Days Best Lines For The Week Of March 18, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to Stefan when he told him about where he could hide)
EJ: I hear Siberia is wonderful this time of year.

(to Stefan when he wanted to say goodbye to Gabi)
EJ: You walk in there now, you’ll be taken out feet first, but don’t worry. I’ll gladly put the knife through Gabi’s heart on your behalf.

Stefan: You son of a b*tch.
EJ: I’d hold back on the name calling especially since your life is in my hands.

(when Sloan gave Leo his check)
Leo: Fantastic. This isn’t going to bounce, is it?
Sloan: Have my checks ever bounced?
Leo: There’s a first time for everything.

Konstantin: You do want to be rich, don’t you?
Theresa: Who doesn’t?

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