Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, January 17, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Phyllis: You seemed to enjoy yourself. I certainly did. There’s obviously a lot of heat between us. I think that we should explore what could come next.

Danny: There is no next. I’m not interested. says otherwise.

Danny: Look, would you just stop it, please? Whatever this– this flirtation, or whatever you want to call it, is completely one-sided and it can’t go anywhere.

Phyllis: It could if you let it.

Danny: I don’t want it to. Don’t you understand? There’s too much history and a lot of it bad and you’re still you. Look, I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but you’re not listening, and I need to get through to you. I really do.

Phyllis: That’s not fair. That’s not fair. I’ve changed. You know I’ve changed. You know that. How many times have you said that lately that I’ve changed? So you see it. You believe it.

Danny: I want to, if only for Daniel’s sake. I have worked really hard to convince myself, and then you pull a stunt like this. Posting that video, implying that there’s something romantic going on between us when you know that there’s not. So, no. From my standpoint, no, you haven’t changed at all.


Danny: This is pointless.

Phyllis: I beg to differ.

Danny: Look, would you just forget the kiss, all right? That’s the least of it. Posting that video online, suggesting that we’re romantically involved? That was way out of line.

Phyllis: Are you kidding me right now? Really? You’re a rock star. People post videos of you all the time, Danny. Walking down the street, eating at a restaurant. As long as it’s respectful, it’s fine. Or maybe this is about something else. Is it? Is it about your precious Christine? That you want her to feel safe, and I feel–

Danny: Wrong.

Phyllis: Excuse me?

Danny: This isn’t gonna work. It doesn’t feel good. It doesn’t feel right. Maybe some version of friends, for Daniel’s sake, but… anything else, no. Never.

Danny: Hey, gorgeous. Boy, am I glad to see you.

Christine: Oh, wait. What, did Phyllis get called away on an emergency? Is that why you suddenly have free time? video of me at the piano


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