Days Short Recap Thursday, March 7, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Eric went to the DiMera mansion to see Holly. He talked to Nicole about Holly. Steve and John looked at a map to figure out where to find Tripp and Wendy. Ava talked to a connection to get information about Tripp and Wendy. She was upset that she had to work with her family again. Steve asked her if her family was going to help. She said Angelo was in. He wondered what it cost her. Eric visited with Holly. She said it was hard to accept losing some of her memory. Sloan talked to Tate and Theresa about Holly getting drugs. Holly talked to Eric about what happened on New Year’s. She couldn’t remember anything. Tate asked Sloan if she thought the case would go to trial. Sloan informed him that it would be hard to prove without Holly remembering how she got the drugs. She said she could do a plea deal for him. He refused to take a plea because he wasn’t guilty. Steve, John and Ava made a plan to get Tripp and Wendy. John and Steve were ready to get the things they needed. Ava wondered what they were talking about.

Nicole didn’t know what she would do if she lost Holly. They bonded while Nicole talked about her fears. Theresa felt like Tate should take the plea. He thought Holly would come around and tell the truth when she remembered it. Tate wanted to know if Holly knew what happened to him. Theresa wasn’t sure if he knew. Sloan wanted to talk to Theresa about Tate. She planned to file a complaint against EJ. She was’t sure if it wold work, but she wanted to try. Ava was upset that Steve and John wanted to take chances against Clyde. Steve said he was doing whatever it takes to get Tripp back. Ava reminded him of what Clyde was capable of. John assured her that he swiped the place for bugs. She told them not to go after Clyde because he would go after Tripp. Ava didn’t want to take chances with their son. Steve didn’t want to let Clyde go after everything he did to the town. John agreed with Steve. Ava felt they were in cahoots behind her back. Steve said they were prepared to get Clyde if he didn’t tell them Tripp’s location. Sloan warned Theresa that she couldn’t guarantee the outcome of Tate’s case, but she would do whatever she could to help. Tate took Theresa’s phone while she was talking to Sloan.

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