Days Transcript Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane and Suzanne


[soft dramatic music]


Oh, hey. Hello, Paulina.

[laughs] Oh, what beautiful flowers.

Oh, yes. They’re for a friend. I am not seeing anyone else, if that’s what you’re thinking.

Oh. Good to know.

[Abe chuckles]

Oh, congratulations on the election, by the way.

[chuckling] Oh, we both know that I never would have won if you hadn’t appointed me mayor in the first place. And I’d like the chance to thank you properly.

[soft delicate music]

What do you have in mind?

Eric. I, um… ,::, I just went and I met with Melinda. And, uh, there’s something that you need to know.

S-Sloan, what is it?

[heart monitor beeping]

Why, EJ? Why does God keep allowing this to happen?

[EJ sighs]

[somber music]

I don’t have the answers you’re looking for, Nicole.

[Nicole sighs] But I promise you we will face this challenge together and come out stronger for it.

[door opens]

There you are, you son of a bitch.

Stefan, what the hell, man?

Listen to me, you swine. Drop these bogus murder charges against Gabi now.

Yeah, I’ll accept the call. Yeah, this is Ava Vitali.

Well, hey there, Ava. As I’m sure you may have guessed, it’s your buddy, Clyde, calling you from the friendly confines of Statesville prison.

What do you want? You shouldn’t be calling me here.

[suspenseful music]

Well, I hear you’ve been kind of naughty. Went out and committed yourself a…

[inhales deeply] You know, a little murder. So I guess the question is what are we going to do about it?

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[tense music]

Sloan? What happened with Melinda? Is it–is it bad news?

[Sloan sighs]

No. No, it’s great news. It’s the bestnews, actually. Tomorrow, we’re getting our baby.

[chuckles] Tomorrow–tomorrow? So soon?

[inhales deeply] Yes. First thing tomorrow morning, we’re going to have that baby boy in our arms. It’s a holiday miracle.

Huh? Oh, right. Right. I mean, it’s Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Yeah, that’s right. And Mommy and Daddy, we have a lot to be thankful for.

What the hell is wrong with you, Stefan? My God, if you don’t have any respect for your brother, at least have some compassion for my grieving wife!

Oh, compassion? For your wife? Where was your compassion for mywife, huh? She’s rotting away in Statesville because of you!

I don’t know what you’re talking about, Clyde.

Well, I was told that you put a bullet in my buddy, Gil Carter. But here’s the thing. If you think that by icing my man on the outside you can get yourself out of our little pact…

[scoffing chuckle] Then you’re as dead wrong as my good buddy Gil is just plain dead.

I don’t recall allowing myself to be sexually assaulted as part of our so-called pact.

Well, that’s a hefty accusation.

It’s not an accusation. Son of a bitch tried to rape me.

Come on now. Are you sure you weren’t just playing hard to get?

You are a disgusting piece–

Oh, now you watch your temper there, Ava. Or else I’ll have to have one of my other good old boys play your boy Dr. Tripp a house call he won’t soon forget.

Okay, don’t you dare threaten my son. I held up my end of the bargain.

Really? So does that mean you lifted those evidence room keys off of Detective Michaels like he asked you to? Yeah. I didn’t think so. Which is why you and me… we still got a problem.

[tense music]

Well, I’ve been thinking… actually, I wanted to call and ask, but now that we’ve run into each other, I’m hosting Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow at my place. So far it’s just me and Chanel and her boyfriend, Johnny DiMera, but I would love it if you would join us. I’m cooking everything from scratch, of course. All my mama’s best recipes. Turkey and stuffing, sweet potato pie, and her world-famous mac and cheese.

Well, that’s an awfully tempting offer.

Well, just know that if you want it, there’s a seat at the head of the table for you.

Well, thank you. Thank you very much. I’ll–you know what? I’ll talk to– I’ll talk to Steve and Kayla and well, they did say that I would be welcome to have Thanksgiving dinner with them.

Oh, no. Well, if that’s what you prefer, then I completely understand that. Whatever is best for you. You know, just let me know when you know.

I will do that.

Okay, then. I’m off to buy some groceries. I’ll buy enough for four, just in case.

I’ll be in touch. Congrats again on the victory, Madam Mayor.

[chuckles] Very well-deserved.

[EJ sighs]

I am so sorry you had to witness that.

It’s fine.

Nicole, I– I shouldn’t have come charging in like that. I apologize. And I am truly sorry for your loss.

[somber music]

Thank you.

Mm. I realize that you’re both suffering right now, and sadly, tragically, there’s nothing anybody can do to stop that. But EJ, you have the power to stop my wife’s suffering.

Oh, my God. We’re back to that again, are we?

We are.

[EJ sighs]

EJ, just… go outside and talk to him. Please.

[EJ sniffles]

Are you sure?

Yes, I need to be alone for a little while anyway.

I won’t be long. I promise.

[door closes]

[Nicole sighs shakily]

Hey, Shin.


I thought you were going to take some time off.

Thought about it. And decided I’d rather be at work than stuck grieving my brother in the apartment where he was… brutally murdered.

I get it. I’m really sorry about your loss.

Appreciate it.

So I take it you don’t know about Ava.

What about her?

Well, her new boss, Gil Carter, attacked her a little while ago at your apartment.

What? Attacked her how?

He tried to sexually assault her, but she fought him off.

[sighs] Good for her. Was she okay?

She will be. Gil is another story. Ava shot him in self-defense. He’s dead and she’s in custody.

Oh, my God. Does Tripp know?

I don’t think so.

Then I need to call him.

[Wendy sighs]

[phone line trilling]

[voicemail beeps]

[Wendy sighs] Straight to voicemail. Okay, he’s on duty at the hospital. I’m going to go there.

Yeah, that’s a good idea. Ava is going to need all the support she can get.

How do you know I didn’t steal those keys?

[Clyde chuckles]

Come on. You were a boss once. You remember what it was like.

[soft tense music]

I spent a lot of time trying to forget those days.

Well, then, let me refresh your memory. You got to stay three steps ahead of the foot soldiers, especially the reluctant ones. Now, I sent Gil to make sure you got those keys for us and not for things to get all, you know, rough and kinky between the two of you.

Oh, go to hell, Clyde.

Ava, you cost me one of my best lieutenants. Now I got to replace Gil and that ain’t going to be easy. But I might just be able to forgive your little faux pas if you do what I need you to do. So here’s the deal. Either you get your pretty, little paws on those keys… or your son’s going to pay the price.

How the hell do you expect me to do that?

[door opens]

Everything okay?

Are you good?

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. You don’t believe me?

Mm. I’ve known you long enough now to know when something’s worrying you. You get that little crinkle in your nose.


[Eric chuckles] Yeah. I probably wouldn’t be a very good poker player now, would I?

[Eric sighs]

Well, what is it? Are you worried about baby-proofing the house and how much time it’s going to take?

No, no, of course not.

Well, then, what’s wrong? Come on, we should be excited about bringing home our baby tomorrow.

I am excited. It–


I’m sorry. It’s just.. I can’t stop thinking about Nicole losing her child.

[somber music]

Yeah, it’s awful.

Hey, I’m sorry. I know it’s difficult for you when I bring up Nicole’s name.

You don’t have to apologize. I know she and I haven’t been the best of friends, but now knowing what it feels like to be a mother, my heart really does go out for her and EJ. Truly, it does. But we are about to be parents now. You’re going to be a father.

[chuckles] And that’s what you’ve wanted your whole life. We shouldn’t be focusing on anything else, but that our dreams are coming true.


Not Nicole’s nightmare.

[knock at door]

Come in.

[heart monitor beeping]

Hello, Nicole.


I had to come see you.

[soft dramatic music]

[Nicole sighs]

[Nicole sniffles]

Oh, good. You’re here.

[chuckling] Hey. Hey, I thought you’re supposed to be at work.

I was, but then I found out something you need to know. I tried to call.

I’m sorry. My phone’s off. What is it? Is this about your brother?

No. It’s about your mom. She’s in police custody.

[soft dramatic music]

I have to go now.

Did I just hear your friend, Detective Michaels, come into the room?


All right, we’re good for now then, but we will be conversing again soon. And Ava…


You better get your hands on those keys. Your son’s life depends on it.

[phone beeps]

You okay? Who was that on the phone?

Yeah, I just– I called a criminal defense lawyer, and he was asking for a crazy, crazy retaining fee. And then I tried to negotiate and he got all testy with me. And I told him– told him thanks, no thanks.

That’s a good call. And hopefully, you’re not going to need a lawyer because I’m going to do everything I can to make sure Rafe and everybody else knows that you killed Gil Carter in self-defense.

Well… I appreciate you, Harris, more than you know. I don’t think I’ve…

[sighs] Ever had anyone stand up for me the way that you do. And I feel like all I do is complicate your life more.

No. It’s all right. I just want you to be okay.

[suspenseful music]

Let’s get this over and done with so I can get back to my wife.

It’s going to be as long or as short as you want it to be, EJ. Now, look, I understand you and your wife are grappling with the loss of your baby. And for that, I am profoundly sorry. It’s terrible.


And I think you should actually be focusing on that, as opposed to your personal vendetta against me and my wife.

Father always said I was an excellent multitasker.

You’re a petulant child.

Oh, spare me the theatrics, Stefan. Your wife’s fingerprints were on the knife that killed Li Shin. He named her as his killer on his deathbed.

She’s being set up, and probably by you!

Oh, I have no idea what the bloody hell you’re talking about. And I am done with this conversation, so stay away from me and my wife or I’ll have hospital security toss you out on your arse.

I’m not done talking you yet.

Let go of my arm, Stefan.

Not until you hear my offer.

[tense music]

[sighs] You don’t want to let Gabi go out of the goodness of your heart, fine. I’ll give you what you really want.

And what, pray tell, is that?

Your old job back.

All you got to do is say the word, EJ. We’ll call an emergency shareholders meeting, have you reinstalled as CEO in the morning.

And if I asked you to step aside completely and make me sole CEO?

[Stefan chuckles]

If that’s what it takes to get Gabi home, fine.

I’ve never known you to roll over like this.

Gabi and I thought we could outmaneuver you. Obviously, we were wrong. You won. So go ahead. Take Father’s empire.

[phone beeps] Take my shares. I don’t care. As long as you call off the dogs and Gabi walks.

[EJ chuckles]

Well, I’ll be damned.

What is it?

One of my mother’s tormentors has been brought in to the Salem PD for killing a man.

What are you talking about?

[EJ sighs]

[suspenseful music]

You know, I’m sorry, Stefan. As tempting as your offer is, I’ve just grown bored of the constant battles to see who’s going to run DiMera. I’ve come to realize that there are more important things in this life than stock prices and annual reports.

Like what?

Well, making Salem safer for our children by putting away hardened criminals like Ava Vitali and Gabi Hernandez.

Mm. You’re a sick bastard, you know that?

Mm. Are we done yet?

You know, EJ… I’d say that karma is going to come back and bite you in the ass.


But it looks like it already has. Just ask your wife. Give her my best, by the way.

They’re beautiful, Abe. Thank you.


I’m so sorry. So sorry about your baby, Nicole.

[soft dramatic music]

Who told you?

My son, Brandon.

[Nicole sighs] He’s also your half-brother, right?

Yes, he is. He’s been calling non-stop, and I just haven’t had the strength to answer because I feel like if I hear his voice, I’m just going to lose it.

Well, I’m sure he understands. He wanted me to tell you how much he loves you, and he will be there for you if you need him.

I know that. And I’m glad he sent you as his goodwill ambassador.

[Nicole chuckles and sniffles]

You know, you– you told me once that we used to be very close, you and I… that I was like a father to you.

[Nicole sighs]

[crying] You used to call me your bonus daughter.

[laughs] I knew you were always there for me in the worst times of my life. And I’m sure you don’t remember, but I do. It’s just so comforting having you here.

Well, where else would– would a father be at a time like this… than right here with his bonus daughter?

[Nicole laughs]

[Nicole sighs shakily]

Oh, God, I’m sorry. That came out wrong. I didn’t mean to sound so selfish.

No, stop it. You’re– it’s all right. You’re right. I mean, as sorry as we both are for EJ and Nicole, we can’t let their sorrow ruin our joy.


Yeah. I’m really happy.

Me, too.

Come here.

[Sloan sighs]

Oh, me, too. I think I know something that can help us focus on our joy.

Yeah, what’s that?

Mm… we can think of a name for the baby.


Unless we want to keep calling him Baby Boy Petersen-Brady forever.

[laughs] Yeah, that might not go over so well once he hits high school.

Mm. True. That would–that’d be bad. So any thoughts?

Actually, I do.


I’ve been thinking about a couple of names, and… Hopefully, you will like it, too. Um… what do you think about Samuel?

[soft dramatic music]


Yeah. Sam, for short.

Oh, hold on. You want to name our son after your sister, Sami?

[Eric sighs]

That animal tried to rape my mom.

According to Michaels, she shot him in self-defense. He was heading in to see her when I left the station.

I got to get down there.

What about your shift?

I only had an hour left anyway, okay? I’ll stop in and tell Kayla on the way.

I’ll drive.

Let’s go.

Well, here. Like I said, I’m hoping to get the brass to toss this case out. But until then, we got to do everything by the book.


Meaning I have to take your official statement.

[tense music]

What’s wrong with naming our child after my sister?

Well, only that, you know, word around town is your sister’s kind of a hot mess.

[Eric sighs]

Yeah, she is. She’s more than earned her reputation, but she’s the most loyal and protective person I know. All right, what are you thinking now?

Well, only that you told me, once upon a time, that Sami and Nicole didn’t get along very well. And I was just wondering if maybe that’s because Sami didn’t approve of Nicole.

No, it goes way deeper than that.

How deep?

[soft dramatic music]

Well, she did the worst thing you could ever do to a mother. She stole Sami’s baby.

[heart monitor beeping]

When they told me my son died… it’s as if someone reached in my chest and flattened my heart. EJ and I had big plans for our son. Beautiful dreams.

[soft dramatic music] You want to know what I was thinking about before you came in?

Tell me.

[Nicole inhales deeply]



I know you don’t remember, but… I used to be a terrible person.


I lied and cheated and hurt people. And…

[Nicole sobs] Maybe I wasn’t supposed to bring a child into this world.

[somber music]

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Enough of that kind of talk, huh? You know…

[Nicole sobs] Losing your baby was just a horrific tragedy. But it wasn’t punishment. Nicole. You have a good heart.

[Nicole sighs] And you’re not alone.

[Nicole sniffles] You have your friends. You have your family. And that very, very happily includes me.

[Nicole sobs]

[Nicole sniffles] Come here.

[Nicole sniffles]

Thanks, Dad.

[Nicole sobbing]

[sighing] Oh.

The man was out of control, violent, and I truly believed I had no choice but to shoot him.


Oh. Oh, hi. Wendy, thank you. Thank you for getting him.

Of course. I’m so glad you’re safe.


Why don’t we give them a few minutes? I’m going to see if Rafe’s in the office, talk about the charges, okay, and be right back.

So they told you what happened, huh?

Did that sick bastard hurt you?

No, he tried, he tried, but come on. You know your mom. You don’t mess with a Vitali.

Yeah, well, he’s lucky he’s dead, or I’d kill him myself.

Okay, stop. Don’t you talk like that, especially in a police station.

When I think what he tried to do to you–

Okay, baby. Baby, I’m okay. All right? You don’t have to worry about it. I’m okay. I’m fine. I am always going to be fine. All right? No need to worry about me. You know your mom’s a survivor. You’re the one who needs to be careful, though.

Me? Why?

[tense music]

Because you’re a doctor with a brilliant mind and a brilliant future ahead of you, okay? So I need you to stay out of this. All right?

No. Not until I know that you are safe and free, okay?

Hey, what are you doing?

I’m going to hire you the best lawyer in town.

[phone beeps]

[phone line trilling]

[phone line trilling]

Well, if it ain’t my favorite zombie DiMera.

What am I doing here?

You tell me.

Don’t act dumber than you already are. I was on my way to the other side of the prison to see my wife. One of your cell block flunkies told me you wanted to speak to me. You want to talk? Talk and be quick.

Why? Have you got someplace more important to be?

Like I said, I came to Statesville to see my wife.

You know, I think that’s a problem with the young folks these days. Always in a rush.

What do you want?

Why are you so hostile? Especially when you and me got so much in common these days? I mean, as you well know, your wife is right on the other side of that wall in the women’s unit.

Your point?

Well, I just got to say I think it’s a damn shame what your brother’s doing to Gabi. I guess blood ain’t thicker than water, huh? And tell me, how did EJ get to be the Salem DA anyway?

[laughs] I mean, it seems like yesterday, he and I were partners in a very lucrative drug operation.

You know what? Screw this and screw you. I don’t have the time to sit here and listen to some hillbilly meth peddler wax poetic about his stroll down memory lane. I’m going to see what’s keeping my wife.

[Clyde chuckles]

You know, it’s really touching to see how much you love her, and it would be such a shame if something were to happen to her on the inside.

[ominous music]

Did you just threaten my wife, pal?

Oh. No, sir, not at all. I’m just speaking the truth here. I don’t need to tell you what a dangerous place Statesville can be. Now, I would be willing to offer Gabrielle my protective services… as long as I got a little something in return.

[soft dramatic music]



[laughs] Oh, two run-ins in one day?


How lucky can a girl get?

Oh, it wasn’t luck exactly. I was hoping I’d catch you on your way out of the store.

You came back here looking for me?

Uh, well, I am guilty as charged.

[Abe laughs]

Oh. What–is it about Thanksgiving?

It is, it is. You know, I was at the hospital visiting my friend, and I stopped by to see Kayla.


Well, it turns out that she’s working on Thanksgiving and Steve is out of town working a case with John.

Well, I guess that means that I’m your only option.

Oh, I don’t think you should be referred to in that way.

[both laugh] But if the invitation is still there, I will happily accept and would love to spend the holiday with you and your daughter.

Yes, yes, the offer still stands. It most certainly does stand.

[both chuckle]

[Paulina gasps] On one condition.


Yeah. You help me carry these groceries to the car.

[Abe chuckles] Oh, I’ve got an important feast I’ve got to prepare for the people I love.

Aw. Oh.

[Abe chuckles]

[Paulina chuckles]

So you’re saying that Nicole switched Sami and EJ’s daughter with the baby she planned to adopt?

She did. Only that baby died. And by that time, she already had grown to love her.

[sighs] My God. I can’t even imagine what your sister went through. And even after that entire tragedy, Nicole continued to raise Sami’s biological daughter as her own?

Until she learned the truth that Sydney was her daughter, not Nicole’s. I mean, in some ways, we still suffer the repercussions.

Eric, you just told me how much you care about Sami. How can you even forgive Nicole for something that she did to your sister?

Because I believe in forgiveness. I mean, Lord knows I need forgiveness myself. I know, Sami has done some terrible things in her time, but–

Well, how terrible?

[soft dramatic music]

Well, let’s just say back in the ‘s, there wasn’t a DNA test that, uh… in my family that Sami didn’t tamper with.

So you’re saying that you were able to forgive Nicole because Sami did bad things, too? Is that what you’re saying?

[sighs] Listen, Nicole is desperate to be a mother. I mean, she was still suffering from the loss of her child. You know better than most that sometimes, desperate people do desperate things.

Well, I’m sorry you feel that way, Belle. Okay, Belle Brady refused to take your case.

I can’t say I’m surprised. Susan Banks is part of her extended family.

Hey, we both know you were not in your right mind when you went after Susan, okay? But it’s fine. Belle isn’t the only solid lawyer in town.

[Tripp sighs]

[phone line trilling] Justin, hey, this is Tripp Johnson. I was wondering if I could get together with you and talk about my mom.

[soft dramatic music]

Hey, good news.



What’s that?

I spoke to Rafe, explained the whole situation. He doesn’t see any reason for me to have to book you, at least not tonight.


So when CSI is done at your apartment, you are welcome to go home.

What a relief. Thank you. Oh, thank you so much.

[Ava sighs]

[sighs] I’m sorry I took so long. After dealing with my insensitive boar of a brother, I had to take a walk to clear my mind.

It’s okay. Abe came to check on me.

[sighs] Brandon told him what happened.

[EJ sighs]

It must have been nice to see him.

It was. He’s still Abe, you know?

[EJ chuckles]

I suppose even with his memory loss, he can still tell what a special person you are, and what a strong connection you both had.

So how did it go with Stefan?

Ah, do you really want to talk about that?

Yeah, I do. I need something to distract me.


So what did he say?

Well as you can imagine, he once again begged me to drop the charges against Gabi.

She is guilty, right?

All the evidence points to it.

[suspenseful dramatic music] He also offered to make me the CEO of DiMera again.



Let me guess. You refused.

Damn right I did. I imagine he is at Statesville right now relaying the bad news to his wife.

So this is a shakedown?

[Clyde scoffs] You want me to pay you so Gabi doesn’t get hurt?

No, man, I wouldn’t dream of suggesting such a crass arrangement.

Then what are you suggesting?

Well, as it turns out, I suffered a significant loss recently and happen to be in the market for a new man on the outside.

Oh, you want me to be your henchman. Dream on.

[Clyde chuckles]

You got me all wrong, man. I would not insult the son of Stefano DiMera and Vivian Alamain by asking him to be my lackey. What I might suggest, though, is that you become my partner.

Partner in what?

It’s pretty simple, really. I just make sure that nobody comes close to laying a finger on Gabi’s head.

In exchange for what?

Well, I think it’s time for the DiMeras to get back in the drug running game.

[dramatic music]

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