Best Lines provided by Eva
Ashley: How have i been acting?
Tucker: So civil. And admitting you were wrong about Paris. Trying to persuade Devon to give me another chance. Oh, yes. Seems you went a little too far with that one, didn’t you? Set off major alarm bells in Abby’s head.
Ashley: Well, she doesn’t understand. I’m sure she thinks that you set me up to pleading your case, and we know that’s not what happened.
Tucker: Yeah, I told her that there’s a possibility you’re setting me up for something, but she wasn’t having that, so she has officially put me on notice. She’ll be watching me, making sure I don’t hurt you again.
Ashley: How sweet.
Tucker: Yeah.
Ashley: How unnecessary.
Tucker: Yeah. Warned me to stay the hell away.
Ashley: Don’t you worry about Abby. She’s being overprotective, but she won’t bother you anymore.
Tucker: What she is is confused. And frankly, so am I, by all these bizarre 180s of yours. If anybody’s playing games here, it’s you.
Ashley: How have i been acting?
Tucker: So civil. And admitting you were wrong about paris. Trying to persuade devon to give me another chance. Oh, yes. Seems you went a little too far with that one, didn’t you? Set off major alarm bells in abby’s head.
Ashley: Well, she doesn’t understand. I’m sure she thinks that you set me up to pleading your case, and we know that’s not what happened.
Tucker: Yeah, I told her that there’s a possibility you’re setting me up for something, but she wasn’t having that, so she has officially put me on notice. She’ll be watching me, making sure I don’t hurt you again.
Ashley: How sweet.
Tucker: Yeah.
Ashley: How unnecessary.
Tucker: Yeah. Warned me to stay the hell away.
Ashley: Don’t you worry about Abby. She’s being overprotective, but she won’t bother you anymore.
Tucker: What she is is confused. And frankly, so am I, by all these bizarre 180s of yours. If anybody’s playing games here, it’s you
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