B&B Transcript Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Brooke: Ridge…

[ Ridge exhales in admiration ]

[ Brooke laughing ] What is all of this?

Ridge: See, our lives get so crazy, sometimes you gotta stop and say thanks. Steal a few moments just for us.

Brooke: Yeah? Is that what you’re doing? You’re stealing me away? Like you did all those years ago?

Ridge: There you are.

Brooke: Were you talking to me?

Ridge: We haven’t stopped talking since. Hit me like a ton of bricks the first time I saw you.

[ Brooke giggling ]

[ Ridge laughing ]

Ridge: That. That giggle and that look. Whether it’s across a crowded room at a party or…

Broke: Or riding up on horseback to get married?

Ridge: Mm.

Ridge: I’ve been caught up in the beauty of you for as long as I can remember, I’m thankful for you, brooke.

Brooke: Oh, thank you. Wow. Did you do all this?

Ridge: Nah, it was nothing.

Brooke: This is hardly nothing.

Ridge: Well, it pales in comparison to the beauty in front of me. Oh, I got you something.

Brooke: Uh-oh. You got me a gift? Wait, am I missing a special occasion or something?

Ridge: I don’t need a special occasion to celebrate you. Celebrate us.

Brooke: Okay. Wow.

[ Brooke giggles, gasps ] Ridge!

[ Ridge chuckling ]

Ridge: Quite a story, the two of us are.

Brooke: Aw! Look at those two.

Ridge: Kids.

[ Brooke laughs ]

Brooke: You’re right. We were kids.

Ridge: Hm.

Brooke: Oh, so handsome.

Ridge: I like that one.

Brooke: I do too. But I really remember this day. I was there in the garden and I looked up and I saw you at the top of that staircase at the fountain. You came back. A new man. Almost like our lives began all over again. Sleep more deeply.And wake u

Ridge: We don’t have to look at the whole thing now.

Brooke: I know. I’m– I am. You took the time to put it together.

Ridge: I may have had a little help, but I did find all the photos.

Brooke: It’s fabulous.

Ridge: Well, it’s our story, right? It’s, uh… our dreams. Had few missteps, but we found our footing.

Brooke: Well, there’s nobody I would rather walk hand-in-hand with.

[Brooke gasps] Oh, my.

Ridge: Yes. I would like to say that forrester creations will be forever in your debt for the belief formula.

Brooke: Oh, I still can’t believe how it all came together. This stuff is genetically engineered to be wrinkle free. It’s a code we spliced in. It’s alive, ridge, and it’s taking orders from us.

Ridge: You also set the runway on fire the way that only brooke logan can.

[Brooke chuckles]

Emcee: Here’s the woman behind brooke’s bedroom, the final word in sexy sophistication, the quintessential woman of the millennium, the one, the only, the fabulous brooke logan!

[ Audience cheers ]

Brooke: Just not sure whose reaction was better, yours or your mother’S.

[Brooke laughs] Portofino. Italy is magical. How did you have time for all of this?

Ridge: If you love someone, you make time. This is an important part of our life. I wanted to celebrate it.

Brooke: Yes. You have always been one for grand gestures. Our wedding on the beach.

Ridge: And then, I tried to recreate it because I wanted to win you back and you wouldn’t have me back. For good reason. And then I proposed to you.

Brooke: Stephanie’s ring.

Ridge: She’s had it for years. Now, I want you to have it.

Brooke: Are you asking me to marry you?

Ridge: And then I surprised you with a heart in the sand. You’re not leaving me. Not now and not ever. Thankfully, I got through to you right outside this building. Responsible for so many happy memories. Yeah?

[ Both laughing ]

Brooke: I’m back, ridge. And I’m here to stay.

Ridge: My logan.

Brooke: Yes, your logan. What are the chances? Reuniting on an actual bridge.

Ridge: It’s not that surprising, really.

Brooke: Oh, yeah?

Ridge: Oh, yeah. We have a secret weapon. We have destiny on our side.

Brooke: Oh.

[ Laughs ] Yes we do.

Ridge: You know what I think? I think we’re not giving the outside forces enough credit.

Brooke: Oh, what do you mean?

Ridge: You know, for our story.

Brooke: We’ve had plenty.

Ridge: Yes, and it always proved that we’re better together than apart.

Brooke: We’re also good at reconnecting.

Ridge: Yeah, we are.

Brooke: Well, this last time was rough. You didn’t make it easy on me. I had to chase you all the way up to aspen. Ridge!

Ridge: What are you doing here?

Brooke: What are you doing here?

Ridge: Taylor and i are back together.

Brooke: Obviously, I have done something. That’s why you’re here. But for the life of me, I can’t figure out what it is. Ridge, if you’re not ready to talk about it, that’s okay. I’m not gonna pressure you. All you need to do is get on that plane with me and we’ll fly home together and you and I can work through this together. That’s what we do. We can get through anything. I believe that. Tell me you believe that too.

[Brooke crying]

Ridge: I should have had more faith in you. And you did it. You showed that you had enough faith for both of us.

Brooke: And all I needed was italy to work its magic. Ridge.

Ridge: I found you. I don’t want to spend another day without you. My logan.

Brooke: You said “logan.”

Ridge: My beautiful, wonderful logan.

Brooke: Say it again. Just say it again.

Ridge: Will you be… my logan forever?

[ Brooke laughs ]

Brooke: Yes. Oh, my god, yes. Yes, of course. I mean, pure magic.

Ridge: Does this remind you of anything?

[ Brooke gasps, laughs ]

Brooke: Did you have those flown in?

Ridge: Well, you said they were your favorite.

Brooke: You are always full of surprises.

Ridge: Says the woman who set up a private concert with andrea bocelli at his house.

Brooke: Yes. I’ve got to keep you on your toes, mister.

Bocelli: Sai perché cerco in te la felicit che sar perché sei sei tu nei miei sogni e nelle nostalgie cosi fortemente mia ma con te vola via ma con te vola via l’eco di un dolore che pesa in questa vita mia ma io come potro essere sempre l’unico regalarti il sogno che tu m’hai fatto vivere amore mio come il sole anche di piu scaldi questo cuore tu sai perché siamo insieme io e te perché il nostro amore un incontro d’anime were we meant to be our love feels like we are constantly two people destined to be free so I will keep longing for your face somewhere out there is a time and place I’ll keep searching for that bridge that leads to our breakthrough it’s true yes, it’s true

[ Soldier shouting ]

[ Brooke screams, laughs ]

That words could not even try to describe letting love lead the way it can’t be denied it’s you and I for all time

Brooke: You continue to make me feel loved and appreciated. I can’t tell you how much that means to me. Thank you. For all of this. So sweet. So unexpected.

Ridge: Be prepared because I’m never gonna stop. I am so thankful every day… that I get to call you my logan.

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