Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
Well, thanks for the update, Melinda. Okay. Talk soon. Anything new? Oh, Melinda’s just saying there’s always red tape when it comes to private adoption and that shouldn’t be a problem. Blah, blah. Okay. Oh, she also said that she can help speed up the process once we have our marriage license. Which is in the works, right?
Well, before you know it, we’re gonna be an old married couple with a kid. Aww. Listen, I’m gonna run down to the pub, grab a coffee, you want me to bring anything back for you? No, I’m good, thanks. I’ll just have a yogurt. Okay. I’ll get it. What the hell are you doing here?
Well, good morning. How nice of you to invite me over for breakfast. I didn’t invite you over for a cozy little chat over croissants. Oh, we’re in a mood. You’re damn right we’re in a mood. What the hell were you thinking going behind my back and telling Sarah that she needs to set me free? I was going behind your back to tell Sarah to set you free.
Well, you’ll be happy to know she took your advice. And she asked me for a divorce. Ah! Ah! Max. Oh my God, you know, this is the best news I’ve had in ages.
She’s already asleep? Oh, Mom, you have the magic touch. I I was up half the night with her. I know, I know, my little girl has her days and nights all turned around. Problem is, is that I’m on the same schedule as the rest of the world. But… From the bottom of my heart, thank you for giving me a few minutes of me time.
No. I love you too, mama. Alright, bye.
Hi, can I help
Oh! Ain’t you so sweet, are
you? Susan?
Yeah, it’s me. Lovely, I’m just enjoying this really beautiful morning. Would you like a lollipop? Like sand through
the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
Hello? Hey, good morning. Harris, I didn’t recognize your number. Yeah, uh, no burners for me. I got a new phone. I’m going back to being a semi respectable citizen. Me too. So, how was your first night as an official non, uh, Bayview resident? Oh, well, um, clean sheets, uh, a knife that actually cuts, and… Time with my son, Heaven.
Glad to hear it. Oh, and I’m glad to hear that you found a place at the pub. Yeah, now I just gotta find a way to pay for rent. You know, I haven’t seen many help wanted signs for a washed up CEO whose most recent job was mercenary slash hitman. Don’t say that about yourself. You literally saved my life at Bayview.
You saved Tripp’s life in London, and you helped bring Susan Banks home. You know what I’d call you, Harris? A hero.
Lollipop? Sarah! Did you? This, uh, this is incredible. Oh, did they have the bear claws? Yes, they did. Oh my God, I haven’t shown any of these sweet fit bear claws for some, I don’t know. Is it really you? Would you like to see my ID? You know, all you need to say is, Hello, welcome back. I’m so sorry. I’m so sleep deprived.
I genuinely thought I was hallucinating. Oh my god. You’re alive. Yeah, I thought that we established that. What happened? When did you get back? Oh, sweetheart, it’s been all over the news. Where I have a newborn. I’m so sleep deprived I A baby! You got a baby! That is so wonderful! You’re alive!
Yeah, yeah, yeah! I I, I need to go sit down. Okay. Sarah, are you, are you alright? Do you need a hand? Hey. Oh. I
just realized that I’ve… I’ve been so angry at Xander, blaming him for your mother’s death, and, and now he… Now? Now you’re not angry anymore, right?
Like I said, what the hell are you doing here? I have a meeting with my lawyer. Sun’s not your lawyer. She would have told me. Please tell me you’re not his lawyer. As a matter of fact, I am. So what’d you do this time? Why don’t you jump into conclusions? Not only did I do nothing wrong, I happened to be the injured party.
Often the case. Oh, Kay, come here. Aren’t you gonna go grab some coffee? You should have told me.
Yeah, I should have. I’ll leave the two of you to your meeting. See you soon.
Well, he seemed a wee bit ticked off, didn’t he? You know what? You’re going to stop talking about Eric. And now I want you to tell me why you think I can help you win full custody of your daughter.
Nope. Mom, damn it. It’s not the best news because I don’t want a divorce from Sarah and I don’t want to turn my back on my daughter. You mean Xander’s? No, I mean my daughter. And I don’t appreciate you going behind my back and telling my wife that she’s leading me on and ruining my life. I’m defending you.
I don’t need defending. It was my idea to step up and help her raise Victoria. Yes, so Xander wouldn’t find out that Victoria was his baby, but now he knows. It doesn’t make a difference. Of course it makes a difference. Are you kidding? This is Xander Cook’s child. Okay. Do you think he’s just gonna step aside and let you be father to the baby?
It’s not his call. Well, there’s more than that. Sarah, despite her saintly demeanor, has it bad. And I mean really, really bad for that bad boy. And I think you deserve a hell of a lot more than a wife who is hot for the gardener. Stop. That’s enough. Okay! Look, do you think that I want to say these things to you?
Because I don’t. I just hate seeing you hurt like this. And the longer this, this, this charade goes on, the worse and more painful it’s going to be in the end for you. And that’s what I care about. I care about you.
So Sarah is giving you an out. Take it. Agree to the divorce. Let her go.
Well, that’s uh, very nice of you to say, but I don’t think most people would agree. Okay, well you are a hero to me.
My son’s here, I gotta go. Okay, I’ll see you around. Okay. Hey, good morning sunshine. Okay, what can I make you for breakfast? I’ve got bagels, croissants, I can make you eggs anyway. Honestly, I usually just grab a protein shake on the run. Okay, well that’s what you usually do, but this morning is special. Come on, let me take care of you.
Let me thank you for, uh, for everything you did for me. You don’t have to thank me. Hey, you’re my mom. I don’t have to thank you? Mm mm. Tripp, if you and Wendy hadn’t helped me and Harris get out of the country, I would be dead right now. It’s a little bit more than a card on Mother’s Day, you know? Oh, you know, I, I also want to make, uh, breakfast for Wendy, too.
That’s very sweet, but no, she was actually up and out early this morning. She had a job interview. Oh, right, right, right. Well, I hope she gets that job. She probably will. She has a really great resume, and she’s really, really smart. Crazy capable, so. Mm hmm. So, uh, just how serious are things with you two?
Very serious. Oh. Yeah? I’m in love with her. Yeah? Yeah. I’m so happy for you. How about you? What do you mean? Well, how serious is it between you and this Harris Michaels?
Eric? Eric Brady, right? Yeah. Uh, Harris Michaels. I’m sure you, uh, heard about me and none of it’s been good. How do you know who I am? Well, actually your dad rented me your room, upstairs, and I found these pictures in the desk drawer and I brought them down so you can give them back to you.
What’s that? Is that your, uh, is that your daughter? Uh, no. Actually, it’s my brother Brady’s daughter, Rachel. I, uh, I set these aside. I must have left them behind.
Of course, Sarah’s still angry. It’s just great that you’re alive, Mother, but that doesn’t change the fact that Xander Cook kidnapped you and you lost almost a year of your life as a direct result. But… Uh, uh, uh, there is no but. Oh, but, you know what? Sarah thinks Terry’s won, right? Right, Sarah? Yeah. There is.
He’s not a murderer. Not this time. Terrific! With your CV, you, you need to self pedal your judgment. Susan, I, I am so thrilled that you’re alive. I… I need to get back to my baby, so I, I, I will tell my mom the good news. Oh. Yeah.
She found out that Xander hadn’t killed me. Really, really hard.
You know, the first time you talked to me, you said you wanted parental rights. And now you want full custody? Yeah, that’s right. Uh huh. You know, Eric’s not the only one who remembers what you’ve done. And Sarah, she’s, she’s a loving mother. A doctor. A real pillar of our community. Yeah, and my big sin is that I kidnapped Susan Banks and she ended up dead, but now we all know that Susan is alive and well and just as annoying as ever.
So Sarah can’t exactly call me a murderer in open court, can she? And I realize that, and maybe that helps whenever it comes to parental rights, but Xander, I mean, you still kidnapped her. But more than that, the baby was just born. I mean, do you know how extreme that’s going to be to take her from Sarah now?
Well, not if she’s an unfit mother. Unfit. Sarah lied to me. She told me flat out that I’m not Victoria’s father. She put another man’s name on the birth certificate and married him to keep me away from my kid. And it’s not the first time. She did the exact same thing to your boyfriend, Eric Brady. You’re my God’s son.
Who would keep a child from knowing their own father? I’ll tell you who. A monster.
There’s nothing between me and Harris. Well, except friendship. Well, I heard you call him your hero. Well, he is one. He saved my life. And yours. Tripp, I know that you don’t really like him, but No, look, we’ve come a long way since the exploding pizza box in Seattle. And I know he didn’t just help you. He risked his own life to save yours.
And mine. And I’m, I’m very grateful for that. But But, but what the two of you met at Bayview when you escaped that place together, you went to London, dodging bullets. It’s all very. Intense. Yeah. And we got through it together. We bonded. Sure wasn’t more than that.
Yeah, it was my, my fault. I assumed that it was your, your daughter. No, it’s all good. It’s understandable. You have kids? Uh, not that I know of.
You have been a little bit of a, a blur. Hmm. And if, you know, if you’re worried about me staying here. Just so you know, I’ve been in treatment with your mom, and she’s, she’s been a big help. She swears that I’m no longer a threat, you know, a menace to society. Well, my mom is seldom wrong about those things.
And my dad, well, he’s an ex cop, so I’m really not worried about him. Yeah, no, I know. I grew up in Salem. Really? Yeah. I know people think it’s kind of strange that I’m sticking around after everything that went down, but… You know, it’s really the only place I’ve ever been able to call home. And now I’m…
Kind of starting over trying to figure out who I am and who I want to be
Yeah, I know Eric did mention something about that to me he was just very big How exactly did Sarah keep him from his daughter the same as with me? She told him some other guy was the father Well, who did she say was the father? That’s not important, but you’re gonna marry the guy You know how much he wants kids you can imagine what that did to him Yes, I can.
Well, my point is, this woman has a history of lying to keep men away from their own children. And you think that makes her an unfit mother? Well, don’t you? Well, it doesn’t really matter what I think. But I do have to admit, I think this gives us a good play in court. Especially if we draw a male judge. I don’t want to leave anything to chance.
I want you to go for the jugular, that’s why I hired you. You really hit this woman with guts. Yes.
Yes, I do. It’s not a question of me letting her go, is it? It’s exactly what it is, okay? Sarah married you, the fool Xander. You married Sarah for love. She no longer has any use for you, so she’s moving on. My fear is that you’re going to spend the rest of your life pining after that sanctimonious… Okay, okay, stop, stop, stop.
Mom, you’re not helping. Okay?
If you could just tell me that you see and you accept the fact that she is never going to feel for you, would you feel for her? Mom, it’s…
Ah, hello, Sarah. We were just talking about you. Hello, Kate. So, Rex told me that you want a divorce. Sad. Cause I know exactly how hard you tried to save this marriage. It is sad. Well, when an inconvenient marriage is no longer convenient, what do you do, right? Mom, do you need to leave? Sarah and I need to talk, please.
It’s fine. It’s fine. But right before I do, I’d like to say something. Could you leave him the hell alone? Oh, I… Oh, no. I’ll go. I’ll go. Um, a little love? Okay, I’m just gonna see myself out.
Sorry about that. No.
She has a point, Rex.
I asked so much from you and gave nothing back. Sarah, we have been over this so many times. No, I know, I know.
You’ll never guess who I saw in the square. Susan Banks.
Seems like I’m the last person in Salem to know that she’s back and… Not dead.
I did see the news. I was going to tell you. What was your reaction to that?
Well, um, I realized that that leaves Xander more of a leg to stand on in court. Obviously. So is that a change of mind? About the divorce?
I do, um,
I think your mom is right. I think it’s time for all of us to move on.
You could see Sarah’s eyes light up when she realized that Xander was innocent. Xander Cook is not innocent. As you were one of his victims, you should know that more than anyone. You need to stop getting yourself all worked up. We agreed that you were going to leave Ava Vitale and Xander Cook alone.
Mother, I know, I know you have a big heart, but those two are not stray kittens. They are dangerous people who have done terrible things. Oh, just like you have. And I can’t. You know what? I won’t forget that Xander felt very badly about kidnapping Manny. He treated him real nice. Oh, well that makes all the difference then.
I mean, it’s not really kidnapping when they’re nice about it, right? I, you know, I do not like it when you get sarcastic like that with me. It just, it gets me suspicious. Suspicious? Yes, about what you’re thinking. Mm hmm. And now, right now, darling, you are gonna swear to your mama, on your mama’s life, that you will never harm…
A single hair on their heads. I wouldn’t dream
of it. You’re not the only one who’s trying to figure things out. Yeah, starting from scratch. It was actually nice of your dad, you know, to give me that room without a security deposit, but I do have to find a job. You know, actually my dad said the other day he was looking to hire some help. Yes, and it turns out he hired a 16 year old kid.
Uh, I think grandson, is that, is that it? No, no, no, he’s actually his great nephew. Great, yeah, wow. Well, I’m never gonna get the, uh, Brady family tree. That makes two of us. Good morning, Eric Harris. Hey, did you sleep well? Um, I did, thank you. Are you as happy as I am that they arrested Dmitri von Leusner? And what about Vivian, shooting him in the back?
Too bad the cops didn’t put her in jail before she skipped town. Well, considering they have Ray Fernandez there, that’s never gonna happen. Hey, you should go out. You should go there, down to the station and apply for a job. Police station? Yeah, why not? Uh, because I was just in a mental institution? Yeah, well that’s just a blip.
I mean, you’re looking for a job, they’re looking for serious help, so… Hey, I could give you a recommendation. Tell them how you saved me from that disgusting fishing boat. Yeah, but I just left the country on forged documents also. So, it’s… Yeah, but you also saved Susan Banks, and Rafe didn’t even know she was still alive.
I’m telling you, unlike the incompetent folks at that police station, you actually get things done. Okay, well, Rafe, Ava and I did have some help from Susan.
You better be telling me the truth, Elvish, because I’m not going to be here to keep an eye on you. What are you talking about? Why won’t you be here?
Well, can’t you the divorce, I’m just going to go back to Chicago. You can send the divorce papers there. Yeah. I accept. I’m really sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about. This is my idea, the whole thing. And I don’t want to drag it out. It’s not good for you, me, or Victoria.
I just hope… What?
Maybe it’s not my place to say, but… I just hope you’re not going to get taken in by Xander.
So, do you think if I do sue for full custody that I can win?
I’m going to be honest with you. This is going to be an uphill battle. I mean, Sarah is the child’s mother. She’s a practicing physician. She doesn’t have a criminal record. I mean, look, if you cannot see yourself co parenting No, no, I as long as she stays married to that idiot Rex Brady. I mean, my God! What kind of woman can lie to a man that she says she cares about like that?
I mean, as far as I’m concerned, a woman like that doesn’t deserve a second chance.
Yeah, so do you have any big plans for today while I’m at work? Oh, I don’t know. You know, this is the first time I’ve had a day to myself since, uh, I don’t even know when. You know, I certainly didn’t have even two seconds to myself in Bayview or London. Yeah, I know you and Harris shared a room in London.
He slept on the chair. That is not in my business. Okay, Drew, will you please stop worrying? Okay. Harris voluntarily committed himself to Bayview. He’s determined to leave his past behind him, okay? He is really a different person now. I hear you. But, you did become pretty dependent on him at Bayview. Yeah, and you know what I’m like.
But, after these last few months, I would like to believe that I’m finally a different person too.
Hey, listen, um, I gotta get going, but like I said, if there’s anything I can do, you know, like introduce you around town, whatever, just let me know. Thank you, I might take you up on that. Nice to meet you. You too. Thanks.
Mall security guard, huh? Yeah, well, what’s, uh, what’s wrong with that? Well, there’s nothing wrong with it. I just think it’s probably something else that you’re better suited for, that’s all. I mean, seriously, you should go down to the station. I can put a good word in for you with your new neighbor, Jada Hunter.
Have you met her yet? It’s stressful. She’s the only confident detective on the whole force. Yeah, I don’t know. I mean… Hmm. I’ll think about it. But thank you. And, uh, I gotta go.
So, this is goodbye. Not forever. No, not forever.
I’m gonna go pack. Say bye to Victoria. Thank you for being the best, best friend in the world.
Oh. You be happy.
You too.
Mother, you can’t leave. I just got you back. Oh, but have you forgotten I have a husband waiting for me in Memphis? I certainly try to. Oh,
look at that. Going Edmund P. Crumb on me, huh? Oh, did you just compare me to Edmund Crumb? Oh, besides being tall and British, you and chain you to a bloody wall, am I? Well… Out of fairness, um, he didn’t do the kidnapping himself. So he claims. Assuming he is telling the truth, who handed you to him?
I want to see my daughter. Rex is upstairs with her right now. Can you just have the decency to give him time to say goodbye? Goodbye?
I told Rex that I want a divorce, and he agreed. So, he’s going back to Chicago. Why?
Because of you.
Okay, I’m off. Let me know if you need anything. Okay, don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Okay. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Um, do you want a matcha chiana or a sabuco for dinner tonight? Surprise me
Hey, Tripp is your mom here? Harris, we were just talking about you. Oh, yeah. Yeah Yeah, I was just saying that how grateful I was to you for saving my mom’s life Uh, and mine, but,
but what? Uh, she’s been through hell more than once. Hello? I’m in the room. Yeah, no, go ahead. She just doesn’t need to be dealing with anybody else’s baggage, you know? Okay, didn’t you say you had to get to work? I’m just saying. Okay, have a good one. Go save people, all right? See you later, Mom. Sorry about that, Harris.
Oh, it’s, uh, it’s okay, I get it. Your son just being, uh, protective. Yeah, yeah, and, uh, he knows that I’ve been known to, uh… To… To what? Um… To get obsessive about a guy and then get real stupid. Hmm. Well, I think we might have, have that in common. Yeah? Yeah, I was a little obsessed over Hope, and I thought it was a fine idea not to tell her her husband was alive.
By the time I had a change of heart, it was too late. I can’t really blame that one on being brainwashed. Right. Well, I guess we both know what it’s like to want something so much that, um, you’ll do anything So hold on
to it.
Harris texted me to say that he was happy here at the pub and everybody had been welcoming and kind. Those are his words. Oh Wow, I’m very glad that he’s feeling comfortable. As a matter of fact, you just misdemeanors left. Oh, I wasn’t really looking for him, I wanted to talk with you. I want to see how you’re doing with Philip, leaving town, moving to New York.
Well, the only thing I can actually feel is dread since he’s leaving for New York with Chloe. But, um… I am accepting that it’s his decision, and there is nothing I can do about it. Hey, Mom. Hi, Marlena. Hi, Rex. Hey, what’s this? Don’t tell me you’re leaving town. I am, yes. I’m going back to Chicago. Oh, Rex, no!
Why? Honey, just because you’re leaving Sarah doesn’t mean you have to leave Salem. I mean, Marlena and I were just talking about this. Rex, come on, this is… This is kind of hard on me, you know? I mean, just finding out that Philip is leaving for New York with Chloe, I mean… You mean, Philip is going to New York to live his own life?
The nerve of that guy! Okay. Very funny. Nice. Coming here to break my heart. And you’re snippy, too. Hey.
I love you. And I know my leaving is making you upset. But smile, because Sarah and I are getting a divorce, and that’s exactly what you wanted.
Facts. I
brought you a skull. It’s a peace offering. I know I need to respect your professional judgment. It’s just that Xander, he pushes all kinds of buttons in me. No, Eric, I get that. I get that, obviously. But, um, he told me something that I didn’t know. That Sarah Horton kept you from your child?
Yeah. It’s just not a part of my life I’d like to revisit. But
I mean, you guys can get along now, like you’re all friends, right? Yeah, yeah, of course. It’s… Listen, I understand why she did what she did. But the pain of what happened was all because of the result of a lie. And looking back on it, it’s not easy to forget the pain that she not only caused me, but everyone.
You asked Rex for a divorce because of me?
I… Realize that you were going to make my life a living hell as long as he was with me, sir. Well, I wasn’t expecting to come face to face with Susan Banks. Alive. You saw her? Just now. It must be such a huge weight off of your shoulders to know that you’re not a killer after all. Yeah. I’m so glad she made it.
Spent so many sleepless nights racked with guilt over what happened to her, but I’m sure that’s a shock to you, since you think I have no conscience, I’m a horrible person. I don’t think that, Xander. I never thought that. It’s just…
with everything that happened, or what I thought happened, I was just… Scared to let you back into my life.
But now,
here you are. Here I am.
I sat at that cliffside all night long after your crash. And I don’t remember seeing anything or anyone. Hmm. Well, that is a shame. Because it doesn’t help solve the mystery of what mean, mean, meanie dragged me to the home of that screwball crumb. No, don’t… Well, Elvis, sweetheart, you’ve been running yourself ragged, thinking that your mama was gone all those months, and I just…
Sweetheart, I don’t want you to drive yourself crazy anymore. I don’t want you to do that. How could I not? Mother, someone forced you into captivity and I want to know who the hell it was and why in God’s name they would put you
through that.
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