Days Transcript Monday, February 19, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


So it was a success? They got all the cancer out?

By all indications, yes. The lymph nodes were clear. There was no metastases, and we were able to preserve the parathyroid.

Oh, that is such great news.

So what’s the next step in her recovery?

Mainly just a lot of rest. But she may have a little pain in the incision site, but it’s nothing to worry about. And she might have some difficulty speaking.

Difficulty speaking? Well, she’s not going to like that.

Well, it’s just temporary. In the meantime, the hospital will give her a whiteboard and some post-it notes if she wants to say something.

When can she come home?

Well, I’d like to keep her here for a couple of days, keep an eye on her. I can talk to you later about some follow-ups and long-term care. Yeah.

[sighs] You hear that, Mama? You’re going to be OK. You are going to be more than OK.

So, you know, this is cause for celebration.


Mm, agreed. And I’ve heard it’s not the only cause of celebration.

What a wonderful dinner you prepared, Konstantin. What was it again?

Pastitsio. It’s a Greek lasagna, an old family recipe that was probably written on papyrus.

Well, it was delicious. And I’m sure it was much appreciated by the newest residents of the Kiriakis mansion, Chad and Charlotte, Thomas, Julie, and Doug.

Oh, such a terrible misfortune losing their house in a fire.

Yeah, and it meant so much to them, to all of us. But wasn’t it wonderful, in spite of everything that they’ve gone through, Doug and Julie, they were so spirited tonight, so determinedly upbeat?

And still so much in love, it seems.

Definitely. Oh, when they sang that duet.


Oh, my goodness.

A moving performance.

[laughs] It was. I was also moved when Charlotte and Thomas lit up when you handed them those candied hearts. I know that cheered up Chad and– a great deal to see his precious children smile.

I adore the little ones. They are so cute.


And it was wonderful to see you cheer up as well, Maggie.

Well, thanks, in great part to you, Konstantin.

Well, I hope I can cheer you up a little further with this.

Well, well, well. So is this the elusive Everett Lynch?


Oh, my God. Bobby?

[tense music]

Excuse me? Who’s Bobby? Who are you?

Who– are you being serious right now? Why are you pretending to not know who I am?

What is going on?

I’ll tell you what’s going on. This man is my ex-husband. This is Bobby Stein.



Whoa, uh, look, I– I don’t know who Bobby Stein is, nor do I have any idea who you are.


Whoa! Ma’am, we’ve never met before. I’ve never met this woman before.

How can you say that?

Uh, because it’s true. Look, I have no idea why you seem so angry right now.

The hell you don’t.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. Let’s just– let’s take a step back here, OK? Now, was it possible that your ex-husband and Everett just happened to look alike?

No. It’s him. Even behind that beard, I can tell that you are the man that I was a fool to marry. You broke my heart. You broke my spirit. And you left me, and you never even bothered to look back. You are Bobby Stein.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

Well, congratulations, you two. And, Chanel, you make a stunning bride. But you are stunning anyway, just like your mom. Look at her, glamorous in a hospital gown.

Mama would look glamorous even in “Sesame Street” pajamas.

I agree with that.

Hey, you know what? I just realized our anniversary is on Valentine’s Day, just like yours.

Ah, well, welcome to the club.

It’s beautiful. Such kind words.

And every one is true. You know, Maggie dear, I know I am not, as the Americans would say, your– your Valentine. Don’t they also say the greeting card companies invented the holiday?

Yeah, that’s the rumor.

Anyway, I don’t want to cross any boundary with this. I simply want to tell you how much you mean to me.

Jada, look at me. Jada, please. Look at me. This man, this man’s name is Everett, Everett Lynch. He works at “The Spectator.”

OK. OK, Everett, how about this, huh? One second. Here, see for yourself.

OK. I mean, yeah, I definitely see the resemblance. But I mean, we all have– what– doppelgangers or people who look like us. There are billion people waddling around this planet.

That is not a doppelganger. That is you. That’s you, and you know damn well it is.

Look, I honestly don’t know what more I can say or do to convince you that this complete stranger isn’t me.

OK. How about I prove that he is? How about I haul your ass down to the station right now and I run your prints, and you tell me that they won’t come back as Robert Stein?

Say it again, Mama, but just a little louder this time.

Here you go.



Well, of course you are. You haven’t eaten anything since before midnight last night.

Well, unfortunately, she can’t have anything till the morning. I’m sorry, Paulina, but only ice chips tonight, OK? Tomorrow we’ll get you on a little more regular diet– soft foods, pudding, scrambled eggs, yogurt, that sort of thing. We’ll prepare a menu for you. I’m sorry. I’ll check in tomorrow, OK?

All right. Thanks for everything, Kayla.

Absolutely. And if you need anything, you guys just call me, all right?

Can I get you anything, Mama? Magazines? Or I can go home and get some books for you so that you can read them. Or I can make calls for you for work or whatever. And I’ll make sure that I call Big Mama tonight and give her the lowdown on everything. But for now, just tell me what you need.

Yes, please. And I’ll do whatever I can. I’m happy to make a run to the store. I can run by your place, grab those books.

You know, in Greece, it is not the tradition to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Oh, no?

No, no, no. However, on February th, we do celebrate and honor Saint Priscilla and Saint Aquila, a couple who traveled with Saint Paul to spread the gospel.

Oh. Well, I remember Victor telling me tales about certain Greek holidays that were just excuses to sit around a table eating and laughing and shouting at each other.

That is true, I must admit.

That’s certainly not the holiday that you described. I’m sure you know that Victor was a wonderful storyteller–


–so erudite when it came to Greek mythology. He used to compare our love to Eros and Psyche, me being Psyche, a woman of unmatched beauty, and he’s Eros, an unsightly beast, who was madly in love with Psyche.

That is a lovely and, some might say, a well-worn tale. But did you know that in Greek, Psyche actually means “soul”?

Hmm. I did not know that.

Well, now you do. And speaking of souls, it is a privilege to get to know you better and better, Maggie, and to celebrate your incredible soul.

That’s very kind. Konstantin, though, you have a very generous and gentle heart. I could see that when– I don’t know, when the way you interacted with Thomas and Charlotte earlier.

I admit, I have a soft spot for the little ones.

That’s obvious. You know, I wonder, we never talk about it. Do you have any children of your own?

[tense music]

Uh, look, Rafe, I– I mean this totally genuinely, and I’m not trying to sound disrespectful. But is it– is it possible that, I don’t know, that she’s losing it?

Losing it? I’m losing it? OK, OK. I’m not the one pretending to be someone else. I’m not the one who’s gaslighting his ex-wife. So let me– let me jog your memory for you, OK, Bobby?

The name is Everett.

Years ago, when I discovered that you cheated on me, I filed for divorce, and I served you your papers. You–

Jada, Jada.

You turned into a ghost. And I don’t know, I assumed that you just got in too deep with those shady poker guys. Or I don’t know, maybe you just changed your identity and started a whole new life.

Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen. What you’re saying right now makes me feel like I’m taking crazy pills. OK, look, I know that the stress of your profession is very taxing emotionally, psychologically.

Oh, no, don’t you go there.

But I’m not– I’m not who you think I am, OK? I’m not Bobby Stein, nor have I ever been Bobby Stein. You and I were never married, nor have I ever been married. And that is the God’s honest truth.

So when you finally woke up from that coma, were you as lucid as you are now?

No, I wasn’t. I mean, my first diagnosis was retrograde amnesia, which is inability to access memories or information from before an accident or an injury or disease. So, you know, all they could tell me was to– to give it time.



After the accident, you said you had memory loss. Could that be why you don’t remember Jada and that you were married to her? Could it be because of the accident?

For Chanel and Johnny–

Oh my goodness, you did not. My employee said they were going to send us a specially made cake. Wow, thank you so much.

Of course.

Hey, when you get a chance, would you mind telling Dr. Johnson we’d love her to come and have a piece of cake with us?

I will do that.

Thank you. Take a look at this thing?


OK. Oh.

So who cuts the cake?

Well, traditionally, that honor is reserved for the bride and groom.

Shall we?


If you wouldn’t mind, sir.

Not at all.


All right.

Here we go.

Oh, hold on, let me see.

[laughter] It’s red velvet.

Very nice.

So good. Oh, of course, Mama. Of course.



Sorry to interrupt, Doctor.


I’ve been told there’s some cake waiting for you in the Price room.

Oh, I love cake. Thank you.

Oh, also, I thought you should know, Tripp hasn’t shown up for his shift.

Huh? Well, that’s odd.


I’ll reach out for him now. Thank you.

[tense music]

I see my question upset you. I’m sorry.

No, no, there’s no need for you to be sorry. We are friends. You asked me if I had any children, and why would you not? That is a perfectly reasonable question. Yes, I had a child, a daughter, Katerina. She was my– my…

[speaks in Greek] my heart. She was everything to me. And then she was gone. It happened many years ago in a fishing village not too far from Athens. It was tragic, an accident. And she was so young and beautiful inside and out, my Katerina.

Konstantin, I’m sorry. I know what it’s like. I know what it’s like to lose a child. The pain, it– it reaches the depths of your being. And even though time lessens the acuteness of it, it’s there. It’s always there, the pain.

Yes, it is. I tried to conjure up memories of her tender smile, the way the– the sun shone off my daughter’s beautiful hair. It is those memories that delivered to me some kind of peace, serenity.

Yes, it’s true. I was in an accident. I got hit by a car, one of those giant pickup trucks. I count my blessings every single day I’m alive.

It was my fault. I asked him to run errands, and he was just crossing the street and–

Steph, please, please. The only person who bears responsibility for that accident is the genius driver, who was, I’m told, playing “Candy Crush” on his phone at the time. Anyway, I’m not sure why we’re telling them this. But anyway, after I was struck down, I was apparently carted off in an ambulance, close to death, and placed into a medically induced coma for a year.

So he disappeared. I thought he ghosted me. I was confused, obviously, heartbroken, until he came back a couple of months ago. And he tracked me down.

I don’t buy it.

Well, speaking for myself, I don’t know what to believe right now. So if it’s OK with you, Everett, I’m going to personally look into this. And hopefully, we’ll get it all straightened out.

Yes, great. I love it; look into it. I have nothing to hide.

OK, fine. I mean, as we all know, you know, people do get amnesia all the time, and they can forget whole chapters of their life. So yes, why don’t you feel free to explore that idea? But I can tell– I can tell by looking in your eyes that you know me, and you know that we were married. And you know that you are still the same lying, cheating son of a bitch.

You are obviously in a world of pain from how you were treated, apparently, by your ex-husband. And that must be the reason that you would throw these kind of insane insults at a man who has never, ever laid eyes on you before. So let me just say this one more time so that you can finally accept it, and we can move on. I’m not your ex-husband. I am not Bobby Stein. My name is Everett Lynch.

[tense music]

Hey, Tripp, it’s Kayla. I’m at the hospital, and you’re not. So I’m just wondering if maybe you lost track of time. I mean, maybe you’re out for a nice Valentine’s dinner with Wendy. Or maybe you’re going off to the Cache Cupid Geo Hunt? Is that how you say it? Anyway, I’m sure everything’s OK. But maybe you could just give me a call and let me know? OK, bye.

OK, look at you, all John Mayer with your guitar.

Yeah. Well, you know, I just figured since we didn’t hire a band for our lavish wedding that I would fill in. Any requests?

Ooh, how about Ed Sheeran? Oh, or maybe Taylor Swift? You know I’m a big Swiftie at heart.

Who doesn’t know that?

Oh, no. You know what? How about you surprise us?

Oh, you want a surprise? OK, sounds good. But just remember that you asked for it.

[light guitar music] * * * My whole life I’ve lived in second gear * * Trying to go somewhere but got stuck here * * The day I met you it changed my life * * I saw the sparkle in your sunshine eyes * * No longer alone * * On top of the world * * On top of the world * * * * I love those pretty eyes and your smile * * And when you look my way * * There’s no denial * * The sun is shining bright * * It’s crystal clear * * The day is looking up because you’re near * * No longer alone * * On top of the world *

Konstantin, what about Katerina’s mother?



Oh, OK, never mind.


We can change the subject, really.

It is fine. It is fine. I feel so at ease with you, Maggie. Katerina’s mother, well, I adored her. She was one of the great loves of my life, and she was a wonderful mother to our Katerina. But when we lost her, our Katerina, there was this emptiness, this unspeakable sadness. The marriage did not survive.

[gentle music]


Yeah, you’re not Bobby. So we’re all supposed to just take your word for it, even though he looks and sounds exactly like Bobby.

All right, look, this isn’t going anywhere, at least not anywhere good. So why don’t we all just take a deep breath and we’ll call it a night?

I think that’s a good idea.


Fine. But, Stephanie, I can tell that you have feelings for this guy. Oh, I know that you are a really good person, and I think that you know that I am not a complete lunatic. So please, please believe me tonight for what I know to be true. Please– please don’t allow yourself to be sandbagged longer than you already have been. And I know who you are. And you will be found out. And you will eventually get what you deserve.

[groans] Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.

I don’t– I don’t know what to think or what to say.

Yeah. Steph, how well do you know her?

Jada is my friend. She has always been so warm and kind. And she did tell me about her ex, how he cheated on her and lied to her and broke her heart.

Yeah. I mean, that must have been so hard for her. But I mean, to come after me like that, to accuse me of breaking her spirit on and on about how I cheated on her, how I lied to her, I mean– what? What are you– what are you– what are you thinking?

It’s just everything she said and that photo– Everett, are you really telling the truth? Are you really not Bobby Stein?

[tense music]

I’m terribly sorry you lost your daughter, Konstantin, your Katerina. I’m always here if you ever need to talk.

That means so much to me. And now I must ask you for something. And you can say no, of course. May I kiss you?


Good night, Maggie.

[guitar strumming]

* On top of the world * * Mm, yeah * * *

[applause] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Yes, yes, you really are. And you are talented and charming. And I am so lucky that you are all my husband.

You certainly are, wife.

[tense music]

What’s going on? Do you need something, Paulina? What do you need? The doctor did say the anesthetic might make you nauseous.

OK, I’ll go get the doctor.



Jada! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey. Can you just talk to me? OK. All right, what happened back there, I’ve never seen you lose it like that before.

Because that man, Everett, he is a duplicitous con man who is a liar, and I was stupid enough to even marry. And now he’s doing this whole, what, this disappearing act, and he’s changing his whole identity. And he has the nerve. He’s claiming that I’m the one– I’m the one that lost it?


So yeah, yeah, yeah, that was– that was a lot for me to take in.

I understand. I understand. It’s just he claims he doesn’t know you.

He is a liar! He’s a liar!

Yeah, OK. Obviously, this has really freaked you out, and understandably so. Yeah, it’s just– oh, I’ve hung out with Everett a few times. He seems like a decent guy.

Oh my God. You think I’m the one that’s lying, don’t you?

[tense music]

Are you asking me if– if I am not Bobby Stein, a name I have never heard before it came out of the mouth of a woman I have never seen before? Stephanie, you could hook me up to every lie detector in the country, and I would tell you that your friend, Jada, is a complete stranger to me.

But the photo.

So she married a guy who looks like me. There are people in the world who look like each other, look-alikes, you know? And my God, I think I’d know my own name, all right? And it is not Stein. It is Lynch. My name is Everett Lynch. It is– it is on my driver’s license. Do you want to see it?

No, I don’t. I just–

What? You just what?

Is it possible that you don’t remember your past life with Jada because of the accident?

No. It is not possible. In fact, it is impossible. I mean, yes, there are– there are gaps in my memory, OK, you know, like maybe movies that I forgot that I saw or friends’ bachelor parties that I forgot getting bombed at, but not years or entire relationships. I mean, I think I’d remember getting married.

It’s an engagement ring. The question is, why do you have one?

OK. The truth is I bought it a long time ago, before the accident.

For me? Everett, you were going to ask me to marry you? The ring I found–

What? What about it?

So is that why your marriage ended, because your ex cheated on you?

Well, that was the main reason. But it was how I found out.

And how was that?

One day, I was checking our credit card bill, and I found a really big charge from a jewelry store. And since he hadn’t bought me any jewelry in months, well, you get the idea.

What’s going on? Are you OK?

No, I’m not OK. Because if– if Jada is telling the truth and you’re Bobby, it means I’m the other woman.

[gentle music]


No, no, no. No, I am not saying that Jada, no. No, of course I don’t think that you’re a liar.

Well, you’re going on and on about how Everett’s this decent, nice guy like he can’t be a liar, right?

No, no, no, I only said that because–

Because what?

Because I just think– hey, I just think that we need to be careful with this, OK? You’re accusing someone of falsifying their identity, your ex-husband. I just think that you need to be % sure before you take that shot. Are you sure?

All I can say is that as soon as I saw him, there’s just all these– there’s all these old wounds just opened up, all the resentment, all the pain, all the hurt.


All that work that I put in to put that part of my life behind me, it just feels like it was just yesterday. So yeah, yeah, yeah, I lost it. I lashed out, because you don’t know– you don’t know what Bobby did to me and what he might do to Stephanie.

I understand.

I’m going to go to the station right now. I am going to find everything there is about Everett Lynch, no stone unturned.

OK, hold on. Jada, Jada, Jada, Jada. Just hold on, OK? I know how important this is to you. And because of that, it’s important to me as well, all right? But it’s late. And let’s not forget it’s also Valentine’s Day, right? So how about this, why don’t– why don’t we just try and salvage what’s left of this night? And then, tomorrow– tomorrow, I promise you, we will get to the bottom of this Bobby everything, all right? We’ll go– we can go back to my place, order from your favorite Thai restaurant, right? They can deliver those spring rolls, you love those, and the drunken noodles. And we can just hang out or watch a movie or whatever. Does that sound OK to you?

Sure. Yeah, let’s do it.

OK, great. I promise you, tomorrow we will find out what is going on with this thing, OK? Promise.

Steph, come on. You can’t possibly believe something that preposterous, that my actual name is Bobby Stein. I mean, it’s legit insanity.

Everett, you bought a ring. You were going to propose to me. You said that.

Yeah, I did. But that’s relevant because?

It’s relevant because Jada said that Bobby bought a ring for another woman, which means he was cheating on her with, it seems, me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. But that only makes sense if I’m Bobby, which I’m not. I mean, Steph, I’m not– I’m not a cheater, all right?

How do you know if you can’t remember? Oh my God. I feel like I’m going crazy.

Listen. Hey, hey, hey, hey. It’s OK. It’s OK. Let’s just take a beat, all right? Let’s calm down. Please, please, please. Let’s go back to my room. Let’s have a nightcap and talk about this like two mature adults, OK?

I’m– I don’t think that’s such a good idea. I’ll see you later.

Steph? Hey.

Uh, hey, Tripp. It’s me again. Are you coming in tonight? I’m kind of starting to get worried. And since your phone is going straight to voicemail, I’m assuming that it’s– that it’s dead. Maybe I’ll just try Wendy. OK, bye.

Doctor, code MI.


Mama! Mama!

Stay with us. Stay with us, baby. Stay with us. Stay with us.

What’s happening?

I’m not sure. Carol, get me some aspirin and some nitroglycerin. Get Dr. DeVos from cardiology over here. Take it easy, Paulina. Help is on its way. Take it easy.

[tense music]

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