GH Short Recap Thursday, December 12, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

The Quartermaines have a party, but everyone wants to watch the PCU-Lanview game.

Michael tells Sasha he is going to tell Willow he had a one-night stand when he found out she slept with Drew. Michael assures Sasha he will leave her name out of it.

Traci tells Ned that they need to evict Drew from the houses before he goes to Washington DC.

Carly asks Olivia if there is a problem between Michael and Willow. Olivia tells Carly that, if they do have problems, they will work it out themselves.

Alexis tells Kristina that TJ and Molly are splitting up because they are grieving in different ways. Alexis advises Kristina to make up with Molly so they can grieve the loss of the baby together. Kristina tells Alexis she isn’t sorry about what she said to Molly. Kristina tells Alexis that she is the new owner of Charlie’s Pub because Sonny gave it to her so she could have a fresh start in life.

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