Y&R Best Lines Monday, January 8, 2024

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Adam: So, any actual bets on what this meeting is about?

Nick: I’m assuming it’s about Vic’s leave of absence. And with nate gone as well, we’re definitely shorthanded right now.

Adam: So, more musical chairs in the c-suite.

Nick: Yeah, I don’t know. Dad could be bringing someone else in.

Adam: No, I doubt that. I mean, you heard his speech about family pulling together. His plan is for you and me to work side by side.

Nick: Yeah, I’d say that’s a fantasy.


Adam: You may have been right that I would have blown things up in the past. But my 2024 goals specifically indicate no more self-destruction.

Nick: Right. The new and improved, ultra-responsible, highly focused Adam Newman.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Heard a lot about that guy. I’ve never met him once.

Adam: It’s Adam Newman. Nice to meet you.

Nick: I don’t buy it. Sorry.


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