Y&R Transcript Friday, November 17, 2023

Young & The Restless Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Summer: Wow.

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Summer: Okay. What are we calling this style? Bachelor pad chic? I mean, I don’t see an air mattress or a foosball table, but I actually think that you have room for one over here.

Daniel: Don’t worry, foosball table’s coming. Beer pong table is gonna be over here along with the kegerator.

Summer: Very swanky. But I actually like that lamp. I mean, if it was in a different place, I would like it.

Daniel: Yeah, my designer has great taste.

Summer: Lily?

Daniel: No, I hired someone. Sally spectra.

Summer: Nice.

Daniel: I know. Look, she just launched a new design firm. Lily suggested that I call her.

Summer: Yeah, because why would you want to consult with your sibling who’s in the design industry?

Daniel: I just figured that you know, you’d be busy running a big fashion company.

Summer: Oh, stop. You thought that I would be pushy and decorate how I wanted, not how you wanted.

Daniel: No, that’s not it.

Summer: Eh?

Daniel: Yes, maybe that was it.

Summer: For your coffee table.

Daniel: Thank you. Oh, this is really cool. Thank you.

Summer: Yeah.

Daniel: So, um, I heard chance got shot.

Summer: Yeah, it’s pretty awful.

Chance: How is he? Have you heard?

Sharon: Okay, so tell me! What’s the latest? How is aria doing with her hearing aids?

Tessa: Sharon, you saw her yesterday.

Sharon: But she’s a baby. She’s going to make changes and progress on a daily basis and I want to hear all the details. So, how is she adapting to them?

Mariah: Uh, well, I– I can say the kid likes what she likes and she knows what she doesn’t like. We’ve used all of the tips that dr. George suggested.

Tessa: And aria is able to handle the hearing aids for about an hour, but after that, no way.

Mariah: No.

Sharon: Okay, but still, an hour, that’s amazing.

Mariah: Yeah. And to see her little face, her reactions. I mean, it’s obvious she can hear us, which is great.

Tessa: Oh, we read her a bedtime story last night. Mariah was doing all these different voices.

Mariah: And just smiling and giggling and laughing. I’m highly entertaining, clearly.

Sharon: And you didn’t video chat me? Okay. I see how it is.

Mariah: Well, uh, actually we’ll do that later because right now, you have a visitor.

Lily: Thank you.

Devon: You’re welcome.

Jill: Did nate tell you why he wanted us to meet?

Lily: No, he just texted me and devon seeing if we could be here and if you would meet us here as well.

Jill: Damn right. I can’t wait to hear about this.

[ Knocking on door ]

Devon: I will get it. Hey.

Claire: Almost time for a new one. You’ve had a lot already, but… I need you nice and calm until everyone arrives. The big family reunion.

Jill: What is she doing here? What’s going on?

Mamie: Calm down, jill. I’m here because nate wants me here.

Nate: I asked aunt mamie to come along as family for moral support.

Mamie: Now, this is your business. I’m not saying another word.

Jill: No, you won’T. We do have something we have to discuss though, mamie. Now is not the time nor the place though.

Mamie: Well, I’m looking forward to hearing whatever’s on your mind, jill.

Lily: So, nate, what did you want to talk to us about?

Nate: Yes. Um, lily, devon, I’m here because I’m hoping we can take a step closer towards repairing our relationship. Make amends. And if you’ll have me, I would like to return to chancellor-winters.

Summer: Uh, I saw chance in the hospital.

Daniel: Really?

Summer: Yeah, we’re friends. Um, the bullet went through his upper chest, near his shoulder area, so it wasn’t as bad as it could have been.

Daniel: Lucky guy, I guess. I mean, if you can call someone who’s been shot, lucky.

Summer: Yeah, and somebody that wasn’t supposed to be in the field at all. But, uh, yeah, he’s supposed to be getting out of the hospital today, so.

Daniel: Hm. And have things changed since the last time we talked about you and chance?

Summer: There is no me and chance, daniel.

Daniel: Right. But you said–

Summer: That I had some feelings. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know what I said.

Daniel: Well, I just thought maybe things had moved on from there.

Summer: No. Nothing has changed. Chance is still with sharon and I’m not gonna get in the middle of it.

Daniel: Come on. They haven’t been together for that long. It can’t be that serious, right?

Summer: What are you suggesting? That I– I try to break them up?

Daniel: I’m merely suggesting that maybe chance has feelings for you too. Maybe this thing with sharon has run its course.

Summer: You know, you sound like mom, right? Trying to play matchmaker.

Daniel: Wow. Okay. It was just a question.

Summer: Look, chance just sees me as a friend. So, it’s kind of pointless to hope for more.

Sharon: You’re up and around and you’re here. Should you be? Is this allowed? Do you wanna sit down?

Chance: I look all right, right?

Sharon: You look wonderful.

Mariah: Chance, we are super glad that it wasn’t anything more serious.

Sharon: I want to hug you, but I don’t want to hurt you.

Chance: No. Are you kidding me? Come here. Get in here.

Sharon: What did the doctor say? How long is is the recovery gonna take?

Tessa: How long do you have to wear that sling? I mean, maybe we could get you one that’s more stylish.

Chance: What’s wrong with this one?

Mariah: What about the person that shot you? What happens to him?

Chance: Well–

Nina: A text? I get a text to meet you here. What is wrong with you? Why didn’t you let me pick you up from the hospital?

Chance: Ooh, I felt this coming. I’m sorry. I just– I didn’t want you to worry.

Nina: Oh, come on, I’m your mother. I’m always gonna worry about you. Besides, you give me no choice. All of the times I wanted to come to your side and couldn’T. And now I’m here in town and I get a text?

Mariah: You’re in trouble.

Tessa: This might be worse than a bullet.

Chance: Well, you know what? The chief of police can handle checking out of the hospital on his own, okay?

Nina: No, no. You’re my son, not chief of police. Hi, my name is damion clark. If you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you’ll definitely want to hear. Depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. All of these plans include a healthy options allowance, a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent, and over-the-counter items. The healthy options allowance is loaded onto a prepaid card each month. And whatever you don’t spend, carries over from each month. Other benefits on these plans include free rides to and from your medical appointments. And our large networks of doctors, hospitals and pharmacies. So, call the number on your screen now and ask about a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. Humana. A more human way to healthcare. For my best skin,it’s olay.

Nina: I haven’t forgotten you’re the police chief and you’ve got an image to protect and all that, but no one’s going to begrudge a caring parent by your side. No, I know what you’re doing. You’re afraid I’m gonna nag you about our conversation. Well, too bad. I’m nagging.

Chance: Mom…

Sharon: What conversation is that?

Chance: I just admitted that getting shot this time reminded me of getting shot last time. And the other situations where my life was on the line.

Nina: He’s questioning whether it’s time for a career change.

Chance: Questioning. That’s all. I’m not making any decisions.

Nina: Chance, you gotta trust your gut, you know? If you feel it’s time to go, then it’s time to go. You’ve spent so many years serving the public in so many ways. Just, when is it enough?

Chance: I understand that. I’ve just become chief though. Okay? You know, I’m just not really sure if walking away is the right move right now.

Nina: Well get sure.

[ Chance chuckling ]

Chance: Yeah. It’s on my mind. Don’t worry. There’s just a lot to consider. And you know what? I would honestly like sharon’s opinion on this.

Daniel: You know, that was a low blow comparing me to mom.

Summer: It stings. I know. Okay, enough about me and my love life. Let’s talk about you and your love life.

Daniel: Oh, no. No, thank you.

Summer: Oh, you don’t want to do that?

Daniel: Uh-uh.

Summer: Is there a reason?

[ Knocking on door ]

Daniel: That sounds like a pretty good reason. Hey.

Lucy: Hi, dad.

Daniel: Oh, luce and, uh, friend. Cool. Come on in. Yeah.

Heather: Hi.

Daniel: Hi. Good, good.

Lucy: Summer, hi.

Summer: Hi.

Lucy: It’s so good to see you.

Summer: Good to see you.

Lucy: Dad, you have furniture?

Daniel: I have some, yes. More is coming.

Lucy: What about my bedroom?

Daniel: Uh, your mattress should be here in a couple of days, I believe. Um, you know, I’m just gonna go ahead and ask. What’s with the pineapple?

Lucy: Oh, right. Um, happy housewarming.

Heather: On the way over here, lucy asked if we should bring you some kind of gift. So, I stopped at the grocery store to pick up this and uh, lucy insisted that she bring you a pineapple as well.

Daniel: Oh…

Lucy: You see pineapples all over savannah. Remember, dad? They mean welcome and hospitality. So, yeah.

Daniel: Normally, you see them on the front door or the stair railing, but hey, one you can eat. It’s great.

Summer: So much better.

Daniel: So much better. You know what? I love it. Thank you.

Lucy: You’re welcome.

Heather: In addition to welcoming you with alcohol and fruit, I wanted to share some good news.

Daniel: Okay?

Heather: I have an interview this afternoon at chancellor-winters for a position on their legal team.

Lucy: Isn’t that great, dad?

Daniel: It’s fantastic.

Heather: Thank you so much, daniel for, you know, making it happen.

Daniel: I think you should probably be thanking lily. Look, I hope that this all works out for you. I don’t know what I’m saying. Of course, it’s gonna work out. I mean, you’re gonna crush that interview.

Devon: Okay. So, you wanna come back to chancellor-winters?

Nate: I do.

Lily: Well, I mean, it’s not surprising. Aunt mamie’s been pushing for it.

Devon: All you’ve been talking about the last few months is how happy you are at newman and how much they respect you and how great of a boss victoria is. So, what’s changed?

Nate: Uh, I’m no longer at newman.

Devon: Did you blow things up with them like you did with us?

Nate: It depends on who you ask.

Lily: What does that mean?

Nate: Well, you all know victor retook the ceo seat.

Devon: Yeah, and demoted victoria.

Nate: Yep. So, he stepped in, made some changes. Uh, put nikki in charge of newman media, appointed adam as my assistant.

Jill: Oh, that man does love a good power play, doesn’t he?

Nate: Yep. Then he proceeded to lay a trap for his children and me. Because he suspected someone was going to betray him.

Jill: Oh, victor, of course you did.

Devon: What exactly did he do?

Nate: He pretended to be ill. Faked confusion, memory loss. He was trying to see who might take advantage of his mental decline.

Lily: That’s horrible. He let his children think that he was dying like ashland locke did with victoria?

Nate: Well, not dying. He just wanted them to think he lost his grip on reality.

Lily: How is that any better?

Jill: Oh, my god. But that is such a victor newman move if I ever heard one.

Lily: Okay. So, sorry. What does it have to do with you leaving the company?

Devon: Yeah. Did you figure out what he was doing and then call him out?

Nate: No. Just the opposite. I fell for the charade. I tried to protect the man. Get him the help. And it blew up in my face.

Claire: I’m not really surprised you tried to escape. You love to talk about how strong you are. How you can handle anything. This must be so strange for you. To be so vulnerable, not in charge of anything. You must have so many questions. Aunt jordan will explain everything. Once everyone’s here. If I tried to tell you, I’m afraid I’d get too emotional. I’m usually good at keeping everything inside, but this… this is too big. Too important. You could say I’ve been waiting for this thanksgiving my whole life. All right. Time to go set things in motion. Sweet dreams, nikki. Enjoy them while you can.

Nate: I thought I would discreetly get victor the treatment he needed. Take him to an out-of-the-way place where there’d be no chance of media leaks.

Jill: Like a facility or a clinic or something?

Nate: Yes. Yes. And it was a good plan. But victor saw it as me trying to get him out of the way so victoria and I could take control.

Devon: And that’s not what you were trying to do?

Nate: No. Not at all. I was concerned about the man and I wanted him to get proper treatment. But victor was hell-bent on finding a traitor. So he decided that’s what I was.

Jill: Oh, not you. You would never turn on anyone for your own advancement.

Nate: I’ve owned that in the past, jill, and i wouldn’t do that this time. Not with a man’s well-being at stake.

Devon: So, there was no part of you that thought that this was a good opportunity maybe to get victoria back to the top spot?

Nate: My only objective was to protect victor’s health and well-being. My plan accomplished both.

Devon: Okay. But why would victor fire you if he didn’t have any proof of what he thought you were doing?

Nate: I made arrangements for him to be placed in a facility. I set it up proactively so that things can move smoothly and quickly.

Devon: So, you committed him without his consent?

Nate: It was to assure he’d have a place set if needed. That is all. The one who was gunning to take advantage of victor’s weakness was adam.

Devon: And there’s proof of that?

Nate: Adam himself is the proof.

Lily: But victor didn’t see it?

Nate: Adam is playing the redeemed black sheep. So, victor feels the need to believe his son is sincere. Adam is family, I’m not.

Lily: So basically, now that you’re out of a job, you want us to forgive you and welcome you back to chancellor-winters.

Mamie: Welcome him back into the family, where he belongs.

Summer: So, I need to take off.

Heather: Oh, uh, summer, I hope you’re not leaving because of us. Because if– if you and daniel were in the middle of something, we can go.

Summer: No. No, please. You two stay. I gotta go pick up food and get back to work anyway. Lucy, so good to see you. I hope that walnut grove treats you well. Heather, welcome home. And you, invite me over when sally’s done with this place. I kind of want to see what she comes up with.

Daniel: Yeah, of course.

Lucy: Well, I am gonna go see my room. I was thinking of a mural wall.

Daniel: Mural wall? Hey, luce. Hey, luce. What kind of mural? Hey, what kind of mural are you thinking? Cool. Awesome. What?

Heather: Well, summer seems very curious about, uh, our dynamic.

Mariah: Well, we are gonna let you guys talk. It was good to see you, mom, and you, nina. Chance, we’re so happy that you’re out of the hospital, on the mend.

Tessa: I second all of that.

Sharon: Well, I’m gonna come by later so I can hang out with aria.

Mariah: Uh, yeah. We’ll put the hearing aids in for your visit. It’ll be great.

Tessa: Oh, she’s gonna love hearing her grandma’s voice.

Mariah: Bye, you guys.

Tessa: Bye.

Sharon: Bye.

Chance: Well, not to put too fine of a point on it, but I am starving.

Nina: I’m sorry, when are you not starving? The appetite on this one. Since he was a kid.

Chance: I barely got to eat anything in the hospital. So, why don’t I take my two favorite ladies to breakfast?

Jill: Mamie, dear. You did promise that you wouldn’t intrude on our discussion.

Mamie: No. What I said was that I would not intrude on any business discussion. This is much more than that.

Jill: Is it?

Mamie: Yes. This is about the cousins, lily, devon and nate taking a giant step towards reconciliation. And this is the very thing that my whole journey has been about.

Jill: Nate, why should we bring you back to chancellor-winters? I’m having a very hard time buying you as a team player. I mean, you just keep bouncing back between companies, pissing everybody off as you go.

Nate: Well, jill, um, I learned a lot since my departure from chancellor-winters. I’m past the need to prove myself at every turn, no matter the cost. I have a new appreciation for the value of collaboration. I’m better at knowing when to speak up and when to listen. I’ve also learned that my way or the highway isn’t gonna get me very far. I’m more flexible than I used to be. Point is, I’ve learned a lot from my wins, my losses, my highs, my lows, and more importantly, the meaning of family. I’m ready to be the best man for the job. And a proper cousin to you two, my family.

Abby: Chance. Hey, I had no idea that you were out of the hospital. That must mean that you’re doing well, right?

Chance: I’m doing better. Thank you. And thanks for coming by the hospital. I was a little groggy when you did, but I remember you being there. That’s about it.

Abby: Don’t worry about it. I’m just so thankful that you’re okay. And whenever you’re ready to see dominic, we will set up a visit.

Chance: I would love that. Thank you. Thank you.

Abby: Well, um, breakfast is on me.

Nina: Oh. Hey, abby, can you take a break for a few minutes and join us?

Abby: Um, sure. Okay.

Nina: So, I’m just curious. As dom’s mother, how would you feel if chance quit law enforcement? Just chose a totally different career?

Chance: Mom, mom, mom, mom, please. Don’t put her on the spot, please.

Nina: Just– just curious.

Abby: It’s fine. Um, when chance and I were married, I was constantly living in fear that something bad was going to happen to him. And then, something bad did happen. Spain. We know all about that. So, um, just because we’re not together anymore doesn’t mean that I stopped worrying about chance. I still care about you. And dominic thinks the world of you and someday, he’s gonna worry about you too. Here we are, we are sitting here talking about chance being shot at work, again. So, if you’re talking about walking away from the force, I’m all for it.

Nikki: Mm. As someone living with type 2 diabetes,

[ Nikki exhaling ]

Nikki: I can’t stay here. I have to find my phone. And victor. I have to call victor.

[ Nikki panting ]

Daniel: Our dynamic? We have a dynamic?

Heather: Well, come on, daniel. I saw the look your sister gave you and she sent a few my way as well. What’s, uh, what’s going on?

Daniel: Summer, you know, she’s just worried that you moving back to town, it’s gonna dredge up my old demons. I’m gonna be reminded of my spiral and I’m gonna spiral again.

Heather: She thinks it’s my fault?

Daniel: No. No, she is well aware that it was my fault. But, you know, she also knows how ashamed I was of the place that I got to when things got so dark for me. And come on, you must have thought about this stuff too. It must have crossed your mind.

Heather: No. It hasn’t, daniel. I know you’re in a better headspace now. I know you’re not going to hurt me and most importantly, lucy, like before. If I didn’t believe that, I wouldn’t have moved back here.

Daniel: Well, thank you for the support. And for the vote of confidence.

Heather: Daniel, I like who you are now. Very, very much. I mean, you have to know that, don’t you?

Abby: I mean, chance, if you did decide to walk away from the force, what would you do instead? Would you go back to security consulting or private detective?

Chance: Mm… professional baseball player, maybe? No? No? No, honestly, I’ve given zero thought to it because I don’t think I’m done being chief just yet.

Sharon: It’s a big decision, chance, which we all respect.

Chance: Thank you, sharon.

Nina: You know, maybe you should consider the corporate world. What if, you know, big business was your true calling?

Chance: Where did that come from?

Nina: Well, you– you’re a chancellor, son. I mean, big business would be a natural field for you. Don’t you think?

Summer: Chance, you’re out of the hospital. How are you feeling?

Chance: Hey, not too bad. I tell you, this thing is getting me a lot of sympathy.

Summer: Well, you deserve it.

Chance: Oh.

Nate: I’ve kept up with what’s happening at chancellor-winters. I read all the business press. Uh, so I’m up to speed on what’s been accomplished. I think I can be of use in a number of areas. And like aunt mamie said, I want to feel like I’m part of the family again.

Lily: Well, those are two separate things. So, do you want to be welcome back into the family or do you want a job now that you’re unemployed?

Nate: Lily, I miss you. And you too, devon. Look, our estrangement has gone on too long. I– I hate that we’re not as close as we used to be.

Mamie: So do I.

Nate: And so does my mom. I wanna make her proud. And malcolm and my dad and dru and neil. I know we can get there. Look, neil and malcolm always found a way back from their issues. And lily, you know, dru and my mom clashed plenty, but they always made up.

Jill: Okay. Nate, I really appreciate you putting yourself on the line like you did. That wasn’t easy and I do believe you were sincere when you said that you regretted betraying us in the past. But now, devon and lily and I have to discuss whether we want you back and lily, you know, dru and my mom clashed plenty, but they always made up.

Jill: Okay. Nate, I really appreciate you putting yourself on the line like you did. That wasn’t easy and I do believe you were sincere when you said that you regretted betraying us in the past. But now, devon and lily and I have to discuss whether we want you back at chancellor-winters.

Lily: Yeah, we’ll talk about it.

Devon: And no promises.

Nate: Thank you for listening. Aunt mamie.

Mamie: Oh, and jill, I do look forward to us having a discussion about our issues.

Jill: Oh, I do too, mamie. Don’t you worry.

Devon: I’ll walk you two out. See you.

Jill: Well. Hm.

Lily: Uh, I don’t know. I mean, he seemed sincere.

Jill: Mm-hmm.

Lily: And honest and, I mean, I know that we all believe in second chances. I know I wouldn’t be here without them.

Jill: Yep.

Devon: Yeah. But let’s, like, take a second and really think about this. ‘Cause I don’t think that he’d care at all about chancellor-winters if he hadn’t gotten fired. And this is now what? Two strikes on him in the corporate world? One from us, one from newman? And I think I’d like to learn a little more about that victor story before we just go ahead and make a decision.

Lily: No. Yeah, you’re right. I mean, he could be lying to us.

Jill: I don’t think he was lying. I don’t think he was making that whole thing up. It sounds too much like victor newman. And he knows how easy it would be for us to check it out. You would just say something to abby and she would talk to her siblings.

Devon: Sure. Yeah. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that his intentions weren’t self-serving. Or at least serving victoria.

Lily: Jill, what do you think about nate coming back?

Jill: Would it have been my first choice? No. He crossed a hell of a line trying to sell us out. But I do agree with you. I think he was being sincere. So, yeah, I might be persuaded to give it a try if nate is being straight with us because, whoa, we’re gonna need all the support we can get right now.

Devon: What does that mean, jill?

Summer: Thank you.

Abby: Summer. Hey. Um, I think we need to talk.

Summer: Yeah. What about?

Abby: What’s going on with you and chance?

Summer: I don’t– I don’t know what you’re talking about. Oh, my god. I guess it really is that obvious, huh?

Lily: I know what jill is talking about.

Devon: Okay. Does anybody want to let me know what jill’s talking about?

Lily: I was gonna tell you today. I just– I know that you’ve been really trying to work things out with tucker.

Devon: Okay. And?

Lily: There’s evidence that tucker is involved with mamie’s investment in chancellor-winters.

Devon: I know that’s what we thought.

Lily: No, we have the proof. I’ve seen it. So not only does mamie have a vested interest in chancellor-winters, but so does tucker.

Jill: And that interest most likely involves getting rid of me.

Devon: And what’s this evidence that you found?

Lily: Tucker has been making investments with mamie’s firm, L.B.B. And it’s not a coincidence. I mean, they are colluding somehow.

Mamie: Oh, I’m so proud of you, nathan jr. You handled everything just right today. Your cousins would be foolish not to have you back into the family business.

Nate: Thank you for the vote of confidence, aunt mamie. But I’m not so sure if that’s gonna happen. I mean, sure we’ve taken steps in the right direction, but it’s obvious devon needs more time or more convincing to forgive me. If he ever does. And that whole victor fiasco surely didn’t help.

Mamie: Well, I think he’ll get there. And if he doesn’t, you just leave him to me. I think I can get him across the finish line.

Nina: Well, thank you, dear, for breakfast. I have to, um, jump on a call with my agent, but do you want me to drop you at your apartment so you can get some rest?

Chance: Uh, you know what? I think I’m gonna stick around here for a while. If that’s okay with you.

Sharon: I’ll suffer through.

Nina: Okay, good. I’ll see you.

Chance: See you.

Nina: I love you, sweetheart.

Chance: I love you more.

Nina: Bye, sharon.

Sharon: Bye.

Chance: Hi.

Sharon: Hi.

Chance: I missed you.

Sharon: I missed you too. So, now that it’s just the two of us, how do you really feel about possibly leaving the force and doing something else?

Chance: We talked about this before.

Sharon: Yeah. And you said that as frustrating as it can be sometimes, especially with folks who believe that the law doesn’t apply to them and as dangerous as it can get on occasion, you liked helping people and keeping them safe.

Chance: Yeah. And you know what? I felt really good about being chief. I hate the idea of leaving my guys in the lurch, you know? But hey, I guess getting shot is a pretty good reason to rethink your life.

Sharon: Well, whatever you decide is fine by me. I hope you know that. I just don’t want you to feel pressured into making a decision.

Chance: Thank you. Really. No, I promise, I’m gonna do what’s best for me.

[ Nikki groaning ]

Nikki: Oh, I feel so weak and light-headed. Like I’ve been…

[ Nikki inhaling ] Oh, my god. No. No. No.

[ Nikki panting ] No.

Jordan: Don’t get soft on me now, claire.

Claire: Aunt jordan.

Jordan: We have waited so long and we’re so very, very close.

Narrator: Next week on the young and the restless…

Jill: Come to work with me at chancellor-winters. Honey, I will teach you the ropes of the business world.

Abby: Well, it is so good to see all of you. Michael, gloria, I’m glad that you’re home and I’m glad that you kept her out of prison.

Nikki: Oh, god. What have I done?

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