showing a united front.
Of course, Daddy.
Oh, no, you’ve done quite enough.
Your mother’s right. Keep a low profile, sweetheart, it’s for your own good. Let us handle this.
Whatever you think is best.
Excuse me. We all know what’s at stake. Let’s show them who we are.
How you holding up, baby girl?
Being in this family is difficult at times. This is one of those times.
Dad, how messed up is this gonna be for Aunt Dani?
She’ll recover. The Duprees take care of their own.
Vernon and Anita would do anything for their children, just as I would do for my own. And I mean it. I’d brave through hell for our family.
LESLIE: Ted Richardson will curse the day he turned his back on us.
Landing that job with his wife was a clever way in, baby.
It was your idea.
And we got lucky when Nicole’s assistant had that accident.
I’m sorry Laura will be laid up for a while, though.
Everything will fall into place.
So, what was Nicole like at your interview?
[scoffs] Every bit as entitled as you said she’d be. No worries in Nicole’s carefully curated world. I can’t wait till we blow it all apart.
United front reporting for duty.
Let’s make our way back to the country club. Back to the scene of the crime.
It’s Granddaddy’s idea and it’s a damn good one. Shows we have nothing to hide. Best if we do it now, get in front of the situation.
I love this house.
Aah! Oh, my goodness! Caroline must have done all of this. That woman deserves a raise.
Well, if you need someone to blame, look no further.
Mm-hmm, and you’re thinking, “Why would he go to all this trouble “when we’re leaving in the morning for our fabulous Italian honeymoon?” Well, I will tell you why. Because I am madly in love with the woman who brought me back to life.
[sighs] What did I do to deserve you?
[phone buzzes]
Oh, wait, wait. I really hope this is not about a flight delay. I don’t want to wait another minute to…
What is it?
[chuckles] A tip from my friend at The Washington Post. I have a press conference to attend.
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