Y&R Best Lines Monday, April 1, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Victor: I just can’t believe this. Have a seat, son. What brings you by? Anything at Newman I need to address?

Adam: No, it’s– it’s nothing like that. Um, I just wanted to let you know that I’m heading to the east coast tonight with Chelsea and Connor. But don’t worry, my work will get taken care of.

Victor: Kind of short notice, isn’t it?

Adam: It’s Connor.

Victor: What’s going on with our boy?

Adam: Connor has OCD and we’re doing everything we can to get him through it


Victor: Obsessive-compulsive disorder. I’ve heard that term pertaining to adults, but rarely to children.

Adam: I didn’t know that either.

Victor: Ah.

Adam: You know, when Connor first started having issues at school, we thought it was a learning difference, an academic issue. But then we found a doctor who made the diagnosis.

Victor: So, what’s the cure?

Adam: There is no cure. But there are tools that he can learn to manage the diagnosis. He needs something called exposure and response prevention therapy, erp. Chelsea found the best residential program in the country, and we’re lucky enough to get the last spot. So, that’s why we have to leave immediately.

Victor: Take my jet. I mean, I’ll make the arrangements.

Adam: Well, nick already made the offer. So, it’s nice to know that we have your blessing, too.

Victor: My boy, just know that whatever you and chelsea and connor need, you just come to me, all right?

Adam: That means more than you know.

Victor: Yeah, well, I know what it is like to have a child that suffers. And there’s nothing you can do about it.

Adam: You know, we have to do this. It is the right move to make, but I don’t want to let him out of my sight. Connor says that he hates himself. What do I do with that? I mean, how do I– how do I help him?

Victor: That breaks my heart, you know? You just continue doing what you and Chelsea are planning to do. I mean, it’s the right move. Just trust yourself.


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