Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Chance talks to Nina about the power struggle going on at Chancellor-Winters between Billy and Devon. Chance thinks he should team up with Nate to do what is best for the company.

Mamie tells Amanda to let Jill know that she wants to undo the merger so both companies can exist on their own. Amanda tells Mamie Jill will never agree to that idea.

Seth insists that Jordan go talk to Nikki and Victor because he is certain she is the woman who tortured Nikki and held her hostage. Seth takes Jordan by the arm and they walk outside the doors of the Empty Glass Bar. Jordan wrestles herself away from Seth’s grip. Jordan pushes Seth onto the street where Seth is run over by a car and killed. Nikki gets a call from a police woman who tells her Seth was killed when someone pushed him into the path of an oncoming car on purpose.

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