B&B Short Recap Monday, September 16, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy tells Hope and the rest of the Forresters that she won’t be killing Hope For The Future. Everyone is shocked.

Later, Brooke chats with Ridge and Taylor about how she’s glad for what happened. However, she wants to know if Ridge would have backed Steffy, had she killed the line.

Hope phones Zende to let him know the good news. Steffy comes in and informs Hope that if she wants to keep her line, she needs to not go after Finn ever again.

Liam and Will continue to have lunch at Il Giordano. Deacon comes up, so Liam introduces them. Liam and Deacon both praise Katie. Deacon hopes that Bill knows how wonderful Katie is. They chat a little about Luna (and the two men she killed) and make some jokes about Bill. Deacon gives them espresso to go, on the house.

Bill and Katie flirt. They text Will to come over, so he does. They just want to hang out together, as a family, and they all hug.


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B&B Short Recap Friday, September 13, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Brooke and Hope keep arguing about Finn and Steffy because Hope hinted that she might want to go after Finn for revenge.

Finn, Steffy, and Taylor finish talking about how grateful they are for Steffy’s return. Ridge comes in with Carter. They discuss Hope’s line because it’s not doing well. Steffy knows that Hope might be too happy to hear that.

Brooke and Hope join the others. Carter shows Hope the early projections. Ridge backs what Carter is saying. Hope gets a bit upset and asks if they’re going to kill Hope For The Future.

Liam and Will meet for lunch at Il Giordino. They talk a little bit about Poppy and Luna, which leads to them discussing Bill and Katie. Will is worried that Bill might hurt Katie again if they reunited, but he supports them, otherwise. Liam seems to agree.

Bill comes home to find Katie. She was finishing up a work call. She tells him that Poppy was just there and that she apologized to her. Bill credits Katie for their discovery of Luna’s machinations. He isn’t sure yet whether he and Poppy will stay together because they’re both processing what happened. He continues to praise Katie, and they have a nice conservation, with lots of flirting.


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B&B Short Recap Thursday, September 12, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

At Forrester, Hope tries to make nice with Steffy, but Steffy refuses to believe anything Hope says, insults her and warns her again to stay away from Finn.

Also at Forrester, Brooke and Taylor argue about Hope and Steffy, as usual. Taylor asks her to make sure that Hope behaves and also suggests that Brooke be worried about how Hope’s been acting.

At the hospital, Finn and Li discuss Poppy (and Luna). Poppy has been staying with Li, and the sisters are getting along. Li won’t abandon her sister after everything she’s lost. She’s worried about Bill breaking her heart.

At Bill’s house, Katie and Poppy apologize to each other about how they treated each other and discuss Bill, and Luna. Poppy hopes to still be with Bill.

Later, Taylor tells Steffy about her conversation with Brooke. Finn drops by. Taylor thanks Finn again for rescuing Steffy. Finn and Steffy hug.

Hope tells Brooke that when she went to apologize to Steffy, who just attacked her, like usual. Brooke agrees with her, mostly, but Hope is very frustrated. She says that maybe she’s not so sorry about kissing Finn now, with the way Steffy is acting. Brooke is shocked. They argue more about Finn and Steffy. Brooke is worried that Hope is going to take revenge on Steffy by going after Finn.


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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Taylor and Steffy catch up. Steffy is glad that her mother is sticking around.

Hope chats with Brooke, who once again wants to make sure that she’s not thinking about Finn.

Taylor is walking by Brooke’s door at Forrester when Brooke calls her in to tell her that she’s glad Steffy is safe. She is sympathetic to Taylor’s feelings of worry when Steffy was missing. Their nice moment is ruined when Taylor tells Brooke to tell Hope to stop chasing after Finn.

Hope goes to see Steffy in her office. She says that she’s glad Steffy is back at work, but Steffy knows that she’s just trying to flatter her. Steffy lets her know that she still needs to see a better performance by Hope For The Future. She also warns Hope away from Finn.

Finn gets a visit from Liam in his office. Liam apologizes for giving Finn a hard time last time he saw him, and he thanks him for rescuing Steffy.

Bill gets a visit from Katie and Will. They have a nice long chat. Bill thanks Katie for trying to save him from Poppy. He calls her his “guardian angel.”


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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, September 10, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Eric and Donna have a get-together for their family and their house to celebrate Steffy’s safe return. RJ keeps blaming himself for bringing Luna into the family, but Steffy and Ridge tell him that he’s not to blame. Steffy wants to get back to work and back to a normal life. Eric kisses Steffy, glad she’s safe. Deacon arrives, invited by Eric for Steffy. She tells everyone the details of what happened. They all feel bad for Poppy. Hope tells Steffy honestly that she’s glad that she’s OK and back with her family. Steffy fills Zende and RJ in on Luna’s confession about how sleeping with Zende was no accident. They’re both stunned at her machinations. Brooke and RJ both apologize to Zende for how they treated him, and they each hug him. Hope takes Finn aside and tells him that he’s a hero, and he grins back at her. Taylor watches them from across the room. Everyone is grateful that Steffy is back home and that Finn rescued her. She and Taylor hug him, and Steffy kisses him. Hope watches glumly. Brooke gets in her ear to point out how much in love they are.

Poppy waits for Bill in his living room. She looks sadly at the photo of her, Bill and Luna on the mantle. Bill comes in and asks how she is. She’s still trying to process what happened and blames herself for everything Luna did. Bill tells her repeatedly that she’s not at fault. She tells him that she and Li are doing well as sisters again. She lets him know how much she loves him and is grateful to him. They hug.


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B&B Short Recap Monday, September 9, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

It’s a day for tears, hugs, and talking about feelings.

At home, Steffy, Finn and the kids hang out, reading books. Steffy had been checked out at the hospital and is fine. Ridge and Taylor drop by, so there are more hugs and kisses. Everyone is grateful Steffy’s home and that Li rescued her. Next, Li and Poppy stop by (they meet Taylor). Poppy apologizes for what Luna did and blames herself for how she raised her. They tell her that they’re moving on, and it’s good that Luna will get some help. Later, Finn and Steffy are alone and tell each other again how much they love each other.

At Forrester, Hope and Brooke discuss how terrible it was that Luna kidnapped Steffy. They’re glad she’s safe and that Finn rescued her. Brooke quizzes her about her feelings for Finn, but Hope assures her that she’s dealing with her feelings, still regrets the kiss and Steffy and that Finn’s marriage is safe from her.

Katie and Will catch up about what’s been going on. He wonders if she and Bill might still love each other. They have a long chat about the past and possible future.

Bill has filled Liam in on everything that happened. Liam is shocked but asks how Bill is feeling. Bill doesn’t want to talk about his feelings but admits that he let his guard down with Luna, and she took advantage of him. Later, Poppy drops by, wondering whether they still have a relationship or not.


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B&B Short Recap Friday, September 6, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy and Finn are at home, after her ordeal. She’s had a shower and is in her pajamas. He wishes she would let him take her to the doctor, but she just wants to stay home with him. He brings her coconut water, to replenish her electrolytes. She tells him that she just feels blessed, as they relax on the couch. She talks a little about being in the cage and Luna. She asks him how he figured out where she was, so he tells her. He asks her how Luna got her into the cage, so she fills him in. She feels dazed, like it’s not real. After they talk about what’s happened, Steffy decides that she doesn’t want to talk about Luna, or what happened with Hope. They tell each other how much they love each other, and then they relax more on the couch, after some kisses.

Bill, Poppy, Luna, Baker are all in the jail’s visiting room. All the truth comes out as Poppy gets more upset and struggles to understand how Luna could do these things. Luna makes excuses about how Poppy was such a bad mother and ruined her childhood, etc. She begs Poppy to forgive her, but Poppy tells them to take her away. Luna leaves, with Baker and the other police, screaming, “No!” and begging more. Bill holds Poppy in his arms as she breaks down.

Ridge and Taylor are still worried, when Finn phones them to let them know that Steffy is home safe. Steffy and Finn go on speaker phone to talk to them, just telling them that it’s a long story, but Luna kidnapped her. Ridge calls Carter to let him know. Ridge and Taylor hug gratefully. Katie arrives and fills them in on the whole story. After she leaves, they’re relieved that they got Steffy back. They hug again.


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B&B Short Recap Thursday, September 5, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

At Luna’s apartment, Finn tries to figure out how to get Steffy out of the cage, since he doesn’t have the keys. He tells her that he already phoned Chief Baker, so Luna won’t get far. He wants to get her to the hospital. Steffy is overjoyed that he saved. They touch their fingers through the cage crying, water can’t get lock off find crowbar, Finn leaves, returns with pipe, breaks lock, she bursts out and they hug. He takes her home, carrying her inside. They talk about their feelings. She knew he would rescue her. They kiss.

Li and Luna, argue, Poppy, Bill refuses to move, yells at Li for not being there for her, tries to make excuses, Li disgusted, Li says she always thought Poppy made poor choices but she’s not a murderer or kidnapper. Luna tries to leave, but Li body-slams her to the floor, wrestler style, saying, “Nozawa power.” Baker comes in; his cops arrest Luna.

Bill and Katie catch up at his place. She mentions that he had a long chat with Will about what’s been going on with Poppy and Luna. They talk about them, too. Bill still doesn’t think that Poppy could be a murderer. Chatting with Katie about Luna, he says that she sees him differently now (hinting about the kiss). Justin phones to let them know that Poppy’s innocent. Bill insists on being the one to tell her she’s free, so he rushes off to the jail.

Poppy wonders why she’s in the visitor’s area again. Bill arrives to tell Poppy that she’s being released. She cries in shock, disbelief and happiness. He tells her that he knew she was not capable of that. She asked him who did it. Baker walks in, so she asks him who who did it. He doesn’t reply, but they bring Luna in, who’s looking unhappy and not saying a word, her arms behind her back. Poppy tells her excitedly that they caught the real killer. Luna says nothing and just looks glum.


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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, September 4, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Finn chats with Luna at Forrester about Steffy’s disappearance. She looks rattled but denies having seen her.

Ridge and Taylor wait around for any news of Steffy. They talk about her, and remember when she would “go missing” at home and then be found somewhere, like in the hamper. They decided to call around to various family members. They have Finn and Carter check her credit cards. Taylor is worried about what to tell the kids, who are asking about her.

Li looks worried. She has a flashback to Finn telling her about how he suspects Luna might be behind the deaths, and Steffy’s disappearance.

Steffy sits in her cage, getting weaker. Luna arrives, worried about how Finn was questioning. She puts drugs in a bottle of water and tries to get Steffy to drink it. Instead, Steffy knocks the bottle out of her hand, grabs Luna and tries to get the keys. Luna pushes her down. Then Finn rushes in and goes to the cage to help Steffy. Luna runs out, but Li catches her at the door. Luna pushes her and runs off to the stairwell. Li chases her, and Luna ends up in the basement, caught.


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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, September 3, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

At the hospital, Finn and Li keep discussing his idea that Luna is behind Steffy’s disappearance. She doesn’t know what to think, but he’s determined to find the truth.

RJ visits Bill at home to see if he knows what’s going on with Luna, since he hasn’t seen her much recently. Bill tactfully explains that Luna is having trouble with everything that’s happening in her life.

Later, Finn visits RJ at work to discuss his idea about Luna and Steffy. RJ is shocked, to say the least. He confirms to Finn that Luna was not with him when Tom was killed (which she claimed she was).

Steffy is weak from lack of food and water, but she won’t take anything from Luna, in case it’s drugged. She begs Luna to let her out and tries to convince her to think of all the people whose lives she’s affecting, including her mom, Finn and Steffy’s kids. She promises to tell the police that Luna was just troubled, but Luna knows she’s lying and leaves Steffy alone to cry some more.

Luna finds Finn waiting for her at Forrester. She looks uncomfortable and shocked at his being there.


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B&B Short Recap Monday, September 2, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

In Bill’s living room, Finn talks to Steffy in absentia, worried about her. Bill returns, so they talk about how Luna’s doing. Finn got a “vibe” from her, and Bill mentioned that she needs extra care, so Bill tells him about Luna kissing him and how he feels bad for her. He thinks the kisses were due to all of the terrible things going on in her life. He tells Finn that he offered to pay for a therapist, but she’s not ready yet. Finn is alarmed. He then gets an alert on his phone that it’s pairing with Steffy’s nearby phone, so they find it in on the table near the door. It’s on Do Not Disturb. Now he’s very worried, knowing she would never leave town without her phone. Bill offers help to find Steffy, but Finn tells him to watch over Luna.

Finn meets with Li at the hospital. He has jumped to the conclusion that Luna might be behind the murders and Steffy’s disappearance. They discuss it and realize Luna has just as much motive as Poppy.

At Luna and Poppy’s apartment, Steffy lies in her cage, exhausted, weak from hunger and thirst. Luna is nearby. Steffy tries again to get Luna to see reason and to let her out. Luna ignores her please and says that no one is going to stop her. Steffy asks her to think about her mom, or RJ. Luna says that RJ is just a boy. She tells Steffy about having sex with Zende and how it was the best sex of her life. She completely fooled everyone by pretending to be drugged and sleeping with him. Steffy realizes that she then used the drugs on Hollis and her dad. She calls Luna a psycho and yells at her furiously to let her out, shaking the bars of her cage.

Back at Forrester, RJ and Ridge are trying to work, but they’re worried about Steffy and why she hasn’t phoned or texted back. They talk about her working at Forrester and how much they miss her.


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B&B Short Recap Friday, August 30, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Luna tries to give Steffy some water, but Steffy won’t eat or drink anything for fear that it’s poisoned or drugged. Luna says that it’s been “days” since Steffy had anything to eat our drink.  Luna leaves, taunting Steffy that she’s going to spend time with Bill. Steffy yells, to no avail. She looks way more desperate, weak and discouraged.

Bill and Luna chat at home. They both talk about their respective visits with Poppy in jail. Luna whines to Bill about how upset she’s been, so they hug.

At work, Finn talks to Steffy’s picture, wondering where she is. Flavia from Monte Carlo phones and tells him that Steffy never made it there to her clinic (I assume it’s like a spa). Finn is now concerned. He visits Bill. He doesn’t mention the clinic, but they catch up on what’s been going on with him and Steffy. He says that Liam and Bill were the last to see Steffy. Bill has no clue as to where Steffy went. Luna returns just then, asking Bill if he wants to join her for a swim, surprising Finn. Bill reminds him that Luna is staying there. She asks Bill to help her with the TV in her room, so Bill goes with her. Finn looks a bit suspicious, but his main focus is worrying about Steffy.

We see many flashbacks to Steffy and Finn.

RJ and Ridge chat about how Steffy hasn’t been testing or answering phone calls. Ridge is getting very worried. They joke around, briefly, about Ridge being over-protective with his kids. RJ is concerned about Luna because she’s been distant lately and seems to only be interested in spending time with Bill. They both clearly think this is odd.


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B&B Short Recap Thursday, August 29, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Finn and Li discuss Luna. Li thinks he should go see her. He decides to surprise her in her apartment, but Li reminds him that Luna and Poppy moved out, into Bill’s place. He decides to just text her and meet her. He also talks about how much he misses and worries about Steffy.

Ridge is worried about Steffy, who hasn’t checked in yet. Brooke listens and consoles him. She reminds him that Steffy has run off like this before. Ridge thanks her with a kiss but continues to worry.

Bill visits Poppy in jail; she tells him that she is innocent. He doesn’t know what to believe. He tells her about the paternity tests that he and Luna took. She denies having anything to do with that and is devastated by the news – especially for him. She asks him to look after Luna. He flashes back to Luna’s kiss. He assures her that he won’t abandon Luna, even though she’s having a difficult time. She tells him that she loves him and begs him to believe that she’s innocent. Bill doesn’t know what to say.

Finn visits Poppy. She’s glad to see him. He apologizes for not coming sooner. They ask how each other is doing. She’s just worried about Luna. He asks her about the backpack; she doesn’t know how it got there. She assures him that she would never kill anyone. Finn knows what kind of person she is. He asks if there were any cameras to prove that she was set up. She asks him to go to the apartment to look for clues.

Luna visits Baker in his office to pour out her heart about how she can no longer cover for her mom. She lies that Li told her what she did to Tom and Hollis, right before she was arrested. He asks her to swear out a statement, but she asks if it can be anonymous, so that her mom doesn’t hate her. He says that he’ll look into it.

Steffy keeps yelling for help in her cage, shaking the cage and looking for a weak spot, to no avail. Luna drops by again to torment Steffy. She brags about how she’s manipulated Chief Baker. Steffy begs her to think about Finn and her family, but Luna is adamant that Steffy is the last person in her way.


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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, August 28, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy continues to scream for help, but no one comes to rescue her. Luna arrives. She and Luna continue to argue. Steffy tries to appeal to Luna by reminding her that she has kids, but Luna points out that, since Finn is her cousin, her kids are family. She promises to “take care of them,” which upsets Steffy even more. Later, Steffy, upset, pleads for Finn to come rescue her as she looks down at the wedding rings.

Finn and Li discuss his situation with Steffy as well as Poppy being in jail, and how bad it must be for poor Luna. Li repeats that she doesn’t think that Poppy is a killer. Finn promises to look in on Luna to see how she’s doing. Finn misses Steffy terribly.

Sheila, Katie and Deacon sit down at Il Giardino. They talk about the deaths of Deacon’s good friends, Tom and Hollis, and how weird it is that Poppy presumably killed them. They all feel bad for Luna. Sheila shows Deacon that she had memorial photos of the two men framed, to hang up in the restaurant. Deacon is very touched.

Poppy is visited in jail by Luna; they’re not allowed to touch. Poppy assures Luna that she’s innocent and tells her not to worry about her. Luna tells her that she knows she’s not guilty. She tells Poppy about the paternity tests and how Bill didn’t throw her out. Poppy is disappointed that she’s not Bill’s daughter but is glad to hear that Bill is still supporting Luna. Luna pretends that she’s looking forward to Poppy beating the murder charges so they can all be together again. Poppy is worried that there’s a murderer out there and warns Luna to stay by Bill. Luna happily agrees to that.

Luna goes to see Chief Baker, to let him know that Poppy is not innocent, and she can prove it. He looks shocked.


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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, August 27, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy and Luna continue to argue about Luna locking Steffy in a cage and her whole evil plan. Luna complains about her terrible upbringing with Poppy and how she plans to get with Bill. Steffy is disgusted with how callously Luna talks about murder and the rest. Luna says that RJ is sweet but not as rich and powerful as Bill. They show flashbacks of how she killed poor and Hollis.

Finn has a flashback to Steffy leaving. Liam arrives to give Finn a hard time about the kiss with Hope and how he let Steffy down. Finn stands up for himself. He’s just worried about where Steffy is.

Hope also has a flashback, to the kiss (and especially to Finn’s look of horror). Brooke comes in, so they talk about how Hope is trying to get over her feelings for Finn. Brooke isn’t too happy when Hope mentions that Steffy doesn’t appreciate Finn.


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B&B Short Recap Monday, August 26, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Luna finishes building the cage around Steffy. Steffy keeps trying to wake up but is very groggy. Finally, she awakens to see Luna staring down at her. Steffy is still out of it and not sure where she is or what happened. She realizes that she’s in a cage and wonders why. Luna informs her that the whole apartment is about to be demolished. Steffy has a headache, but Luna tells her that the effects will wear off. She’s holding the glass that Steffy drank from, to remind her about the drug. Steffy remembers what happened and demands to be let out of the cage. She yells for help and pounds on the cage. They argue. Steffy realizes that Luna wants Bill for herself, so that’s why she frames her mother for the murders. Luna admits she did it all, and she’s gotten away with it. She won’t let Steffy tell anyone. Steffy goes back to screaming, and pounding on the cage.

Ridge and Brooke argue briefly about Hope kissing Finn. Finn walks in and tells them in an annoyed way that Steffy left town because of the kiss. Brooke keeps telling them that Hope is very sorry for the kiss. Finn informs them that Steffy is mad at him, too, and he is worried that Steffy asked him for space and not to contact her. Finn blames himself for not avoiding Hope and telling Steffy what happened. He’s worried about whether Steffy is OK or not. Finn tells them about all the troubles he and Steffy have had recently. He beats himself up for what’s been happening. Ridge and Brooke assure him that he’s not at fault. Finn goes on and on about Steffy.

Bill phones Justin to find out how Poppy’s doing in jail. Katie comes in and tells him that she heard Luna’s not his daughter. Bill is upset that he lost Luna as his daughter. They discuss the situation and whether Poppy is guilty or not. She asks if Poppy is out of his life now, but he hasn’t decided anything yet. His biggest concern is for Luna, whom he thinks is the innocent one in all of this. When Katie mentions that Luna told RJ she has to be there for Bill, since she really loves him, he flashes back uncomfortably to the kiss she gave him. Katie and Bill hold hands. He thanks her for being there for him. She tells him how important he is to his sons, and to her, and they hug.


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B&B Short Recap Friday, August 23, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

After Taylor and Brooke have left, Ridge and Brooke chat briefly about Hope kissing Finn. Brooke assures him that she’ll make sure that Hope knows she crossed the line. They start to kiss when RJ comes in to tell them that Bill isn’t Luna’s father after all. Katie comes in, so they fill her in on Bill not being Luna’s daughter. They rehash what has happened lately with Bill, Poppy and Luna. They all seem convinced that Poppy is guilty, except for RJ, who’s not sure. However, they all feel bad about Luna. RJ talks about how he’s concerned about Luna and mentions that she said she and Bill need each other, and she’s staying with him at his place, even though they’re not father and daughter. The others look curious, like this seems strange to them.

Bill tells Luna again that she can’t kiss him like that. Steffy, in the entryway, looks shocked to hear that Bill isn’t her father. Luna tells him that no one’s ever been so kind to her like this before. Steffy keeps listening in and shakes her head angrily. She can tell that Luna is manipulating Bill. Luna adjusts her makeup in the mirror, so then she sees Steffy there. She is stunned and looks unsure of what to do. Bill again sympathizes with what she’s going through and offers to get her psychiatric help. He tells her again that he’s there for her as a father. She leaves, saying she has “work stuff.” Steffy hides so Luna won’t see her. She sneaks out after Luna leaves, but she leaves her phone behind.

Steffy follows Luna to her apartment. Luna yells at herself for being so careless. Steffy comes in just then and tells Luna that she knows what she’s up to. Luna plays innocent, as usual. Steffy tells her that she knows she kissed Bill. She warns Luna to think about what she did and how wrong it was. Luna makes two glasses of iced tea and offers one to Steffy. Luna pretends to be mortified that she saw her kiss Bill. Steffy continues to try to find out why Luna would do this. Luna just watches while Steffy drinks the tea. Then she talks about how she and Bill share the common experience of what happened with her mom being in jail, and how they need each other, so she supposes that’s why she kissed him. Steffy doesn’t buy it and is surprised when Luna mentions that her mom might have killed the two guys at Il Giardino. Steffy stresses that she doesn’t seem like the Luna she knows. She realizes that Luna has risen fast from interning at Forrester to living at the Spencer Estate. Steffy figures out what Luna has been up to. Luna doesn’t say anything, so Steffy realizes that she’s right. Then she gets dizzy and passes out. Luna looks down at her in a creepy way and then sighs deeply.

Li visits Bill at his request. Bill tells her that Luna isn’t his daughter and that they took two more paternity tests. Li is shocked, but he asks her if she manipulated the original test results. Li denies it vehemently. Eventually, he believes her. He wonders who rigged the test. She’s not sure if Poppy did that or not, but she doesn’t believe that she’s a murderer. She thinks Poppy was framed. He wonders who would set up Poppy.


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B&B Short Recap Thursday, August 22, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Hope and Steffy continue to argue about Hope kissing Finn. Steffy tells her again to stay away from Finn.

Brooke is shocked to see that Taylor is back, and at Forrester. Taylor complains about Hope kissing Finn and blames Brooke for it. Hope walks in, also surprised to see Taylor. Taylor starts in on her about the kiss. She blames Brooke for being a bad example. She’s disappointed in Hope because she thought she had a sense of morality.

Liam, visiting Bill, is shocked to hear that Poppy is in jail and that Luna is not really Bill’s daughter. Steffy arrives and asks Liam to take care of their daughter while she’s out of town. Liam asks her questions, so she tells him some of what’s going on.

Luna visits RJ, who is sympathetic to what’s been going with her. He’s shocked when she tells him that she’s going to stay at Bill’s place because he needs her. He looks a bit suspicious.

Later, Luna goes back to Bill’s place. He’s sympathetic. They sit down again, and she kisses him again. Steffy walks in and sees them kissing. She looks disgusted.


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B&B Short Recap Tuesday, August 20, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

At home, Steffy is not happy that Hope kissed Finn; she blames Finn for hanging around Hope instead of listening to her when she told him to stay away from her. He apologizes profusely and assures her that he loves her.

At Forrester, Ridge and Taylor catch up on what’s been going on. She gives him a little bit of a hard time for deciding to make Brooke an executive without getting Steffy’s input.

Also at Forrester, Brooke can’t believe that Hope kissed Steffy. Hope can’t really understand it, either. They’re both worried about what Steffy will do and what effect it will have on their families and the company.


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B&B Short Recap Wednesday, August 21, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy is angry at Finn for continuing to hang around Hope after she told him not to (resulting in her kissing him), so she tells him that she has to take off for awhile. He begs her not to leave, but she does, anyway, after telling him to watch Hayes and giving him a goodbye hug.

Brooke and Hope argue about the kiss. Steffy arrives and chews out Hope for the kiss and tells her to stay away from Finn. Hope apologizes, but Steffy doesn’t believe her.

Brooke fills Ridge in on the kiss. Just as she says it, Taylor walks in and is outraged that Hope kissed Finn.


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B&B Short Recap Monday, August 20, 2024

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Recap written by Suzanne

At home, Bill is shocked that Luna kissed him. He tells her that can’t ever happen again. He figures that she’s just very upset about her mother being arrested. She apologizes and then goes back to fretting about her mother. He offers to pay for therapy for her. She turns him down. He assures her that he’ll be there for her, and they hug.

In her office, Hope worries about how Finn is going to tell Steffy about the kiss. Brooke comes in and tells her about Poppy being arrested for the murders. Eventually, Hope tells her mom about the kiss. Brooke is shocked.

In jail, Poppy begs Li to find the real murderer(s) setting her up and to take care of Luna. Li agrees.

Finn goes home to tell Steffy about Hope’s kiss. Taylor is there, and they’re both glad to have her home. She leaves to go set up her medical practice again. Finn tells Steffy about the kiss. She’s shocked and angry.


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B&B Short Recap Friday, August 9, 2024

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Recap written by Brenda

Bill can tell that something is bothering Poppy and wishes she would confide in him.

Luna wants to know how Tom’s backpack got into their apartment. Poppy says she had nothing to do with the backpack or the deaths at Il Giardino. RJ tells Katie about Luna finding Tom Starr’s backpack in her apartment and about Tom’s letters claiming to be Luna’s father. Sheila and Deacon wonder why Katie is asking about Tom and Hollis’s deaths and wonders what Bill’s girlfriend has to do with it. The three of them exchange information. Katie calls the police.

Katie storms into Bill’s house and tells him that Poppy is dangerous. She accuses Poppy of Tom and Hollis’s deaths and speculates that Bill could be next. Poppy overhears.

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B&B Update Friday, August 9, 2024

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Update written by Brenda

At Il Giardino, R.J. tells Katie that Luna found Tom’s backpack in her apartment and that inside the backpack were letters from Tom to Poppy claiming that Tom was Luna’s biological father. Katie wonders if Poppy is capable of murder.

Poppy returns to the apartment so that they can clear things up. Luna wants to know how the backpack got into their apartment. Poppy says she wants to know too and repeats that she had nothing to do with the deaths at Il Giardino.

At Bill’s house, Bill is less than enthusiastic about a huge contract that Liam has brought to him. Bill admits that he is concerned about Poppy.

Sheila massages Deacons shoulders and observes that he seems especially stressed. He says business has to pick up because it has been slow since Tom and Hollis died. She says it will. She asks what Katie asked him. He says he isn’t sure what she was getting at, but it was about Hollis and Tom’s deaths, and it had something to do with the new lady in Bill Spencer’s life.

At Bill’s house, Liam wonders what happened with Poppy between this morning and now. Bill isn’t sure, but he can tell that something is troubling Poppy.

At Il Giardino, Sheila wonders what about Poppy. Deacon says he gets the feeling that Katie is not a fan. Sheila says Bill’s ex is probably jealous. Deacon doesn’t know about that, but he does know that they aren’t the only ones wondering what really happened. Sheila blames herself again for not listening to Hollis that night because the answers they’re looking for could have been in Tom’s backpack.

At the apartment, Luna says the backpack didn’t appear out of thin air. Poppy says she doesn’t understand it either, but it wasn’t her; she had nothing to do with it.

At Il Giardino’s patio bar, Katie asks R.J. if Poppy killed Tom and Hollis. R.J. can’t imagine that Poppy did it. Katie admits that it’s a terrible accusation but asks who else would have wanted them dead. R.J. tells Katie that Poppy met with Tom the night that he died.

Liam tells Bill that since he and Poppy are happy together, it means that whatever is going on with her has nothing to do with him. Bill wishes Poppy felt like she could confide in him. Liam is certain that eventually Poppy will come to him with it, but they were both thrust into this new life together at warp speed. Bill says he isn’t having a problem adjusting to it. Liam says having a daughter has softened Bill – in a good way. Bill says having Poppy and Luna in his world has enriched his life in ways that he could never have imagined. He tells Liam to give it some time and he, Wyatt and Will are going to feel the same way.

In the office at Il Giardino, Sheila recalls how adamant Hollis was about showing her Tom’s backpack. Deacon thinks Hollis must have thought Tom’s death wasn’t an accident. Sheila says she just wanted that filthy thing out of there, and now it’s long gone, along with any clues that might have been inside it. She says that is on her.

At the apartment, Luna presses Poppy to explain how Tom’s backpack got there. Poppy repeats that it wasn’t her. She says Luna knows her better than anyone and asks her to believe that she would never hurt anyone, let alone take a life. Luna says she believes it wasn’t Poppy.

At the Il Giardino patio, R.J. tells Katie that Poppy said something to Luna about taking matters into her own hands. Katie concludes that Poppy had motive and opportunity, and she is a known drug user, and now two men are dead. R.J. says they overdosed. Katie asks what if they didn’t know they were ingesting drugs. What if it was intentional cold-blooded murder? Katie asks R.J. if he saw any evidence of drugs in Tom’s backpack. He says he didn’t look. He doesn’t see how Poppy would need to eliminate Tom when she is certain that Bill is Luna’s father. He tells his aunt that they can’t accuse people without facts. She agrees and says it could all be a horrible coincidence, but the more she hears, the less she believes that is the case. R.J.’s pizza arrives. He tells Katie to be careful with the information she has. She says she will. R.J. leaves. Deacon and Sheila come out to the patio. Sheila says Deacon told her that Katie had questions about Tom and Hollis. Sheila says she was the last person to see Hollis alive. Katie asks if Hollis said anything about Tom. Sheila said Hollis wanted her to see Tom’s backpack. Katie excitedly asks if Sheila saw the backpack. Sheila wants to know why Katie is so interested in Tom’s belongings. Katie says two men are dead because of drug overdose. Sheila says Tom never did drugs while he was working there. Deacon says Tom had a history of drug use, but he was transparent about it, and he was clean. Katie asks about Hollis. Sheila says Hollis never did drugs in his life. Deacon says Hollis barely ever drank. Katie wonders how he died of an overdose. Sheila says they keep asking the same question. Deacon says everything seems off since their deaths, even the place doesn’t feel the same. He says they weren’t just employees; they were friends. Katie says she is sorry for their loss. Sheila asks if Katie knew Hollis and Tom well. Katie says she knew Hollis a little bit. She said Tom lived an interesting life. Deacon says Tom went from rock star to the streets and back again. He says Tom was a real mensch. Katie says it’s too bad that they both died so suddenly. Sheila says it’s heartbreaking. She says if Katie is wondering about Tom’s backpack, it’s probably in a landfill. Deacon says he is sure Katie has a lot of questions just as he does, but he has to get back to work. Sheila and Deacon leave Katie at the bar. Katie calls Chief Baker and says she thinks she has evidence regarding the deaths at Il Giardino.

At Bill’s house, Bill tells Liam that in his book, Poppy can do no wrong. Liam says Bill has got it bad. Bill says Poppy id beautiful, warm, loving, and patient. Liam says patience is the one she will need the most. Bill protests that he is the new easygoing version of himself. Liam says he is happy that Poppy and Luna got to skip ahead to the chill Bill. Bill says they deserve it. They all deserve it. He couldn’t do it without his boys. Liam says he won’t have to. They all support him and want what’s best for everyone. Bill says the best is yet to come.

At Poppy and Luna’s apartment, Poppy says they should go back to Bill’s. Luna says she is getting an eerie feeling just being there. Poppy says Luna doesn’t have to go back to the apartment again. She says that’s their past and Bill is their future.

Katie rushes into Bill’s house. Bill says he is glad she is there because he’s been wanting to talk to her about Poppy. She says she wants to talk to him about Poppy too. She says she has to listen to what she has to say because his life could depend on it.

Deacon is in the office at Il Giardino. Sheila brings him a bowl of her grandmother’s recipe chicken stew guaranteed to cure stress and ease a worried mind. He takes a big bite and chokes on it, gasping that it is too spicy. Sheila brings him milk and apologizes, saying her father liked it spicy. When he recovers, he says he is coming to terms with the fact that Tom and Hollis are not coming back. Sheila says no, but there is an open investigation and maybe someone will find out why they aren’t with them any longer and justice will be served if there was foul play. Deacon observes that Katie seemed very interested in the case. Sheila says she doesn’t quite understand why and asks if Deacon does. He doesn’t either, but all her questions lead to Bill’s new girlfriend.

At Bill’s house, Katie tells Bill that he thinks he could be in trouble. She says she just found out something disturbing. Bill tells Katie to leave Poppy alone. Katie tells Bill not to shut her down because what she has to say is important. He says he already knows. She says she doesn’t think he understands what he has gotten himself into. She says this is serious. She says she is not trying to intimidate his girlfriend or hurt her feelings, but she thinks his life could be in jeopardy. She says she thinks his life could be in danger because of Poppy. He asks her what she is talking about. Katie says Tom Starr played at the music festival the night Bill met Poppy and Luna was supposedly conceived. She says she knows about Poppy’s mints that are really drugs. Bill interjects that Poppy doesn’t do drugs anymore and asks where Katie is going with this. Katie says Tom showed up again with a backpack full of letters claiming to be Luna’s father. Bill says he knows; Poppy told him. Katie says Poppy saw Tom the night he died, shortly before he collapsed onstage, and asks if he doesn’t think that’s strange. He says he thinks she is being strange. Katie asks him why Poppy waited decades to do a paternity test and then when they did get the test they immediately moved in and cashed in on the Spencer empire. She speculates that Tom Starr resurfaced and continued to claim to be Luna’s father, Poppy met with him and suddenly he died, then Hollis had Tom’s backpack, read the letters, and became a liability, but before he could say anything he overdosed too, on the same drugs that killed Tom.

Poppy enters Bill’s house and hears Katie tell Bill two men are dead, and his life could be in jeopardy. She says Poppy is dangerous. Bill asks her what she is saying. He asks her if she thinks Poppy is a murderer. She says, “Yes.”

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B&B Short Recap Thursday, August 8, 2024

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Recap written by Brenda

Ridge and Brooke are back in Los Angeles and thrilled that the Brooke’s Bedroom social media drop has created so many orders.

Liam is happy that Bill is happy with Poppy. Katie goes to Il Giordino and asks Deacon seemingly random questions about Poppy.

Luna is freaked out about Tom’s bag being in their apartment and the letters it contains. Poppy says she doesn’t know how it got there. Poppy tells Luna to trust her and not to tell anyone about it. As soon as Poppy leaves, Luna asks R.J. to come over and she shows him the backpack and the letters. R.J. tells Katie about the backpack, the letters, and the fact that Tom thought he was Luna’s father. Katie concludes that Poppy killed Tom and Hollis.

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B&B Update Thursday, August 8, 2024

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Update written by Brenda

At the Forrester creations, Katie asks Brooke if Monte Carlo was as exciting and glamorous as it looks in the pictures. Brooke says yes, and that they had the best time. Carter says it was a successful time and that the social media drop was a hit. R.J. says it still is and that he and Hope are thrilled for Brooke. Brooke says she saw Hope when she got home and that Donna has been blowing up her phone. Ridge says Brooke’s Bedroom is back and better than ever.

At Bill’s house, Liam tells Bill that it’s great that Will is back in Los Angeles. Bill says the timing could have been better and explains that Will walked in on him and Poppy in the bedroom. Liam feels sorry for Will. Bill says that if that weren’t bad enough, Luna came home, and he asked Will to hug his new sister. Liam thinks that was a bit much. Bill is certain that Will will come to love Poppy and Luna once he gets to know them. Bill thinks he is lucky to have those two remarkable women in his life.

At their apartment, Luna tells Poppy that she still can’t believe Tom’s backpack with all his stuff in it is in their apartment. Poppy swears that she has no idea how it got there. Luns asks if she understands correctly that Tom harassed Poppy with letters and claims of being Luna’s father for Luna’s entire life. Poppy says yes and adds that Bill knows about it and understands. She says she needs Luna to understand too.

At Forrester, R.J. and Carter are still looking at their phones watching Brookes Bedroom trending on social media. Ridge tells Carter that they need to ramp up their production. Carter says it’s already in the works with new target dates set. Ridge asks if they missed anything while they were gone. Carter observes that they weren’t gone very long. Brooke asks if there has been any news about the deaths at Il Giordino.

At Il Giordino, Deacon talks to a reporter on the phone. He asks the person to let their readers know that Il Giordino has been given the all-clear. He assures the person that Il Giordino will survive this dark chapter. He says the hardest part was losing two friends and opines that the reporter should be asking why it happened.

At Bill’s house, Liam asks where Will is. Bill says Will is staying with his mom. Liam concludes that Will must not have felt welcome at Bill’s place. Bill says he thinks it will take a little time for Will to accept that he has a sister. Liam adds that Will must also accept that his sister’s mom lives with Bill instead of his own mother.

At their apartment, Poppy tells Luna that she always felt that Bill was her father, but it was such a relief to find out for sure and eliminate the lingering concern that Tom might have been right. Luna asks Poppy if she knew that Tom was in Los Angeles or that he was working at Il Giordino. Poppy tells her that she and Bill went there on a date and Tom accidentally spilled water on them. She says he also delivered a pizza to the house. Luna remembers Poppy being upset and says that it makes sense now. She remembers seeing a flyer on the pizza box advertising a concert. Poppy says that’s right, and that’s when she decided to take matters into her own hands. Luna asks her mother just what she means by that.

At Forrester, Carter makes a phone call and reports that there is nothing new on the Il Giordino case. Brooke asks if the police think the deaths were accidental. Carter says they’re investigating all possibilities. Ridge says not all possibilities; they released Sheila. R.J. thinks it must have been Sheila. Katie thinks the police need to find out who is responsible for Tom and Hollis’s deaths soon; before someone else gets hurt. Carter says it may have been accidental. Katie says they should all be on guard until they know for sure. Katie says she needs to be someplace and leaves.

St Bill’s house, Liam tells Bill that Will is resilient and he’ll come around. Bill says Will is going to have to because he doesn’t intend to hide how much he is enjoying his new life with Poppy and Luna. Liam observes that having a daughter has changed Bill. Bill agrees. Liam says it’s nice to see his father happy. Bill says it is all thanks to Poppy.

At the apartment, Luna repeats that Poppy said she was taking matters into her own hands. Poppy clarifies she meant stopping him from spreading lies, not killing him! She says she told Tom that he had to stop sending letters and insisting that he was Luna’s father. She confirms to Luna that the conversation happened the same night that Tom died. Luna wonders why Poppy never told her about it. Poppy says she was protecting Luna. She didn’t want to burden Luna with the knowledge that Tom was out there, but now this backpack is mysteriously in their apartment. She speculates that Tom brought it in when everyone else was moving out, possibly wanting Luna to find it. She says all she knows for certain is that Bill is Luna’s father. Luna observes that the only person who could question that is dead. Poppy insists she had nothing to do with Tom’s death or the other man’s either. Poppy says Luna must trust and believe in her mother. She says they need to get through this like they always do. Poppy heads out to go to Bill’s house while Luna stays at the apartment.

Katie charges into Il Giordino and tells Deacon that she has questions about the deaths that happened there.

At Forrester, Brooke wonders if anyone else thought Katie seemed “off.” Carter goes to check on Katie. R.J. receives a text from Luna and says he has to leave too. Ridge tells R.J. not to forget to pick up their pizza. After R.J. exits, Ridge asks Brooke if she is leaving too. She says she is exactly where she is supposed to be.

At Il Giordino, Deacon asks Katie what she wants to know. She offers her condolences for the loss of his friends and then mentions Sheila being questioned and released. He says if she is there to accuse his wife, she can leave. She says no, she is wondering about Bill’s new girlfriend, Poppy.

Poppy goes to Bill’s house. She tells him that she has missed him. He says he has missed her too and asks how things are going at the apartment.

R.J. arrives at the apartment and sees that Luna is visibly shaken. He asks if he did something to upset her. She says she doesn’t want to keep anything from him and deal with that feeling of guilt ever again. He asks if she has done something to feel guilty about. She says not her; she is worried that someone else has. She shows R.J. the backpack and the letters and tells him that Tom believed he was her father. R.J. says he can see how that would be upsetting. She says the thing that upsets her the most is that she doesn’t know how the backpack got in her apartment. R.J. wonders if Luna suspects her mother. Luna says no, her mother would never hurt anyone, but she doesn’t know what to think.

At Bill’s house, Poppy tells Bill that being in the apartment reminded her how much she appreciates being with him. She says she doesn’t want to lose him. He says he is committed to her and their daughter.

At Il Giordino, Deacon surmises that Katie has a problem with the new woman in Bill’s life. He says Bill was a fool to let Katie get away. Katie insists that she isn’t jealous; she is concerned for Bill. She says she has a weird feeling about Poppy. Deacon says Poppy seems normal enough to him, aside from the fact that she likes Bill. Katie asks Deacon if he doesn’t find it odd that Poppy waited over twenty years to tell Bill that he might have a daughter. And the fact that they moved in with Bill so quickly is weird.

R.J. arrives at Il Giordino to pick up Ridge’s pizza and sees Katie talking to Deacon. Deacon tells Katie it might be a little weird, but he doesn’t see what it has to do with him or Hollis and Tom. Deacon’s phone rings. R.J. tells Katie about the backpack and the letters. Katie asks R.J. if she is right that Poppy killed Hollis and Tom.

At Bill’s house, Poppy holds onto Bill.

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