Young & The Restless Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
[ Laughing ]
Kyle: Hey, bud, how’d you like that ferris wheel?
Harrison: It was fun.
Claire: Thank you for grabbing my hand when I got a little bit scared. It was like you knew exactly when I needed some extra courage.
Kyle: You got scared, huh? How about you?
Harrison: I might have got a little nervous, just a little bit.
Claire: Really? I had no idea you were so cool under pressure.
Harrison: And the ducks were super hungry.
Kyle: Those ducks are getting chubby. I think you may be feeding them a little too much, sir.
Harrison: Nuh-uh.
Kyle: Well, go on up and get washed up for dinner, okay?
Harrison: Is claire staying?
Kyle: You know you’re more than welcome to, right?
Summer: Oh, my god, chelsea. My heart goes out to you and adam. Seriously. I know how hard it is to see your child suffer, especially when there’s nothing that you can do to take their pain away.
Chelsea: Yeah, it’s been very difficult. I feel helpless. Cut off from my son. Which is why I asked you to meet with me. Connor’s doctors say he’s ready for a visit from us.
Summer: That’s great.
Chelsea: It is. Um, but I’m afraid I have a huge ask.
Summer: Ask away.
Chelsea: Well, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate how supportive you’ve been to me. You know, not just as my boss, but as my friend. Um,, I feel like I really need to be more present and available for connor as he goes through this, so, I’m asking to take a leave of absence.
Summer: Of course. I mean, take whatever time you need, chelsea. Whatever connor needs.
Chelsea: Thank you. I know the timing couldn’t be worse.
Summer: We’re up against some deadlines for the winter collection, but…
Chelsea: Which is why I don’t wanna leave you in the lurch. I have a suggestion that I hope you’ll keep an open mind about.
Adam: I know that I’m gonna feel better once I can see connor’s face in person. You know, these video calls are just not cutting it.
Sally: I can imagine you’re relieved.
Adam: But I’m not looking forward to leaving you.
Sally: Well, we have tonight.
Adam: Yes. But there is something more that I, uh, I need to tell you.
Sally: I don’t know if I like the sound of that.
Adam: Okay, it’s nothing bad. At least I don’t think it is. I just– I wanna be completely up front with you so there’s no repeat of a misunderstanding. I don’t want you to get angry at me like you did when I spoke to my father about bringing your design company under the newman umbrella.
Sally: What did you do this time?
Jack: I’m actually feeling hopeful about ashley now that she and traci and alan are headed to paris. He seems convinced she experienced something significant that undermined her stability. Hopefully they’ll get to the bottom of whatever her problem is and work it out there.
Diane: Well, that’s– that’s good. But ashley’s not the only one I’m concerned about.
Jack: If you mean me…
Diane: Yes, I do. And how you’re dealing with all of this. Now that you have professional confirmation about ashley’s psychological problems and on the heels of everything that happened with nikki, it’s a lot. And I’m sure it’s weighing heavily on you.
Jack: It is a lot. You’re right. But I’m doing fine. I’m not fixating, I’m not spiraling, not having trouble functioning. I’m not in the least inclined to hide behind a haze of pills or anything else.
Diane: Well, I certainly hope that’s the case.
Jack: I want you to believe that. Look, as far as ashley goes, I am optimistic that once she gets to paris, she will turn a corner.
Tucker: Ashley’s in paris?
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Summer: Okay, I will try to keep an open mind.
Chelsea: What you need is someone who’s a great designer, who knows how to launch a line, can manage a team, make sure everything is done on time. Very few people can seamlessly take that ball and run with it.
Summer: That is true. If you have somebody like that in mind, I mean, that’s– that’s great.
Chelsea: Okay, so I know you don’t have a great history with sally.
Summer: Sally?
Chelsea: I know, but listen, she’s changed. Trust me, I had my reservations about her at first too. But seeing how supportive and wonderful she’s been to adam when he’s had to handle all this very upsetting connor news, I think that’s just who she is as a person.
Summer: Okay, well, based on my experience with sally, she really had nowhere to go but up, so…
Chelsea: Okay, but you have to admit, from a creative and business perspective, she is very talented.
Summer: Sure, sally has put out some great designs, but, I mean, she’s not even in fashion anymore. She moved on to interior design.
Chelsea: Well, apparently she’s not happy with that decision. And, I mean, she is a fashion designer at heart. It’s, like, in her dna. And according to adam, she misses it.
Summer: I’m really not thrilled with this idea. Sure, it would solve some of the problems, but… it’s sally.
Adam: Okay, like I said, it’s not a bad thing. In fact, you may see it as a great opportunity.
Sally: Okay, now I am concerned. What– what is this opportunity?
Adam: Chelsea’s planning on taking a leave of absence from marchetti. She wants to have more time for connor. She wants to be available to focus on his needs. So, I asked her if she would suggest to summer that you fill in to finish the winter line.
Sally: Wait, you asked chelsea to pitch me to summer?
Adam: Yeah, but don’t get upset, okay? I did not commit to anything on your behalf. I just suggested it to test the waters out.
Sally: So, your ex is supposed to tell the woman who hates me, “hey, what about this option?”
Adam: You told me how much you miss working in fashion. And this possibility just opened up. I felt like I had to say something. I mean, anything to get you a shot at getting back to your dream, your one first love. I hope I didn’t do the wrong thing again.
Sally: I’m not upset. I’m not. How could I be? I mean, everything that you’re going through, and you still thought about me. I– you’re amazing.
Adam: I’m just relieved you’re not upset. And this could be a perfect thing for you.
Sally: How did chelsea respond?
Adam: She sees the logic. She’s totally open to the idea.
Sally: Wow. Okay, well, I’d have to thank her for that. And yeah, yeah, it would be an amazing opportunity for me right now. I’m just not gonna hold my breath. I mean, the likelihood of summer actually wanting to work with me is probably slim to none.
Adam: Come on, you don’t know that. There is a chance that she’s let go of the acrimony between you. You’re talented, and you’ve got a lot of business savvy. Summer’s father had enough faith in you to back your business. Nick’s opinion counts for a lot. So with some luck, you know, maybe summer will recognize that this could be a smart move for marchetti.
Sally: I really appreciate your faith in me. But it’s a long shot, adam. It’s great. But it’s not likely. And I really do not wanna spend our last night together for a while talking about me and my career.
Adam: Well, I did not want tonight to be all about business either. And I can think of a few more appealing topics.
Sally: You can, can you?
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Sally: Like what?
Adam: I think we deserve something special before I go back to the east coast. Don’t you?
Jack: This is a private conversation. Just because you overheard something doesn’t mean you’re entitled to know more.
Tucker: Yeah, but I thought I overheard you say that ashley’s in paris. Is that something dr. Alan approved of? Has he weighed in on her diagnosis yet?
Diane: Tucker, now is not the time.
Jack: Where ashley is, what she does, what her diagnosis is, is none of your damn business.
Tucker: Jack, don’t you realize by now that I only have the best intentions for her and her recovery at this point? Oh, I guess he didn’t tell you that I was the one who brought her home after she collapsed.
Jack: Why would I tell her anything about you? You have nothing to do with this.
Tucker: Oh, really? Nothing to do with it? She hit on me, you know. She wants to start back up with me again.
Diane: Tucker, I think you heard what you wanna hear.
Tucker: No, no. She wants me to believe that we could still have everything we might have had as a couple. But I am not gonna go there with her, so I took her home.
Diane: Well, good for you. But I’m wondering why you suddenly decided to be her hero. What’s– what’s in it for you?
Tucker: Nothing. I just don’t wanna make matters worse for her. ‘Cause I still care about her, believe it or not.
Jack: As if you ever did.
Tucker: Yes, I did. I still do. So why don’t you tell me what she’s doing in paris?
Summer: Chelsea, I really appreciate you trying to find a fix for this. I’m gonna need to think about it.
Chelsea: I understand. And I’m sorry I’m not giving you much notice.
Summer: Well, personal issues don’t really adhere to a work schedule. It– it’s fine. It– it will get handled.
Chelsea: This is really stressing you out, isn’t it?
Summer: No. Not this. Well, I mean, not just this. A couple of things have come up recently. It requires me to make a big decision. And to trust people that I have a very good reason not to. Actually, you might wanna get a refill. I have a lot to catch you up on.
Claire: Thanks for the invite, but I should get home.
Harrison: I wish you could stay. We had the best day ever.
Claire: Oh, I had the best day too. But fingers crossed we’re gonna have even better days, you and me.
Kyle: That’s right. Go on, dinner’s almost ready.
Claire: So… do you think that summer was being sincere about considering me for the nanny position? Or was she just being polite?
Kyle: In front of harrison? She wouldn’t get his hopes up just to shoot them down.
Claire: I guess I’m nervous about getting my hopes up too, so I’m being cautious.
Kyle: I mean, summer had to have seen how happy and comfortable harrison was around you. I mean, how could she not? And I told her that being around you puts his little mind at ease, so it makes sense that she’d be open to reconsidering her position on this.
Claire: Open’s great, but that doesn’t mean it’s a done deal. I mean, it must still be hard for summer to trust me. Why should she?
Sally: Dinner was perfect.
Adam: And so were you.
Sally: I’m gonna miss you. But my heart will be with you the entire time you’re in maryland.
Adam: It helps to hear that. I am a little tense about going. I have this constant worrying in the pit of my stomach, you know, just wanting him to be okay. We haven’t seen him in person since we dropped him off at the facility. I mean, it feels like forever.
Sally: Well, maybe that’s been good for connor. He’s probably been improving every day.
Adam: No, that’s what worries me. You know, how will our trip affect him? Is it gonna help or is it gonna trigger a setback? Are we selfish to go? Is this more about us than him? You know, ’cause the last thing that I wanna do is set him back anymore or undo any progress.
Sally: Adam, come on. Don’t create negative scenarios around the unknown. Seeing you and chelsea may be exactly what connor needs right now. Having in-person time with his parents could make all the difference in the world.
Adam: You think so?
Sally: I mean, the doctors would tell you otherwise, wouldn’t they?
Adam: Oh, they sure would.
Sally: I am sure connor misses you. And having the comfort of the people that love him more than anything in this world could really, really lift his spirits.
Adam: Well, I hope you’re right.
Sally: But, connor will be taking cues from you and chelsea. So, if you’re tense, he’s gonna know it.
Adam: Well, that’s the last thing that I want. I don’t want him to worry about us.
Sally: Right.
Adam: Or our feelings.
Sally: So, then all you need to do is be the calm, devoted, insightful father that he loves and adores.
Adam: You always know the right thing to say. Especially when I need to hear it the most. And I can’t tell you how much I love you for that. Among other things.
Jack: Okay, fine. You wanna know why ashley’s in paris. Alan seems to think that this situation with ashley stems from an incident that happened after her fight with you.
Tucker: Please don’t tell me you’re trying to convince her or alan that it was our fight in paris that’s the underlying cause of these issues. Really? Just blame tucker again?
Jack: No, no. This isn’t about tucker mccall for once, or about your little fight. I said it was after the conflict, but you blew right by that.
Tucker: Oh. In that case, I’m sorry. I apologize. Please go on.
Jack: Do you have any clue as to what might have happened after? Anything that might inform this conversation?
Tucker: No, I wish I did. But, I came right back here after the fight and I didn’t see or talk to ashley until much later after she got back. So is the plan that dr. Alan’s taking her back there so she can face the trauma head-on? Sounds reasonable.
Diane: I’m glad you approve.
Tucker: I wish her the best. And I will– I will try not to run into her while I’m there.
Jack: Wait. You’re going to paris as well?
“The darkness of bipolar
depression made me feel like
Diane: Tucker, seriously? You’re going to paris? What is wrong with you?
Tucker: My trip was already booked, diane. Would you like to see my itinerary? It’s a business trip for glissade, which is headquartered there, if you recall.
Jack: Oh, yes, I do recall. A convenient coincidence, isn’t it? God, I’m so sorry I told you anything about ashley’s whereabouts. It’s just the kind of information you would abuse.
Tucker: Don’t you get tired of this? Always playing the blame game with me?
Jack: Oh, I am sick and tired of it. But for what it’s worth, it’s not a game. I have no doubt in my mind you played some role, however minor, in what’s happening to ashley right now. And no, I don’t trust you not to interfere and drag her further back. Stay the hell away from ashley.
Tucker: I intend to, jack. The last thing I would like to do is muddy things for her. If she’s truly serious about dealing with this.
Jack: If?
Tucker: Yeah, her decisions have not exactly been set in stone lately. That’s not a judgment on her, that’s just an observation.
Jack: You don’t get to doubt ashley, or question her judgment. You don’t get to have any questions about anything in her life. You understand that?
Tucker: May I be a concerned observer in that case? And no matter what her diagnosis is, or whatever…
Jack: This is none of your business, do you hear me? And you care to keep this to yourself. The last thing ashley needs right now is her personal life dragged around by outsiders.
Tucker: I haven’t told anyone.
Jack: Good, keep it that way.
Tucker: Of course I told you a while ago, didn’t I? And what did you do? Instead of listening, you just went off on me. Because you’re part of the problem, jack. Yeah, you’re part of the reason she didn’t get the attention she needed when she needed it. Now, I would love nothing more than for her to beat this thing, and go back to being the person she was. Do you?
Jack: Boy, we can’t get that bastard out of our life, can we? If he does anything to jeopardize her recovery…
Diane: You know what, jack? Maybe we should just accept what tucker’s saying.
Jack: What?
Diane: I mean, I– I don’t like him or trust him either, but think about it. What motive does he have for interfering?
Jack: Oh, far be it for me to try to guess at his motivations. All I know is he could do real damage now that ashley has finally agreed to get help. Seeing him on the streets of paris would trigger her immediately.
Summer: Kyle wants to hire my new cousin claire as harrison’s nanny.
Chelsea: Oh, victoria’s daughter.
Summer: Yeah.
Chelsea: Adam mentioned her. Is she qualified? I don’t know much about her.
Summer: Oh, my god, chelsea, it is so ugly. I mean, it’s beyond ugly. It was very dangerous. Basically, claire came to genoa city with a mandate from her crazy aunt to get in good with the newmans.
Chelsea: A mandate?
Summer: Yes. Her aunt, jordan. She’s been out to destroy the entire newman family for years. All because of this slight to her late sister that happened decades ago. So she was using claire, and the two of them poisoned basically my whole family. They tried to kill my dad, my grandparents, my aunt victoria, I mean, claire’s own mother. And if her aunt jordan weren’t dead, she would be trying to finish the job. And all of the newmans have just forgiven her. They’ve welcomed claire back into the family, and now she’s supposed to look after my kid.
Chelsea: Wow. That was a lot that happened in a very short amount of time.
Summer: I know. And the whole thing is like, “poor claire.” That’s what everybody says. She’s jordan’s victim, because she had to deal with all the psychological damage from 20 years of brainwashing. And– and I– I get that. I do. What I don’t understand is how they just trust her suddenly. I– I can’t do that. I’ve been the lone holdout because I have to protect my son.
Chelsea: Yeah. I mean, I’m a firm believer in having caution, especially where our kids are involved. We need to protect them at all costs. I don’t know. I mean, if the newmans of all people have come to accept claire after everything she did, they must trust her. They must see something in her that gives them confidence. Maybe eventually, one day, you’ll be able to see that too.
Kyle: So, are you trying to talk yourself out of a job?
Claire: No, no, no. I’m just saying, look at me. On paper, I shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a kid. Or an adult. Or anyone, really.
Kyle: Well, this isn’t on paper. This is in person. And practically everyone has said you were a good fit as harrison’s nanny.
Claire: Well, that makes me feel really good. But if summer can’t overlook my history, no hard feelings. I get it.
Kyle: Well, don’t worry. Summer wouldn’t have said anything if she wasn’t seriously considering it.
[ Cell phone buzzes ]
Kyle: Hmm. Well, I can’t be sure what this means, but summer says she’s on her way over. To talk.
Adam: Hey, something just hit me.
Sally: Something good or something bad?
Adam: Well, potentially something great. But that depends on you.
Sally: Okay. What is it?
Adam: Move in with me.
Did you know…
Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.
Summer: Claire, hey. I didn’t know that you’d be here. Is everything okay with harrison?
Kyle: Yeah, he’s upstairs getting washed up for dinner. I’m happy to report today was a massive success.
Claire: The ferris wheel was a big hit. So were the ducks.
Summer: Good. I’m glad. And, um, actually, I’m glad that you’re here. I was thinking about our conversation in the park and I– I wanted to follow up on that.
Kyle: Have you made a decision about the nanny position?
Summer: Not yet. There were some questions that I wanted to ask.
Claire: I’m ready to answer anything and everything that you wanna know.
Summer: Well, um, okay. Most importantly, what would you do in case of an emergency?
Claire: I would call 911 immediately, depending on the severity of the emergency, and then I would text or call you and kyle.
Summer: Do you have any first aid training?
Claire: I took a course in high school, so I know the basics, including cpr. Do you have any qualifications in childcare, like a certificate or a degree or diploma? Anything like that?
Claire: No, but I’ve been doing extensive research on childcare.
Summer: What have you learned so far?
Claire: So much. I’ve learned that children harrison’s age need to have an established schedule, and I would be responsible for honoring it at all times when I’m with him. I would also need to know his likes and dislikes, things like how much outdoor time is best for him. What kind of after school activities would you do with him?
Claire: First, I would limit his screen time. It’s fine to have a little bit, but there are just so many other things to do for fun. I love art and music, and it seems like he does too, so we would paint or draw or color while listening to music. Maybe we could get a keyboard and figure it out together. You guys would be more than welcome to join the jam sessions.
Summer: Well, you’ve clearly put a lot of thought into this, and you’ve done your homework.
Claire: It’s been really fun for me. But on the flip side, I understand the trauma that harrison has faced. Not just the recent abduction, but my mom filled me in on the whole history with his biological mother and the man he thought was his father. And I can relate to those feelings of abandonment and– and confusion that harrison must have felt.
Summer: Kyle and I have done everything in our power to mitigate the damage from all of those early losses.
Claire: And that is what is so beautiful about your family. You have dealt with every trauma. It’s obvious that he still sees the world as a magical place that he can’t wait to explore. That adorable, caring, and resilient little boy is a testament to your love.
Sharon: Chelsea! Nice to see you! How’s connor? How are you?
Chelsea: Um, honestly, things are a lot rockier than I’d hoped. And right now, I’m not sure how much rockier they’re going to get.
Sally: Wait, you want me to move in with you?
Adam: I want… is it too out of left field? You look shocked.
Sally: No, I’m not shocked. I’m just surprised.
Adam: Even though you’re here most nights?
Sally: I mean, yeah, that’s true.
Adam: And I mean, you have stuff in the bathrooms and extra outfits in the closet, just in case.
Sally: Yeah, I mean, that’s also true.
Adam: And this place, it’s pretty great.
Sally: I’m not arguing any of that. Look, we don’t have to talk about this tonight. I mean, you’re getting ready to go out of town.
Adam: But, I’m not gonna be gone long. You could move in while I’m gone. I mean, take over the closet to your– your heart’s content. Redecorate if you want.
Sally: This is a really big decision, adam.
Adam: I mean, look, I know that you have housekeeping at the club, but you know what they say. There’s no place like home.
Sally: That’s a really loaded word, you know.
Adam: It is. Home means something constant. Something you can count on. It’s a place where you can recharge and be yourself. There’s something to be said about having your own key and your own refrigerator with your own food. Your own bed. I mean, look, I know that it’s a very big step.
Sally: Yeah, it’s a huge step, especially when things are so up in the air for you right now. Adam, please look at me. You don’t have to give me my own closet and my own key to know that you can count on me. You know that, right? I’m not going anywhere.
Adam: Well, maybe I want you to know you can count on me.
Sally: That sounds beautiful. But I am gonna take a moment to think about this. And I really want you to do the same.
Adam: Hmm. Well, take all the time you need. But just know how much this would mean to me. Think of how happy we would be. Let me give you a place to call home. It was one thing when my mom got alzheimer’s,
Sharon: You must be so happy finally getting to see connor again in person.
Chelsea: Happy, yes. But also torn between excitement and absolute terror.
Sharon: Well, there’s nothing to fear in seeing your son.
Chelsea: I know. You know what? I think I’m just– I think I’m just missing billy. You know, he’s my– he’s my touchstone. He keeps me grounded.
Sharon: Well, don’t sell yourself short, okay? I know that you have a wealth of strength and a bottomless reserve of love and compassion for connor. And that’s exactly what he needs right now.
Chelsea: Well, thank you for the kind words, sharon. But I’ve really had to rely on a lot of people to get through this. Adam, actually, being one of them, he’s surprised me through this journey.
Sharon: Yeah. When he lets himself care, I think he has a lot more to offer than even he realizes.
Chelsea: It’s true. And don’t get me wrong. I mean, he certainly has stumbled, but so have I. Overall, though, throughout this whole thing, he’s been really open and caring and compassionate. I’m grateful that I could rely on that.
Sharon: Well, I love that for you. And for him. You know, adam can really rise to the occasion just when you need it the most.
Hold me steady now
and I need your solid ground
to carry on
’cause I’m not ready
so hold me steady
Summer: Look, I appreciate all the research that you’ve done for harrison’s sake. He really is such a special little boy, and he has experienced a lot of loss. But that joy that he has, the excitement to meet every day, I want, well, I mean, we want to nurture that.
Kyle: And the projects and the music and the rest, we love that.
Claire: Your son is so sweet. And I feel like we’ve bonded after everything we’ve been through. I guess, privately, I was hoping that you would change your mind about me. So, yeah, I did a little bit of research. But also because I feel like this is my career path, working with kids. It feels right.
Kyle: You’ve definitely gotten a good start.
Claire: Well, I wanted to learn as much as I could so that I could get a strong sense of harrison. So I could best serve his needs. And, to be honest, I– I’m envious of how lucky he is to have such loving and supportive parents.
Summer: Okay. We get it. You don’t have to lay it on so thick. It’s fine.
Claire: I must sound so serious. Um, well, I mean every word of it. And I’m not looking for pity here. But I would’ve loved to have grown up with parents who put their child first. Makes the world a different place when you know where you belong and who you belong with.
Audra: I got your message, tucker. How did you find out I was in paris? Are you keeping tabs on me?
Tucker: No, I’m not.
Audra: What part of I’m done with you don’t you understand?
Tucker: If that’s the case, why would you be meeting with personnel at the companies glissade acquired?
Audra: So you are tracking my every move.
Tucker: No, uh, I’m not. Um, what part of all or nothing don’t you understand? You walked away from me. You walked away from everything.
Audra: Okay, just because you think that way doesn’t mean I do. You and I are done. Glissade and I are not.
Tucker: Audra, do you really think that’s how this is gonna work? I’m afraid you’re very mistaken. (Vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn’s disease
Audra: You’re stalking me, tucker, and I’m not gonna stand for it. So you better tell whoever is tailing me to back the hell off.
Tucker: I am not stalking you, I’m not keeping tabs on you. An employee at glissade contacted me to ask me if i would be attending the meeting with ms. Charles. A meeting I had no awareness of and did not approve of.
Audra: I can meet with whomever I wish. You don’t control me.
Tucker: But I do control glissade, audra. So that’s why I canceled that meeting. And then I heard that you were uh, meeting with the companies that glissade acquired, so I canceled those too. Stay away from glissade. It’s you… you walked away from me. And that means you have nothing to do with glissade, okay?
Audra: We’ll see about that.
Summer: Harrison does enjoy spending time with you. And honestly, seeing him so worried about you just hurts my heart. So maybe this is the answer. Maybe if he can see that you’re okay, he can go back to being his normal, adorable self. So, I guess with that and all the research that you’ve done and knowing that kyle is already on board, I would like to offer you the position. On a trial basis.
Harrison: All washed and clean.
Kyle: Ah, good job, buddy.
Harrison: Mom, are you staying for dinner?
Kyle: Well, I have good news. Everything’s all worked out. So are you still okay with claire being your new nanny?
Harrison: Yay!
Jack: Hey there. Did we miss a party or a celebration?
Kyle: Well, summer and I just hired claire as harrison’s new nanny.
Jack: Well, congratulations, claire, and welcome.
Adam: Look, I know that– that it’s too late for me to ask for favors for myself, so I’m not gonna start now. But… please just help my son make it through this and get better. And please help chelsea have the strength to get him there. Okay, what happens to me, I– I probably deserve. But them, just– just look out for them and help them get to the other side of this. They deserve that. And so much more. Please.
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