Beyond The Gates Transcript

Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane
I’m so proud of you, Mom. The Distinguished Service Award. I wish… I know you would have been there if you could, Kat. And that letter you sent was wonderful. More precious to me than that award. I’ll be at the next and every single award ceremony after. Best Daughter award goes to you. Need something? Oh, isn’t this dinner with the Grands night? Are you trying to get rid of me? [scoffs] Why would I do that? Would it have something to do with that table for two? Anyone I know? Starting a side hustle as a psychiatrist/psychic? Walk in depressed, walk out with the lottery numbers?
Your humor is trying to mask your desire to make me disappear, and, oh, hold on. It’s getting clearer. You’ll have a lovely night. Funny, Mom. No, I’m just looking out for you. We all know how grandmother feels
about tardiness.
Love you. Have fun, but not too much fun. ♪ ♪ ASHLEY: Okay.
Take it easy.
Mm. This is the part where you get back in bed. You know I’m all better, right? I think you want to keep me here for observation
’cause you’re crazy about me.
Firefighter Baldwin,
I am on duty.
Gonna be my night nurse?
If you’re lucky. I got a whip-smart girlfriend and I walk through fires. Damn right I’m lucky.
Now, this is what I call glorious.
Mm. Being here with you, relaxing, enjoying the finer things in life. Being able to breathe and be hopeful. The future we always dreamed of.
[door closes] Until one of our children or grandchildren disrupts things.
Hey, look who’s here.
Hi, you two.
[both laugh] Your sister will be here any minute, and then we can all sit down to a lovely family meal. What is Rowena cooking? It smells heavenly. Coq au vin.
With her famous apple tart for dessert.
Mm-hmm. Oh, I wish I could stay, but I can’t. Why not? DANI: I have a bit of business I need to attend to.
ANITA: Well, if this is taking you away from the weekly family meal, this business must be earth-shattering. We’re dying to hear. ♪ ♪ My business is mine alone, and I-I don’t want to discuss it because I’m afraid of jinxing it. But enough about me. Nicole, where are you going to display your new award? With all your honors and statuettes, you must be running out of room. This business you’re attending to wouldn’t have anything to do with Bill and Hayley, would it? DANI: They are honeymooning. Out of sight, out of mind. Naomi said she caught you looking at their photo dumps on social media. So that’s what we walked in on. It was nothing, Mother. And why is she discussing that with you?
She’s concerned. We all are.
Well, you don’t need to be. And no, to answer your question, my business has nothing to do with the Shamiltons. Fine. Fine. If-if you must know, I am this close to landing a very hot designer who shall remain nameless for Chelsea’s fashion show. All I need to do to seal the deal is go out to drinks and we’re golden.
Well, that’s exciting.
Mm-hmm. You know the fashion world. Always something afoot. Sorry you won’t be joining us. Send Rowena my regards. There’s apple tart for dessert. I wish I could reschedule, but I won’t say no to leftovers.
There won’t be any.
Good luck with your meeting.
Thanks, Mom.
I will check in tomorrow. Sissy, keep polishing those awards. And when you see Andre the next time, tell him he knocked it out of the park with that video, right? That nephew of yours, he’s got a gift. Got to fly. Love you. [sighs] ANDRE: Hey. Knock, knock.
Hey, sorry to interrupt.
ASHLEY: Andre.
Here to see your aunt? No, here to see you. So, I ran into a friend who works for the Washington Record, and she heard about your daring rescue.
She wants to do a piece about you.
That’s wonderful.
That’s awful.
What? Come on, Derek. It’ll be fun. Yeah, I volunteered to do the pictures, for that personal touch. That is so nice of you. You have to do this. I mean, you don’t care, do you, Derek? No, it really wasn’t a big deal, and I’m out of uniform, so… No, don’t even sweat it. You know, the whole Fire Guy of the Month thing
works for you.
[Ashley chuckles]
ANDRE: Smile.
[camera shutter clicks] [camera shutter clicks] DANI: Violating neighborhood rules with this tackiness? I would laugh if it weren’t so vulgar. [sighs] [gasps]
Okay. Careful.
All right. [chuckles] You got the shot you wanted? Eh, they can’t all be winners. Hey, this time, try to think about the folks who have a lot more days ahead because you decided to show up.
Let me get out of your way.
Oh, stay. It’s better with you in it.
Is that okay with you?
The closer the better.
[laughs] All right.
[camera shutter clicks]
[clears throat] [indistinct P.A. announcement] I hate this. Can you tell?
Not at all. [chuckles]
Yeah, you look great.
One more. And…
[camera shutter clicks]
DEREK: Yeah. Glad you got
what you came for.
Yeah. Uh, let me let you get back to saving lives. [Ashley chuckles] Bye, Andre.
Ooh. Are you okay? Do you need more pain meds? No, it’s not that bad. Maybe if you could just
rub my head a little?
Yeah. Here. Is that better? [both chuckle] You are going to get your picture and your story in the newspaper? That was so nice of Andre. If you say so. What’s that supposed to mean? [R&B music playing]
[chuckles] You look increíble. Tomas, I didn’t know you were here. Someone named Eva let me in. This is very sweet. Thank you so much. And please tell me Eva was on her way out?
She’s not a friend?
My mother’s personal assistant. She’s filling in until the real deal heals, but till that happy day, we’re stuck with Evil Eva. She didn’t look so sinister to me. Looks can be deceiving. She’s up to something, I know it. But my mom thinks she’s some kind of diamond in the rough.
Your mother’s very trusting.
Yeah, she’s a psychiatrist. You’d think she’d be able to see through people, but… that’s my mom for you.
Seeing the best in the ones who don’t deserve it.
Hmm. VERNON: Mighty quiet over there, Dr. Richardson. She must be having some very deep thoughts. Let her cook. Am I the only one who has doubts about Dani and this business meeting? We shouldn’t believe her? Just a few days ago, she was packing heat at her ex-husband’s wedding. She says she’s moved on, but then she’s stalking them on social media, looking at pictures of Bill’s Italian honeymoon. I guess it was too much to hope that she had gotten past it like she said. After a decades-long marriage and complete betrayal? Not likely. Might still carry a torch for that man, but at least she’s not carrying a gun.
Amen. Thank God for that.
Hmm. A-And how would she start trouble even if she wanted to? You know, Bill and Hayley are thousands of miles away. There’s that, I just… Calm yourself, Nicole. We have nothing to worry about. Dani has learned her lesson. George. Goodness, you scared
the life out of me.
I’m sorry, ma’am.
I didn’t mean to startle you.
Well, it’s good to know that Fairmont Security moves with the stealth of a cat. Uh, yeah. Well, I was just doing my rounds and noticed you coming up the driveway, so… Yes, I know, it is late for a visit. Uh, well, the thing is, Mr. Hamilton, uh, and the other Mrs. Hamilton are on their, uh… uh, well, vacation.
Yes. You can say the word.
Gotcha. Time heals all wounds. And so much that I am bringing them a wedding gift.
You don’t say.
Mm-hmm. Well, that’s mighty generous of you because I, um… Uh, well, to be blunt, I heard about what happened at the wedding. You mean when I pulled a gun on the bride and groom?
Not my proudest moment, but I’m pleased to let you know that it also was not as harrowing as they all made it seem in the media. Okay, well, that’s-that’s good to know. [chuckles] There’s absolutely nothing to worry about.
George? You’re looking at this box like I have a gun inside it. I am happy to let you know that I do not. Okay. [laughs]
All right.
It’s a bomb. [indistinct P.A. announcement] ♪ ♪ [stifled laugh] Huh. Huh… ASHLEY: Are you ever not actively flirting?
No. Not when it comes to you.
[laughs softly] ASHLEY: No, I want to know what you meant. I said it was so thoughtful of Andre to get his friend to write a story about you in the Washington Record, and you’re like, “If you say so”? Did I say that? I don’t remember. Must have been the concussion, or all the smoke inhalation. [coughs] [knocking on door] I’m not through with you. Come in. Hi. Can I help you with something? I’m looking for a young man. Well, we’ve got a few. Any in particular? Uh, that one. Uh, well, this one’s actually taken so… Uh, well, I don’t want to keep him. I’m Lucille, and I just want to thank you. Thank me? For what? For saving my baby’s life. I bring tidings of great joy. Something tells me Rowena’s ready to ring the dinner bell. My nose never lies. [chuckles] She just took the rolls out of the oven. Well, listen, can’t insult the chef by being late to the table.
I hate to do this, but…
You’re needed at the hospital. I’m sorry. One of my patients. Please tell Rowena I apologize.
I’ll save you a piece of apple tart.
Mmm. Thank you. I love you. Love you more, baby.
Be careful.
Always. [door closes] Lucky me.
Starting with dessert.
[laughs] I get you all to myself. There ain’t nothing sweeter than that. There’s more life and love in you, Mr. Dupree, than any man half your age. [chuckles] Nice to hear it. Because the way your children have been behaving lately, it’s-it’s draining, Anita. I mean, all that drama. And Dani?
Well, she’s your child.
No… Yours. Unpredictable is what she is. A bomb, did you say? Did-did you say a bomb? [laughs] The look on your face, George. Priceless. You didn’t think I was serious, did you? I’m not-not gonna lie, you got me that time, Ms. Hamilton. Uh, it’s Dupree again.
Ms. Dupree.
Ms. Dupree, and I hold absolutely no lingering feelings for Bill or the new Mrs. Hamilton.
No animosity.
Okay. [sniffles] And they have forgiven me for my stress reaction at their wedding. Well, that’s really good. All I want is a fresh start. And for them to really know how I feel about their union. And to give them something they’ll never forget. Mm. Sounds like steps in the right direction. And I want it to be the first thing that they see when they get home. So if you could just give me the code. And what code would that be, Ms. Dupree? So I could leave it inside for them,
safe and secure.
Oh… So if I were to give you that code, I could lose my job. I would never let that happen to you. You mean too much to me. To Fairmount Crest. You’re much more than an employee, George.
I hope you know that.
[sighs] After all the time that you’ve been with us and everything that you’ve done for us, you’re practically family. So, a little peace offering to the happy couple.
[clears throat]
And it’ll be our little secret. Please? [sighs]: Hmm. Oh, the little guy from the fire.
I remember him.
Hi. LUCILLE: You could hold Pooneil, but after that death-defying rescue… Uh, it really wasn’t a big deal. It was the bravest thing I’d ever seen. I-It takes a special kind of human to run into a house when the roof has seconds away from collapsing. Uh, wait, I’m sorry, come again? Seconds? You knew the roof was collapsing? LUCILLE: Yeah… This cat means the world to me. He has seen me through so many rough times. To be honest, when you saved him, you saved me. And our hero forever. DEREK: Well, just-just… doing my job, like I said. Don’t mention it. Bless you. Bless you. Thank you so much. I can explain. Good. Start. [sighs] Andre. What’s got your attention? Mind if I take a look? TOMAS: Something smells delicioso. Well, I hope you like coq au vin. My grandparents’ cook taught me how to make it. Smells like you were a good student. Well, wait till you taste it. The kitchen in my place is the size of a postage stamp. So that’s why we’re here. My parents’ place. I see. And they are joining us? Nope. They’re out for the night, so we have the place to ourselves. Here’s to a wonderful evening, then. So, what’s it like working for my former Uncle Bill? Hmm. I could tell you the truth. He’s a tough attorney who goes to the wall for his clients. Or I could say he’s impossible…
…hard to please, works the clerks to the brink of exhaustion and that he’s heartless
and unforgiving.
That’s what I want to hear.
[both chuckle] They’re both Bill. Different sides of him, I guess.
He’s complicated.
Mm-mm. It’s cut-and-dry to me. He’s selfish, small-minded and not to be trusted. You hate him. Understatement. Well, there’s at least one good thing he did recently. He gave me his blessing. [scoffs] For what? To see you. You were discussing me with him? I only told him that we’d met and that I like you. Oh. Do you? Muchísimo. You trust me, George, don’t you? Known me half my life. From Dupree to Hamilton and back again. You’re right. And my heart went out to you at that press conference. That man really did you dirty. Thanks. You know, after everything that you and your family have done for me… 8-3-9-4-2. But listen, you didn’t hear it from me. It is our little secret. You’re the best.
Night, now.
Night. [laughs softly]
[keypad beeping]
8-3-9-4-2. Voilà. [door opens] Arrivederci, Roma. Hello, U.S.A. [both chuckle] [sighs] Yeah, I’m sorry we had to cut the honeymoon short, though, babe. And that this limousine ride from Manhattan is the quickest way to get us home today. But I’ll make it up to you. You know that, right?
Hmm? I’m the wife of a very important attorney now, and I’m far from disappointed.
Mm-hmm. Despite the long ride? Yeah. We’re one step closer from making our new house a home.
Home sweet home.
Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-mm-mm. You know, most wives would be disappointed by a shortened honeymoon. Oh. Well, it’s not your fault that when a client needs help, they call the best. And I know from experience how important it is to have Bill Hamilton’s full attention
on the matter at hand.
Mm-hmm-hmm. How did I get this lucky? A wife who loves law almost as much as she loves her lawyer. Mm. You’re so incredible. And just because we’re cutting the Italian part of the honeymoon short doesn’t mean we can’t continue it on Marigold Road, babe. Huh. You know what?
You’re right.
Mm-hmm. And I’m looking forward to that. Mm. And that gives us even more time to make that beautiful house into your dream come true, Bill. Mm. [beeping]
Hmm. Should have changed your password, Bill. Old dog, new tricks. [whistling “Bridal Chorus”] What’s the big secret? Use the wrong f-stop, forget to…
…take off the lens cap? Uh… um… I-If you must know… [gasps] Andre. ANDRE: Yeah, I wanted to surprise you with it.
Do you like it?
You know I want that framed, right? [laughs softly] ANDRE: Now don’t fall in love with this one. I got a whole photo album full of all the photos from the gala. This one I want for my office, the other ones you can send along to coordinate with Eva for a drop-off. The new assistant. You know, she’s a… a promising young lady. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. And keep your hands off Ms. Thomas, please. She is sweet, smart and indispensable. And what? I’m the Big Bad Wolf? We don’t need any more broken hearts. Gotcha. And for the record, um, Eva’s just a friend. My real interest lies… …elsewhere. Did your chief give you clearance to run into that building when the roof was about to collapse? If I wait for approval, someone could die. That someone could be you, Derek. What if you’d been killed?
I wasn’t.
Why would you risk it? That’s the job. I put out fires, I rescue lives. People and, if it works out that way, animals. You know that. W-Why are you acting like this? It’s not like you to take crazy chances. Something’s eating at you. I can tell. You’re weird. [scoffs] Oh, is that your medical diagnosis? I-I’ve got terminal weirdness? Something’s off with you. If I need a shrink, I’ll call Dr. Nicole. Just be my girl. Nothing’s wrong. I was doing my job and I love what I do. Same way you feel about nursing. I’m careful, Ashley. You still haven’t answered my question about that thing you said when I said what Andre did was nice and you said, “If you say so.” What did that mean?
[phone buzzes]
[sighs] This is Ashley. Yeah, be right there. That thing I said was nothing. Get back to the job you love so much. Get some rest.
I’ll check on you later.
Okay. So, what’d you think? You make a mean coq au vin. I-I actually have a confession to make.
Should I worry?
I didn’t make the dinner. My parents cooked it. [chuckles] I was worried it was gonna be something serious.
Like what?
Yo no sé. “Tomas, you don’t hate Bill Hamilton, so I poisoned the chicken.” [laughs] “Tomas, I’m being transferred to Los Angeles, and this is the last time you’ll see me.” Oh, so, you’re worried this might be our first and last date? Wait, are you saying this is a date? Almost. Well, we had dinner and drinks, good conversation and a hint of chemistry. Hmm. What’s missing? Well, for this to truly be a well-rounded date, it has to end with a kiss. Mm-hmm. Why do we have to wait until the end? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ You look like you’re thinking about something. I was just wondering, if your kitchen is the size of a stamp, how big is your bed? Mm. You’d be surprised. I like surprises. Not tonight. Meaning we’ll have a next time? I think your chances of date number two are very, very good. But maybe after another confession. Let’s hear it. I’ve never, um…
you know…
Cooked? That’s no big deal. Look, you’re not making this easy. No, this is fun. You’ve never… dated an attorney? Oh, I’ve dated a couple. But fully dressed, w-with no briefs of any kind. [chuckles] That’s a good one. No briefs? You mean you’ve never… Never ever? [laughs softly] Huh. Does this other interest have a name? I think you have the wrong idea about me,
and the depths of my heart.
[laughs] A lothario with a heart of gold? Good luck with that. Get me those proofs. I’m on it. If it isn’t Mr. Van Der Zee.
Ah, she knows her photographers.
Mm-hmm. Hey, you think I could get a look at that video you did for Dr. Richardson and your Uncle Ted for her award ceremony?
So you heard about that?
Well, Dr. Nicole’s got a lot of fans around here. She’s always so quiet about the good that she does. We love seeing her get the recognition. Yeah, yeah– um, I got it in my phone if you have a second.
Yeah. Uh, yeah, I think I could spare a minute.
Okay. Let’s see. Which one…
I think that’s yours.
Oh. [chuckles]
There you go, babe.
Thank you. Mm-hmm. So, what was your favorite part?
Of the honeymoon?
Mm-hmm. Well, I did enjoy waking up in that hotel overlooking the Spanish Steps with our own private terrazza.
Ooh, listen to you.
Mm. Oh, and what was the name of that church with the artwork? Oh… [chuckles] You gonna have to narrow that down, babe. The one with the scary mask outside? Scary? Oh, um…
El Bocca della Verità.
Yes. The Mouth of Truth in Santa Maria, where you didn’t want to put your hand in its mouth. [laughs] I was scared.
What if he’d bitten my hand off?
[laughs] Mm-mm. Mm. Legend says you can only get your hand chomped off
if you tell a lie while your hand is in its mouth.
Mm. Or if you’re just generally shady, but you’re the truest, most honest person I know, so… Mm. Well, I guess I just don’t like taking chances.
[both chuckle]
Now, I have clients who have difficulty extricating themselves, but you, Hayley Hamilton? Mm-mm. Never.
Well, what was your favorite part? Aside from being alone with you?
Cashing in on that promise you made on our wedding night.
Bill Hamilton.
Girl. Ooh. Where’d you learn to do that? Oh, something I read, you know, but never got a chance to try.
Did you enjoy your experience? Mm-hmm, and I can’t wait to get home
so I can experience it again.
Oh. Well, why wait? Isn’t there a limousine version of the Mile High Club? Hayley. Oh, another new adventure? But you said you don’t take chances. Oh, something’s telling me that this will be worth it. Hmm. I know you can’t see through that screen up there, but, um, is it soundproof? We’ll keep it down.
Oh, okay.
Yes. [laughs] [both moaning] The 1992 Chateau de la Colere Cabernet Sauvignon. Bill and I had a bottle of you at our wedding, too. The effort and energy he put into acquiring you… Not to mention the expense. Chased you halfway around the world. Same way he did with me all those years ago. Relentless. Even had you delivered to our new home via special messenger. I always thought I’d open you after he won a landmark case or… on our 50th anniversary. But now I say, why wait to celebrate? Mmm. Mmm. Not bad, ’92. Not bad at all.
[doorbell rings] I wonder who could be at the door at this hour. One of your kids lost their keys? Or it’s one of their kids. Ms. Rowena let me in.
Come on in, George.
Sorry to disturb you so late. ANITA: Is everything all right? Uh, yes, I was just doing my rounds and I noticed that the latch on your back gate was broken.
Now, I can fix it myself or I could…
No, I’ll call the handyman in the morning.
Could I interest you in some dessert? Mmm, I wish I could, but I’m trying to watch my figure.
Oh, we have plenty. Nicole was called to the hospital and Dani had an important business meeting. You mean Miss Used-to-be-Hamilton? But I just, uh…
But what, George?
You’ve never?
Never ever.
You’re a virgin?
Yep. Wow. I mean, you’re so… You seem so…
Looks can be deceiving.
[laughs softly]
So I’ve heard.
[chuckles] That’s incredible. I’m not like a unicorn or anything. May I ask follow-up questions? I’ll decide when you’ve crossed the line. Shoot. Is this for religious reasons? Not really. Medical? Saving yourself for marriage? Right guy at the right time. I just haven’t met him yet. You have high standards. Well, when I meet the guy who’s worthy of getting to know me in that way, I’ll know. No rush. But, um… Some guys, when they hear that, they don’t know how to act. So, how about you, Tomas? Disappointed? I’ve had a wonderful night with a rare and inspiring woman. How could I possibly be disappointed? Oh, good, you’re still awake. Hey. Everything okay? Derek, I have something I need to tell you. Okay. I’m in love with Andre.
You’re what?
I’m so sorry I have to tell you like this, but I just couldn’t keep it a secret anymore. You’re serious? Yeah. She said she wanted to break the news before we took it to the next level. Got a great girl. Well, had. Wait a second. Ash, baby, talk to me. We’re moving in together. Yeah, we’re gonna adopt a cat. Andre picked the name. Yeah. We’re gonna call him Derek.
Isn’t that the cutest thing?
ANDRE: No, you are.
ASHLEY: No, you are.
You are.
[chuckles] [gasps] [panting] Oh, my gosh, Andre, this video is incredible. It’s amazing. You’re amazing. Andre.
Were you about to kiss me?
[scoffs] Uh… Do you have something to tell us about Dani, George? George? Uh, well, I was, um… [stammers] Well, no, I was just surprised that she had a meeting at this hour. It’s getting late, that’s all. Well, it’s a part of our unofficial family motto. We can rest in the afterlife. [all laugh] Are you sure I can’t offer you some dessert? Uh, I would love to, but work calls, so…
Always good to see you, George.
Thank you. And thank you for keeping Fairmont Crest safe. You know, my beautiful 1992… I don’t know which one to blame more. My ex. Or the viper. [gasps] I have the perfect solution. They can both share. [sighs] Mrs. Hamilton is full of surprises. Mm, well, you’ve had your share of run-of-the-mill vanilla. It’s nothing wrong with a little rocky road
to keep you on your toes.
[both laugh]
And we’re just getting started.
Yeah. Mm. Oh. [stammers] I think we’re almost, what, more than halfway there, I think. You know, I know we were only gone for a few days, and I loved our honeymoon, but… There’s no place like home.
Mm, yes.
[both laugh] I’m so ready. [sighs] DANI: Ugh! Well done, Chateau de la Colere. [laughs] Oh. [laughs] It’s gonna be a million-dollar hangover, but it was worth it. You’re too good for Bill Hamilton. And frankly, so was I. Let’s drink to us. Mmm. Mmm. Oh, God. [sighs] Just a little disco nap. Mmm. Yeah. [sighs] [moans] That wasn’t my idea. I literally… Save it for someone who doesn’t know what you are. I don’t want anything that belongs to you. [scoffs] Please. Just my life and everything in it. So what is it this time?
It’s Ashley.
Andre. I don’t typically go for girls who already are attached. Where does that come from? I can’t do this. We weren’t meant to be together. We should call this thing off. You need to let that go. Would you care to explain why you’re trying to tell me what to do? You want me to sue my father’s firm? You think you have that in you? I want this so bad, I could taste it. Don’t try me again, Dani. You don’t want to see what happens when you do.
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