Y&R Best Lines Monday, March 25, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Christine: Danny Romalotti singing me a beautiful voicemail. I feel like the luckiest woman on the planet.

Danny: I know exactly who the luckiest person is at this table, and it is definitely not you.

******ā€ **************************************

Heather: Lily, welcome home.

Lily: You already said that, heather. Remember? I went to Danielā€™s apartment and walked in on your warm, little, fuzzy family moment?

Heather: Yes, yeah, yeah, ofā€“ ofā€“ of course.

Lily: Right.

Heather: Um, I just wanted to say that Iā€™m really glad that Mattie is doing better, andā€“ and it must have been so nice.

Lily: Okay, heather, Iā€™mā€“ Iā€™mā€“ Iā€™m notā€“ Iā€™m not doing this with you. Okay? I donā€™t wanna hear your ā€œwhat do you mean?ā€ Act. All right? I left town, you got what you wanted, so good for you. Congratulations. I have nothing to say to you.

Heather: Lily, I swear to you, there wasā€“ there was absolutely nothing, and by nothing, I mean zero premeditated about what happened between Daniel and I, and Iā€“ I never, ever intended to hurt you.

Lily: I know you never intended to hurt me, heather. Do you wanna know why? Because you didnā€™t think about me at all. I was not a consideration to you.

Heather: But thatā€™s not true.

Lily: And do you really expect me to believe it wasnā€™t premeditated? I know that your feelings for daniel came back before I even left. You saw that he was the man that you wanted him to be. You saw that, and you wanted him back.


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