Young & The Restless Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
Adam: Well, it’s got to be a good sign that they’re gonna let us see connor.
Chelsea: After that call we had with him earlier, I wasn’t gonna take no for an answer.
Adam: Well, the doctor did back up connor’s explanation. It was the timing of the call. Thirteens.
Chelsea: Which is our fault, again.
Adam: They’re working on this. Yeah, it’s a small thing, but it’s part of a bigger problem. And we’re just gonna have to roll with it.
Chelsea: I know. I just hate this. It doesn’t seem like we’re making things easier for him. It seems we’re making things harder.
Adam: Well, let’s just hang on to the fact that we’re gonna get to see him in person. You know, think about that hug you’re gonna be able to give him.
Chelsea: The biggest.
Nick: Hey, I’m glad I ran into you. Did you have that call with connor? How’d it go?
Adam: Oh, we did. It was– it was really great to see his face.
Chelsea: Yeah. The doctors say he’s progressing.
Nick: Okay, um, I know you both better than that. How’s he really doing?
[ Door closes ]
Jack: Hey, it’s such a beautiful day outside. Traci and I decided to go for a stroll. Maybe you and alan could…
Traci: Where is alan?
Ashley: I asked him to leave.
Traci: Why?
Ashley: Because I can only handle so much at one time. I mean, my head is absolutely spinning.
Traci: Okay, well, we can reach out to him later. I’m sure he understands.
Ashley: I need more than a few minutes. I don’t know what I need.
Jack: Okay, well, look, just take all the time you need. Maybe we can help you think things through.
Ashley: Oh, my god. It’s a lot to process. I mean, did he… did alan tell you what his opinion is of what’s going on?
Jack: You mean about what you’re dealing with?
Ashley: You can say it. He thinks it’s, uh, dissociative identity disorder. Multiple personalities.
Jack: Well, that’s just a theory right now. He wants to do a full medical workup.
Ashley: I know, but jack, have I really had entire conversations that I simply don’t remember, where I was a completely different person?
Traci: That’s kind of difficult for us to answer, ashley. You know, it’s been confusing for us, too.
Ashley: Okay, so you actually sent for alan to come here for me. And wasn’t I supposed to see a therapist that sharon…
Jack: Yes, and you agreed to both.
Traci: But at the last minute, you seemed to change your mind.
Ashley: Do you really think I’m this unbalanced? I mean, really, do you really think I need to commit myself?
Victor: What are you doing here?
Jordan: Saving me from you. You monster.
Victor: Over, my dead body.
Jordan: Oh-ho-ho-ho. Don’t you listen to him, okay? You’re good, you’re decent, you’re good and–
Victor: Shut up. Stop talking.
Jordan: No, no, no. You don’t listen to him, okay? Because he has a worse plan for me, and if so, my blood will be on your hands. Anthony: This making you uncomfortable?
Announcer: Additional sponsorship provided by…
Victor: What are you doing here?
Michael: As your lawyer and friend, I couldn’t stand by and let this happen, victor.
Victor: As my lawyer and friend, you went behind my back.
Cole: Okay, don’t blame michael. Right this is all on me, victor. You know I was suspicious. I just put the pieces of the puzzle together. Then I just debated on what the hell to do.
Victor: Who have you told?
Cole: I’ve not told anyone but michael. And I didn’t say a word to victoria, I didn’t wanna implicate her.
Michael: He called me for advice.
Cole: He’s been telling me not to do anything behind your back.
Michael: That’s not true. Cole is trying to protect me. I’m as much a part of what was about to happen as he is.
Victor: Is that why you tried to lure me and nikki away for lunch? Huh?
Jordan: They’re my angels of mercy. They’re gonna get me the hell out of here.
Victor: Shut up! Two of you follow me upstairs.
Traci: Having yourself committed is not at all how we would describe this. If you’re asking, do we think you need to get help? I know my answer is yes. You trusted me enough to confide in me about your blackouts is reason enough to get some kind of treatment.
Jack: We’ve all seen personality shifts big enough we can’t ignore them. And frankly, they’re dangerous.
Traci: Yeah. I think both of us would be so much less terrified about your safety if you were supervised around the clock with a team of doctors who can help you–
Ashley: I’m not going there. I’m telling you right now, I’m not going to fairview.
Jack: No, no, no, no, no, we agree. That would do more harm than good.
Traci: Ashley, there are wonderful facilities. We’ll find you the very best care.
Ashley: I don’t know.
Jack: Look, I know you feel you need time to think about this. I think waiting would be a mistake.
Ashley: Alan said the same thing. He offered to help me.
Traci: How?
Ashley: He thinks that i suffered some kind of a trauma after the argument I had with tucker in paris. And he said that I need to figure out what that is before I can get treatment. Did he tell you that too?
Traci: He did.
Jack: So what do you think about that?
Ashley: I’m so sorry.
Traci: Sorry about what?
Ashley: I’ve put you both through such hell, haven’t I? If you think I should go, I’ll go.
Chelsea: To be honest, the call was hard. Connor got very upset because we called a couple of minutes early. It set him off.
Adam: Well, it set his ocd off.
Chelsea: Right, right, it’s the ocd, it’s not him. At least that’s what the doctors keep telling us. But it’s hard, ’cause it certainly feels like connor in those moments. Just feels like we’re failing him over and over.
Nick: Yeah, I hate hearing that. It’s gotta be so rough not being able to see him in person.
Chelsea: Yeah, that’s why it makes it all the more upsetting when a call like that falls apart.
Adam: But we knew that there was gonna be ups and downs going into this, you know, two steps forward, one step back.
Nick: Um, did they give you any idea when you might be able to visit with him?
Chelsea: We’re actually just talking about that. They’re ready for us to come for an in-person family therapy session. It’ll be the first time we see him since he’s gotten there.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Nick: Well, that sounds promising.
Adam: Yeah, I was gonna clear the trip with you and dad first.
Nick: Adam, stop, you don’t have to do that, all right? Of course, you need to go, and dad will insist that you go as well. Remember, it’s family before business, always.
Victor: This is my plan. Neither of you have the right to interfere, is that clear?
Michael: I beg to differ. We can’t unsee what you’re doing.
Cole: We’d be accomplices to a crime.
Victor: What crime? What crime?
Michael: I can name a few. Kidnapping, illegal imprisonment, intent to cause harm, all felonies, with hefty sentences.
Victor: Enough! This is my plan. She’s done enormous damage to my family. That’s why I want that woman to rot in hell. Now, I would like you to leave the premises, not speak of this again, ever.
Cole: Sorry, victor. Not gonna happen.
Michael: We’re not going anywhere.
“The darkness of bipolar
depression made me feel like
Victor: Do I need to remind either of you of the damage that woman has done to my family? She almost killed the love of my life, for heaven’s sake.
Michael: We’re well aware of that, and the court will be too.
Cole: Vic, she’s gonna spend the rest of her life in prison.
Victor: I can’t take that risk. What if she escapes again? Visits even greater harm on our family.
Michael: Victor, what’s your plan? To keep her locked up forever? To let her starve to death?
Victor: So what? She deserves it, after what she has done to us. Almost killed nikki. Almost killed your daughter.
Cole: I’m not gonna lie to you.
Victor: What?
Cole: I thought about leaving her down there.
Victor: Yes. Just forgetting that I ever even seen her in that cage that you set her up in. But I can’t do it, victor. I’m not gonna become her. I’m not gonna stoop down to her level because it’s wrong. And somebody else is gonna figure this out, by the way. Your staff is gonna be on to this, and so is nikki and victoria.
Victor: I have an alarm set, which went off because you went down there.
Michael: Victor, listen to your logic here.
Victor: Stop that nonsense! There is no logic or argument for you to make. That woman has to rot in that dungeon.
Michael: Victor, you do–
Victor: Wait a minute. What about the prison inmates? What about all the prison guards? People who died as a consequence to when she set fire to that damn prison. No one does that kind of damage to my family. No one! Let her rot in hell! She’s exactly in the place where she belongs.
[ Jordan sobbing ]
Jordan: I was so close. I was so close. I was so close. I was so close. So close to my– to my freedom. My freedom. And away from this damn slow death! Oh, it’s all– it’s all slipping away it’s all slipping away again.
[ Jordan crying ]
Tucker: Hi, audra. Um, so, it would appear you decided to go on our paris trip after all. I just wanted to give you a heads up that it might’ve been a waste of a plane ticket unless you have some shopping to do. Uh, that– that meeting you scheduled without my knowledge, I canceled that. And, if you schedule another, I’m gonna cancel that too.
[ Tucker sighing ]
Traci: Well, ashley, I know it must be really terrifying to think about going back to paris. The place where probably all of this started.
Jack: We trust alan. And if you’re in his company, well, he can get you to the source of all of this.
Ashley: Stop listening to them. Listen to me. Yeah, honey. Those two don’t know what they’re talking about. Where am I? What is this place? Who are you? Oh, now, honey, I know it’s a lot to take in. You need to think of it like this. We don’t have time for some long, boring diagnosis. I wasn’t gonna get all clinical. And as I was saying, there are so many parts to the human mind. And you are a flower and we are your petals. Or perhaps you are the onion and we are the many layers. And we don’t have time for poetry and stupid metaphors either. You are the voices that have been tormenting me for months. Well, now, she is actually more of the tormentor. I’m the fun one. If only you could remember when we were at that piano bar. Now, that was a good time. That was when you almost blew our cover for the umpteenth time. At least I didn’t try to murder anyone. I don’t remember any of this. But you’re the ones that caused my blackouts. Nice job, you stupid idiot. You’re freaking her out. Now, sweetie pie, just take it easy, okay? We are here to help you, aren’t we? Absolutely. You are our number one priority, which is why you can’t be in control right now. And you absolutely cannot go to paris with alan. When anyone in this house wears white,
Adam: So we will let connor’s doctors know that we’re ready to try again for an in-person visit.
Nick: I know connor really appreciates that you’re there for him. It may not always seem like that, but I promise you on some level, he knows you’re both fighting for him.
Adam: Well, thank you for saying that.
Nick: And if there’s anything I can do for connor, do not hesitate to ask.
Adam: I wish there were, but we’re gonna have to put our faith in the doctors right now. Are you okay? ‘Cause I should go find sally and tell her the plan?
Chelsea: Go, I have to check in on mark anyway.
Adam: Okay. Thank you.
Nick: Yeah.
Nick: Well, you don’t have to try and hold it together for me. How are you really doing?
Chelsea: Not great.
Michael: Victor, I know you. I know the way your mind works, what drives you and what keeps you up at night. And I know as furious and as repulsed as you are by jordan, you are not a killer. It will haunt you if you let that woman die out there.
Victor: I will be the judge of what haunts me.
Michael: It doesn’t work that way. We don’t get to choose in advance. We both know that more than anyone else.
Cole: You put her through hell for weeks, victor. Can’t that be enough?
Michael: She’s a shadow of her former self from what I could see. And don’t you wanna be free of the burden of having to keep her prisoner down there? Think of the price you’d have to pay if she was discovered. You’d have to spend the rest of your life in prison.
Victor: The only way that will happen is if one of you goes to the authorities. Is that what you’re planning to do?
Cole: No, no, of course, of course not.
Michael: No, we’re trying to help you, to protect you.
Cole: We’re trying to protect you the way that you’ve always protected everyone else.
Victor: What’s your plan?
Michael: Jordan is a prison escapee, an arsonist. The system will be prepared to contain her at all costs. She’s tipped her hand. They know all her tricks, all her scams.
Cole: The woman I saw in that cage isn’t capable of any new scams.
Michael: Agreed, agreed, but if something were to change, we’re talking about a facility with the tightest security possible. The kind of place that no one gets out of, ever.
Victor: What if that woman squeals? She goes to the authorities and tells them I kept her in a damn dungeon. What then?
Michael: She is a psychopath and she can claim what she wants.
>>Cole: Who’s gonna believe her, right? Let her rant and rave.
Michael: They think she’s just trying to get a lenient sentence, but it won’t change the judge’s mind about what she’s done.
Michael: There’s one more thing we need to do.
Victor: What?
Michael: Just in case. Destroy the dungeon and the cell. Bury all evidence.
Ashley: Jack and traci are right. Something is so very, very wrong with me. Oh now, honey, please don’t fret. This is what we do. We are here to protect you. Yes, because clearly this is way too much for you. What you need to do is just sit back and take a nice long nap. And let me take charge. Well, actually, I should take charge. I have a much better chance of getting us out of this situation, especially if alan is involved, because you see, he has a thing for me. The point is you need to stop fighting me and let me take it from here, okay? How am I fighting you? I had everything under control until that stupid tucker woke you up from your nice, deep sleep. Are you talking about the lounge earlier? Why– why was I there? Why were you there? Well, I was trying to take care of you like I’m trying to take care of you now. But you keep resisting me. Now stop it and let me take over. Okay, now you just cool your jets, miss meany. Sweetheart, she’s telling you the truth, though. You don’t wanna go to paris. It won’t be good what you find there. You could make things a lot worse. What am I gonna find in paris? What do you mean?
Traci: Oh my god, jack, what’s happening to her? Ashley, ashley, can you hear me? Ashley? Are you all right?
Jack: What happened just now?
Ashley: I went to this incredibly strange place.
Jack: What place?
Ashley: I’m falling apart. I’m breaking apart.
Traci: No, no, it’s okay, it’s okay. We’re here, you’re with us, you’re safe.
Ashley: I’m telling you right now, alan’s right. I have to go to paris. The answers are there. I know it. Before my doctor and I chose breztri
Announcer: The young and the restless will continue.
Chelsea: I thought I’d be tougher. I thought I’d be more resilient, you know, considering everything I’ve been through, all of my own mental health issues, all the therapy. When this all started, I thought that I was gonna be a rock for connor because I’ve been there. I know what he’s going through, but truthfully, nick, I am running on fumes here.
Nick: Has it ever occurred to you that this is so hard because you know what it’s like? You know, you’re feeling your feelings and connor’S. Chelsea, you gotta let yourself off the hook for that. Don’t try and take that on. This may not be easy to accept, but you gotta let connor work through his own feelings. That’s what’s gonna get him stronger.
Chelsea: Yeah. But to watch my kids suffer and do nothing.
Nick: It’s almost impossible, I know.
Chelsea: Yeah. Oh, anyway, sorry. Thank you for letting me, uh, crumble a little bit. It’s been hard ’cause billy’s been away.
Nick: Where’s billy?
Chelsea: Oh, he’s just– he’s away on business meeting some chancellor-winters executives.
Nick: Don’t like hearing that. This is a lot to take on by yourself.
Chelsea: Well, you know what? I actually haven’t been by myself. Believe it or not, adam’s been pretty great.
Nick: Yeah, I was surprised to hear him talk about the process. Like it’s two steps forward, one step back.
Chelsea: I know, right? Don’t get me wrong. In the beginning, he was very adam. He, uh, fought the diagnosis. He threatened to yank connor out of the school, then threatened to yank connor out of the treatment program. Didn’t trust any of the doctors. But then, you know, he, um, he did a bunch of his own research and he came around. Believe it or not, he’s been the more stable parent.
Nick: I didn’t think I’d see the day anyone called adam the stable one.
Sally: How’d it go with your call?
Adam: Not great. But the upside is, the doctors want chelsea and I to come for an in-person family therapy session. So, we are gonna leave first thing in the morning.
Sally: How long will you be gone?
Adam: They suggested a week or two. You know, give or take.
Sally: Well, that sounds like a very important step. I really wanna get connor a present. Just something that shows him that I’m thinking about him. Maybe that card game that we always play. And you should bring him that soccer jersey that he loves. I saw that he left it at your place. I really think it would bring him a lot of comfort.
Adam: You know, you’ve been really great through all this. And you’ve been so patient.
Sally: Of course. You know I love connor.
Adam: And I love you. So, I need you to stop putting on a brave face ’cause I can tell something’s wrong. Something’s bugging you. And before you say anything about being a burden, will you just let me in?
Jack: You sure you’re feeling strong enough for a trip like this, chasing down what happened?
Ashley: I’m gonna do whatever I have to do to make these voices get out of my head. And if alan says I need to go to paris, then I’m going.
Traci: Okay, good. Good. I– I– I’m so glad that you feel strong enough to get to the bottom of this. And alan’s gonna help you every step of the way. But ashley, I’m going with you to paris. And I’m not gonna take no for an answer.
Ashley: I’m not gonna fight you on that.
Traci: Oh, good. Oh, good, because I’m not gonna interfere with alan. And whatever process he feels will make you better. But I’m gonna be there for you to give you the love and the support that you need.
Ashley: Thank you. Would you mind packing for me, please? And could you call and get the jet ready?
Traci: Of course, but where you going?
Ashley: I’m gonna go see alan.
Jack: Hold on, wouldn’t it be easier just to call him?
Ashley: I need to see him in person. I need to tell him what I experienced while it’s still fresh in my mind and let him know that I’m gonna take his advice. I promise you, my word of honor, I will do whatever I have to do to get better. I’ll see you soon.
Cole: You feel betrayed.
Victor: Yeah.
Cole: I understand. But we felt like this was the only way, victor. I mean, I swear, we only have the family’s best interest at heart.
Michael: What would happen if nikki were to stumble upon that secret panel, like cole did? What would happen to her sobriety if she were to find out that jordan was living in her basement?
Cole: Nobody wants to see you go to prison. My aunt is ruthless. If she somehow or another got the upper hand, if you slipped going down the stairs or she figured out a way to jimmy that lock, things could go wrong.
Michael: Unpredictable things. Things that would put everyone on the ranch in danger. In our plan, the only person who suffers is jordan.
Victor: So what’s your suggestion?
Cole: You be the hero. Just say your men found jordan washed up on the riverbank, barely alive.
Michael: You be the one to bring her in. Justice prevails because of victor newman.
Alan: Yes, I will call you as soon as she arrives, all right?
[ Knock on door ]
Alan: Oh, hold on. That may be her. Oh, come on in.
Ashley: Thanks.
Alan: Um, she’s here. Yes, will do.
Ashley: My brother?
Alan: Uh, your sister. They’re worried about you. Wondering if you’d disappear or wouldn’t show up where you said you would. I wish you’d called me. I would’ve come right over.
Ashley: You’re right. I’m losing my damn mind.
[ Cell phone chimes ]
Tucker: Hey, jean-jacques. Yeah, I’m sorry I had to cancel your meeting with audra, but she is to have no further contact with anyone at glissade, okay? Hold on, wait a minute. She’s meeting with the companies glissade acquired? How many do you know about? Uh, no, no, I’ll– I’ll take it from here. Um, yeah, I’ll… thank you. I’m gonna call you later.
Chelsea: Oh, oh, no.
Nick: Everything all right?
Chelsea: I completely missed a meeting with your daughter, also known as my boss.
Nick: Summer will certainly understand given the circumstances.
Chelsea: You know, adam’s really lucky you cover for him. I’ve been trying to focus at work, but it’s difficult. I’ve been really, really trying, but between you and me, my team has basically been on their own. I feel guilty.
Nick: Just take a leave of absence, chels. I mean, summer is a mother. She will absolutely understand.
Chelsea: No, I’d be letting too many people down. I thought about it, but I can’T. We’re finalizing our winter line. And my team is amazing, but I’m the only senior designer.
Nick: Okay, first, you gotta stop thinking that you’re letting anyone down. There’s gotta be a solution.
Chelsea: I can’t think of one.
Nick: There’s gotta be someone who could step in and help you finish the line.
[ Sally sighing ]
Sally: I’ve just been in a little bit of a funk about work, really. It’s nothing to worry about.
Adam: Okay. Well, if I promise not to worry, will you at least talk to me about it? ‘Cause it would make me feel a hell of a lot better to support you in a fraction of the way that you’ve let me lean on you.
Sally: Well, if you must know, I feel lost.
Adam: I knew it. I’ve been too distant lately.
Sally: No, no, no, no. This has absolutely nothing to do with you or us. We’re great. This is about my career. I’ve never been so unsure about my future.
Adam: Look, I know that I– I dropped the ball with victor about pushing your design company, okay? And I can pick that up with him again when I get back in town.
Sally: That’s the thing. I realized I don’t want you to. I think moving into interior design was a mistake. That may be the reason that my business hasn’t been a success is because my heart isn’t fully in it. I tried to convince myself that designing offices is the same as designing clothes, but I miss fashion. It’s in my dna.
Adam: So go back to it.
Sally: I’m just afraid that it’s too late. No, I mean, I’ve had my moment, a few of them, actually, and the business is fickle, memories are short. I could go to try and launch a line again and people are like, sally, who?
Adam: Okay, come on. I’m not gonna let you think like that. It is never too late to start over. Okay, and when I get back in town, I’m gonna do everything I can to help you do that.
Sally: Hearing you say it almost makes me believe that I can.
Jordan: My judge and jury. So, what’s the verdict? What are you gonna do with me?
Victor: Those two here will have me deliver you into the care of prison guards or the doctors of the loony bin.
Jordan: Is this some new trick, victor? You want me to believe this? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, you– you want me to die a slow and miserable death right in front of you?
Victor: You are an evil woman. You have done extraordinary damage to my family. Perhaps the story that i concocted, that you went onto that bridge whilst fleeing from my security guard, you slipped and plunged into waters 100 feet below. Maybe we make that story a reality. How’s that?
Jordan: Okay. I can’t play your game. You’ve won. You’ve won, you’re right. Done. Do with me what you will. Just put me out of my misery.
Victor: Not yet. With chewy, it’s never been easier
Adam: All right, the newman jet is all locked in. Are you, uh, good to go for first thing in the morning? Clear it with work?
Chelsea: I didn’t clear it with work yet, but I will. You know, I just had the most interesting conversation with nick. He suggested I take a leave of absence, step away from marchetti for a bit so I can focus on connor, not be pulled in a million directions.
Adam: I mean, that’s– that’s not a terrible idea.
Chelsea: Well, I’m sure nick would let you do the same.
Adam: No, I know he would, but working at newman is one of the few things that provides a welcome distraction. But then again, nick can step in for me at a moment’s notice. You don’t have the same luxury.
Chelsea: Yeah, my creative work certainly taps a different part of my brain, but I can’t access that when my heart is a thousand miles away with connor.
Adam: Okay, so do it.
Chelsea: I can’t, adam. I don’t have anyone to cover me. I’m not gonna leave summer in the lurch.
Adam: Look, I hope that this doesn’t sound too opportunistic, but I was just having a conversation and it might help both of you.
Chelsea: Okay, if you have an idea, go on.
Adam: Would you consider letting sally step in?
Alan: Why don’t we just take a breath, okay?
Ashley: So did traci tell you what happened?
Alan: Why don’t you tell me?
Ashley: Okay. Um, I’m talking to jack and traci and then I– I– I get kind of lightheaded and I– i guess I blacked out, which is what apparently I’ve been doing. And then I– I’m in this room and it’s all white, very bright white light and I’m there, but there’s two others of me, but we’re different. One is a– a bitch and the other one has like a southern accent and they’re fighting over me. They’re arguing over me.
Alan: What were they saying?
Ashley: They were saying that I should absolutely not go to paris with you and that I should let them take over. Is this what you meant? Is this what you were trying to explain to me?
Alan: I believe so, yeah. These personalities, alters, call them, they think they’re doing the right thing, ashley. They think they’re protecting you, but the fact that they exist at all means that there is something terribly wrong.
Ashley: Well, what are they protecting me from?
Alan: Well, that’s what we need to find out. I think you should go to paris with me as soon as possible.
Tucker: Yeah, hi, hayley. Uh, I need you to book me on the next flight to paris. Absolutely, tonight.
[ Jordan groaning ]
[ Jordan sobbing ]
Jordan: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, I will not die like this. I will not die like this. Not at your hands, victor, no. No, I will not. Help me, help me, help. Oh.
Cole: Just don’t fight.
Jordan: Please, please have mercy, please. Please, please.
[ Jordan panting ]
[ Jordan crying ]
Cole: Okay, put her back, put her back.
Victor: This is victor newman. We found that jordan woman who escaped from prison twice and who terrorized my family and almost killed my wife. We found her on the banks of the galewood river. Yes, that woman. She’s alive, we’ll bring her to you.
Cole: You’re doing the right thing.
Victor: No, cole, you and michael betrayed me. And that I will not easily forget. Thththe itch and rash of moderate to severe eczema <
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