Young & The Restless Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
[ Knock on door ]
[ Knocking continues ]
Tucker: Audra? If you’re in there, please open up.
[ Audra sighs ]
Audra: What the hell are you doing here, tucker?
Tucker: I could ask you the same question, couldn’t I?
Alan: Thank you.
[ Alan exhales ]
Traci: Ashley, you okay?
Ashley: Yeah, it just feels strange to be back.
Traci: Strange how?
Ashley: I didn’t know what to expect. I wasn’t sure if maybe one of my other personalities was here and did something to the apartment, but it does seem to be pretty much the same way as it was when I left it. Then again, I guess something could’ve happened and I just don’t have access to it, right?
Alan: Well, that’s what we’re here to find out. But just take our time, okay?
Traci: Look, it was a really long flight and I bet you spent most of it worrying. You must be exhausted.
Ashley: Yeah, I think I’ll go freshen up.
Alan: That’s a good idea.
Traci: Well, I– I think it’s going okay. Do you? I mean, she seems a little nervous, but that’s understandable in the circumstances.
Alan: Yeah, of course, she’d be on edge coming here, not knowing what to expect, but hopefully being in her own apartment will bring her some comfort and make it safe enough for her to unravel what happened.
Traci: It must be just terrifying to realize that you’ve got alternate personalities vying for control.
Alan: Yeah, and that’s clearly a shock she’s still processing.
Traci: But this is our ashley with us. I’m– I’m convinced that this is my sister here with us.
Alan: No, I agree. I saw no sign of any of the other personalities coming out.
Traci: So, what is your game plan? I mean, now that we’re all here, what do we do?
Ashley: We need to get out of here and fast before it’s too late.
Claire: It’s hard to decide. I’m starting a new job today and I want to take some treats to make a good impression. It’s for a kid, so you can’t go wrong with brownies, right? I’ll take three. Actually, sorry, hold on. He can’t eat those for breakfast. Maybe muffins? Um, no, muffins would be a huge disappointment. Brownies it is. He can have them after lunch.
Kyle: No, that’s it, buddy. Oh, straighten up a little bit. Just watch where you’re going. Oh, look at that boy riding a bike. He picked it up pretty quickly.
Summer: Maybe a little too quick– harrison, be careful.
Kyle: Well, today’s a big day for all of us.
Summer: Yeah, it’s a little nerve-wracking. At least it is for me.
Kyle: I’m really proud of you, summer.
Summer: I don’t need you to be proud of me, kyle. I need you to be right about claire.
Harrison: Mommy, daddy, look at me. I’m going fast.
Summer: Okay, maybe a little too fast, sweetie. Can you slow down?
Kyle: Good job, buddy. Okay, it’s time to come in and wash up for breakfast, okay?
Summer: Put your bike in the garage first.
Jack: Turns out that grandson of ours has some skills. He picked up that bicycle riding thing without a hitch.
Diane: Hmm. He amazes me every day. He can do anything he sets his mind to.
Jack: I think he got that from you.
Diane: Oh, I don’t know. There are some things I can’t do.
Jack: Like forgive me? Look, I know you’re still upset with me for agreeing to be nikki’s sponsor again, I–
Diane: That’s right, I am. And the more I think about it, the more upset I become.
Jack: Okay, well, we have to find a way past this. Could we at least talk about it some?
Diane: What more is there to say, jack? You know how I feel.
Jack: Yes, I know.
Diane: No! I’ve made a decision. I can’t take this anymore. I’m done. Ok, someone just did laundry…
Announcer: Additional sponsorship provided by…
Jack: Wait, you say that like you’re done with us. Surely, you can’t mean that.
Diane: It does seem impossible, doesn’t it? After everything we’ve been through to end up in this sad place. You know, my– my return with your doubts and suspicions and then falling in love again so completely that we didn’t care what anyone else thought.
Jack: Yes, the kind of love that doesn’t just disappear.
Diane: No, it doesn’T. And that’s why this breaks my heart, but maybe this is what it has to come to.
Jack: All because I agreed to be nikki’s sponsor?
Diane: No, no, jack, it’s more than that. It’s that you don’t seem to care about my feelings in any of this.
Jack: You have always been supportive of my helping her.
Diane: Outwardly, yes. I have tried to understand why this is so important to you, but honestly, it’s been tearing me up inside and I just– I can’t do it anymore.
Jack: Wait, wait, wait. Can’t– can’t do what?
Diane: Oh, come on. Pretend that it doesn’t bother me when you run out at the drop of a hat just because nikki calls. I mean, you have made your priorities very clear over and over again.
Jack: You, our marriage, our family is my priority. Nikki’s going through a rough time.
Diane: Oh, god.
Jack: She’s depending on me and I think I can help her.
Diane: Really? Like you helped her last time when you almost od’d trying to help her?
Jack: No, I realize I went too far. I have promised you that’s not going to happen again.
Diane: Well, I don’t think that’s a promise you can keep, especially since you have agreed to be her sponsor again.
Jack: When I commit to doing something, you can count on me. You know that.
Diane: Jack, you made a decision in that moment to put nikki above everything, including your own life. And– and that kind of instinct comes from deep inside you and it’s not something that can be promised away.
Jack: What can I say to make you believe me? I swear nothing like that will ever happen again.
Diane: You swore that you wouldn’t be tempted to use the first time you agreed to be nikki’s sponsor and you did.
Jack: That was different. This wasn’t out of temptation or craving.
Diane: It doesn’t matter why you did it, jack. You used. And how do you know you’re not going to do it again?
Jack: Because I know myself.
Diane: Oh, really? Do you? You told me before that an addict will use any excuse to use. What if on some deeper level, watching nikki give into her addiction made you want to give into yours? To feel that high again?
Audra: What are you doing here?
Tucker: You should check your email ’cause I just sent you some legal documents. It’s a– an order to cease and desist on any and all glissade interactions.
Audra: Look, I’m sorry, tucker, but you don’t get to decide who I can and can’t speak to. And I don’t care what your legal papers say.
Tucker: What makes you think that you can meet on your own with the heads of the companies I acquired for my company.
Audra: What I do and who I choose to do it with is my business.
Tucker: Yeah, and glissade is mine. You think you can just waltz in here and rip it out from under me?
Audra: Sorry, tucker, but i don’t owe you any explanations. What I’m doing in paris is my business. Now, you can just leave and get the hell out of my room. Go back to genoa city to the people you claim to care so much about.
Ashley: Don’t listen to another word they’re saying. Get out of here now while you still can.
Alan: I wish I could say I had a specific plan, but I think we’re gonna have to take our cues from ashley.
Traci: Okay, what signs are you looking for?
Alan: Well, uh, mainly her memories coming back. Uh, whatever the traumatic event was, likely happened after her fight with tucker. So once we identify that, we can get at the root of what caused her to split her off into these different personalities.
Traci: Oh, this is just unnerving. The risk to her, that she has to remember something so that she can deal with it, and that means facing something terribly painful. I hate that for her.
Alan: I know, it’s– it’s a delicate process. It all hinges on whether or not ashley can suppress her alters.
Traci: Wait, you– you mean you think they could take control again?
Alan: It is a distinct possibility, and we should proceed accordingly.
Traci: Well, alan, I– I had thought that once she understood what was happening to her, that our ashley could have the strength to resist.
Alan: I wish it were that simple, but it looks like ashley’s alters have a– well a fairly firm grip on her psyche.
Ashley: Oh, honey, what are you doing? You shouldn’t be here. Why don’t you let me handle this? Don’t be afraid. Just let go. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
Jack: I can’t believe you would think that. The last thing I wanted was to join nikki in her wasted state of damn near incoherence. I can’t believe you think any part of that would appeal to me.
Diane: But you did it, jack. Whether it appealed to you or not. You risked your life, and I can’t live with that uncertainty again. Worrying every day that if nikki slips, you might too.
Jack: What do I have to say? What do I have to do to get you to believe me? Tell me, I’ll do it.
Diane: How about not being her sponsor again? I mean, what– what am i supposed to do? Am I supposed to be the silently supportive wife left to wonder every time you run to nikki’s side whether or not you’ll even come home or take pills or worse?
Jack: I wish you would just believe in me.
Diane: Oh no, that’s not fair, jack. Don’t you dare make this about my lack of trust or faith in you. You broke that. And now I have to live in fear every day that kyle will end up without a father or harrison without a grandfather or– or me without the love that i waited so long to have.
Jack: I waited a long time for that love too. I am not going to do anything to jeopardize our future together.
Diane: Well, I don’t know about that. And while I can’t stop you from helping nikki, I can’t be here to see how far you might be willing to go to be that help.
Jack: Okay, I hear you. Clearly you’re very serious or you wouldn’t be talking about walking away from what we have. But what do we do now?
Diane: I’m going to give you some time to think about this. To let it all sink in.
Jack: Diane!
Tucker: How did we end up here, audra?
Audra: You know exactly how. You followed me to paris, tracked me down, then barged in here uninvited.
Tucker: That’s not what I mean and you know it. We were on top of the world. We were genuinely happy. At least I was. I… I was ready to commit my entire life to you. With or without the ring. With or without the vows. I still am. Why? Why are you doing this?
Audra: You can be so smart about some things, but so utterly oblivious about others. You chose everyone else over me. You changed your plans because of ashley and then you changed them because of devon. Look, I was never the most important one to you. You say that you love me, but you couldn’t put me at the forefront of your life. Not once. And I was a fool to believe in your promises. That as soon as you helped ashley or as soon as you got back into devon’s good graces, then I’d be the center of your world. I fell for the oldest lie in the book. That I could change you. That my love would change you, but you will never change. And I’ll never let myself believe you again.
Ashley: Get out of here now, ashley. Let me help you, honey. Let me out. No, I will not.
Alan: Well, I better head back to my apartment, drop off my bags, i’ll take a quick shower, but I will be back soon, okay?
Traci: Okay, alan, what should I do while you’re gone? I mean, what can I do to keep my sister safe?
Alan: Just do whatever you can to keep her focused and engaged.
Ashley: Hey, do you guys want some coffee?
Alan: Oh, no, thanks. I gotta go back to my apartment, but I’ll be back soon. Give you time to get settled, okay?
Ashley: Thank you so much.
Alan: Of course.
Ashely: For everything you’re doing, I’m so grateful.
Alan: Ah, of course, hon, of course. I’ll be back soon.
Traci: Ashley, you must be just exhausted. If you’re tired and you need to sleep–
Ashley: I can’T.
Traci: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to push you.
Ashley: No, it’s not that. I’m just afraid. I’m afraid to go to sleep.
Traci: What are you afraid of?
Ashley: I can feel them around me, tracy. I can hear them. They’re in my head right now. I can hear them. They– they want to take charge. I’m sorry. They’re looking for a chance, and I just– I have to stay awake.
Traci: Okay, I– I know that you’re frightened, but listen to me, we’re on the right path. We are on track to finding out what’s going on with you, and we are going to find solutions. We are. Once and for all.
Ashley: I believe that, but I can’t let my guard down. I know that they’re trying to protect me from something, but I can’t let them. I can’t let them take over. Not right now.
Disco music
Summer: Today’s a big day, isn’t it?
Harrison: Uh-huh. Claire is coming.
Summer: That’s right. She is gonna hang out with you while mommy and daddy are at work, and you are gonna be just fine.
Harrison: We’re gonna have a lot of fun.
Summer: I’m sure you are. Harrison, you know that I love you more than anything in this world, right? And I am going to be thinking about you all day long, and I’m gonna be imagining all the fun that you’re having. But listen, if you get sad or upset, or even if you just miss me or your daddy, just have claire call us, okay? Anytime. Or you can call us yourself. You remember how to do that, right? You just pick up the phone, you press one, and it’s all set for you to call us anytime, okay?
Harrison: I know.
Kyle: You know what? I have a feeling today is going to be a really good day for all of us.
[ Knock on door ]
Harrison: Claire, you’re here!
Claire: Hey.
Tucker: Are you really gonna throw away what we have because I want to help my son. That’S… what kind of a person just walks away from his family?
Audra: Wait, isn’t that what you wanted ashley to do? Wasn’t that what your big blow-up was about? You were willing to walk away because she wouldn’t sever her relationship with her family. Sounds like you’re getting a bit of karmic payback.
Tucker: You’re using ashley as your defense?
Audra: I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy.
Tucker: One situation has absolutely nothing to do with the other.
Audra: You know, you’re absolutely right. They are very different. Ashley’s family actually cares about her. She would’ve lost a lot if she’d given them up for you. You, on the other hand… your son doesn’t give a damn about you. He has no use for you and probably has no intention of ever giving you a second or tenth chance.
Tucker: Well, you know that things are complicated between him and me and hell, you’ve been around for my efforts to–
Audra: All of which have failed.
Tucker: I see, so I should just– just give up? Devon, dominic’s nice knowing you, but forget it.
Audra: I never said to forget your son and grandson. I simply asked you to follow through on the plans you made with me. You’re the one who set up this either-or scenario. Okay, either I accept your priorities or our business and personal partnership is over.
Tucker: It was never, ever either-or. It was always you, end. There was never a scenario where there was no you, audra. Never.
Audra: I am tired of this argument. And I don’t need to justify my decision to you. Look, my eyes have finally been opened. You will never make me a priority, so I’m done. Now, please get out and leave me alone.
Tucker: So that’s it. Really? It’s over? Stay away from glissade.
Ashley: Thank you.
Traci: Mm-hmm. Ashley, I think I might understand how scared you must be.
Ashley: I don’t think you do. I don’t think anybody can, really. I mean, you know, I just kind of wake up and I realize that I’ve been doing things and saying things that I have absolutely no memory of. It’s like I have no control over my own being, and that’s so frightening. I mean, I just wouldn’t wish it on anybody.
Traci: I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to diminish the severity of what you’re going through.
Ashley: No, I know. I didn’t mean it that way. I guess I’m just trying to explain it to you as much as I’m trying to explain it to myself. You know? I, like, don’t understand. Why would I reconnect with tucker? What would motivate that?
Traci: Okay, you know, I think we should wait for alan for this. I mean, he’s the one that’s trained and prepared to walk you through it.
Ashley: But I don’t understand. If they’re trying to protect me, then why would I drag tucker back into this?
Traci: I don’t know. Maybe they think tucker could protect you somehow?
Ashley: Does that make any sense to you? I have family for that. I’ve got friends for that.
Traci: You do. And we’re people who love you and want only the best for you.
Ashley: Thank you. I guess I should wait, right? Wait for alan before I try digging into my psyche.
Traci: Yeah, but for now, I mean, tell me. Is there anything you want? Anything you need? What can I do?
Ashley: There is one thing.
Traci: Name it.
Ashley: Could you just keep an eye on me? I mean, could you just watch me and just… I don’t know. Make sure if I do anything out of character or something. Just make sure I’m me. I would’ve called yesterday.
Announcer: The young and the restless will continue…
Jack: Diane? Diane, hold up. I can’t let you walk away like this. We have to talk this through.
Diane: There’s nothing more to talk about. How many times do I have to explain how I feel?
Jack: As many times as it takes to work this out. Look, I hate that I worried you so much that night. That’s why this will never happen again.
Diane: Yeah, you say that, jack. But you clearly don’t get what I went through all night when you didn’t come home. You know, I had no idea what could’ve happened to you and all the horrible scenarios that went through my head. A– a– an accident, a mugging, a heart attack.
Jack: None of those things happened. I am fine. I am healthy. I’m here. And I am determined to build our life together.
Diane: You deliberately put yourself in harm’s way without thinking about how it would affect me. Without thinking about how much I need you. How much your family needs you. How am I supposed to live with that?
Jack: I don’t know. I will apologize a million times over. I will swear on everything i hold dear that I will never do this to you again.
Diane: All right, just stop. It’s not enough because I have seen how far you’ll go for nikki and how far you’re not willing to go for me. I mean, what if the situation with her gets bad again? What’s to stop you from doing something just as dangerous? I’m sorry. I’m sorry if it seems unfair. But I have to end things now. I don’t have another choice.
[ Cell phone buzzes ]
Jack: This is not fair. Nikki needs help. She still needs help. This is not the way to handle this.
Diane: Nikki needs help? What about us, jack? Our marriage needs help.
Jack: They are two completely different situations and I will tell you walking out on me is not the way to help our marriage.
Diane: You know what? Don’t tell me how to handle this. Leaving is a decision that I have to make for myself. I am the only one who gets to decide what i can live with and what I can’T.
Summer: It would be great if you could limit harrison’s junk food intake in between meals. We’ve got plenty of healthy snacks in the fridge for him. And it– it was nice of you to bring brownies but those will definitely need to wait until after lunch.
Claire: Yeah, of course. I completely understand and will follow all of your rules. I understand the importance of boundaries for all of us.
Summer: Um, and I don’t want you leaving the property for now.
Harrison: No? No ducks today? They might be hungry.
Kyle: I’m sure they’ll survive. At least until claire gets a booster seat for you.
Claire: Oh, I’ve actually been doing some research about that for the safest brand and i wanted to ask you if you had a preference.
Kyle: Proactive thinking. I’m impressed.
Summer: Ah, I appreciate that, claire but I will be picking out the booster seat.
Harrison: Will claire be here all day? How much time do we have? Because I’ve got a list of stuff to do.
Claire: I am so glad to hear that and I have a list too but we don’t have to cram it all in today. We might get a chance to hang out again soon.
Traci: Ashley, I am here for you and I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that my sister, who I love so much, stays present and safe and in control.
Ashley: Thank you. I couldn’t do this without you. I have so many questions.
Traci: Ah, we both do and i wish I had answers for us but ashley, we’re gonna get some soon.
Ashley: You think so? Because I heard– I heard alan talking about his plan or lack of a plan. I mean, I get the dilemma, right? He’s counting on me to guide us but I mean, I– it’s like a dead zone. It– there’s–
Traci: Okay, alan has gotten us this far and I have to believe he’s gonna find a way to break through.
Ashley: I hope so because I’m just putting all my faith in him but the problem is he’s counting on me.
Tucker: Oh, excuse me. Hey, alan. How’s it going? Where’S… when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd
Alan: How you doing, ashley? Did you get some, uh, rest?
Traci: Oh, no, she’s so full of caffeine. She couldn’t possibly sleep.
Ashley: Yeah, I was afraid to. I didn’t want one of the other personalities to get a foothold.
Alan: Well, that’s understandable but exhaustion can bring them out as well.
Ashley: So what are you telling me? No matter what I do, they’re gonna take over?
Alan: No, of course not. I’m just saying I– I want you to go easy on yourself. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself, okay?
Ashley: I wanna do this now.
Traci: She’s been so eager to jump right in, you know, piece together everything that’s happened to her but we decided that we’d wait for you to return before we got started.
Ashley: But I do wanna do this now.
Alan: Okay. Coffee and talk is what we’ll do. We’ll, uh, we’ll piece this all together, okay?
Ashley: Okay. So what exactly are you hoping for? I mean, I know you want me to remember things but how am i supposed to do that?
Alan: Well, I want us to try to revive memories of what happened after your fight with tucker and before you came home. I think it’s in that window of time that something happened to you, traumatic enough to, uh, bring out those protective alters.
Traci: So ashley, can you think of what that might be?
Ashley: Ah, listen, I’ve been trying. I’ve been wracking my brain. I’ve just got nothing.
Alan: Well, even if you can’t remember exactly what happened, do you have any idea of maybe where you went or what you did or… well, what did you and tucker do before the bistro?
Ashley: Uh, I’m not sure about that exactly but I do know that I’d been up the whole night before. I’d been really wrestling with the, uh, the thought of having to just walk away from my family and give up jabot and I– I knew I had to talk to tucker about it. I knew it was gonna be, you know, difficult. So I was apprehensive but I was hopeful but obviously the whole thing unraveled.
Alan: Okay. Well, do you remember maybe what happened after then, um? Did you go somewhere to clear your mind or something? Have coffee or get a drink or… just, you know, try to close your eyes and retrace your steps ’cause any little detail could, uh, trigger a really important memory.
Ashley: Okay, that scares me when you say that. When you tell me that I have to retrace my steps, it’s very frightening for me.
Alan: That could be because your subconscious doesn’t want you to face what happened. Your mind’s been blocking this out. And that’s why it’s so important that we do this.
In unison: One, two, three, four. I declare a thumb war.
Harrison: Yeah!
Claire: Ah, you got me!
Kyle: Okay, you two. Mom and I are leaving now.
Summer: But because it’s your first day, we’re not gonna be gone too long.
Claire: No problem. Harrison and I will be just fine.
Summer: You know what? Maybe I should just work from here actually. Out of the way, in the office or the den or something so I’m– I’m nearby just in case.
Kyle: Summer, I’m sure they’ll be fine. We just love you so much. We hate to leave. We like having fun with you and hanging out but we have to go to work. Now, we’re all gonna be brave today, right?
Harrison: Mommy, don’t worry. Claire’s going to take good care of me. We’re gonna have a lot of fun. Right, claire?
Claire: You bet.
Kyle: Okay.
Summer: Bye, sweetie. I love you. Have a good day, okay?
Kyle: See you later, buddy. All right.
Harrison: Come on, claire. Wait till you see where the caterpillars hang out.
Claire: What? Let’s go!
Kyle: Let’s go.
Jack: Keeping nikki sober is the only thing I am trying to do here.
Diane: You act like I’m being selfish. I’d like to see nikki sober too. But this is not an either-or situation. You are not the only option for her, jack. Even victor thought you were a terrible choice to be nikki’s sponsor.
Jack: Well, now we’re going to quote victor? His opinion doesn’t hold any weight with me.
Diane: Well, neither does mine.
Jack: No, that is not true and you know it. This is– this is about a recovery support group and what they do. They support each other. That’s all that’s happening here. Nikki and I have a rapport. We have a trust that she’s not gonna find with anybody else. And to ask her to start all over with a new sponsor right now of all times is just– it’s cruel.
Diane: So you think I’m being cruel?
Jack: No, I’m not saying that you’re cruel. I’m saying you don’t understand why I am ideally suited to be her sponsor right now.
Diane: Jack, have you considered the possibility that nikki chose you because she knew that you’d go easier on her than some unknown sponsor? Let’s be honest, she certainly found a way to do a lot of drinking on your watch.
Jack: It’s a lot more complicated than that. The fact that she was drinking is why she needed a sponsor. If I hadn’t been there, it could’ve been a whole lot worse.
Diane: So she can find another sponsor. You could even help her. You could help her find someone more suited to her needs.
Jack: Well, you have really thought this through, haven’t you?
Diane: Yes! Okay, you– you have made a lot of decisions about this whole situation without me. And I’ve been playing catch-up from the very beginning. But right now, I am drawing a line in the sand.
Jack: And that’s it? Just like that, the line is drawn?
Diane: Just– jack, I am sorry if that’s not what you want to hear. But you have brought this on yourself. You’re the one making the choice. I love you. You know that. And this is breaking my heart. But right now, I need to walk away from you.
“The darkness of bipolar
depression made me feel like
Kyle: You know, we could’ve gotten coffee back at the house. Or we could get it from the break room at jabot.
Summer: Okay, maybe I needed to ease into this transition a little bit. Take a little breather. Before going right to work.
Kyle: Summer, harrison’s had a nanny before. You’ve left strict instructions for he and claire not to leave the property. And mrs. Martinez is there. What is there to be nervous about?
Summer: Really, kyle?
Kyle: I know, I know. It’s been a while since we left harrison with a caregiver.
Summer: And it’s the first time since the kidnapping. And his new nanny is that psycho’s niece. So yes, I– I have some nerves.
Kyle: And you’re handling it great. We’re setting an example for harrison. Trust and resilience are important values for him to learn. There’s nothing to worry about. It’s all good, don’t you think?
Summer: I hear you. I hear you. And I agreed to go along with this decision. I just hope that we never have any reason to regret it.
Kyle: We won’T. This might just be a good reset for us all.
Jack: I’m not gonna let you do this. I’m not gonna let you walk away. I refuse to lose you over this.
Diane: And I refuse to lose you to an overdose.
Jack: I can’t believe you would even consider giving up our marriage.
Diane: You think I want this? I just– I just don’t know what else to do.
Jack: I do. I’m not gonna let you walk away from us. Nikki will have to find herself another sponsor.
Diane: Ah, I’m sorry. I love you.
Alan: Well, let’s just stay with that night, okay? And remember, your memories are in the past and they cannot hurt you. I know– I know you’re afraid of bringing them up again, but just know you have support, okay? And we’re here with you.
Ashley: Okay, thank you. I’m safe, right? With the two of you and I’m safe and my memories can’t hurt me.
Alan: That’s right.
Ashley: Okay.
Alan: So that night, did you come back to your apartment here or did you stay at the hotel with tucker?
Ashley: I went for a walk. I called you and I asked you to meet me.
Alan: You called me? What day was this?
Ashley: Uh, I don’t remember the exact day.
Traci: It was the first week of september.
Ashley: No, I know that, but I don’t know the exact day. I mean, does it matter? I mean, we spoke, so don’t you remember the day?
Alan: Um, are you sure you called me?
Ashley: Yes. I remember it specifically because you told me you would meet me after your last session.
Alan: Ashley, I was in florence the first week of september.
Ashley: No, that can’t be. I know it was the same evening. I know it.
Alan: Well, I’m– I’m afraid that’s not possible.
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