Days Update Friday, September 27, 2024



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Update written by Joseph

Alex goes to Stephanie’s apartment and says he just wanted to thank her for all her hard work for the photoshoot. Alex says he’ll see her tomorrow but Stephanie stops him and says that Eric just sent over some of the proofs from the shoot if he wants to stay and take a look.

Johnny joins Chanel in their bedroom. Chanel informs him that Stephanie just e-mailed her some of Eric’s proofs from the photoshoot and shows Johnny. Johnny calls the photos fantastic and says that Chanel looks gorgeous in all of them. Johnny then comes across a photo of Chanel with Alex and says even that one.

Fiona joins Sarah in her room and asks if there’s anything she can do for her. Sarah says no. Fiona mentions checking on Victoria and asks where Xander is. Sarah responds that there’s something she should know about Brady.

Xander sneaks in to Brady’s bedroom and says it looks like the drug did his job, so now all he has to do is put the gun in Brady’s hand and pull the trigger. Xander remarks that his only regret is that he won’t feel the pain or torment that he inflicted upon Sarah. Jada then arrives and questions what’s going on here. Xander claims that he came to offer Brady his support but found him passed out like this and asks what she’s doing here. Jada reveals that she just got a call from Sarah with some rather shocking information.

Alex tells Stephanie that Eric got some really great shots. Stephanie calls him a talented photographer and comments on a photo of Chanel and Alex. Alex remarks that it looks like they’re actually in love instead of hating each other’s guts. Stephanie calls that the point of acting. Alex jokes that’s why they pay them the big bucks because it can be very challenging.. Alex hopes they are happy with the photos. Stephanie assures that they will be thrilled, but she’s not sure Johnny will be.

Chanel tells Johnny that Eric did an amazing job since from the photos, you would never guess they can’t stand each other. Johnny admits he was a little thrown when he walked in and saw them getting along so well, but he was very impressed with her acting ability. Chanel suggests maybe Alex isn’t such a jerk after all and says they talked and he agrees that it’s way too soon for the love making scene which surprises Johnny. Chanel says they both just wish the head writer Leo would postpone it. Johnny says he tried talking to Leo about rewriting the script but he was having none of it. Chanel responds that she can’t believe he did that and questions why he would go behind her back like that.

Sarah informs Fiona that Xander told her that she and Brady had a fling. Fiona assures that she had no idea that Brady was Xander’s nephew nor could she have predicted he would drive drunk and cause such a terrible accident. Fiona remarks that Brady seemed like such a good man. Sarah insists that he is and he just made a terrible mistake which is why she’s so grateful that Fiona stopped Xander from attacking Brady with a baseball bat. Fiona knows Xander has a history with his temper and insists that she is appalled by what Brady did to her. Fiona adds that she and Brady are over as she wants nothing more to do with him. Sarah is sure Xander will be happy about that but says that’s not what she wanted to talk about. Sarah reveals that she decided to be proactive in preventing Xander from going through with his vigilante justice by sending the police to Brady’s house, so they should be there now.

Jada wakes Brady up and comments that he’s really wasted. Jada reveals that Sarah told her to get here right away. Xander thinks back to telling Sarah about his plan. Xander asks Jada what exactly Sarah said. Jada reveals that Sarah told her that she remembers seeing Brady behind the wheel on the night of the accident.

Fiona questions Sarah knowing now that Brady was behind the wheel on the night of the accident. Sarah claims it suddenly all came back to her and she could very clearly see Brady’s face in the driver’s seat, so she called the police to let them know she would testify to that fact and that they should get to Brady’s home immediately before someone else gets hurt.

Jada comments to Brady that it looks like he’s been drinking. Brady says he doesn’t do that anymore and insists that he’s sober. Jada tells him that she’s going to have to take him to the police station. Brady argues that he didn’t even drive home. Jada reveals that she’s arresting him for Sarah’s hit and run which pleases Xander.

Alex questions Stephanie thinking Johnny will have a bad reaction to their photos even though they were just acting. Alex adds that Johnny is going to be directing them so he’s going to have to get used to seeing them like that at some point. Stephanie notes that Alex didn’t see Johnny’s face when he walked in to the shoot and he was not happy. Alex calls that crazy, insisting they were just acting and Chanel hates his guts so there’s nothing to worry about. Stephanie says they know that but maybe it’s just hard for Johnny because he’s jealous or insecure. Alex hopes he gets over it at some point because he and Chanel were in character and that’s all. Alex admits he’s surprised that he and Chanel seemed to get along better at the photoshoot, feeling she was actually friendly and he responded in a kind way. Alex wonders if them getting along will ruin their on-screen chemistry since Abe asked him to audition after seeing he and Chanel at each other’s throats.

Johnny reminds Chanel that he’s the director so he’s allowed to confer with the head writer. Chanel questions when Johnny went to talk to Leo. Johnny questions why it matters and why she’s so upset since she even said she was unhappy with the scene and was going to call Leo herself. Chanel argues that she was going to call Leo about her scene with her character but Johnny beat her to it and went behind her back which she calls unethical. Johnny questions why she keeps saying he went behind her back, arguing that he was having her back and looking out for her. Chanel complains that he was trying to change her character’s part of the script. Johnny doesn’t understand since Chanel was just saying Alex agreed that the love scene was too soon but now he’s the bad guy for trying to have it changed. Chanel argues that it was not his place as she and Alex are the ones that have to act in the scene. Johnny reminds her that he’s the director so he has every right to talk to the writer about any scenes. Chanel remarks that they both know that’s not why he went to talk to Leo. Johnny explains that he did it because she said she was uncomfortable with the scene. Chanel argues that she and Alex decided to talk to Kate and then decided to wait. Johnny questions the wait when the scene shoots in three days. Johnny then questions if Chanel changed her mind and if her and Alex are getting along now after the photoshoot and she decided it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to have a love scene with her new co-star.

Alex thanks Stephanie for showing him the photos and says he will let her get some sleep. Stephanie suggests he get some rest too before a big day tomorrow. Alex says that’s kind of the problem which she questions. Alex says he probably shouldn’t admit it but he’s a little nervous about tomorrow, so he’s too amped to sleep. Stephanie says she gets that. Stephanie invites Alex to join her in watching one more episode of Ted before bed which Alex accepts.

Eric goes to the police station and asks Jada what’s going on as he got a call from Marlena, saying a neighbor saw her taking Brady out of the house in handcuffs. Jada confirms to Eric that she arrested Brady for Sarah’s hit and run. Eric thought EJ decided there wasn’t enough evidence. Jada reveals there’s been a new development as Sarah remembered what happened.

Fiona questions Sarah just remembering what happened tonight. Xander then walks in. Sarah informs him that she was just telling Fiona how the memory of seeing Brady behind the wheel on the night of the accident just came back to her. Xander says he just found out himself and asks Fiona to check on Victoria for him, so she exits. Xander informs Sarah that Jada just showed up at Brady’s place and told him what she told her. Sarah is relieved as she was scared that Jada wouldn’t show up in time. Xander asks for the truth as he questions if she really remembered seeing Brady. Sarah admits that she was lying as she felt she had no other choice to stop Xander from killing Brady.

Chanel tells Johnny that now she’s even more insulted if he thinks she wants to have a sex scene with Alex just because she was civil with him at the photoshoot. Johnny argues that she was totally against the scene and now it seems she’s totally cool with it. Johnny comments that he shouldn’t be surprised since Chanel had her hands all over Alex at the photoshoot and remarks that it wouldn’t be the first time. Chanel questions what that’s supposed to mean. Johnny argues that maybe it brought back memories of her last time having sex with Alex and that she decided it wouldn’t be so bad to have a recreation for the cameras. Johnny asks what’s a little simulated sex between friends. Chanel decides Johnny doesn’t deserve an explanation after that unfair explanation he came up with. Chanel tells him that she and Alex decided to wait to talk to Kate because it was getting late and they decided it would be better to wait until the next day. Chanel tells Johnny to think what he wants because she already feels disrespected, so he might as well double down.

Alex talks to Stephanie about the episode of Ted and relates to hs own acting, but Stephanie falls asleep next to him on the couch. Stephanie dreams about being with Alex and then wakes up in a panic. Alex comments that she was obviously dreaming. Stephanie claims there was a peacock in her dream which Alex credits to watching Ted on Peacock. Alex asks if Stephanie was dreaming about Ted. Stephanie says no, but Alex says whatever she was dreaming about seemed intense as she was mumbling but he couldn’t make out what she was saying. Alex then asks Stephanie what she was dreaming about.

Xander tells Sarah that he thought it was a bit of a coincidence that she suddenly remembered seeing Brady, just in time to send the cops over, but admits he’s a little surprised that she was able to bring herself to lie to the police, given how she reacted when he suggested doing it. Sarah complains that he gave her no choice and asks if he thought she would just go home and go to bed after he told her that he was going to murder Brady, then make it look like a suicide. Xander argues that it was the only way to get justice for what he did to her. Sarah says apparently not since she came up with a better solution. Sarah realized that if she just remembered seeing Brady behind the wheel, then the police would have no choice but to arrest him while Brady wouldn’t die, Xander wouldn’t go to prison for murder, and they could get the justice he’s been seeking. Sarah calls it the only way to save Xander and Brady both. Sarah declares that she will have to live with the lie, but that’s better that having to live without Xander.

Eric enters the interrogation room to visit Brady. Eric doesn’t understand how Brady could drink again after everything that has happened. Brady insists that he didn’t, reminding Eric that he was with him at the Pub, but when he got home, he started feeling it. Eric asks if nothing happened in between leaving the Pub and going home. Brady mentions that he did run in to this guy in the town square, who said he recognized him with an AA meeting but he had never seen him before. Brady remembers when Brian shook his hand, it cut his hand with his ring, noting that it hurt and was pretty sharp. Brady adds that he went straight home afterwards and recalls Tate accusing him of drinking and helping him to bed. Brady says the next thing he remembers was Jada waking him up. Brady recalls that Jada was talking to someone which he’s pretty sure was Xander.

Xander tells Sarah when Jada burst in to Brady’s room, he thought for a second that maybe she ratted him out. Sarah admits that the thought crossed her mind, but she realized she couldn’t do that to him so she realized all she could do was call Jada and hope that she made it in time to stop him. Xander asks what if Jada walked in as he was putting the gun in Brady’s hand. Sarah calls it a risk she had to take.

Alex tells Stephanie that she was smiling during her dream and asks what it was about. Stephanie claims it was about a stuffed animal she had when she was a kid, like Ted. Stephanie states that in the dream, she was about to take him to bed but it never got that far.

Johnny apologizes to Chanel and says he doesn’t want to fight with her about this. Chanel argues that it seems like he does. Johnny says he was an idiot which Chanel agrees with. Johnny admits that when he walked in on Chanel and Alex with their hands all over each other, it made his head explode and he couldn’t help but think about Chanel and Alex having sex in the past. Chanel insists that they were just giving Abe and Kate promotional photos and she was just doing her job. Johnny gives in that she’s right. Chanel argues that what her and Alex was doing was fake, but how pissed off she is at Johnny is real. As they get in bed, Johnny tells her that he really is sorry. Johnny brings up Chanel’s first scenes being tomorrow and says he knows she’s going to kill it. Chanel says she has to be in early, so she’ll see him on set and turns away to sleep.

Alex tells Stephanie that he should try to go sleep and thanks her for hanging out. Stephanie assures that she wouldn’t miss being on set tomorrow. Alex says it will be nice having her there for moral support. Stephanie says that’s what friends are for as Alex says goodnight and then exits.

Fiona goes back to Xander and Sarah’s room but stops outside the door when she hears Sarah telling Xander that she doesn’t feel good about lying to the police. Sarah adds that she hates having Brady arrested on false pretenses but there’s no doubt in her mind that he’s guilty. Sarah comments on framing an innocent man. Xander argues that Brady confessed and knows what he’s done. Sarah tells Xander that Brady is going to pay for what he’s done now, so he can stop his one man crusade to get her justice. Xander assures that all he wanted was for the person that hurt her to get what they deserve. Fiona remains listening from outside the door.

Brady remains in the interrogation room as Eric steps out to talk to Jada. Eric tells Jada that Brady is sobering up and questions Xander being there when she took Brady in to custody. Jada confirms that Xander was in there when she walked in. Eric asks if he said why. Jada says that Xander said he came to talk to Brady but found him out cold. Jada then gets call and steps away to answer while Eric wonders why Xander was really there.

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