Days of Our Lives Best Lines
Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl
Xander (to Justin): Well, if it isn’t my traitorous cousin. Just so you know, I’m going to be at Brady’s arraignment.
Ava: Am I uh, consorting with a wanted fugitive?
Brady: Really not in the mood for that.
Ava: Sorry, not funny. I know. I’m sorry. Home? I thought you’d be in jail.
Brady: I should be. Apparently confessing to a crime isn’t enough to get you there.
Justin: Xander seemed pretty upset. I should probably sleep with one eye open tonight huh?
Maggie: Well, I’m sure he’ll calm down. Although it couldn’t hurt to start locking your door just in case.
Melinda (Connie had trouble cutting her food): You know I could help you with that.
Connie: Even on your best day, do you think I’m that stupid?
Johnny (to EJ): You slept with Gabi?! Were you trying to start World War 3?
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