Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, January 31, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Tucker: Morning.

Nate: Morning. Coffee, please.

Tucker: So are you and Audra an item now?

Nate: Why do you ask?

Tucker: Oh, you seem pretty cozy up in her suite. I saw the sparkle in her eyes. She may have said something.

Nate: I seriously doubt that. But if Audra and I are an item or not, that’s none of your business


Tucker: You will never understand the bond that audra and I share.

Nate: But I do. You’re alone. You’ve got nothing, no one. So you cling to some fantasy that there’s more to that bond with audra than there actually is. You’re no good for her, tucker. So if you care about audra, you’ll let her go. Man, she is brilliant and talented, but she’ll never achieve her true potential with your dead weight around her neck.

Tucker: She’s gotten pretty far with my dead weight around her neck.

Nate: Oh, I’m sure she’d appreciate you taking all the credit.

[ Scoffs ]

Tucker: I have supported Audra all this time because I understand her. And she understands me. We understand each other. That’s why I know she’s got something in the works, something aimed at me. You know anything about it?

Nate: No clue.

Tucker: No clue. Her confidence is alluring, isn’t it? I have a sneaking suspicion that she thinks she can get one over on me, and she would be very insulted if I just let it slide. So please tell your friend– or your lover or whatever the hell she is for you– that I’m onto her. And if you’re thinking of throwing in with her in this little game, as smart as you think you are, you can’t beat me.


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