Days Update Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Johnny finishes his call with EJ at the DiMera Mansion. Chanel asks how he’s doing. Johnny responds that amazingly, EJ wasn’t hurt and Gabi sustained a few minor injuries but will be okay. Chanel says that Connie deserves to be in a straitjacket in a padded room. They talk about the condition of the house being okay. Johnny says they might have to restock the wine cellar. They talk about a restaurant they were at in Italy on the night they got married the first time. Johnny tells her that every occasion is special with her and they kiss. Chanel is happy they don’t have to move out because she could use some rest since tomorrow, she’s shooting her first scenes with Alex.

Alex and Bonnie sit together in the town square. Bonnie talks about how exciting it is for them to be shooting their first show and Alex is playing her son. Bonnie hopes Justin is negotiating his contract too. Bonnie talks about Kate trying to lowball her but says Justin is making sure she gets every penny she’s worth.

Justin is with Kate at the Body and Soul office. Justin explains that Bonnie is asking for an additional week’s vacation and to increase her rate which he thinks is reasonable. Justin asks Kate if they have a deal.

Abe goes to Stephanie’s apartment. Stephanie says she was just working on the Body and Soul press release, announcing them shooting their first episode. Abe says he came by to discuss something else that has to be done tonight.

Leo sits in his room at the Salem Inn, working on his Body and Soul script while talking about how much he loves the characters until Hattie shows up at his door. Leo asks if she shouldn’t be learning her lines. Hattie says she was at home but she needed to come talk to him and tells him that all of the scripts need to be completely rewritten which Leo questions. Hattie explains that she read all the scripts and put frowning faces on the ones she didn’t like and smiling faces on the ones she kind of liked, but then questioned how she would memorize them. Hattie then said she wouldn’t worry as they would all be rewritten. Leo questions what is wrong with her scenes. Hattie complains that Cassandra has too much of the storyline compared to her character, Charlemagne, and argues that she is the star of the show, so she should have most of the dialogue. Hattie warns that the audience will turn on the show if that’s not fixed. Leo questions her wanting him to rewrite all the scripts so that she has more dialogue. Hattie feels she’s doing him a favor since it would be improving the show and putting Bonnie in her place. Leo senses a rivalry between them. Hattie confirms there is ever since Bonnie became a super diva.

Alex asks Bonnie about Justin negotiating to get her a better deal. Bonnie guarantees that Justin will get her everything she asked for. Alex brings up the phrase that you can’t get blood from a stone, reminding Bonnie that the show is on a very tight budget. Bonnie argues that it’s a big production and that Body and Soul is a household brand so they have money to spend. Bonnie remarks that Kate will fold like a cheap lawn chair.

Kate tells Justin that she thinks they have a deal. Justin calls that fantastic and presents Kate the contract to sign, but Kate responds that the deal is to tell Bonnie to accept the original terms or they will find a new Cassandra.

Stephanie asks Abe what is so important that it has to be done tonight. Abe brings up Stephanie’s suggestion to do a cast photoshoot before the relaunch to go across social media and magazines. Stephanie remembers Abe telling her that they didn’t have enough money in the budget, so they couldn’t afford to do it. Abe responds that’s no longer the case. Stephanie asks if they found another investor. Abe reveals that he ran in to Eric today. Stephanie didn’t know he was in town. Abe says he’s in town to support Brady and that Eric very kindly offered to do the photoshoot pro-bono, so he scheduled it for tonight. Stephanie says that’s great and decides she should help wrangle the actors. Stephanie comments that their show has no shortage of larger than life characters.

Leo works over the script with Hattie and says he wants her to be happy, but he can’t just make changes as any rewrites need to be submitted and slows things down. Hattie argues that he should tell that to Bonnie and claims that she’s been making changes. Leo argues that no one told him and questions why anyone is making changes when they haven’t even started shooting yet. Hattie argues that Bonnie is while Leo says he doesn’t have time to make any changes that haven’t been approved. Hattie complains that they have to get their first week of relaunch right. Leo agrees to see what he can do but says he’s not making any promises.

Bonnie practices her lines with Alex. Alex praises her as a great actress. Bonnie mentions having all of her lines memorized already. Alex wishes he could say the same, but says what he’s really worried about is working alongside Chanel which Bonnie questions. Alex explains that they are supposed to be playing this hot, young couple crazy in love but in reality, there’s more than just tension between them.

Johnny asks Chanel about really dreading working with Alex. Chanel says he’s the last person on earth that she wants to spend 12 hours a day with after what happened with Allie. Johnny insists that’s all in the past and everything worked out for the best since Allie seems happy in her new life and Chanel does as well. Chanel assures that she is while Johnny calls himself the luckiest man on the planet as they kiss. Johnny reminds her that part of the reason she accepted the job was to spend every day with him. Chanel says she is grateful for that while Johnny jokes about getting to tell her what to do. They kiss until their phones go off with an e-mail from the studio. Johnny says it looks like last minute changes for the script and more pages have been added for tomorrow with Chanel and Alex. Chanel is shocked to learn that her and Alex’s characters, Faith and Arrow, are to have sex. Chanel argues that she was under the impression that they were star-crossed lovers while everything gets in the way and she thought the point was that they don’t have sex. Johnny says it wasn’t supposed to happen for months. Chanel complains that now it’s this week and she can’t believe she has to have a love scene with Alex right off the bat. Johnny points out that he has to direct it.

Bonnie questions Alex about Chanel blaming him for her and Allie’s breakup. Alex admits she has a slight reason to. Bonnie asks if Alex and Allie were together again after the threesome. Alex tells her to keep quiet since they are in Salem. Bonnie advises Alex to channel that emotion in to his performance in the tension with Chanel. Alex doesn’t think Faith should want to knee Arrow in the groin if she loves him. Bonnie talks about they can’t be together and that being the tension. Bonnie should feels they should see Arrow longing for Faith and encourages Alex to dig down deep to channel that heartbreak. Alex remarks that Bonnie has an innate sense for acting. Bonnie credits Johnny for telling her not to hold back in her audition. Bonnie insists that it turned out she has talent and that Justin will make sure Kate sees exactly that. Justin then arrives so Bonnie excitedly greets him and asks how it went. She asks if he had Kate begging for mercy but Justin says not exactly.

Abe joins Kate at the office and tells her that Stephanie is ready to organize the whole photoshoot. Kate questions if Eric is going to show up but Abe confirms that he texted with him. Kate informs Abe that Justin came by to revise Bonnie’s contract but she made it clear that was a no go.

Bonnie complains that Justin promised to get her a better deal. Justin apologizes and says Kate was adamant that the original deal was final, so he assumed she didn’t want to walk away. Bonnie confirms she doesn’t and feels like the character Cassandra is now a part of her, so she will take the deal because the show must go on. Hattie joins them and presents her stack of rewritten scripts. Bonnie questions all the changes, including Charlemagne pushing Cassandra in to her own birthday cake and Charlemagne hiring Cassandra as her intern. Bonnie questions who made these changes. Hattie says not to look at her as she didn’t do it, the head writer does. Hattie tells Bonnie that if she’s having problems, she should talk to Leo, who then comes out from the Salem Inn.

Chanel tells Johnny that she needs to talk to Leo and tell him that it’s way too soon for Faith and Arrow to be sleeping together. Chanel then gets a text from Stephanie about the last minute photoshoot with the entire cast of Body and Soul right now.

Stephanie joins Abe and Kate at the office and says that everyone is on their way to the studio for the photoshoot. Eric then arrives and greets them. Kate tells Eric how much they appreciate him doing this for them. Abe wishes they had enough money to pay him what he’s worth. Eric tells them not to worry as he’s just glad he could help as he knows how much Body and Soul means to them all. Eric jokes to remember him in their Emmy speech. Eric notes that the photoshoot seems pretty straightforward.

Bonnie questions Leo butchering the script to make her look like a buffoon and a doormat. Leo points out that it’s technically Cassandra and not her. Bonnie and Hattie then get the text abou the photoshoot. They say they are ready for their close up. Justin wishes Bonnie luck and tells her to have fun as he walks away. Bonnie offers Alex a ride and asks Hattie if she’s coming. Leo stops Hattie and argues that he did her several favors and she threw him under the bus. Hattie remarks that’s showbiz and says it’s always the writer that takes the blame. Hattie then goes to join Bonnie and Alex.

Leo returns to his room at the Salem Inn, complaining that he tried to be helpful and this is the thanks he gets. Johnny then shows up at his door and says he was just reading the rewrites on the Faith and Arrow love scene which Leo calls pretty steamy. Leo goes over what he was thinking and says he doesn’t know how to tell Johnny how to do his job because even an amateur can make Alex look on fire. Johnny thinks it’s a little too soon for them to be having sex. Leo argues that all of his favorite movies have wild sex scenes in the first 6-7 minutes. Johnny says he’s talking about this story on this show and quotes Agnes Nixon in that you have to make them laugh, cry, and wait but Leo doesn’t care. Johnny asks Leo if he would consider rewriting that scene. Leo calls it an important and pivotal scene so he refuses, declaring no more rewrites.

Stephanie talks to Kate about finishing the photoshoot tonight as Hattie and Bonnie arrive. Kate tells them they are up first but Bonnie wants a word with Kate first, arguing that Leo has gone rogue and asks if she’s seen all the rewrites. Hattie argues that they have to get going, so Stephanie takes Bonnie to wardrobe.

Abe finds Justin in the town square and tells him that he’s very sorry about the Bonnie contract situation, but Kate is in charge of everything going in to the budget and she doesn’t allow any wiggle room. Justin says it’s been a few years since Abe was on the police force and guesses he never forgets how to do good cop, bad cop. Abe supposes that’s right and says they would like to give everyone a big raise if they had the money. Abe believes they should pay everyone their worth. Justin calls that very good of him. Abe states that when the show gets on the air and becomes a big hit, then they can revisit the Bonnie contract situation.

Bonnie gets dressed for the photoshoot. Stephanie and Kate praise her as looking stunning as Cassandra. Eric directs her to just be herself in character for the photoshoot. Eric takes photos of Bonnie, encouraging her until Hattie arrives wearing the same dress. Hattie and Bonnie question what they are wearing. Bonnie calls it ridiculous and tells Hattie to go change but she refuses. Bonnie declares that Hatttie won’t steal her thunder and demands that she take the dress off but Hattie still refuses. Bonnie and Hattie then begin fighting as Stephanie, Kate, and Eric watch in shock. Chanel arrives for the photoshoot and Kate tells her that she looks perfect. Chanel comments on the clothing rack while Stephanie brings her over to Eric for the photoshoot. Eric directs Chanel to just be natural. Alex then arrives, so Chanel tries to leave but Kate wants pictures of them together.

Leo lays in bed, wondering if he should order a Gloria Estefan onesie. Bonnie then shows up at his door and argues that she knows Hattie put him up to the changes. Leo claims he did it himself since he is the head writer and has the power. Bonnie argues that the success of the show stops with him if he lets Hattie bully him in to ruining her character, because if he does, she quits. Leo argues that she can’t do that. Bonnie says she will unless he undoes the rewrites right now.

Eric directs Alex and Chanel’s photoshoot, having Alex look in to Chanel’s eyes and put his arm around her. Chanel asks if Alex saw the rewrites about their characters having sex. Alex agrees that it’s a little rushed and was thinking about asking Abe and Kate to pull it back a bit. Eric directs Chanel to look in to Alex’s eyes and act like she wants him to hold her closer as Stephanie and Kate watch on. Chanel admits to Alex that she’s a bit surprised. Alex asks if she thought he would jump at the chance to pretend jump her bones, remarking that he may have been a player in real life but this is acting and what’s on the screen isn’t real. Alex adds that it only matters that the audience thinks it’s real. Kate then requests that Alex remove his leather jacket.

Hattie runs in to Abe in the town square and tells him that he has to fire Bonnie, because she can’t even act which Abe questions. Hattie declares it’s Bonnie or her.

Eric continues taking photos of Chanel and Alex, calling it perfect and sexy. Kate remarks that it’s not sexy enough and directs Chanel to put her hand on Alex’s chest, so they can see the heat between them. Johnny then arrives and sees them together as Eric encourages them being sexy.

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