Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of September 30, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Chanel Johnny and Alex


It’s strange that Johnny imagined his wife making love to another man.

The DiMera mansion must have more than one bathroom, but Chanel chose to take a shower at her mother’s place.

Abe was talking while Bonnie was shown.

Stephanie wasn’t on the phone that long with Jada, but she told Alex so much about Everett being innocent.

Stephanie’s mascara was running down her face one minute and gone the next.


Bonnie cried without any tears.

Kayla could be heard talking while Hattie was shown.


Fiona’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

Brady was at the police station, but he wasn’t handcuffed.

Eric poured a cup of coffee but there was no smoke coming out of the mug. He also walked out of Xander’s office without drinking the coffee.

Why was it so easy for people to come and go at the police station to visit Brady in the interrogation room?


Eric told Holly that Jude was sick. If that were true, he should go home to make sure he’s okay.

Did the writers decide to change Xander and Sarah’s story? He has been there for her, but Maggie made it seem like he hasn’t been there for her emotionally.

If Holly was so worried about Nicole being there for her to help her get into college, why didn’t she move to Paris with her? Holly wanted to stay in Salem, so she shouldn’t be upset that she’s not with her.


There weren’t any nurses at the hospital. The nurses’ station was completely empty when Rafe was walking around.

Gabi’s wounds healed up very quickly.

Felicity said that Chanel told her that she could leave work early. Chanel should be getting ready to shoot for the soap opera, so it’s not likely she told her that she could leave work early.

Rafe said he was tired of staring at the walls at the hospital. He just got out of the coma recently, so he wasn’t staring at the walls long.


Rafe H

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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