Y&R Short Recap Monday, March 4, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Suzanne

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Adam, Chelsea and Billy sit outside of a psychiatrist’s office with Connor. He has an appointment with Dr. Alcott to see if he has OCD. Chelsea and Connor go in to see the doctor while Adam and Billy have a serious heart-to-heart talk about therapy. Dr. Alcott questions Connor and then tells Adam and Chelsea that Connor does have OCD.

Nina and Christine discuss how Phyllis has been manipulating Danny. Chris loves Danny but doesn’t appreciate that he thinks she is only interested in him as a competition with Phyllis. Nina suggests that Chris be honest with Danny before it’s too late. Danny comes by, so Nina leaves them alone. They have a serious talk and agree that they care for each other, and Phyllis is not in the picture for Danny.

Phyllis goes to Society and asks Abby if she can rent out her restaurant for the evening. Abby blows her off, but then Phyllis begs her and tells her how important it is to her. Abby finally agrees, and they work out a deal. Phyllis has a daydream about Danny bringing her great Italian food, and then he proposes.

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