Days Transcript Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[siren wailing]

Hey, I’m heading out. Do you need anything before I go?

No, no, I’m good. Have a good day.


Oh, Kayla, you forgot your glasses.

Ah. Oh, look at that.


Does that mean–

Yes, Xander and I are engaged.

Wow. Well, I’m really happy for you. That is a beautiful ring.

Thank you. Yeah, actually, I just wanted a ring tattoo, but I think my mom will murder me if I get another tattoo. She’s not a fan.

Yeah, I’m not either, actually. And I hear they’re–they’re kind of hard to get off.

Well, why would I want to remove my tattoo?

Isn’t it obvious? Your boss thinks I’m gonna screw things up between us again. [dramatic music]

[knock at door]


Look, I’m sorry to barge in like this, all right? But I–you know–I need to know what’s going on, you know? I can’t stop thinking about it, and–so there’s got to be something new, Steve.

No, only what I told you over the phone, OK? Harris is making progress, and we–

Stop. Just–just–just level with me.

Chad, listen to me, buddy.

Don’t. Don’t, Steve. Look, that son of a bitch burned down my house while my kids were sleeping, you understand? He murdered my wife, which we now know was a targeted hit, OK? You’re hiding something from me. And I’m not leaving here until you tell me everything.

[exhales forcefully]

Thank you.

I can’t believe that Stark had the gall to come in here after what he did, that little weasel.

Well, I doubt that little weasel is ever gonna walk in here again.

Yeah, well, he damn well better not. I mean, my God, all he had to do was come forward a couple months ago. He could have spared my son a whole lot of heartbreak.

He could have spared you a lot of heartache as well.

Yeah, well, what I feel doesn’t compare to what Eric’s going through. He had everything he wanted. He had family. He had fatherhood. And then it’s just all ripped away. [light music playing] [sighs] Look, I know you can relate to this all too well– I mean, the pain of feeling helpless, you know, when your kid is suffering.

Yeah, yeah, I can. You know, the last time I visited Lucas at the monastery, Roman, he was so miserable. He’s so lonely.

Have you talked to him lately?

No, actually–no, actually, I haven’t, you know? I’m trying to limit my contact with him so I won’t accidentally put him in danger.

Oh, come on, what’s one phone call? I can’t believe that would jeopardize his safety. And if it eases your mind…

Well, I mean, maybe one short phone call, right? I mean, I could just– I need to check on him to make sure he’s not getting into any more trouble, right? Right.


Ugh, what is this, huh? Sawdust? Cardboard? Ugh. Cannot believe you went to all the trouble to special order this… what, birdcage liner?

Lucky for us, your craving for gluten-free bread led us right to you. [tense music]

And now you’re gonna lead us right to Clyde.

Are you ready to give up his location?

Help! Help me!

Shut up.



Not so rough, man. What’s your problem?

You ran from me, that’s the problem. You care to explain?

I saw that out-of-state badge. You don’t have jurisdiction here. You can’t arrest me.

This isn’t an arrest.

I want information.

About what?

Well, I don’t see any good cops around, so maybe we can either skip to the bad cop part, or you can tell me everything you know about Clyde Weston.

I’m waiting.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Man, I’ve never heard of this Clyde guy, honest.

[sighs] Snake, we do not have time for games. Clyde’s whole drug operation is about to go belly up. [tense music] I saw that. That got your attention. Good. So here’s the deal, Snake. You have a very small window of opportunity, OK? You can either save yourself and talk, or you can be honorable like the crook you are and go down with the ship.

What’s it gonna be?

Help! Somebody help me, please! [breathing heavily]

Yeah, calm down, because the next time you pull a stunt like that, the only help you’re gonna need is in purgatory.

Look, you might as well cooperate, OK? The ISA has already cracked the code on Clyde’s little black book, and the DEA and the FBI have a full list of all his associates. You know what they’re doing? They’re rounding them up as we speak.

How many of Clyde’s associates are as loyal as you? My guess? Zero. So now it’s just gonna be a race to turn state’s evidence to save their asses, and I am your finish line, pal. I can make the deal. If you want in on the deal, you better start talking now.

Look, I’m not saying I know this Clyde dude you’re talking about, but if he’s anything like what you’re saying, he probably doesn’t take too kindly to snitches.

Ratting on someone like that is a death sentence. You’d have to be a fool to turn on him.

As I’m sure you know, Goldman, Clyde’s buddies won’t hesitate to give up his location to save their own skin. There’s no point in protecting him anymore. He’s screwed.

So why don’t you just tell us where he’s hiding? And maybe, maybe we can cut you a deal with the authorities. What do you say?


Well, I guess Montana is as good a place as any to get rid of a body.

Since you’re not talking, I see no reason not to blow you away right now.

Xander what I said just now, you know, I didn’t mean to insinuate anything at all, really.

It’s OK, Kayla, truly.

No, no, I mean, I’m sorry. It was a clumsy comment, and I– I really wish the best for both of you. I hope it works out this time.

I’m sure that translates to “congratulations, you two.”

Absolutely. I wish the best for both of you.

Thank you, Kayla.


And for the record, I’ve learned my lesson and then some. No more lies. No more get-rich-quick schemes. All that matters to me now is being a good husband and father, having the love and respect of this woman right here. [dramatic music]

OK, so Ava Vitali and Harris tracked down Clyde to Ennis, Montana?

That’s right, and they’re working off a very solid lead. It shouldn’t be long before we get him.

OK, well, what about backup?

Harris is solid. He’s trained for this.

OK, look, I get Harris is RoboCop or whatever, but we can’t take any chances with Clyde, OK? We can’t let him slip through our fingers again.

No, we can’t, and we won’t.

OK, so what are we waiting for? Let’s go to Montana.

Actually, I’m kind of glad you’re refusing to cooperate. [tense music] I mean, sure, we want to get Clyde, but…

You know, ever since you nearly killed my son, I’ve just been itching, itching to get revenge.

Step away, Lucas. You’re in the splatter zone.

You can’t be serious right now.

If you don’t have the stomach for it, you can wait outside.

Wait, wait, wait a minute. Wait, wait.


I cannot let you do this.

Get out of here.


What do you care if she lives or dies?

I am trying to earn a one-way ticket out of Statesville. If you do this, then I’ll be an accessory to murder. Please, it kind of defeats the whole purpose, right? So let’s just–let’s just put Goldman’s gun down, OK? Shall we? Put it down. Nobody has to die today.

You know, I’ve had this conversation with many, many, many a henchman. The bandage is always hard to rip off.

But I’m gonna tell you, Snake, it is the only way to go. Tear that sucker right off. You make the deal. Clyde goes to jail. He’s in some deep, dark hole, and you’re free, out of his reach.

You spin a good story, but you’re still a cop. And my name’s Snake, not Rat.

[chuckles] I don’t think rat’s on the menu in federal prison, is it?

Maybe not, but pig is.

All right. [clears throat] Time’s up. You had a chance to save your sorry ass. Now I guess we’re gonna do this the hard way.

OK, great. Thank you very much. All right, DiMera jet is ready to go. I’ll drive.

Chad, no, wait.

What do you mean wait? There’s no time to wait, all right? It’s do or die. We got to go.

This is do or die, that’s right. You know how I know that? Because this is what I do. But you, you have two young children to think about.

What do you think I’m doing this for? You know, I’m thinking about how my children could have died in that fire because of him, OK? I’m thinking about how my children don’t have a mother that tucks them in at night anymore because of him. And most of all, I’m thinking about eliminating the single greatest threat to my kids’ future.

Chad, I understand all that, I do, but you are not trained for this kind of thing.

Steven, I’m a father, OK? What more credentials do I need? [tense music] Look, I was on that ship, remember?


OK? I helped rescue Kate– you, me, and Harris.


Right? Let’s get the band back together again, OK? One last time. All right, we’re missing showtime, though, so we got to go, Steve.

Chad, I–I don’t deny that you helped out in Greece. You did. But this is serious. This is serious business.

OK, I get it. But you know what? Let me let me put it this way, all right? I’m the one with the private jet that’s gonna get us to Montana in no time, yeah? So I’m gonna be on that plane with or without you.


OK, let’s do it.


I’m–I’m sorry for yelling.


Whoa. Oh, where are you two off to?

How’s Lucas?

Well, he’s not there. [intriguing music]


Yeah. The monk told me that he left the monastery yesterday.

Did they say where he went?

No, they don’t have any idea where he went, but they did say he was picked up with a man with blue eyes and a tattoo on his arm.


Oh, my God, what is he going to do with my son now?

All right, did you try to call Lucas on his burner phone?

Yeah, no answer, so I left a very levelheaded message. My phone call to Harris, not so much. [sighs] Where do you think our favorite tenant has disappeared to?

Well, all Ava told me was, she and Harris were leaving town for a couple days.

Oh, so they’re going after Clyde.

Yeah, I just wish they’d leave that guy to the feds.

God, I wish they would just leave Lucas out of it. I’m telling you one thing. Roman, if anything happens to Lucas, I am gonna take them both out on my own. [tense music] [sighs]

You know, gluten-free bread isn’t bad. It’s not. I almost went gluten-free once. I had a stomach thing. It was an intestinal problem. Doctor decided against it. It’s a long story, but you know what?



Searched Goldman’s car.


And look what I found. [laughter] Right in the glove box, hidden very well. Now, there’s bound to be something in here that’s gonna lead us to Clyde.

[phone beeps] Not exactly Fort Knox.

Oh, nice, nice.

[laughs] Oh, you missed a bunch of texts here from Clyde. He’s not real happy. [laughs] “Where are you? “Our happy camper days are over. We got to pull up stakes and get out of here now.” [laughs] Oh, and here’s my favorite one. [chuckles] “Look at your phone.”

Sounds like somebody knows the walls are closing in on him. That might mean we’re running out of time, so we got to find him before he bails on us.

“Our happy camper days are over.”

You know, that is a– an odd way to phrase something, isn’t it? Hmm. Must have been camping somewhere together. Yeah? Oh, is that it? You and your lover boy, were you camping? Were you snuggling in a sleeping bag under the stars?

Wait a minute, wait a minute. Do you remember when we were driving here and I got carsick and I was hanging out the window and I was throwing up all over the side of the car?


I actually saw a sign that said the Happy Camper Campground. I saw it with my own eyes.

Is that what he saw? Is that where you were? Oh, yes, it was. [laughs] That’s where Clyde is.

Well, we got to get to him before he decides to split on us.

Yeah, well, that is not a problem. [phone keyboard tapping] “On my way. Don’t leave without me.” And… [phone beeps] Send.


If you harm me in any way, I’m gonna sue you so bad–

Oh, you’re gonna sue me? Don’t worry, Snake. I got something else in mind, OK? Say, “Rat.” [phone beeps]

Hey, hey, hey, that’s an invasion of privacy.

Oh, man, these nude– nude pics? Come on, man.

Damn you. Get out of my phone.

Calm down. I’m just looking at your location history. [dramatic music] And there it is. You made several trips to the Happy Camper Campground. Like clockwork, twice a week.

Thank you. [sighs, clears throat] Your nudes are safe. I got what I needed.

Are you sure that my mom didn’t mind babysitting Victoria? I know that she’s busy with her own wedding plans.

Actually, she seemed thrilled to be taking a break. And you’ll be relieved to know that I managed to avoid the subject of the swine that she’s engaged to and how I think marrying him is a terrible idea.

I am very relieved. [laughs] And I’m very proud of you for your restraint. I mean, we know it’s not a real marriage. She’s just doing it to help out Konstantin.

Yeah, but that’s a terrible idea too. I mean, just having that swine living in the same city as us, let alone in Maggie’s house, I mean, I just hate it, Sarah.

Yes, honey, I know. You have made that abundantly clear over and over and over.

OK, fine, we’ll table the discussion for now. I’m just so grateful and lucky to be marrying for love, marrying the woman of my dreams, no less.

Mm, I feel very lucky too.

And since you brought it up, there–there is something I wanted to go over with you about our wedding.

All ears.

OK, it’s about the guest list, and I’m not sure how you’d feel about it, and my mom said I should run it by you first.

Baby, I feel like I know where this is going, and I’m sorry, but… I don’t want Rex Brady at my wedding.

[chuckles] Neither do I. I don’t want to invite Rex, Dopey. I want to invite your mother. [tense music]

Sarah, I was sure that I made it clear to you that I have no relationship with my mother at all. I haven’t talked to her in years.

No, I–I know that, but I just thought that maybe this might be a good opportunity for you to reconnect. I mean, she has a granddaughter now. Maybe she’d like to get to know her.

I don’t think you’re listening to me, Sarah.

I know that family is messy and that you two have had your issues, but… I mean, there had to have been good times.

Well, I’m sure there were some– there could have been some good times whenever she laid the bottle down.

Well, see–

But she never did, Sarah, because she’s a drunk and a mean one at that. [dramatic music]

Xander, I know what it’s like to be the child of an alcoholic.

I mean, obviously my mom has gotten her drinking under control.

It’s not the same, Sarah. My mum’s an unrepentant alcoholic. And trust me, even when she’s sober, she’s no Maggie Horton.

She can’t be that bad. You haven’t seen each other in years. Maybe she’s changed.

She hasn’t, trust me. The woman is incapable of change. She’s–she has no desire to become sober. She has no– she never had a soul-searching moment in her life. She’s quite pleased with herself, actually.

Well, I guess she’s a lost cause. I guess it’s unwise to give anyone with a checkered past a second chance, which does call into question some of my very recent decisions.

Clever girl.

Who, me?

Look, even if I did agree to maybe think about giving my mum a second chance, I have no idea where we’d even send the invitation. She always had a tendency to move around a lot. Or should I say, she tends to flee?

I’m very happy to track her down, but you really just– only if you’re OK with it.

You can’t just leave me here.

Don’t worry, I saw some rats over there by the dumpster. You’re not gonna starve. And I’ll have the cops check on you once they got Clyde into custody.

Where the hell are you going?

To find our happy camper.

Katie, Katie, come on. Let’s try to calm down.

Oh, don’t tell me to calm down. [sighs] Look, Roman, my son’s missing, OK? Something terrible could have happened to him.

Katie, first of all, we don’t know that Lucas is in any danger. And if something is wrong, he can take care of himself. Katie, he survived two years in prison, didn’t he?

Yes, he did. He did. And this might sound terrible, but I really wish he had stayed in prison because his sentence was going to be up in a year.

Yeah, but if he and Harris catch Clyde, he could be home soon. He could walk right through that door a free man.

[sighs] He could also come home in a body bag.

I should get over to the campground.

Well, I can’t let you go after Weston alone.

OK, I’m–I’m just gonna make sure he doesn’t leave, all right?

I think we should call Harris.

OK, I will. I will, from the car. I promise I’m not gonna make a move without him.

I think we’ve made enough moves without him.

OK, you know, I don’t have time to bicker with you, OK? So just shut up and help me, all right?

Help you do what?

I’ll show you. [tense music]

So are either one of you gonna tell me what’s going on here?

[sighs] Harris and Ava are hunting Weston in Montana. Chad and I are going to join them.

And you were just gonna leave without telling me?

I was gonna text you on the way.

Are you kidding me?

All right, look, maybe the two of you should have this conversation in private. I’m gonna I’m gonna go to the– make sure everything’s ready for takeoff.

I’ll meet you at the airfield.


Close the door.

Yeah, sorry.

Damn it, you do not need to do this.

Yes, I do Kayla. I do.


I’m responsible for breaking Weston out of prison. He nearly killed Tripp. I need to make him pay for that.

You need to let Harris and Ava handle it.

No, I can’t. I thought I could, but I can’t. I can’t just sit on my hands and watch from the sidelines. You know I can’t do that. That’s not who I am.

Well, maybe it’s time for you to change.

Listen, I admit there are plenty of things that need to change about me, but when it comes to protecting my family, I’ll never change.

But we are not in danger, so you don’t need to risk your life.

As long as Weston is still out there, we’re all in danger.

OK, OK, let’s just say that that’s true. Why does it always have to be you? Why do you always have to be the one that goes after the bad guys? Why are you the one that has to put your life on the line? [dramatic music]

Because when I see a threat, I have to take action.

It’s just who I am. That’s–you know that about me. You used to love that about me.

Yeah, I–I– I love how incredibly brave you are and that you’ll always protect your family and always make us feel safe.

However, there have been times when you have achieved the opposite.

Baby, please listen.

You know it. You know it. I did not feel safe when you made the unilateral decision to abandon your family in Africa. I did not feel safe when we lost all those years together.

But I was protecting you then and our kids.

OK, great, you protected us. At what cost? I can’t do it again. I am–I’m not doing it again. I cannot lose you. [groans]

You won’t.

You cannot promise that.

[sighs] OK, you’re right, I should have consulted you first. But I have to do this. I have to do this.


[sighs] Because I believe that Ava intends to kill Weston, and I have to be there.

Why do you have to be there? To stop her or help or commit murder?

[tense music]

What the hell took you so long? We have got to get out of here before the feds show up. I ain’t going back to prison.

You got that right, Clyde. You’re going straight to hell.

Ooh-whee, your boyfriend is getting pretty testy you’re not back yet. Maybe I should stall. [phone keyboard tapping] Oh, I’m stalling. There we go. [clears throat] So how did you and Clyde hook up in the first place?

Did you start your love affair when he got to prison, or were you guys pen pals? Or maybe you’re the “in love in lockup” type, which is fine, you know. I’m not judging you at all.

You know, my mom dated Clyde.


Yeah. She dated a lot of people, but amongst all her exes, Clyde wasn’t even the worst. No, the worst was her first husband. He was a real son of a– [phone beeps]

Oh, it’s my mom. What’s she doing? Wait a minute. How many calls did I miss? Why are you texting? [sighs] This isn’t gonna be pleasant.

All right, if… you are really against inviting your mum, then I understand, and I will drop it. But I just think it might be nice for Victoria to get to know her paternal grandmother.

You know I’ll do anything for our daughter. All right, I’ll agree but only for Victoria’s sake.

[squeals] Thank you. I–I actually think that this will be good for all of us, not just Victoria.

Yeah, well, if I were you, I’d lower my expectations, OK?

I will do just that. Now, do you have any suggestions on where I should start with tracking her down?

[exhales heavily] Well, last time I talked to her– sorry, the last time she screamed at me, she was living somewhere outside of London. So maybe–I don’t know– just call up all the local drunk tanks.


OK. I can give you the last number I had for her, but I doubt it still works.

Oh, yes, please. Can I have it now?

Yeah, I’ll text it to you.

OK. [dramatic music]

You know, I’m not convinced this is the best idea, but I do appreciate the gesture. I know your heart’s in the right place about it.

Thank you for understanding.

I do. However, I reserve the right, if this turns out to be an enormous disaster, to say I told you so.

[breathes deeply]

All right, saved into my contacts, Xander’s mum.

Your first clue as to her whereabouts, Ms. Holmes. Happy hunting.

Thank you very much. I just hope I can track her down before our wedding. After mom and Konstantin, you and I are up next.

Mm, can’t wait.

[squeals] [dramatic music]

Mm. See you at home.


I’m not gonna lie. I’ve been thinking maybe I should just let Ava wipe Weston off the face of the planet because if anyone deserves to die, it’s him.

That is not how justice works.

Well, you know what? I’m ashamed of it, but maybe sometimes I don’t want justice.

My God, what are you saying?

I’m saying you have to let me go.

No, if your intention is that you are going to go and–and– and kill Weston, no! You need to keep out of it. You–you just need to stay right here. Do you understand me? And you need to do that for me.

I’m begging you.

[sighs] OK, baby. I’ll stay.


Guess I’ll just have to see how it plays out.


Sorry. [phone beeps] Oh.

[scoffs] Well, what do you know?


Chad. He couldn’t wait. He left without me.



I’ve left him a ton of messages, and I haven’t heard a thing. [phone rings] [light music playing] Oh, it’s him. [sighs] Lucas, where the hell are you?

I’m at the monastery. I just went to catch a movie with a couple monks.

Oh, just save it. I know that you’re with Harris.


Yeah, oh.

Look, Harris was hot on Clyde’s heels, and I just–

Damn it, Lucas, you’re supposed to be in hiding. You’re supposed to be working on your early release.

I am. And you know what? If it’ll make you feel any better, I think we found Clyde.

How is that going to make me feel any better? Clyde is the danger. Now you’re closer to him.

Relax, Mom. Everything is going according to plan. Everything’s gonna be fine, trust me.

[tense music]

Ava. How the hell did you find me? Where’s Becca?

She’s tied up at the moment. Now put the bag down slowly and kick it away.

Do it now.

So you’re the reason everything’s going to hell? Let me guess. You sold me out to the feds, didn’t you? You and that ex-Navy SEAL boyfriend of yours.

You shouldn’t have messed with my family, Clyde. That was a big mistake. And now you’re gonna pay.

Nah, you’re the one who’s gonna pay, ’cause even from behind bars, I can reach out and touch you and your family, no problem. You’ll never be safe again.

Oh, I’ll be safe again… when you’re in hell. Give my best to the devil, will you?

Hold on there, sweetheart. You know if you kill me now, you’re going straight to prison. You got to know that.

OK, this is not my first rodeo, Clyde. The gun is untraceable. And if I want, no one will ever be able to find your body… or what’s left of it.

OK, let’s talk about this, then.

I got nothing to say to you, Clyde. You tried to kill my son, and now I am gonna kill you. End of story.

Ava, stop. Ava.

What the hell are you doing?

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