Days Best Lines For The Week Of March 4, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

(to Rafe)
Ava: This is not the day to mess with me. I am a mother whose son is missing.

Julie: You scared me to death.
Everett: Yeah, you give as good as you get.

(to Goldman about Harris being alive)
Clyde: Does this guy have a guardian angel or something?

(to Stefan)
EJ: You should rent out that space between your ears. You would net out a fortune.

(about EJ’s deal)
Stefan: You have my word.
EJ: Your word is worthless, but your signature on a bonding contract is gold.

(to Roman when he said he talked Kate into running a marathon)
Lucas: How is she going to do that? She doesn’t wear sneakers.

(to Leo)
Sloan: You have been draining me dry for weeks. Cheap is not a word I would use to describe you.

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