Y&R Transcript Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Abby: My phone rings in the middle of the night and it’s my mom telling me that she’s checking herself into a psychiatric clinic in France to treat her dissociative identity disorder. And no one bothered to tell me about it? This is the first that I’ve heard of it?

Billy: I– I didn’t know about this hospital. I knew nothing about that until Jack actually called me as he was boarding a plane to go visit her.

Abby: I am her daughter.

Billy: I know, Abby. I’m sorry. It must’ve been brutal to find out about your mother, about what’s been going on with her in this way.

Abby: I mean I– I can’t believe she’s been struggling like this and I had no idea. I mean, I should’ve been there for her. I need to be with her now.

Billy: Is she seeing visitors at this point?

Abby: Of course, she told me not to come, but I don’t care. I’m leaving as soon as I can.

Billy: Yeah, I understand that. You just wanna be with her.

Abby: As much as I hate that my mom didn’t share any of this with me, what really infuriates me is that my family didn’t bother to tell me about it. And that includes you.

Claire: Okay, I put flowers in the bedrooms and… Oh, I stocked the kitchen with their favorite snacks and breakfast options.

Victoria: How did you even know what to get?

Claire: I may have asked a cook up at the main house.

Victoria: Look, you are their big sister. You’re not their nanny. So you don’t have to take care of them. That’s my job. Although, I’m sure they’re gonna resist any mothering attempts on my part anyway.

Claire: Right. ‘Cause Johnny’s entered the teen years. And Katie’s only 11, but she probably acts older because she copies her older brother.

Victoria: You’ve been reading up on your adolescent development, haven’t you?

Claire: I just wanna be prepared.

Victoria: Well, then you should know that Katie considers herself a teenager already, and, uh, we all just have to go along with that.

Claire: Got it. No hovering.

Victoria: Hey, you know what? It’s gonna be okay.

Claire: I just want them to feel welcome in their new home and not mind that some strange new sister is a part of it.

Daniel: Hey.

Heather: Hi. Hi, hi. Um, don’t you want a coffee?

Daniel: Uh, I better not. I’m already too on edge.

Heather: Okay, well, you have absolutely nothing to be nervous about. You have creative passion and justice on your side. And please do not forget, we are in the right.

Daniel: Yeah, well, you know, I appreciate the pep talk, but I really don’t see this as black and white, you know, battle of good versus evil.

Heather: Well, it’s an arbitration, but that doesn’t mean we’re not gonna fight.

Daniel: It’s a suit that I filed against Chancellor-Winters. A place that gave me a break when I needed one. Badly.

Heather: Is that what’s got you bothered? Or is this about facing Lily today?

Devon: So, do our chances look good?

Deirdre: The arbitrator is known to side with big business.

Nate: Pair that with the ironclad contract Daniel signed, and I’d say we’re in excellent shape.

Deirdre: Not to be overly confident, but they don’t stand a chance.

Devon: Hm, well, that’s exactly what we wanna hear. Right? Right, Lily?

Billy: You’re right. We did keep that from you. And that was a choice.

Abby: How could you?

Billy: Look, we knew something was going on with your mom, okay? But we didn’t wanna worry you until we had a better understanding of what that was. On top of that, your mom asked us not to say anything.

Abby: Yeah. There always seems to be some convenient excuse why no one in my family tells me anything. Not just the Abbotts, the Newmans too. It’s actually quite amazing how often that happens.

Billy: I don’t think that’s exactly fair.

Abby: No, fair– fair would be treating me like the adult that I am. Not someone that can’t handle upsetting news. Like a fragile little child.

Billy: You’re not that, and we know that.

Abby: Then why didn’t it occur to anyone that I would wanna be there for my mom? That maybe I could be helpful to her?

Billy: It just wasn’t our call to make, Abby.

Abby: Oh, please, that’s not an excuse, okay? Apparently, my mom has been dealing with blackouts and fending off alternate personalities for months now. But yet it was too soon to fill me in? No, maybe you’re the ones who let this go too far. Maybe if I had been involved, maybe I would’ve fought to get her the help that she needed before it had gotten this bad.

Billy: I get it. I do. And I’m not trying to pass the blame here, but Jack and Traci, they were in the thick of this with– with your mom, okay? And it’s… They were holding on to the information.

Abby: And that must have been hard for them, having to navigate all of this on their own. But think about my mom and how terrified she must have been, not knowing what was going on.

Billy: Let’s not make this worse about… Worrying about how it all went down, okay?

Abby: Oh, my God.

Billy: What?

Abby: Oh, my God. Um… I just realized that, um… Tucker warned me that my mom was in trouble, and I thought he was just insinuating himself back into her life, trying to be the center of attention, but… Tucker knew what was going on with my mom before I did.

Victoria: I know that you’re nervous to meet your siblings. It’s totally understandable. But, I mean, don’t forget, you’ve had video calls with them.

Claire: Yeah, they’ve seen me on a screen, but in person, it’s different. They’re coming back to a whole new home, one that I’ve been living in before them. How’s that gonna make them feel?

Victoria: That is true, but the ranch itself is like a second home to them. And they are gonna feel welcome because of all of the things on that list of yours and the special little touches that you’ve put around the house to make them feel happier to be back.

Claire: I’ve been living in their space and monopolizing your time. It’s huge to them. A new home and a new sister that they never knew they had?

Victoria: But, Claire, you’re a part of this family now. They’re not gonna see you as an intruder. I promise you that. Let’s not forget, you’re amazing with kids, okay? They’re gonna adore you.

Claire: If you think so.

Victoria: I know so.

Heather: You can’t look at this as an attack against Lily. This is simply about asking for what’s rightfully yours.

Daniel: Not according to the contract I signed.

Heather: You were terminated for personal reasons. And when you made a very reasonable request to hang on to an important piece of intellectual property, the decision to deny you was punitive and that mitigates any contractual agreement. The arbitrator will see that.

Daniel: Because you’re a great lawyer.

Heather: Fighting for what you deserve.

Daniel: This– this is more than a legal argument. I mean, it means so much more to– to all of us. You know, we’re not just advocating for my right to a game. We’re defending our affair.

Heather: Well, hopefully it doesn’t come to that.

Daniel: And if it does?

Heather: Then, I am ready for whatever their lawyer throws at us.

Daniel: I don’t know if I am. I’m gonna have to go there, I’m gonna have to see Lily and say that I deserve all of these things, when– I mean, let’s face it. I cheated on her.

Heather: Okay, I’m gonna do my best to make sure they don’t put you on the spot. Let me take their fire. I am– I’m good at this. This is what I do. Okay, and this isn’t just a job. I really, I believe in you, Daniel. I believe what you are fighting for.

Daniel: Of course. You know, and I trust you to handle this the right way. I just– I hate that it’s come to this.

Heather: Yeah, well, there’s no turning back now.

Daniel: Maybe there is.

Devon: You’ve been a little quiet.

Lily: Well, I don’t really feel like celebrating our upper hand at the moment.

Devon: I know this is probably gonna be difficult for you to have to relive your breakup with Daniel through the whole thing, but Nate and I are here to support you.

Nate: And given how much we have in our favor here, maybe the arbitration will go quickly.

Deirdre: That’s my goal.

Devon: Which would be great. That way we can put it behind us and hopefully avoid any more public damage.

Lily: Yeah, totally painless.

Devon: Nobody says it’s gonna be painless, but what can we do to help you feel better about it?

Lily: Uh, we’ll see you at the office, Deirdre.

Deirdre: Thanks.

Lily: I was up all night thinking about it, and I don’t think that arbitration is the answer.

Heather: I– I don’t know what you expect me to do at this late date. Besides, they– they’re the ones who pushed us to this position.

Daniel: I know. I– I told you that Lily said she would consider the possibility of a compromise.

Heather: Right, with absolutely no indication from the lawyer at Chancellor-Winters about wanting to cut a deal whatsoever. I mean, she’s been the one who fast-tracked this. I personally thought it would’ve taken weeks, if not months.

Daniel: I don’t know if I can move forward with it.

Heather: You have cold feet. That’s– that’s what’s going on. It’s normal because you have to face Lily, but you gotta trust me, Daniel. I am going to make this as painless as possible.

Daniel: This is– this is more than just a case of last-minute jitters. Look, I have been over this in my head. I– I thought that getting Princess Louisa ˯ back was gonna bring me some kind of sense of relief and satisfaction, but she netted the game. It’s just, after everything that’s happened, it’s tainted to me now.

Heather: Please don’t say that. You made it for our daughter.

Daniel: I did. And it still represents all of the love I have for her and for our family, but it is also– it has become a pawn in this battle that I’m fighting with Lily because I hurt her. And she retaliated. I mean, that’s why we’re here now. And now, every time I think of the game, that’s what I’m gonna think of.

Heather: Daniel, I love you, but you can’t let this conflict color things like that.

Daniel: Listen, the game has served its purpose. It brought Lucy y ba to me. It brought you back to me. And that is more than I could’ve ever hoped for. But now it also represents the pain that I caused Lily.

Heather: I don’t know what you’re saying, so… what do you wanna do?

Daniel: Let it go. We move on from this. I mean, I can feed on the happiness that we found to create something new.

Lily: I wanna offer Daniel a compromise in addition to his severance package.

Devon: What kind of compromise?

Lily: I wanna let him keep Princess Louisa.

Nate: But we’re hours away from going to arbitration. And you heard our lawyer. She says it’s a slam dunk. We get to keep our IP and refute their wrongful termination claim.

Lily: Yeah, I know. I know.

Devon: So, why would we give them a deal?

Lily: Look, I– I told you I was having a change of heart, you know, and I wanted to consider a compromise.

Devon: No, I know, but like he just said, this is really last minute. And this whole thing has been about keeping a hold of the crown jewel of OmegaSphere, and now you just wanna let it go.

Nate: You heard Deidre. She firmly believes Daniel has no claim to it.

Lily: No, I know, and– and she’s right. The contract says that. But, look, I’ve had time to calm down, and I know that I was reacting emotionally when I fired Daniel and Heather. And I was just so focused on winning and so angry that I ignored what you both and Billy said when you were trying to talk me out of it.

Devon: Yeah, but I backed you up on it and–

Lily: No, I know, and I– I appreciate that. I do. But you were right, you know? I’m gonna be painted as vindictive in the press, and we just– We don’t need any more drama. You know, we have bigger battles to fight. Look, this is what I wanna do. I wanna put my energy where it’s needed most. So, do you both agree?

Claire: Last thing on my list. I got them gifts.

Victoria: Oh, you didn’t need to do that, Claire.

Claire: Well, they’re only little, and they might actually be too silly. Can I get your opinion?

Victoria: Yeah, of course.

Claire: So, for Johnny, I got him a red earbud case. He can never seem to find his when we’re gonna do a call, and I know he likes the color ’cause it’s all over his dorm.

Victoria: Yes, red is his absolute favorite color, and you’re right, he’s always losing those things. It’s like the perfect gift.

Claire: Great, and then I got a soccer ball charm for Katie’s bracelet. I noticed it in a photo. I hope she still wears it.

Victoria: Oh, she does, on special occasions, yeah. My mother bought that for her when she was born. It’s really thoughtful of you.

Claire: Great, then I will go wrap them.

Victoria: Okay. [ knock on door ] Coming.

Cole: Hey there.

Abby: Tucker told me I should check in on my mom, but I– I thought that he was just butting in. I thought he was trying to make it seem like he knew my mom better than me.

Billy: He did insert himself into the situation. One of the nights at the Abbott house, he showed up unannounced. I actually tried to kick him out.

Abby: And were you successful?

Billy: Well, eventually he left, but that was the first time that we heard from Tucker that your mom referred to herself in third person.

Abby: Oh. And you didn’t bother to do anything about it?

Billy: Abby, we tried. We tried hard, trust me, but she fought us on it. It’s a little tough to explain, but she had a counterargument for every concern that we had. We were overreacting and she was totally in control. And it didn’t help that the biggest concern was coming from Tucker on the heels of Ashley’s accusations about the way that he treated her in Paris, so don’t feel bad about blowing him off because we all did.

Abby: This whole time, we were blaming Tucker for what was going on with my mom, but in reality, he wasn’t at fault.

Billy: No, no, no. I wouldn’t go that far at all. That guy does not get a free pass. I mean, he played plenty of mind games with your mom. I mean, he left their marriage because she wouldn’t walk away from her family. As far as I’m concerned, your mother’s pain and suffering, most of that is because of Tucker.

Cole: Is this a bad time? Are the kids here yet?

Victoria: No, their plane hasn’t landed yet, so come in.

Cole: Oh, okay, all right. So, uh, hm, I figured Claire would be here to greet them.

Victoria: Yeah, she’s upstairs wrapping a couple of gifts for them. Between you and me, she seems pretty nervous.

Cole: And how about you?

Victoria: Well… when Claire said that she was worried about Johnny and Katie, thinking that she was interloping, I denied it, but between you and me, um… I don’t know. I’m not certain how this is all gonna go.

Cole: Hm. So, that’s a pretty huge change.

Victoria: Yes, it is. It’s– it’s a huge change, and kids can be so unpredictable at this age.

Cole: And maybe territorial?

Victoria: It might be a little threatening. You know, that Claire has been living here, helping to get our new home set up while the kids have been away at boarding school. Maybe I’ve been giving her more attention than I’ve been giving them.

Cole: Even if they feel that way, it’s not true. And they’re gonna realize that. You know, from everything that I’ve heard about them, Johnny and Katie were raised with unconditional love. And it’s that love that they carry with them every day. And they’re gonna be reminded of that the second they see their mom’s face.

Victoria: How do you do that? How do you just calm me down like that? And I don’t know what you do or what you say, but it works every single time.

Cole: I don’t even think about it. I just call it like I see it. Because I believe in you.

Abby: What really gets me is that when I think back on the past few months, there have been several times when I felt like my mom wasn’t acting like herself.

Billy: How so?

Abby: Well, she was distracted, dismissive of me. And then, she came in here with Alan and she was acting very flirtatious. I thought, “Well, hey, maybe it’s a good thing. Maybe she’s finally moved on, and she’s interested in someone other than Tucker.” But when I think about it, that was– It was very out of character.

Billy: I had a few run-ins with her myself where she seemed off. Look, we tried to do everything we could. We actually had a little mini intervention as well.

Abby: And you didn’t include me?

Billy: It was impromptu. It really was. It was the night that I kicked Tucker out of the house. And she agreed to go get some help, and the next day Traci brought her there, and then she ended up bolting. She said that this attention wasn’t necessary and that she was totally fine.

Abby: Well, if I were there, I wouldn’t have let her leave.

Billy: I’m really sorry, Abby. I personally apologize for how this was handled. But what’s done is done, okay? So, let’s focus on the good news. Your mom is doing better. She’s accepted her diagnosis. She’s in a safe place, surrounded by doctors that really know how to help her deal with this.

Abby: Yeah. My mom is tough. But what she’s going through is terrifying, not just for her, but for the people who love her. So, I need to make up for lost time and I’m gonna be there for her. I’m gonna fly to Paris. I’m gonna leave as soon as I can, just to be nearby for when she’s ready to see me.

Billy: I think she would love that.

Abby: Well, I’m not so sure about that. She told me not to worry that she’s got this, but I don’t know. I’m not giving her a choice. [ cell phone buzzes ]

Billy: Sorry. My notifications are set to let me know when Johnny and Katie’s flight is about to land.

Abby: Oh, yes. I’m sure you and my sister are very excited to have them home for the summer.

Billy: I can’t wait. I miss them like crazy and I just hope that this reunion is drama-free. I’m taking them to the Tack House and they’re gonna meet Claire for the first time.

Abby: Oh, wow, that’s a big family moment.

Billy: Yeah, it is.

Abby: You’re facing things on all fronts.

Billy: Yeah, you have no idea. Wish me luck, okay?

Abby: Yes.

Billy: Bye.

Devon: Well, listen, I mean, I can clearly see how much this means to you. I think we’re on the same page.

Nate: I agree. How you deal with Daniel should be your decision.

Lily: Thank you.

Devon: I am surprised, though, that you’d wanna let those two off the hook like that.

Lily: No, this isn’t about Daniel and Heather. This is for the good of the company. It’s just time to move on.

Nate: Look, I don’t want to fight you on this, but I do wanna reiterate that OmegaSphere is strong. All of our games are performing well, especially Princess Louisa.

Lily: Yeah, which is why I think we can afford to do this. The developer we hired to replace Daniel has a ton of ideas for new games, so I don’t think that losing Princess Louisa˯ will be debilitating. And look, we already have enough conflict at Chancellor-Winters. We don’t need any more. I just wanna solve this battle once and for all so we can finally move on. ,li, stwe, llOk: ay I hear everything that you’re saying, but we just gotta make sure it’s what you really want. ‘Cause, you know, the second that we release the game to Daniel, we can’t get it back.

Lily: I know, and I’m sure.

Devon: Okay.

Lily: Look, I mean, Princess Louisa˯ brought Daniel back into my life, and he broke my heart, and this is a painful reminder of that.

Devon: Okay, then we let it go.

Lily: Thank you. And I do believe that the platform we built is stronger than one game.

Nate: That’s true, and it’s still in the early stages, in the scheme of things. Um, we can grow it even more.

Lily: Yeah, and that’s all that matters, is keeping our asset and our company strong. [ cell phone buzzes ] It’s Daniel. He wants to meet one-on-one, says it’s important.

Devon: There’s no reason to meet him now, right? Especially not in person.

Lily: Well, no, I mean, I want this done, so if I can solve this with him directly, then great.

Nate: Well, why not let one of us come with you?

Lily: Uh, thank you, but, um, I’ve got this. Bye. I’ll see you later.

Devon: See ya. [ Nate sighs ]

Devon: Well, uh, that is not how I thought today was gonna go at all.

Nate: You and me both, but, um, it’s what she wants.

Devon: Does she seem off to you at all?

Nate: I know she’s been keyed up about the arbitration.

Devon: No, I think that there’s more to it than that.

Nate: Like what?

Devon: I think it’s Billy.

Nate: Billy’s been pretty quiet lately, in spite of Jill handing him the reins.

Devon: Well, that’s another reason why I’m suspicious, but… Billy went to Lily and tried to convince her that they should join forces and team up together and basically push me into a secondary role.

Nate: What? Are you telling me we have to worry about Lily turning against her own family?

Daniel: You came. I wasn’t sure if you would.

Lily: Well, I hope it wasn’t a mistake and that you didn’t call me here to fight.

Devon: No, I don’t think Lily would betray us at all, but I do think that this Billy situation is weighing on her.

Nate: Okay, um, so when did this go down, and what exactly did he propose?

Devon: So, apparently, before Jill handed him all of her power, he went to Lily and tried to convince her that they’re the right team to run things.

Nate: And how did she react?

Devon: Well, she said no. But then when she finally told me, we realized that we could maybe use it to our advantage.

Nate: Okay, how so?

Devon: By convincing Billy that they are a team and then make him think that it’s a good idea to actually split the companies up, so that way he can go and run Chancellor the way he wants, and then eventually Lily would ditch him and come and join us at our family’s company.

Nate: Okay, so where do things stand?

Devon: Everything’s stalled. It’s clear that this Daniel situation has been weighing on Lily, so maybe she thinks that we need to settle it before we move forward with that.

Claire: Is there any word? I saw that their flight landed.

Victoria: Are you tracking their flight?

Claire: Maybe.

Victoria: Billy’s probably at the airport right now.

Claire: Did I hear Dad?

Victoria: Oh, yeah, yeah, he stopped by, but he didn’t wanna intrude on the reunion, so he said he’d hear about it later.

Claire: Maybe I shouldn’t give them these right now. Is it kind of weird? Like, “Hey, I’m the sister you didn’t know you had. Here’s a charm and some earbuds, so hey, we’re cool, right?”

Victoria: I think maybe you’re overthinking it a little, and I love you for it.

Claire: The wait is killing me.

Victoria: All right, well, let me check in with Billy and then maybe– [ knock on door ]

Billy: Knock, knock. Look who I found loitering around the baggage carousel.

Johnny: Because Katie packed like a million bags.

Katie: Oh, and you’re too cool to pack more than a backpack?

Victoria: Excuse me. Hugs, please. Come here. Hi. It’s so good to see you. Come here, you’re not too big for a hug, are you? Kids, um… I would like for you to meet your sister, Claire.

Claire: I’m really happy to meet you both.

Johnny: You’re tall. You look shorter on video.

Claire: Isn’t it funny how that happens? You’re taller than I thought you’d be, too. Or maybe you just grew a few inches since last time we spoke.

Billy: I’m pretty sure he grew an inch on the drive over here.

Johnny: So, what’s it like in a mental hospital, really?

Victoria: Johnny.

Billy: Johnny. Easy, you don’t have to break the ice that way.

Claire: It’s okay. I prepared for questions. You guys have a right to know. I really want us to get off on the right foot, and that means total honesty. So, what was it like in a mental hospital? Um… Well, the food stinks, and spending pretty much every hour of the day in one room, I– I don’t recommend it. But the doctors there were great, and they helped me deal with a lot of things that have happened in my life, including being taken from my parents as a baby.

Johnny: We know about that part. You were raised by your crazy aunt, so what was that like?

Victoria: Johnny, honestly…

Claire: You play video games.

Johnny: Yeah.

Claire: I guess you could say I was kind of like an agent of doom for her. Or that’s what she wanted me to be, like her accomplice. Helping her to seek vengeance for the wrongs that she thought had been done to her. Only I was just a kid, and I– I didn’t understand that. I thought plotting how to seek vengeance was a game that all kids played.

Johnny: It sounds fun.

Claire: And in the hospital, the doctors helped me understand my childhood wasn’t normal at all. And it’s not a kid’s job to figure that out.

Victoria: And that you were not responsible for your aunt’s actions.

Claire: Right. And I’m free of her now. And Mom has been great. And so have you two. I’m really looking forward to spending some time with normal people for once in my life.

Johnny: Well, I’m not sure we’re normal. Especially this one.

Claire: I don’t know. Two eyes, a nose, a mouth.

Victoria: Katie? Do you wanna say hello to Claire?

Katie: Can I go to my room and unpack?

Billy: Yeah, I can get your bags out of the car if you want.

Victoria: Go ahead. That’s fine. I think you’re really gonna love your room. Claire and I redecorated Aria’s nursery for you.

Katie: Great. A baby’s room. Still can’t believe we have to live here now. That our house burned to the ground with all our stuff. All because of Claire’s crazy aunt.

Daniel: Fighting is the last thing I wanna do. I swear.

Lily: Good. I was actually gonna call you when you texted me. There’s something important I wanted to discuss with you.

Daniel: Me first. Please.

Lily: Um, sure.

Daniel: I’m calling off the lawsuit. I don’t wanna take back Princess Louisa.

Lily: You what?

Daniel: There’s too many negative associations with it. Chancellor-Winters. You can keep it. You can have it free and clear.

Lily: Uh, um… I don’t know what to say.

Daniel: How about whatever you came here to tell me?

Lily: Well, I was gonna tell you the same thing. That I don’t wanna fight anymore and you can keep the game.

Daniel: I don’t understand.

Lily: Well, it’s the same reason for me. There’s just too many painful memories.

Daniel: Uh, well, I didn’t see this coming.

Lily: Yeah. Me either. Okay, um, I mean, where does this leave us? Because if you don’t want the game and I don’t want it, then what happens to Princess Louisa?

Abby: Hey. Do you have a minute?

Devon: Hey. I have all the minutes for you, pretty lady. How you doing? Heard anything from your mom?

Abby: No, no. Not since last night. I just– I can’t get over this.

Devon: I know, it’s a lot.

Abby: When I talked to her, she sounded like my mom. She was so calm and confident, assuring me that she was okay and not to worry.

Devon: Well, that’s a good thing, right?

Abby: Yeah, but what if it wasn’t her? What if I was talking to one of her alternate personalities? I went so long without seeing the signs. Maybe I don’t even know my mom anymore.

Devon: You can’t think like that, okay? You have to stay positive. You have to know that she’s getting the help that she needs and she’s being looked after.

Abby: Yeah. Well, my Uncle Jack and Aunt Traci are in Paris, and they told me not to come, that they have it covered, but I have to go. I have to be with her. I have to look her in the eye and see if she’s okay.

Devon: Okay. Well, then do it. Let’s go. Let’s go together.

Audra: Hey there.

Nate: Uh-huh. I should be mad at you for blowing off our dinner plans and disappearing to Paris.

Audra: Oh, don’t be. I can explain.

Nate: Mm-hmm. Well, you look awfully happy.

Audra: Ecstatic.

Nate: I gotta admit, I’m curious and a little scared to ask, do I wanna know what went down in the City of Lights? etty pleased with yourself.

Audra: That’s because I finally beat Tucker.

Nate: Really? So, the student has become the master.

Audra: Funny, that’s what he said. In his snide way. But I was never his inferior. I just let him think that until I was ready to make my move. Because the truth is, I am better than Tucker on his best day.

Nate: I never doubted it. So how did you triumph this time?

Audra: You’re looking at the new CEO of Glissade.

Nate: Wow. I– I knew you were up to something, but, um, that is quite the coup. How’d you pull it off?

Audra: Well, I convinced our board to vote to oust him, thanks to an anonymous investor who tripled their stake in the company.

Nate: That couldn’t have been cheap, Audra. So, who’s this, uh, who’s this investor with these deep pockets?

Audra: I am not at liberty to say. That’s what anonymous means. And it was a stipulation of the deal.

Nate: Sounds like trouble.

Audra: No, not at all. It was perfect. And I am ready to celebrate, if you care to join me.

Nate: Yes, I would love to.

Audra: There’s just one question.

Nate: What’s that?

Audra: Can you keep up?

Victoria: What happened to our house wasn’t Claire’s fault.

Claire: But it must feel that way. If it weren’t for my aunt, you’d be back in your old house right now, in your old room, with all your favorite things. I’m so sorry. You’ve lost so much. I understand how sad that must make you feel.

Katie: You don’t know me. How could you understand?

Billy: Honey, Katie, come here, please. Katie.

Claire: No. Let her go.

Victoria: I’m sorry. She shouldn’t have been so rude.

Johnny: If I’d done that, you’d ground me.

Victoria: Please, Johnny. You’re the older brother here.

Johnny: I thought she was the older sister.

Claire: Don’t push her. Just give her some time. I knew this wasn’t gonna be easy for any of us.

Lily: Okay, well, if neither of us wants the game, now what?

Daniel: It’s hard to imagine Princess Louisa ˯ being finished, taken off the platform.

Lily: Yeah, I mean, it’s been an anchor for OmegaSphere. And so much more. Maybe we keep the game? Leave it as is?

Daniel: You mean let it become a library game?

Lily: Yeah, an instant classic. And we market the nostalgia factor.

Daniel: So, no sequels?

Lily: No, and no changing the material.

Daniel: I like that idea.

Lily: And in exchange, Chancellor-Winters can open up a college tuition trust fund for Lucy.

Daniel: That is very generous.

Lily: Well, I mean, without her, there would be no Princess Louisa.

Daniel: Wouldn’t exist without you either.

Lily: Or you. So, do we have a deal?

Daniel: I think it sounds more than fair.

Lily: Look at that. A little communication, a little compromise. I’m really sorry. I know it’s my fault. I let my emotions get the best of me. I dug my heels in.

Daniel: I totally understand why. And I am so sorry for everything that happened.

Lily: Well, let’s end on a high note, okay? No more apologies. No more talking about it.

Daniel: Fair enough. I’ll let, um… I’ll let my lawyer know.

Lily: I will too.

Daniel: So, it’s done.

Lily: It’s done. Slightly happier ending than what we had before.

Daniel: You know, I wish you all the happiness and success in the world. You deserve it. And so much more.

Lily: Thank you. [ cell phone buzzes ]

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