Days Transcript Monday, February 26, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


Okay. We should have the CT results back shortly. How’s the headache? It’s gone. The dizziness? The lightheadedness? I feel totally fine now. Great. Oh, sorry. Excuse me. Uh, I’ve got an emergency. I’ve got to run. But just sit tight and somebody will come in and relieve me, okay? Thanks, Mom. Absolutely. Thanks, Dr.

Johnson. Sure, I’m just glad you’re feeling better. You scared me, Everett. Yeah, I scared myself.

I just, I wish to hell I knew what was going on with me. Whatever it is, I’m sure my mom will figure it out. How

long do you think we’ve been in here? It’s hard to tell without phones or windows, and of course my watch is dead, so I’d say a day or two. It feels like a lot longer than that. Justin, I feel like, like it’s getting smaller in here, like, like the walls are closing in. You feel that too, right? No, not really.

Honey, are you okay? I’m I don’t know, I I’m sorry. Maybe you should sit back down for a minute. No, I’m worse off like I thought I was going to throw up. Hey, hey. I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. Harris. Harris, my man. Can you open your eyes for me?

Hey. Hey. Welcome back, buddy. Hey. Welcome back.

Nurse, excuse me. Um, what’s happening? Detective Michaels is responsive. He’s definitely waking up. Oh, thank God. Thank God. Oh, God, you know, I, I finally, I finally talked Rafe into letting me go in and talk to him. And then when I was in there, he just, he opened his eyes and then of course I told the nurse and then they, they, they kicked me out, but, oh my God, Stephen, what?

I bet that Harris is going to have a great idea as to where we could find Tripp. Paris waking up could be the answer to all of our prayers. No. No?

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Windy, Windy, Windy. Hey, I’m right, I’m right here. just try to take nice and deep, slow breaths with me, okay? Like, hey, look at me in the eyes, look at me in the eyes. Focus on, it’s good to focus on something. I know, I know. Look at me in the eyes. It’s good to focus on something. There you go, good. Alright, now breathe in and out.

Nice and slow. There you go, there you go. In. Out, okay. Breathe with me. In. And now, there you go, now is that better? Okay, okay, keep breathing, keep breathing. Oh. Okay, I think it’s working. You’re going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. I’m right here. I’m right here for you. I’m not going anywhere. Okay? All right, this is all gonna be over soon.

It’s gotta be. Hello, it’s Stephanie. Marlena, hi. This is Everett Lynch. Everett, this is Dr. Marlena Evans. Nice to meet you, Dr. Evans. Nice to meet you, too, Everett. Dr. Johnson has asked me to take over your case. And, of course, she will continue conferring with me on everything that’s changing. Okay. I was given your CAT scan.

There is evidence of traumatic brain injury. Okay. Yeah. I, I’d like to, uh, hear what’s been happening with you. So we’ll have some idea how to treat you. Did you just say that it’s not good that Harris is waking up? What the hell, Stefan? You What are you

Well, did you say it or not? No, I I mean, yes, I did say it, but I was more thinking about Clyde and how he’s gonna react when he finds out that Harris is awake. He’s obviously not gonna be happy. Okay, well, screw Clyde, okay? Seriously, Stefan. Why the hell should I worry about how, how Clyde is gonna take Harris coming out of his coma?

And why the hell should you?

Hey. Kayla. So you were here when Harris opened his eyes? Yeah, I was. And, um, he looked at me for a while. But he didn’t say anything? No. Let me see. Okay. Uh, Harris. Harris. Can you open your eyes for me?

There you go. There you go. Do you know who I am? Kayla. That’s right. I am. And you, Detective Michaels. Are back. Thank God. Where

am I? What’s going on? You’re in the hospital. You are safe. And you’re in good hands.

What happened? You don’t remember?

You were shocked, and you’ve been in a coma quite some time. Gave us all quite a scare. God, what is

taking so long? Kayla’s probably got a hundred tests she’s gotta run. Yeah, well surely someone could come out and tell us what’s happening. They got protocols. Look, I gotta get going, okay? So why don’t you just text me if you hear anything. Okay, are you kidding? Don’t leave. Yeah, don’t leave. How about if nobody goes anywhere?

Good, your breathing is stabilized. How do you feel? Mostly tired. A little woozy. Definitely better, though. What happened to me? Well, I think you had a panic attack. Have you ever dealt with claustrophobia before? Not that I remember nothing like this, that’s for sure.

Thank you for talking me down. Anytime.

You remember when I was in total claustrophobic panic mode? And you told me that you weren’t going anywhere. I’m not. Yeah. You kind of don’t have a choice. It’s true. Yeah, but even if I did have a choice, there’s no place I’d rather be than just wherever you are. Indeed.

Uh, well, Stephanie and I and Grace. We were, we were at the Brady Pub waiting for, um, Jada to arrive. Yeah, and I suggested that we have a double date with Jada and Rafe. So that they could meet Everett. Um, Jada. So that Jada could Anyway, uh, Rafe already had. Well, she was, she was later than, than the three of us.

And, um, when she came in and she saw me, Uh, she just, uh, just totally lost it, you know. Um, she was very angry. Enraged, you might say. Uh, you know, she thought that I was her ex husband. She accused me of lying, um, went on about how I, How I cheated on her and, and nothing that I said could convince her that I, that I wasn’t her ex.

Jada and I, we grew up together. Our parents were all friends. And we just recently started getting close. So she told me about her ex. How she’d been terribly hurt by him. She’d found out that he cheated on her. They got in a really big fight, apparently. And after she served him with divorce papers. He disappeared.

Mm hmm. So when she became so angry, how did you react? When she was very confrontational, as I said, and, of course, you know, I was, I was totally thrown. Um, I was upset. Wow. But it’s funny, as, as she was hurling these insults at me, and, and telling me what a horrible, deceitful person that I was, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her, you know?

And then, and then she, she showed up. At my, at my door with a, um, A, uh, a fingerprint scanner. Oh. And did that confirm that you were Robert Stein?

I mean, I don’t,

I don’t know how That could be possible, you know, I mean I feel like, uh, I feel like I’m losing my mind. Or maybe I’ve, I’ve already lost it, I don’t know. I swear to you, my name is Everett Lynch, I don’t even know who Robert Stein is.

Stephanie, you said that you and Everett were in a relationship several years ago? Yes, when we were both living in Seattle. And that ended. Why was that?

Everett left one day to go to work and didn’t come back. I thought he’d disappeared on me, ghosted me. But it turns out he was in an accident. I see. A very serious accident, which left him in a coma. I didn’t know that. Until a few months ago, when he came to Salem and found me.

So you have no memory of ever being Bobby Stein? No. Absolutely not. And I don’t ever recall being married. And, uh,

the woman, I don’t ever remember Dr. Evans, how is it possible that Everett remembers some things but not others? He remembers me, and his life as Everett Lynch, but not his ex wife. Well, that is possible in some cases. I mean, it’s possible that Everett had dissociative amnesia. Or traumatic amnesia. Those things happen with PTSD.

What, from the, from the accident? Yes. So it really is possible that, after the accident, Everett’s brain turned off the memories of being Robert Stein? Yes, that’s possible.

I mean, uh, just when I thought I was getting my life back together with the woman that I love. Just when I thought that the nightmare Of that accident of being trapped in an unconscious state for a year, being separated from Stephanie, just when I thought all of that was behind me and I could finally start living the life that I’ve always wanted to live.

Then I find out

Go on. I mean, is it possible? Could it be true that, that, that I’m not who I thought I was? That I’m, that I’m someone who, who cheated on his wife? Who lied to her? Was, was cruel to her? Could it be true that That I Am Bobby Stein?

Well, it’s probably pretty late. I don’t think I’ll be able to go to sleep. What about you? Definitely not. I guess we could swap stories from the past. What kind of stories? Anything. You know, you haven’t really shared that much of your childhood with me. There’s not much to tell. I mean, I, I was, I was born in Hong Kong, as you know.

And then I lived, I lived there for about six years. And then we moved to India for my father’s business. What was that like? Uh, you know, it was a tough adjustment at first. But I grew to love it. I mean, you know, I was a tomboy back then, and I was pretty athletic, and I preferred hanging out with the guys.

Well, you know, we can be pretty fun, us guys. Yeah, I definitely thought so at the time.

And then there was this one guy, Samir. He ended up being my best friend. And when we went rock climbing, and then he taught me how to skateboard. He was an amazing skateboarder. No, I’m serious. Like, he did all sorts of tricks. Like the dolphin flip and the double kickflip. Wow, so was Samir your first crush by chance?

Uh, I was nine, Tripp. Wow, an older man. He was older, yeah, but That was, anyway, that was a long time ago and far away, so Now it’s your turn to tell me more about your childhood. Let me, uh, let me save that for another time. It’s mostly kind of sad, and I think right now we should really stick to the light hearted stuff, you know?

Okay. Um, then how about you tell me a funny story? From like med school days or whatever. Hmm, okay, funny. Okay, med school. Um Okay, I got one. Okay. I was in my second year of med school. I was doing my hospital rotations. Uh huh. And I asked this patient who was complaining about dizziness if she had ever been diagnosed with vertigo.

Her daughter immediately chimed in right away and was like, no, no, no, no, no. She’s a Libra. She was joking, right? No, no, no. She was dead serious. Oh, yeah. Oh, and this, uh, one time This patient came in and she had good news and bad news. Okay. Yeah, and she said, okay. The wonderful medicine that works for my ears, you have no idea.

My ears are clear now. And I said, oh, that’s great. That’s fantastic. Yeah. She said, yeah, but they tasted terrible. Oh, no. Yeah. Oh. She actually swallowed her own eardrops. Yeah, but she felt better, so I mean, whatever. Oh! Oh, and this happened recently, this, uh, uh, I was examining this patient, this sweet, sweet elderly woman who was kind of flirting with me.

Right. And, uh, I lean in to check her eyes. And she looks at me, and she says, very coyly, she says, You look like my third husband. And I said, Wow, third? Okay, well, how many have you had? She said, Two. Wow. Yeah. I love that. I love you. I love you so much. Rafe, um, what’s going on with Harris? Well, he opened his eyes.

And, uh, Kayla’s in there with him now. Okay, look, Ava, I’m sorry, but I really gotta get back to work. Okay, wait, no, no, no. I texted with Elliot. Everything is fine at the bistro. Yeah, I think it’s a good idea that you both stick around, in case Harris has anything to say. Hey. Hey, Caleb. How is he? Well, he’s awake.

He’s talking. His vitals are good. He’s talking. Stefan, he’s talking. Can I see him? Yes, but please keep it short. Yeah, will do. Okay, thank you.

It’s good to have you back, man. Thanks. It’s good to be back. Yeah. Please tell me we got Clyde. No. I wish I could say that. But we’re close. I’ll leave you two alone. Just push the call button if you need anything. Thank you. Can, can you open the blinds for me, please? Oh, absolutely.

You gonna fill me in on what happened? Well, I promised Kayla that I wouldn’t wear you out, so Come on, Rafe, please. Alright, fine. I’ll give you the short version.


Back to us.

Okay. Alright, so I have regaled you with numerous late night school stories. So now it is your turn. My turn? Okay. Uh, let’s see. Actually, I I can’t really think of anything right now, I’m sorry. No, no, that’s, that’s okay. It’s just, I’m trying so hard to be tough about this. You know, to be brave.

But I’m not really succeeding at the moment. I’m scared.

Aren’t you? No. No, I’m not. I’m, uh, I’m angry is what I am. Outraged, actually. No, no. I’m not enjoying our accommodations, obviously. But, uh, no, I, I know that we’re gonna be okay. I know that we’re going to be rescued, and we’re going to be found very soon, okay? And, I’m so grateful that if I am stuck in a beer tank, at least I’m with the person that I love most as well.

I’m grateful for that too. And I’m also grateful that even though you really are scared, You’re acting all brave and tough for me. Okay, yeah, sort of an act, but, uh, what’s the expression, you know, fake it till you make it, right? Right. Right. Well, you’re pretty good at that. I’m impressed. So, you want to give me any tips?

Well, smiling like you are right now, it’s a good start.

At this point, we’re just gathering information. So let’s not get ahead of ourselves with conjecture. I understand. So what’s the next step? Well, I’d like to get a release for you to sign so I can get your medical records from Seattle. Of course. Will you be requesting records for Everett Lynch or Robert Stein?

I think both, if that’s alright with you. Yeah, sure. Okay. Right back.

I don’t know what’s going on here, Stephanie, but I, I swear to you, Robert Stein, he is a stranger to me.

I don’t know what to believe right now. Well, believe this. I love you. I would never hurt you.

This is a lot for both of us to process. Right now I think it’s best that we just wait and see what the doctors say.

And what if, um, what if, what if something’s terribly wrong? You know, like, physically, I mean, what if, um, what if I have like a brain tumor? You just had a CAT scan. They would have found if you had a brain tumor. Let’s not borrow trouble, okay? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.

All I know is, um,

I don’t know if, if I can I’ll totally be alone right now.

You won’t be. I promise I’ll be there for you. What do

you think Harris is saying to him? Not much from what I can tell. Looks like Rafe’s doing most of the talking. Yeah, come on Rafe. I need to know what happened with Clyde. Yeah, I’m gonna fill you in on all that. First, we need to talk about what happened to you. Kayla said, I was shot. Yeah. I’m assuming you know something about that.

I do. Yeah. Um, it happened at the bistro loading dock. Bistro.

Okay, Kayla didn’t mention that. Alright, well, we were there to meet someone, apparently. We need to find out who that someone was.

Harris, you don’t know who did this to you, you don’t know who shot you.

Thank you. Now that you have assigned their releases, I can begin to familiarize myself with your information. Right. All right. Do you have old friends or, or family members who might be able to fill in some of the blanks for us? Uh, my old editor and, uh, a reporter buddy I, I used to hang out with in Seattle.

Good. And also, when you’re talking to them, they might trigger something, uh, in you, some memory you’d forgotten. I mean, if that happens, please. Call my office at once. Will do. And please do stop by and make a follow up appointment. I think we should start sessions as soon as possible. Oh. You’re a psychiatrist.

Yes. And I’m also going to contact a neurologist. I think it’s important that we have as much information, psychological again, neurologically, as we can about your case, in order to Give you the best diagnosis. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I, I, um, I understand. And, in your experience, I know you can’t say definitively, but, uh, when you’ve dealt with this sort of an issue, do you think it’s possible that I’ll remember those parts of my life that my, my brain seems to have completely deleted?

I can’t guarantee that. But of course, it’s what we’re all hoping for, isn’t it?

So this, baking it till you make it, is um, actually working better than I thought it would. And I’m gonna sound like a really nerdy doctor here, but the reason is because when you smile, your brain releases these tiny molecules called neuropeptides, and they, uh, help fight off stress. And then later on, other neurotransmitters like dopamine and endorphins and serotonin, they all come into play later on.

Okay. Okay. So in layman’s terms, smiling can trick you into feeling happier. Right. And on an even happier note, at least we know people are probably looking for us by now. Since I missed my hospital shift. Yeah, and since I’ve missed at least one work day at the police station. Yeah, and our mom is probably going crazy with worry.

She’s probably having my dad work his ass off trying to find us. But how would people know to look for us here? Yeah, that, I, uh, I don’t know. Pretty desolate area. Yeah, the old brewery by the airport. Tripp, it seems the only way we’re going to get out of here is if we find a way out ourselves. I know, but we’ve already tried to escape out of all the obvious ways we’re going to think outside the box.

Yeah, we are. And with big smiles on our faces, right? Right. Because we believe we can do this. Because we are clever, and resourceful, and you Are incredibly strong, and valiant, and fearless, and, and intrepid. How am I doing? You’re doing great, I don’t even think you’re faking it anymore. Actually, I’m not. No, I’m feeling genuinely positive right now.

Okay, so what we need is a strategy. Like a brilliant one. Like MacGyver? Yeah. Yeah? Yeah. Alright, what would MacGyver do? Yeah, Ava’s

been hanging around here pretty much ever since this happened to you. I finally let her in to see you. Before you opened your eyes. What about Stefan? Oh yeah, he’s been here too. As you can see. Well, I told them both to hang out. At least until I got your statement. He must be questioning him about the night he was shot.

Yeah, he probably is. Look, Ava, as much as I’d like to stay here and support you, I really need to get going. Again with Stefan? What is with the rush to leave? Because I got a lot going on, okay? Standing around here in this hospital clueling my thumbs when I got a million things to do is making me kind of nuts.

Yeah, I have noticed. You’ve had one foot out the door ever since you showed up here, even though Rafe told us to stay put. Come on. Stefan, talk to me. What’s got you so restless? Ava, it’s just It’s just what?

It’s Clyde. He made me.

Oh, hey, Ronnie. Hey, Emily. How’s Harris? Well, he’s out of his coma. Oh, thank heaven. Yeah, yeah. I mean, he’s still weak, of course, but we expect a full recovery. I’m so pleased. Yeah. Hey, listen, I just wanted to thank you for jumping in with Everett. It was my pleasure. Yeah, I mean, I was going to call you in on the case anyway as soon as I finished the initial evaluation.

But then, uh, you know, Harris waking up, everything just proceeded so quickly. Yeah. Well, I’m glad I was available. Yeah. But what did you think? Oh, I, gosh, I’d have to have a lot more information before I could make a reasonable diagnosis. Right, of course. But the CT scan did confirm about the previous TBI.

But, you know, I scanned the whole thing and I just don’t see any explanation for the memory loss. I don’t either. Well, do you think there’s a chance that he doesn’t have amnesia? That he could be faking it?

You’re awfully quiet.

Just taking everything in. It’s all either of us can do right now. Until we find out the truth about who you really are and what happened to you.

Jada deserves answers too.

Hello? Yes, this is C. Now? Uh, yeah, I’ll be there as soon as I can.

That was the police. They, uh, They want me to come down to the station right away.

My god, you’re back. Can you get this out of here? Shut up and listen. I’m calling the shots here. Johnson, you’re gonna record a little message for mommy. Yeah, what if I don’t?

The girl has no value to us. You know that, right? Yeah, I’ll do whatever you want. Take this. It’s all set to record. You’re gonna read exactly what’s written on the piece of paper in that envelope. And no funny business, Johnson. You’re gonna read exactly what is written. Not one word more, or one word less.

Got it. Rafe, um,

how’s Harris? What’s going on? He’s pretty sore. He’s in a fair amount of pain. I didn’t want to tire him out, but I did ask him about the shooting. And? And he Has no idea who shot him. I told him there’s evidence that points to Xander, but He couldn’t confirm it. So In short, he has no idea who tried to kill him.

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