Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, October 25, 2023

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Ashley: I bet you’re happy to see me, right?

Diane: Yeah. You know, we’re never going to be besties, but we are family. So peace for Jack’s sake?

Ashley: Absolutely. You saved my life.

Diane: Oh, there is that.

Ashley: So, I will try very hard not to hate you.

Diane: Well, I will try hard not to hate you back.

Ashley: Great. How’s everybody, anyway?

Diane: Um, uh, well, Kyle left this morning. I haven’t seen him. Traci, I think she had dinner plans, and, oh, my grandson is upstairs getting ready for his bath.

Ashley: Oh, my grandson. I have to see Dominic tomorrow. Absolutely.

Diane: Ashley.

Ashley: Yeah.

Diane: Um, hey, I’m– I’m sorry about the way your marriage turned out. I mean, I– I– I don’t know your side of things directly, of course, but, um, there is no doubt in my mind that tucker is to blame for whatever happened.

Ashley: Yeah. You know what? It’s okay. We don’t really have to dwell on that, okay?


Jack: When I realized you were listening in, I was tempted to beat you at your own game.

Tucker: All right.

Jack: Yes. Some fake conversations, send you charging off in the wrong direction. The entertainment value was hard to pass up.

Tucker: But you did, pass it up.

Jack: Well, I realized I didn’t want to stoop to your level.

Tucker: There’s good old Jack, righteous as ever.

Jack: I don’t need to stoop to your level. See, I have no doubt in my mind, the Abbotts will always have the upper hand where you’re concerned, so whatever it is you’re really up to here, whatever it is you want to accomplish, I have some advice. Give it up. Go away, back to your monastery or your mountain top. Anywhere but here.

Tucker: No, I like being close to my son and my grandson. Besides, running away is really not my style. It sounds like more of an Abbott trait.


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