Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, October 31, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Ashley: Mm. I have so much respect for you. You’re so good at that. You’re so good at balancing your work life and your home life. I mean, I’m just not good at it, Mamie.

Mamie: You know, I didn’t know that much about tucker McCall, other than that he was Katherine chancellor’s son. I know that jack didn’t like him very much. I just never understood why.

Ashley: Well, Jack’s just being Jack and protective of me and Jabot, and I’m not sure in what order.

Mamie: Oh, now, now. Jack adores you.

Ashley: Oh, I know. I like him, too, most of the time.


Kyle: Tucker. Tucker. Tucker. You’re making a big mistake.

Tucker: It’s not a mistake, son. It’s self-preservation, pure and simple.

Kyle: First of all, I’m not your son. And second, if you believe I have any professional allegiance to my father, then you haven’t been listening. He hasn’t shown me any, so why would I be loyal to him?

Tucker: Because he’s your father, and he’s given you everything you have, and I’m not sure I believe that you’d be willing to just blow that up when the time comes.

Kyle: Watch me light a match


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